7/4/24 - A 4th of July 333 comment & testimony.
4/19/24 - New comment from Sister in Christ.
4/4/24 - Awaiting the April 8th solar eclipse - the Great American Writing on the Wall.
1/10/2024 - Per new comment, I take back what I just said on the 8th. Not all has been corrupt.
1/8/2024 - So, 2023 has come & gone. No Rapture! I feel betrayed! As I'm sure all of you do. It's been 5 years of corrupt prophetic signs, coincidences, etc. that must have originated from some demonic entity. Frustrating!! I humbly apologize for being bamboozled and leading anyone astray..
Coming Attractions: In light of coming events, the importance of your 333 messages can't be overstated. 2020 may have been some kind of pivotal year on God's timeline. It seems that somehow this 333/SOS Ministry ties into the revelation that God has seemingly spent all of 2019 convincing me of. We are very close to the end of God's Age of Grace, - the Rapture, and the beginning of Tribulations, of which the COVID-19 pandemic was just a foretaste. Bad times are coming.
4/19/24 - New comment from Sister in Christ.
4/4/24 - Awaiting the April 8th solar eclipse - the Great American Writing on the Wall.
1/10/2024 - Per new comment, I take back what I just said on the 8th. Not all has been corrupt.
1/8/2024 - So, 2023 has come & gone. No Rapture! I feel betrayed! As I'm sure all of you do. It's been 5 years of corrupt prophetic signs, coincidences, etc. that must have originated from some demonic entity. Frustrating!! I humbly apologize for being bamboozled and leading anyone astray..
Coming Attractions: In light of coming events, the importance of your 333 messages can't be overstated. 2020 may have been some kind of pivotal year on God's timeline. It seems that somehow this 333/SOS Ministry ties into the revelation that God has seemingly spent all of 2019 convincing me of. We are very close to the end of God's Age of Grace, - the Rapture, and the beginning of Tribulations, of which the COVID-19 pandemic was just a foretaste. Bad times are coming.
The Significance & Meaning of God's 333/SOS Message
Overview: Many people around the world keep seeing the number 333. The spiritual significance and meaning of 333 is profound! I'm convinced that God is lovingly and supernaturally reaching out to those people who keep seeing the number 333. Throughout history we see that God loves numbers! Among all other things, He’s an architect and engineer; He made the universe! He loves to show off, show His glory, and make us marvel! Many numbers have very significant God ordained meanings & implications, (see biblestudy.org/bibleref/meaning-of-numbers). Could it be that God is using the number 333 as a present day angelic communication or warning, a trumpet call, an end time SOS? I believe this to be true. This site is dedicated to providing relevant information and a guestbook platform for all in the 333 community.
So, you might ask, "who are you to be proclaiming this"? My name is John (Jack) Lehner. I live in Pennsylvania, USA. Over 35 years ago I was agnostic and I started reading the Bible to prove to myself that Jesus was probably an alien! Then I met and fell in love with a Christian gal and had to watch Christian TV, like Billy Graham, Joyce Meyers, the 700 Club, Les Feldick, Hal Lindsey, Stanley, etc.! YUCK! - But, I finally learned the truth (and married the beautiful gal)! Looking back, it’s really hard to believe how lost or ignorant or deceived I was for so many years! I’m a retired engineer, I've dealt with numbers most of my life; I appreciate them. Maybe that’s why He chose to reveal them to me! Now the presumption that Almighty God would commission or entrust me to expound on this subject and forthwith establish a website for him was a really far-fetched jump from reality. I never attempted anything like this before. At times I felt totally inept! Proclaiming an end-time trumpet call of God, one would think, is certainly no small matter! I feel a bit like John Denver in the movie ‘Oh God’! Most people will think I’m crazy. But, I’m old enough to not care what most people think. Moreover, I wouldn't want to come under the condemnation of the watchman of Ezekiel 33:6. So, with help from above, which I seem to be getting, I've given it a try. (For additional background, see "My Story").
Note: “3 dots, 3 dashes, 3 dots” is man’s international distress signal, SOS in Morse Code. I’m convinced God orchestrated this, not Mr. Morse! - 333 is surely God’s international distress signal; an urgent end-times SOS message! Think! WHAT IF!! What if GOD is really trying to get your attention! Even if you don't believe in God, WHAT IF!! I would hope, if it were me, I would somehow respond. You really do not want to be a pawn in the Great Tribulation! As Matthew 24:21 says, "There will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world! - But, CAUTION! Whatever you do, do not place your trust in the purveyors of ANGEL NUMBERS & such! Although it's essentially true that the 333 may indeed be delivered by an angel, it would be an extreme injustice & mistake to associate it with the various spiritualist and profit oriented sites that pop up when "meaning of 333" is Googled. See "Satan's # Games". Unfortunately, although certainly more accurate, it's a shame one has to add "biblical" or "God" for this site to be ranked high on the list by Google. Don't know whether to blame Satan or praise Google!
On average, this site has historically logged over 100 visitors a day! That means there are thousands of people who have been searching for answers; wondering why they have been supernaturally singled out to receive this message from God! God!!!... What an absolutely mind blowing, sobering, thought! Moreover, if, as He has proven to me, we are extremely close to tribulation times, people really need to take this 333 message very seriously! I truly believe that God is reaching out individually to certain people before it's too late, before the days of His Grace are over and tribulation is upon us. (See "End-Time Signs")
Several Guestbook comments seem to validate this hypothesis; that the 333 message is indeed an invitation &/or SOS warning from God. See "333 Guestbook"/"5 Star 333 Comments".
So, you might ask, "who are you to be proclaiming this"? My name is John (Jack) Lehner. I live in Pennsylvania, USA. Over 35 years ago I was agnostic and I started reading the Bible to prove to myself that Jesus was probably an alien! Then I met and fell in love with a Christian gal and had to watch Christian TV, like Billy Graham, Joyce Meyers, the 700 Club, Les Feldick, Hal Lindsey, Stanley, etc.! YUCK! - But, I finally learned the truth (and married the beautiful gal)! Looking back, it’s really hard to believe how lost or ignorant or deceived I was for so many years! I’m a retired engineer, I've dealt with numbers most of my life; I appreciate them. Maybe that’s why He chose to reveal them to me! Now the presumption that Almighty God would commission or entrust me to expound on this subject and forthwith establish a website for him was a really far-fetched jump from reality. I never attempted anything like this before. At times I felt totally inept! Proclaiming an end-time trumpet call of God, one would think, is certainly no small matter! I feel a bit like John Denver in the movie ‘Oh God’! Most people will think I’m crazy. But, I’m old enough to not care what most people think. Moreover, I wouldn't want to come under the condemnation of the watchman of Ezekiel 33:6. So, with help from above, which I seem to be getting, I've given it a try. (For additional background, see "My Story").
Note: “3 dots, 3 dashes, 3 dots” is man’s international distress signal, SOS in Morse Code. I’m convinced God orchestrated this, not Mr. Morse! - 333 is surely God’s international distress signal; an urgent end-times SOS message! Think! WHAT IF!! What if GOD is really trying to get your attention! Even if you don't believe in God, WHAT IF!! I would hope, if it were me, I would somehow respond. You really do not want to be a pawn in the Great Tribulation! As Matthew 24:21 says, "There will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world! - But, CAUTION! Whatever you do, do not place your trust in the purveyors of ANGEL NUMBERS & such! Although it's essentially true that the 333 may indeed be delivered by an angel, it would be an extreme injustice & mistake to associate it with the various spiritualist and profit oriented sites that pop up when "meaning of 333" is Googled. See "Satan's # Games". Unfortunately, although certainly more accurate, it's a shame one has to add "biblical" or "God" for this site to be ranked high on the list by Google. Don't know whether to blame Satan or praise Google!
On average, this site has historically logged over 100 visitors a day! That means there are thousands of people who have been searching for answers; wondering why they have been supernaturally singled out to receive this message from God! God!!!... What an absolutely mind blowing, sobering, thought! Moreover, if, as He has proven to me, we are extremely close to tribulation times, people really need to take this 333 message very seriously! I truly believe that God is reaching out individually to certain people before it's too late, before the days of His Grace are over and tribulation is upon us. (See "End-Time Signs")
Several Guestbook comments seem to validate this hypothesis; that the 333 message is indeed an invitation &/or SOS warning from God. See "333 Guestbook"/"5 Star 333 Comments".
333 The Divine Invitation
After indoctrinating me with the knowledge of God's use of numbers in the Bible and more-so convincing me that we are very close to the end of civilization as we know it -
February 7, 2012: The number 333 (3:33 AM) was given to me. It was also twice given to Bonnie, my stepdaughter and spiritual mentor. With a little encouragement from above, it seems I was driven to investigate the significance and possible ramifications for those people who are continually seeing 333. Consider the following:
1) 3 = Divine or Divine Completeness or Perfection. Singularly, it's the most significant number in the Bible. It represents God, the 3-in-1, Father, Son, & Holy Spirit. Jesus prayed 3 times in the Garden of Gethsemane before His arrest. He was placed on the cross at the 3rd hour of the day (9 a.m.) and died at the 9th hour (3 p.m.). There were 3 hours of darkness that covered the land while Jesus was on the cross. Three is also the number of resurrection. Christ arose after 3 days and 3 nights in the tomb.
There are many more illustrations of the #3's biblical significance. Jonah prophetically spent 3 days in the belly of a big fish. After the flood, new life started in 3 persons: Noah's sons, Shem, Ham, & Jepheth. Israel was founded in the 3 persons of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob. Three of the most memorable Biblical edifices, Noah's Ark, Solomon's Temple, and The Millennial Temple, are 3 stories tall; and they all represent God's saving grace. (Also see Rob 11/7/18)
An expert on the Shroud of Turin, Russ Breault, points out that an imprint of God's number, #3, is plainly visible on the Shroud on Jesus' forehead. In Hebrew script this represents the 18th letter in the Hebrew alphabet called the Tsade. It also means "Righteous One". This just my be the "mark" that the 144,000 will receive on their forehead as noted in Revelation 7:1-8.
2) 33 = After 3 years of ministry and raising 3 people from the dead, Jesus died at age 33. His death and resurrection fulfilled all the old testament promises concerning the Messiah. Thus, the number 33 is connected to promise, in particular, to God's promise of salvation to humanity. However, not all of God's promises are pleasant. Being 3x11, it might possibly represent God's promise of judgment. Similarly, 339 could represent the Promise of Divine Completeness or Judgment. (See "Links/Numbers")
3) 333 = The Promise of Divine Completeness or Perfection. Or, Divine Completeness or Perfection to the 3rd power. Also, there are 27 books in the New Testament, which is 3x3x3 or completion to the 3rd power. Thus, 333 may represent completion of the Age of Grace represented by the New Testament! Which is what Jesus initiated (at age 33) when He said ‘It is finished’ (perfectly completed) on the cross! And right after the Age of Grace, the world and unbelievers will experience great tribulation. This Age of Grace has lasted about 2000 years. This is about the same period of time that God gave the Jews, his chosen people, to recognize and believe in Him. They blew it of course, (thus far, but not forever), and now it's been our turn!
4) 3+3+3 = 9. The #9 is the last of the digits and thus marks the end. Biblically the #9 represents Finality or Judgment, the tribulations of the Book of Revelation! Also, the gematria of Sodom = 999.
5) “3 dots, 3 dashes, 3 dots”, as noted above, is man’s international distress signal, SOS in Morse Code. I’m convinced God orchestrated this, not Mr. Morse! - 333 is surely God’s international distress signal; an urgent end-times SOS (Save Our Souls) message!
6) A good illustration of the special significance God places on the number 333 and very possibly how important this 333 Invitation / SOS Warning is, consider Kaf-Tet B’November, (see comment 1/14/15). On Nov.29,1947, the 333rd day of the year, the United Nations voted for the establishment of a Jewish State. God gave His chosen people the homeland that He had promised to their forefathers! Of course, they have to occupy it and ultimately they have to accept Jesus as their Lord & Savior before they can enter the 1000 year Millennial Kingdom. But, God will make it happen! – Similarly, maybe our 333 Invitation / SOS Warning could be associated with the Kingdom of Heaven that God has promised to His church. Of course, here again, one has to be truly born-again as John 3:3 declares.
7) Another 333 example - Matthew Chap.20, "The Parable of the Vineyard Workers": 3rd hr., 6th hr., & 9th hr. And after that, the 11th hr., which I believe is NOW! Thus this parable also promises salvation to those who come to know Jesus even late in the game. (Per comment 2/6/18)
8) And another 333 example - Genesis 15:9, The LORD told Abraham, "Bring me a three-year-old heifer, a three-year-old female goat, a three-year-old ram, a turtledove, and a young pigeon." This has to do with the covenant God made with Abraham, promising the land of Israel to the Jews. Thus 333 just may be considered a COVENANT number, a promise of God to born-again believers of a Kingdom Inheritance!!! (Thank you Sara 5/8/18 & Carma 1/11/19).
9) And yet another (via N* 6/4/18) - For punishment, God gave King David 3 choices: 3 years of famine, 3 months of war, or 3 days of plague. 1Chronicles 21:9-12.
10) In Matthew 4 (Jesus' temptation in the wilderness), His three-fold reply to Satan, "It is written", in addition to verifying that the Word of God is true & perfect, it again indicates the divine significance of God's 333, - 3 words, 3 times.
11) Likewise, 3 times in scripture God gave the 3 word command, "Ask of Me". The ultimate advice to all.
12) In the Book of Revelation 8:7-12 there are a preponderance of devastating Trumpet Judgments that are associated with "a third"/33.3%. Moreover, in Rev.8:13 - "I heard an eagle that was flying in midair call out in a load voice, "Woe, Woe, Woe" (333) to the inhabitants of the earth. Also, 1/3 of God's angels followed Lucifer and are doomed to judgment. Again, all are allusions to the warning aspect of the 333. (Thank you Dr. Abaldo 3/19/15, & Kirk 12/29/17)
13) There are 3 Jewish temples in scripture. They all consist of 3 parts, the outer, the inner, & the Most Holy Place. Two were destroyed due to disobedience; the third is near future, during tribulation & Antichrist times. Ominous.
14) The 27 New Testament books can be divided into 3 sections of 9 (3 squared) books each. As 3 signifies Divine Completion or Perfection, 9 represents Finality or Judgement. Another possible ominous 333 connotation!
15) In 2nd Samuel 18:2, King David divided his troops into 3 groups of 1/3 or 33.3% each to fight against his enemies. He told his troops, "I myself will surely march out with you". They were triumphant & David returned to Jerusalem as King. -
One day shortly, Jesus will do the same, i.e., return to Jerusalem as King. Hopefully, His 333 people will be among the born-again believers who will be accompanying Him. (Thank you Rob 9/3/18 & 11/7/18)
16) In 2nd Kings 11:4-12, 3 companies are assigned to protect new King Joash. One company is divided into 3 units of 1/3rd each to guard 3 key areas. In the Temple of the Lord, Joash is presented with a copy of the covenant, anointed, & crowned king.
Here again, the 333 could represent the promise of anointing & everlasting protection associated with being a born-again believer & child of the Most High. (Thank you again Rob 12/3/18)
17) The Jewish Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Redemption, is the holiest day in the Jewish year. At the special Yom Kippur ritual, the High Priest would recite atonement prayers 3 times. In each of these 3 prayers he would pronounce the ineffable, unspeakable name of God 3 times.
18) Deuteronomy 19:1-10 establishes 3 Cities of Refuge on 3 divisions of the Jewish territory so that innocent blood should not be shed. And if the Lord enlarges their territory, they were to set aside 3 more cities. Thus, this 33 or 333 could possibly symbolize a refuge or salvation. However, the whole land that God promised the Israeli's would only happen if they continued to love & obey Him. This will happen in the future, when they finally accept Jesus, but thus far they have not.
As seen above, the numbers 3, 33, or 333 just scream of Jesus &/or the Bible! No other, not Mohammad, Buddha, Satan, or any other religion can proclaim such a connection. It's a real shame more people don't realize that the Bible really is the supernaturally inspired word of God. And again, 333 is surely God’s International Distress Signal; an urgent end-times SOS message!
Thus, I think that many of the people who are seeing the number 333 are being personally invited (or warned) to be among the saved! God is looking for a covenant relationship. This call seems to be directed to select individuals rather than to all the world. In Luke 15, Jesus gives us "3" Parables: the Parable of the Lost Sheep, the Parable of the Lost Coin, and the Parable of the Lost/the Prodigal Son. While some portray God as impersonal or aloof from human affairs, these parables teach of His personal concern for every individual. He portrays a loving God's persistence in seeking out the lost. Jesus didn't simply say "I came to save the lost", but also, "I came to seek the lost". God has a tremendous concern and passion for the lost. And He doesn't simply want us to have a knowledge of Him, He wants a personal, father/son, mother/daughter, husband/wife, a family type relationship with us, just like the prodigal son. - Which again, I believe is exactly what He's trying to do with the profound 333 message! In Chapter 33 of the Bible book of Ezekiel, God commissioned the prophet to warn the Jewish people of coming tribulation. Ezekiel 33:3 says, “He sees the sword coming against the land and blows the trumpet to warn the people." In that day, because the Jewish nation had turned their backs on God and did not heed Ezekiel's warning, God turned away from them and they were almost totally destroyed! Similarly, in Revelation 14:6&7, God commissions the 1st of 3 end-time angels to "proclaim the eternal gospel in a loud voice to those who live on the earth, to fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come". Today, I think the 333 angel of Revelation 14:6&7 (see below) is basically trumpeting the same message as Ezekiel. A final warning before end-time tribulations.
So if you’re not saved, if you don't have that personal connection, if God is indeed using either Angels or the Holy Spirit to get your attention, then consider yourself blessed with a loving invitation! - He doesn't want to see you, or anybody, miss heaven! He loves you, like John 3:16 says. If this is all true, this might be your last chance. You now know the truth. He may not bother you again with any more #s! You’ll need to make a decision. If I were you, I would accept His invitation; get to know the God who created you! Check out those yucky programs, get on your knees, thank Him, and whatever it takes, like John 3:3 says, get yourself "born again" (see "Salvation"). Psalm 33:3 says, “Sing to Him a new song – and shout for joy”! Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know”. And if you're sincere, He really will! Don't continue to be held captive by that deadly form of spiritual sleep that this world and the prince of this world put forth and by which so many are held captive. Like 2Corinthians 4:4 says, "The god of this world (Satan) has blinded the minds of unbelievers." Don't let him hoodwink you!
Now if you’re already saved, maybe God is saying something like, “Hi there; just want to let you know I love you. You have My number; give Me a call; talk to Me!” Maybe he wants you to do something special in these last days! Like "spread the word, Jesus is coming, the end is near"! Maybe He wants you to be like a John the Baptist or an Ezekiel 33:3 Watchman who is being commissioned to stay spiritually awake, to keep vigilant, to all the more sound the alarm to those who are perishing. Darkness is covering the land, people are sleeping, they need the Watchman more than ever!
On the other hand, to some, those who are hurting or going through rough times, maybe He's giving comfort or hope; a personal message to persevere, hold on, I'm coming soon! Of course, there are many people who think they’re saved and really aren't! Like those only baptized as infants. No one of course can judge except God. But if you’re not sure, if you don't know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you're going to heaven if you should die right now, I urge you to check out those “yucky” programs! When Jesus comes for his bride, you really don't want to be one of the Math.7:21-23 or Math.25:1-12 religious individuals who think they know Jesus but who will quite sadly hear him say "I never knew you". You may need to ask yourself, "do I really know Him & He me, or do I just know about Him?"
In October 2017 I happened to come across the following relevant teaching "Your Audience With The Most High", by Jonathan Cahn, a very well known messianic pastor & author. - Emily Post, known in her time as the authority on social behavior & proper etiquette, was once asked the correct procedure when one is invited to the White House but has a previous engagement. She answered, "An invitation to dine at the White House is a command that automatically cancels any other engagement." In other words, whatever else you're doing, no matter how much planning went into it or how your heart is set on it, cancel & go to the White House. - If that's proper etiquette for a call from the President, what's the proper etiquette for a call from God? How much more should you cancel & put aside your activities to have an audience with Him? How great an honor! Greater than an audience with any President or King! - He's sending you an invitation. Cancel all your other plans, answer the call.
Now, I need to say something very important to you unbelievers who think this born-again stuff is just a bunch of hooey! I wouldn't be surprised if you were among the majority of the people visiting this site. - - Very possibly, in the near future, your going to witness the disappearance of people who you know are believers: fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, etc. You 333 people will be among the few who know what truly happened! Take notice then. Remember this site or what believers have tried to tell you. Call out to Jesus. You won't be raptured like the former believers, but you will still get to heaven as long as you don't take the "mark of the beast". (See Rev.14:6-11 or the "Three End-Time Angels" below). Hoping you remember this when the time comes and don't fall into the trap of believing whatever deception Satan puts forth, like the False Prophet, Antichrist, alien gods, abduction via flying saucers, etc. Math.24:24: "For false Christs & false prophets will appear and perform great signs & miracles to deceive even the elect - if that were possible." - - An important question every Christian should ask oneself - "How many people know that I am a born-again child of God"? When the rapture happens, how many people will end up saved by knowing that you were taken by Jesus and not by some flying saucer entity! See "Brace Yourself" / "The Great Deception".
Again, a word of warning; there are spiritualists, false prophets, angel number purveyors, Ascended Master worshipers, etc. out there who are being falsely guided by deceiving spirits in opposition to God and/or are just in it for profit. The Bible, name of Jesus or his salvation are generally never mentioned. Satan is the great deceiver! Be careful; their ultimate goal is to lead you astray, i.e., hell vs heaven. See "Satan's # Games / Angel Numbers".
February 7, 2012: The number 333 (3:33 AM) was given to me. It was also twice given to Bonnie, my stepdaughter and spiritual mentor. With a little encouragement from above, it seems I was driven to investigate the significance and possible ramifications for those people who are continually seeing 333. Consider the following:
1) 3 = Divine or Divine Completeness or Perfection. Singularly, it's the most significant number in the Bible. It represents God, the 3-in-1, Father, Son, & Holy Spirit. Jesus prayed 3 times in the Garden of Gethsemane before His arrest. He was placed on the cross at the 3rd hour of the day (9 a.m.) and died at the 9th hour (3 p.m.). There were 3 hours of darkness that covered the land while Jesus was on the cross. Three is also the number of resurrection. Christ arose after 3 days and 3 nights in the tomb.
There are many more illustrations of the #3's biblical significance. Jonah prophetically spent 3 days in the belly of a big fish. After the flood, new life started in 3 persons: Noah's sons, Shem, Ham, & Jepheth. Israel was founded in the 3 persons of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob. Three of the most memorable Biblical edifices, Noah's Ark, Solomon's Temple, and The Millennial Temple, are 3 stories tall; and they all represent God's saving grace. (Also see Rob 11/7/18)
An expert on the Shroud of Turin, Russ Breault, points out that an imprint of God's number, #3, is plainly visible on the Shroud on Jesus' forehead. In Hebrew script this represents the 18th letter in the Hebrew alphabet called the Tsade. It also means "Righteous One". This just my be the "mark" that the 144,000 will receive on their forehead as noted in Revelation 7:1-8.
2) 33 = After 3 years of ministry and raising 3 people from the dead, Jesus died at age 33. His death and resurrection fulfilled all the old testament promises concerning the Messiah. Thus, the number 33 is connected to promise, in particular, to God's promise of salvation to humanity. However, not all of God's promises are pleasant. Being 3x11, it might possibly represent God's promise of judgment. Similarly, 339 could represent the Promise of Divine Completeness or Judgment. (See "Links/Numbers")
3) 333 = The Promise of Divine Completeness or Perfection. Or, Divine Completeness or Perfection to the 3rd power. Also, there are 27 books in the New Testament, which is 3x3x3 or completion to the 3rd power. Thus, 333 may represent completion of the Age of Grace represented by the New Testament! Which is what Jesus initiated (at age 33) when He said ‘It is finished’ (perfectly completed) on the cross! And right after the Age of Grace, the world and unbelievers will experience great tribulation. This Age of Grace has lasted about 2000 years. This is about the same period of time that God gave the Jews, his chosen people, to recognize and believe in Him. They blew it of course, (thus far, but not forever), and now it's been our turn!
4) 3+3+3 = 9. The #9 is the last of the digits and thus marks the end. Biblically the #9 represents Finality or Judgment, the tribulations of the Book of Revelation! Also, the gematria of Sodom = 999.
5) “3 dots, 3 dashes, 3 dots”, as noted above, is man’s international distress signal, SOS in Morse Code. I’m convinced God orchestrated this, not Mr. Morse! - 333 is surely God’s international distress signal; an urgent end-times SOS (Save Our Souls) message!
6) A good illustration of the special significance God places on the number 333 and very possibly how important this 333 Invitation / SOS Warning is, consider Kaf-Tet B’November, (see comment 1/14/15). On Nov.29,1947, the 333rd day of the year, the United Nations voted for the establishment of a Jewish State. God gave His chosen people the homeland that He had promised to their forefathers! Of course, they have to occupy it and ultimately they have to accept Jesus as their Lord & Savior before they can enter the 1000 year Millennial Kingdom. But, God will make it happen! – Similarly, maybe our 333 Invitation / SOS Warning could be associated with the Kingdom of Heaven that God has promised to His church. Of course, here again, one has to be truly born-again as John 3:3 declares.
7) Another 333 example - Matthew Chap.20, "The Parable of the Vineyard Workers": 3rd hr., 6th hr., & 9th hr. And after that, the 11th hr., which I believe is NOW! Thus this parable also promises salvation to those who come to know Jesus even late in the game. (Per comment 2/6/18)
8) And another 333 example - Genesis 15:9, The LORD told Abraham, "Bring me a three-year-old heifer, a three-year-old female goat, a three-year-old ram, a turtledove, and a young pigeon." This has to do with the covenant God made with Abraham, promising the land of Israel to the Jews. Thus 333 just may be considered a COVENANT number, a promise of God to born-again believers of a Kingdom Inheritance!!! (Thank you Sara 5/8/18 & Carma 1/11/19).
9) And yet another (via N* 6/4/18) - For punishment, God gave King David 3 choices: 3 years of famine, 3 months of war, or 3 days of plague. 1Chronicles 21:9-12.
10) In Matthew 4 (Jesus' temptation in the wilderness), His three-fold reply to Satan, "It is written", in addition to verifying that the Word of God is true & perfect, it again indicates the divine significance of God's 333, - 3 words, 3 times.
11) Likewise, 3 times in scripture God gave the 3 word command, "Ask of Me". The ultimate advice to all.
12) In the Book of Revelation 8:7-12 there are a preponderance of devastating Trumpet Judgments that are associated with "a third"/33.3%. Moreover, in Rev.8:13 - "I heard an eagle that was flying in midair call out in a load voice, "Woe, Woe, Woe" (333) to the inhabitants of the earth. Also, 1/3 of God's angels followed Lucifer and are doomed to judgment. Again, all are allusions to the warning aspect of the 333. (Thank you Dr. Abaldo 3/19/15, & Kirk 12/29/17)
13) There are 3 Jewish temples in scripture. They all consist of 3 parts, the outer, the inner, & the Most Holy Place. Two were destroyed due to disobedience; the third is near future, during tribulation & Antichrist times. Ominous.
14) The 27 New Testament books can be divided into 3 sections of 9 (3 squared) books each. As 3 signifies Divine Completion or Perfection, 9 represents Finality or Judgement. Another possible ominous 333 connotation!
15) In 2nd Samuel 18:2, King David divided his troops into 3 groups of 1/3 or 33.3% each to fight against his enemies. He told his troops, "I myself will surely march out with you". They were triumphant & David returned to Jerusalem as King. -
One day shortly, Jesus will do the same, i.e., return to Jerusalem as King. Hopefully, His 333 people will be among the born-again believers who will be accompanying Him. (Thank you Rob 9/3/18 & 11/7/18)
16) In 2nd Kings 11:4-12, 3 companies are assigned to protect new King Joash. One company is divided into 3 units of 1/3rd each to guard 3 key areas. In the Temple of the Lord, Joash is presented with a copy of the covenant, anointed, & crowned king.
Here again, the 333 could represent the promise of anointing & everlasting protection associated with being a born-again believer & child of the Most High. (Thank you again Rob 12/3/18)
17) The Jewish Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Redemption, is the holiest day in the Jewish year. At the special Yom Kippur ritual, the High Priest would recite atonement prayers 3 times. In each of these 3 prayers he would pronounce the ineffable, unspeakable name of God 3 times.
18) Deuteronomy 19:1-10 establishes 3 Cities of Refuge on 3 divisions of the Jewish territory so that innocent blood should not be shed. And if the Lord enlarges their territory, they were to set aside 3 more cities. Thus, this 33 or 333 could possibly symbolize a refuge or salvation. However, the whole land that God promised the Israeli's would only happen if they continued to love & obey Him. This will happen in the future, when they finally accept Jesus, but thus far they have not.
As seen above, the numbers 3, 33, or 333 just scream of Jesus &/or the Bible! No other, not Mohammad, Buddha, Satan, or any other religion can proclaim such a connection. It's a real shame more people don't realize that the Bible really is the supernaturally inspired word of God. And again, 333 is surely God’s International Distress Signal; an urgent end-times SOS message!
Thus, I think that many of the people who are seeing the number 333 are being personally invited (or warned) to be among the saved! God is looking for a covenant relationship. This call seems to be directed to select individuals rather than to all the world. In Luke 15, Jesus gives us "3" Parables: the Parable of the Lost Sheep, the Parable of the Lost Coin, and the Parable of the Lost/the Prodigal Son. While some portray God as impersonal or aloof from human affairs, these parables teach of His personal concern for every individual. He portrays a loving God's persistence in seeking out the lost. Jesus didn't simply say "I came to save the lost", but also, "I came to seek the lost". God has a tremendous concern and passion for the lost. And He doesn't simply want us to have a knowledge of Him, He wants a personal, father/son, mother/daughter, husband/wife, a family type relationship with us, just like the prodigal son. - Which again, I believe is exactly what He's trying to do with the profound 333 message! In Chapter 33 of the Bible book of Ezekiel, God commissioned the prophet to warn the Jewish people of coming tribulation. Ezekiel 33:3 says, “He sees the sword coming against the land and blows the trumpet to warn the people." In that day, because the Jewish nation had turned their backs on God and did not heed Ezekiel's warning, God turned away from them and they were almost totally destroyed! Similarly, in Revelation 14:6&7, God commissions the 1st of 3 end-time angels to "proclaim the eternal gospel in a loud voice to those who live on the earth, to fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come". Today, I think the 333 angel of Revelation 14:6&7 (see below) is basically trumpeting the same message as Ezekiel. A final warning before end-time tribulations.
So if you’re not saved, if you don't have that personal connection, if God is indeed using either Angels or the Holy Spirit to get your attention, then consider yourself blessed with a loving invitation! - He doesn't want to see you, or anybody, miss heaven! He loves you, like John 3:16 says. If this is all true, this might be your last chance. You now know the truth. He may not bother you again with any more #s! You’ll need to make a decision. If I were you, I would accept His invitation; get to know the God who created you! Check out those yucky programs, get on your knees, thank Him, and whatever it takes, like John 3:3 says, get yourself "born again" (see "Salvation"). Psalm 33:3 says, “Sing to Him a new song – and shout for joy”! Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know”. And if you're sincere, He really will! Don't continue to be held captive by that deadly form of spiritual sleep that this world and the prince of this world put forth and by which so many are held captive. Like 2Corinthians 4:4 says, "The god of this world (Satan) has blinded the minds of unbelievers." Don't let him hoodwink you!
Now if you’re already saved, maybe God is saying something like, “Hi there; just want to let you know I love you. You have My number; give Me a call; talk to Me!” Maybe he wants you to do something special in these last days! Like "spread the word, Jesus is coming, the end is near"! Maybe He wants you to be like a John the Baptist or an Ezekiel 33:3 Watchman who is being commissioned to stay spiritually awake, to keep vigilant, to all the more sound the alarm to those who are perishing. Darkness is covering the land, people are sleeping, they need the Watchman more than ever!
On the other hand, to some, those who are hurting or going through rough times, maybe He's giving comfort or hope; a personal message to persevere, hold on, I'm coming soon! Of course, there are many people who think they’re saved and really aren't! Like those only baptized as infants. No one of course can judge except God. But if you’re not sure, if you don't know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you're going to heaven if you should die right now, I urge you to check out those “yucky” programs! When Jesus comes for his bride, you really don't want to be one of the Math.7:21-23 or Math.25:1-12 religious individuals who think they know Jesus but who will quite sadly hear him say "I never knew you". You may need to ask yourself, "do I really know Him & He me, or do I just know about Him?"
In October 2017 I happened to come across the following relevant teaching "Your Audience With The Most High", by Jonathan Cahn, a very well known messianic pastor & author. - Emily Post, known in her time as the authority on social behavior & proper etiquette, was once asked the correct procedure when one is invited to the White House but has a previous engagement. She answered, "An invitation to dine at the White House is a command that automatically cancels any other engagement." In other words, whatever else you're doing, no matter how much planning went into it or how your heart is set on it, cancel & go to the White House. - If that's proper etiquette for a call from the President, what's the proper etiquette for a call from God? How much more should you cancel & put aside your activities to have an audience with Him? How great an honor! Greater than an audience with any President or King! - He's sending you an invitation. Cancel all your other plans, answer the call.
Now, I need to say something very important to you unbelievers who think this born-again stuff is just a bunch of hooey! I wouldn't be surprised if you were among the majority of the people visiting this site. - - Very possibly, in the near future, your going to witness the disappearance of people who you know are believers: fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, etc. You 333 people will be among the few who know what truly happened! Take notice then. Remember this site or what believers have tried to tell you. Call out to Jesus. You won't be raptured like the former believers, but you will still get to heaven as long as you don't take the "mark of the beast". (See Rev.14:6-11 or the "Three End-Time Angels" below). Hoping you remember this when the time comes and don't fall into the trap of believing whatever deception Satan puts forth, like the False Prophet, Antichrist, alien gods, abduction via flying saucers, etc. Math.24:24: "For false Christs & false prophets will appear and perform great signs & miracles to deceive even the elect - if that were possible." - - An important question every Christian should ask oneself - "How many people know that I am a born-again child of God"? When the rapture happens, how many people will end up saved by knowing that you were taken by Jesus and not by some flying saucer entity! See "Brace Yourself" / "The Great Deception".
Again, a word of warning; there are spiritualists, false prophets, angel number purveyors, Ascended Master worshipers, etc. out there who are being falsely guided by deceiving spirits in opposition to God and/or are just in it for profit. The Bible, name of Jesus or his salvation are generally never mentioned. Satan is the great deceiver! Be careful; their ultimate goal is to lead you astray, i.e., hell vs heaven. See "Satan's # Games / Angel Numbers".
Why are some people seeing 333 & not others?
or "Why Me"?
Based on web-site stats charted by the web-site administrator, we're getting 100 to 150 visitors a day. On average, only 1 or 2 people a week choose to comment. The rest, the overwhelming majority, must be seeing 333 enough that they are searching for answers. From comments, we know that the seeing of 333, and often other number combinations, seems to be a worldwide phenomenon. We also know that only certain people see this phenomenon; certainly all are not. Very, very few people that I know are; I'm guessing it's the same for you. So, why have you been chosen? I touched on this above, but I'll attempt to go a little deeper.
I'll begin with the fact that "God knows all"; He is omniscient. He can see the beginning & the end. He knows everything anyone has or will do from the beginning of the world thru eternity! Thus, He knows who will ultimately believe in Him, get to know Him, respect Him, accept the sacrifice of His son, and honor Him as their Lord & Savior. He knows the mind of each of us intimately. He knew you in the womb, Psalm 139:13-16. The very hairs on your head are numbered, Mat.10:30. So he knows what might best influence a positive salvation decision and He's going to try his best to help us make that decision. He really, really, wants all souls to make it to heaven (John 3:16), but, He can not, and will not, take away our free will. Satan, on the other hand, is bound & determined to keep you in unbelief.
And, even if God knows that a particular person is not going to respond to His beckoning, He's going to give him or her a chance, because He's not going to open Himself to blame for not giving them a chance! He is totally righteous and just. On the other hand, He's probably not going to waste His time on those whose hearts & minds are so hard or fixed that they can't possibly be moved. - Along the same line, He's not going to bother those people who are presently 'on track', those who are already doing His will for their lives and don't need this kind of warning or guidance or prompting. Also there are probably those who will be given opportunities in the future when they're more likely ready to believe. Of course, only God can judge these types of things. Similarly, what about those who have been seeing 333 for years vs those who have just started seeing it? Again, God knows how best and when best to approach each of us individually. This is not a mass calling; I'm convinced it's a personal invitation or warning. And it stems from God's true concern, love, & sometimes sorrow.
Then there are those who are presently saved but that God is expecting something more from; like spreading the word, or joining or being more active in a church, or helping someone. Actually, anything that the person would praise God for prompting him or her to do here on earth that would result in a blessing or reward in heaven and ultimately give glory to God. As mentioned above, maybe there are those that God is inviting to be something like "John the Baptist", the voice of one calling in the desert, "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near", "Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him." God's primary purpose for us in this age is not for societal improvement, but it's that of calling out individuals from all nations to Himself. He's looking for Ezk.33:3 Watchmen and John the Baptist people. Scripture is clear that the overall moral direction of this world will continue to gravitate downward toward eventual judgment from God. If you feel you are being called, you may want to check out Rick Joyner's 2016 book, "Army of the Dawn". And see "Amazing 11:11 Revelation" under "Satan's # Games".
I don't believe the 333 is a passive type communication. God is not simply saying "I'm with you" or "I love You". The Bible, His Word, has already done this. The 333 is not just a friendly greeting or complimentary acknowledgement from God. If that were the case, it wouldn't be tied to the ominous SOS terminology. For your own good, and/or the good of others, God is contacting you because He wants something of you. On the other hand, to some, those who are hurting or going through rough times, maybe He's giving comfort or hope; a personal message to persevere, hold on, I'm coming soon! Psalm 34:18 - "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."
Of course, there are many people out there who think they’re saved and really aren't! Like those only baptized as infants. Sometimes Catholics or others who have grown up in religious families, including preachers kids, have been taught & know so much about God, Jesus, & the Bible, that they can often just take Him for granted. Their minds can be dulled or lulled to sleep by the world and the rituals of religion such that the truly overwhelming love of God is overshadowed or taken for granted and He is relegated to something less than our Creator, our Lord, & our Savior. These are the type of people who think they know everything there is to know about God & religion, like the Pharisees, and thus are not able to humble themselves enough to appreciate the awesomeness of what God has done for us thru the degradation, torture, & sacrifice of His own Son. - No one of course can judge except God. But if you’re not sure, if you don't know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you're going to heaven if you should die right now, I urge you to check out those “yucky” programs that I mentioned above. And certainly, as Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know”. And if you're sincere, He really will!
Also, know this, we are all born sinners, Rom. 3:23. But, Jesus is in the business of forgiving. And it doesn't matter how big or terrible the sin is! All it takes is sincerely repenting and asking for forgiveness. God will meet you where you are. See "Salvation".
Finally: there are those that are being deceived by spiritualists, angel numbers, spirit guides, ascended masters, etc that God is trying to reach with the truth. Again, see "Satan's # Games". And if you don't think Satan is real, see "Brandon vs Satan".
I'll begin with the fact that "God knows all"; He is omniscient. He can see the beginning & the end. He knows everything anyone has or will do from the beginning of the world thru eternity! Thus, He knows who will ultimately believe in Him, get to know Him, respect Him, accept the sacrifice of His son, and honor Him as their Lord & Savior. He knows the mind of each of us intimately. He knew you in the womb, Psalm 139:13-16. The very hairs on your head are numbered, Mat.10:30. So he knows what might best influence a positive salvation decision and He's going to try his best to help us make that decision. He really, really, wants all souls to make it to heaven (John 3:16), but, He can not, and will not, take away our free will. Satan, on the other hand, is bound & determined to keep you in unbelief.
And, even if God knows that a particular person is not going to respond to His beckoning, He's going to give him or her a chance, because He's not going to open Himself to blame for not giving them a chance! He is totally righteous and just. On the other hand, He's probably not going to waste His time on those whose hearts & minds are so hard or fixed that they can't possibly be moved. - Along the same line, He's not going to bother those people who are presently 'on track', those who are already doing His will for their lives and don't need this kind of warning or guidance or prompting. Also there are probably those who will be given opportunities in the future when they're more likely ready to believe. Of course, only God can judge these types of things. Similarly, what about those who have been seeing 333 for years vs those who have just started seeing it? Again, God knows how best and when best to approach each of us individually. This is not a mass calling; I'm convinced it's a personal invitation or warning. And it stems from God's true concern, love, & sometimes sorrow.
Then there are those who are presently saved but that God is expecting something more from; like spreading the word, or joining or being more active in a church, or helping someone. Actually, anything that the person would praise God for prompting him or her to do here on earth that would result in a blessing or reward in heaven and ultimately give glory to God. As mentioned above, maybe there are those that God is inviting to be something like "John the Baptist", the voice of one calling in the desert, "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near", "Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him." God's primary purpose for us in this age is not for societal improvement, but it's that of calling out individuals from all nations to Himself. He's looking for Ezk.33:3 Watchmen and John the Baptist people. Scripture is clear that the overall moral direction of this world will continue to gravitate downward toward eventual judgment from God. If you feel you are being called, you may want to check out Rick Joyner's 2016 book, "Army of the Dawn". And see "Amazing 11:11 Revelation" under "Satan's # Games".
I don't believe the 333 is a passive type communication. God is not simply saying "I'm with you" or "I love You". The Bible, His Word, has already done this. The 333 is not just a friendly greeting or complimentary acknowledgement from God. If that were the case, it wouldn't be tied to the ominous SOS terminology. For your own good, and/or the good of others, God is contacting you because He wants something of you. On the other hand, to some, those who are hurting or going through rough times, maybe He's giving comfort or hope; a personal message to persevere, hold on, I'm coming soon! Psalm 34:18 - "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."
Of course, there are many people out there who think they’re saved and really aren't! Like those only baptized as infants. Sometimes Catholics or others who have grown up in religious families, including preachers kids, have been taught & know so much about God, Jesus, & the Bible, that they can often just take Him for granted. Their minds can be dulled or lulled to sleep by the world and the rituals of religion such that the truly overwhelming love of God is overshadowed or taken for granted and He is relegated to something less than our Creator, our Lord, & our Savior. These are the type of people who think they know everything there is to know about God & religion, like the Pharisees, and thus are not able to humble themselves enough to appreciate the awesomeness of what God has done for us thru the degradation, torture, & sacrifice of His own Son. - No one of course can judge except God. But if you’re not sure, if you don't know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you're going to heaven if you should die right now, I urge you to check out those “yucky” programs that I mentioned above. And certainly, as Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know”. And if you're sincere, He really will!
Also, know this, we are all born sinners, Rom. 3:23. But, Jesus is in the business of forgiving. And it doesn't matter how big or terrible the sin is! All it takes is sincerely repenting and asking for forgiveness. God will meet you where you are. See "Salvation".
Finally: there are those that are being deceived by spiritualists, angel numbers, spirit guides, ascended masters, etc that God is trying to reach with the truth. Again, see "Satan's # Games". And if you don't think Satan is real, see "Brandon vs Satan".
What if I'm Muslim?
In the Old Testament, Psalm 83 talks of the judgment that will come to many in Islam who fight against the true God. It names the nations and notes their hostility & determination to eliminate Israel. Psalm 83 ends with a prayer for God to judge His enemies: "Let them be confounded & troubled forever; yea, let them be put to shame & perish: that men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth". There is however, implicit hope in this prayer that some Muslims will be saved. A great number of Muslims are not full of hate for Israel or Christians, but are simply trying to live life and find spiritual reality. There have been several reports of Muslims having dreams of Jesus reaching out to them. Many will ultimately see the lie of "Allah" and turn to the only Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. I do sympathize and understand how difficult such a decision can be. But I really believe that God, my God, including Jesus & the Holy Spirit (The Trinity, the 3 in 1), is truly trying to connect with you via the 333. Maybe if you could simply say something to Him like, "God/Jesus, if you & the Christian Bible are really the true way, if you are really trying to get my attention, please show me in no uncertain terms." - May the Lord bless your spiritual walk.
In the New Testament, Romans 9:33 says, "As it is written (Isaiah 8:14), Behold, I lay in Zion (Jerusalem) a stone and a rock of offence: and whosoever believeth on him (Jesus) shall not be ashamed."
In the New Testament, Romans 9:33 says, "As it is written (Isaiah 8:14), Behold, I lay in Zion (Jerusalem) a stone and a rock of offence: and whosoever believeth on him (Jesus) shall not be ashamed."
What if I'm Jewish?
I think you know! You need to join the ever increasing number of Messianic Jews who have finally acknowledged their ancestors role in the crucifixion of their Messiah. You need to believe the Prophet, (Isaiah chapter 53), repent, and join the congregation of born-again Messianic believers before you're faced with the wrath of God's great tribulation. Quite simple, yet quite profound! - You may then want to check out, among others, Jonathan Cahn's ministry, "Hope of the World".
3 End-Time Angels

The book of Revelation describes the worst time of heartache and bloodshed in human history. We are on the cusp. However, just before God sends destruction on an unbelieving person, nation, or world, he always sends a warning first. Ezekiel 33:3 was one. There have been several others. The warning of the 1st of the 3 angels of Revelation 14:6-11 will be, and I believe now is, the last!
Revelation 14:6-11
6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
I believe the 1st angel of Revelation 14:6&7 is responsible for this 333/SOS warning. Moreover, he’s probably the one responsible for all the end-time warning type ministries worldwide; God’s final call to a Christ-rejecting world. You may ask, ‘how did you hypothesize this’? I’m glad you ask!
7-17-14 I was given a DREAM: I was standing in front of a very large locomotive; two others, one on each side, were slightly behind the first. I was given the job (voice of an unseen entity) of replacing the headlight with a larger and/or stronger light that could see farther out. I suggested adding a second light, but there seemed to be some controversy about that.
Interpretation: I originally thought this dream only related to providing additional light, reaching out farther, increasing the visibility of this 333/SOS ministry. Which it did; I’m new at this, the web-site really did need a lot of search engine enhancement for Google to recognize it! - However, why 3 locomotives? Why locomotives at all; this is not a locomotive type ministry! And, why were 2 lagging the 1st? – It seems to tie in quite nicely with the 3 angels of Revelation 14! The very large locomotives could certainly represent a very strong, even thunderous movement of God. As this is going to be God’s last and final plea and warning to humanity, naturally it’s going to be a very strong warning! And, he’s going to use many ways, many ministries, to get it across. A locomotive pulls many cars (many ministries). This, his 333 ministry, plea, trumpet call, or warning, is just one of many! – Thus, indeed, I believe this dream was definitely prophetic and it gives so much credence to what God is doing and verification of how close we are to the end-time, Antichrist, and tribulation.
Revelation 14:6-11
6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
I believe the 1st angel of Revelation 14:6&7 is responsible for this 333/SOS warning. Moreover, he’s probably the one responsible for all the end-time warning type ministries worldwide; God’s final call to a Christ-rejecting world. You may ask, ‘how did you hypothesize this’? I’m glad you ask!
7-17-14 I was given a DREAM: I was standing in front of a very large locomotive; two others, one on each side, were slightly behind the first. I was given the job (voice of an unseen entity) of replacing the headlight with a larger and/or stronger light that could see farther out. I suggested adding a second light, but there seemed to be some controversy about that.
Interpretation: I originally thought this dream only related to providing additional light, reaching out farther, increasing the visibility of this 333/SOS ministry. Which it did; I’m new at this, the web-site really did need a lot of search engine enhancement for Google to recognize it! - However, why 3 locomotives? Why locomotives at all; this is not a locomotive type ministry! And, why were 2 lagging the 1st? – It seems to tie in quite nicely with the 3 angels of Revelation 14! The very large locomotives could certainly represent a very strong, even thunderous movement of God. As this is going to be God’s last and final plea and warning to humanity, naturally it’s going to be a very strong warning! And, he’s going to use many ways, many ministries, to get it across. A locomotive pulls many cars (many ministries). This, his 333 ministry, plea, trumpet call, or warning, is just one of many! – Thus, indeed, I believe this dream was definitely prophetic and it gives so much credence to what God is doing and verification of how close we are to the end-time, Antichrist, and tribulation.
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