INDEX - "Revelation 12 Great Sign", "The Prophetic Book of Esther", "Prophetic Versus 16 & 17", The 23 Enigma", "The 7 Feasts of God", "The 153 Fish Etc.", "The Frosting on the Cake", "The Hour of the Rapture", "Rapture Hypothesis - Phase II", "Other Rapture Date Verifications", "Why Now?"
The Revelation 12:1&2 astronomical sign which actually happened on September 23, 2017, as noted on the previous page, is the last heavenly sign referenced in the Bible and it's the only one that was labeled "Great". In Jan.2019, I was prompted, I'm guessing by the Holy Spirit, to consider the question, "what if this Rev.12 Great Sign date itself, 9/23/17, is a sign!" Surly it means something! We're talking about a Great & Wondrous End-Time Sign that was orchestrated by God!! Surly He did not just choose this date randomly! Via Biblical Numerology the #9 represents 'Finality, Divine Completeness, or Judgment'. The #17 denotes 'The Perfection of Spiritual Order'. The #23 doesn't possess any special biblical significance, however, maybe the combination could point to the Completion of the "age of grace", the Rapture, &/or Judgment in 2023! It's also amazing and profoundly significant that this sign could only be seen at this time in history due to the advent of recent computer technology. - Also, Referring back to Revelation 12:1 thru 5, consider this: In verses 1&2 (2020&2021), we have birth pains. In verses 3&4 (2022&2023) we have the ominous enormous red dragon (Satan). Then we have verse 5, the Rapture.
2/4/19: Three ("3") days after the above posting, we (the web-site) received an Anonymous Guestbook Comment, i.e., "he/she receives a lot of #s, but lately nothing but the #23"! Plus, an amazing rapture dream!!
And, this same day, I received an invitation to a surprise B.D. party, scheduled for 2/23/19!!!
So, does the #23 represent rapture in 2023? Could that be the B.D. of the Raptured Church! Looks logical, but I'm not going to be dogmatic as yet.
Moreover, it seems we have a Mystery! Neither God (or Satan) will verify this hypothesis with a 3rd #23 coincidence. Instead, it seems I was purposely given ?:22 & ?:24 via my clock, but mysteriously absent has been another #23! - Maybe the #23 or 9/23/17 represent something totally different?
2/7/19: Of course before the possible rapture of Rev.12:5, we have Rev.12:3&4, "Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with 7 heads & 10 horns & 7 crowns on his heads. His tail swept away a third of the stars out of heaven & flung them to the earth." "And the dragon was intent on devouring the child". Historically and prophetically the Red Dragon has represented Satan. He and his band of fallen angels have continuously tried to eradicate Jesus, the Jews, & Christians from the day of Jesus' birth. Israel (as well as the whole world) is certainly being threatened by war and satanic forces of all types. This could likely include the war of Psalm 83 or the Ezekiel 38&39 Gog/Magog war against Israel which will likely precede the rapture. Additionally, it might be possible that the "stars being flung to the earth", besides portraying the angels following Satan, could also represent a meteor catastrophe or a plethora of rockets, missiles, etc.
So, maybe the year 2023 is still a good prophetic date, just not necessarily or exclusively for the rapture. In Chapters 2&3 of Revelation, John ends each of his letters to the 7 churches with "To him that overcometh", he will receive heavenly eternal blessings." Thus, it seems likely that the church will not be spared from the birth-pangs & Red Dragon of Rev.12:3&4. Although I'm sure we'll be spared from the main Tribulation. In 2Thess.2:7&8 Paul explains that the "Wicked One", Antichrist, will not be revealed until after the Holy Spirit, i.e., the Church whose members are the Temple of the Holy Spirit, is taken out of the way, presumably, via the Rapture. I'm guessing that this confirmation of our Blessed Hope will act as an encouragement for the Church to minister & witness in this very likely devastating interim period, from now till Rapture. This should likely include much of the 333 community, those who have accepted God's prompting.
2/12/19: Been thinking & praying on the above. While it's sometimes dangerous to read too much into numerology, the numbers 22 and 24 are very significant prophetic numbers carrying multiple layers of biblical meanings.
The #22 essentially signifies a concentrated essence of the attributes of the number 11: Chaotic, Disorder, Imperfection, or Disintegration, and is generally accompanied by Judgement, particularly governmental. – Although it also expresses Completion & Fullness; the Hebrew alphabet consists of 22 letters. Moreover, the #22 encompasses Hope & Restoration. It seems like no accident that the Bible’s most detailed book of End Time prophecy, the Book of Revelation, has 22 chapters. Thus we see that the #22 is tied to the End-Time sequence of events that ultimately point us to the promised Rapture of believers, the Tribulation, as well as the Restoration of Israel and the coming of the Kingdom. Also, I think it’s possible that the #22 could be alluding to some kind of crisis, possibly in 2022. The middle-east is a cauldron ready to erupt and it might just encompass the whole world. Iran, China, & Russia are all doing a lot of saber rattling. The prophetic war of Psalm 83 &/or Ezekiel 38&39 could be very close. Or, maybe an economic crisis, which has long been projected (see Dream of 2/15/19 below).
The #24 is also particularly relevant. It's associated with priesthood. Born-again believers are considered priests. It's also associated with Rev.4:4 and the 24 elders on 24 thrones surrounding the throne of God in heaven. This is the "rapture chapter"! Rev.4:1&2, "I heard a voice like a trumpet say, "come up here". And at once, I (John) was in the spirit and there before me was the thrown of God in heaven". Could this possibly be a sign that the Church will be in heaven in 2024?!
Additionally, on April 8, 2024 North America will experience a total solar eclipse. It and the total solar eclipse of 2017 (7 yrs earlier & the same year as the Great Sign) will form an ominous "X" over the United States! With the large number of Christians residing in the U.S., that could mean that a rapture in 2023 might result in the demise of the U.S. in 2024!
2/13/19: Today I awoke at 6:23. – Maybe I finally received my 3rd confirmation!?
2/15/19: Today I woke up to "Hay Jack"! No one was there. Clock read 8:33, i.e., New Beginnings : I Promise!
I fell back to sleep & had a Vivid Dream: "Was at a counter with my brother trying to come up with enough money to pay our bill. Money generally in my pocket was not there. But I finally came up with a very crinkled $5 bill! I awoke, the time was 8:53."
Interpretation - No money & crinkled bill could be prophesying bad economic times ahead. $5 could represent 5 years, which would make it 2023. Or the #5 could represent God's Grace. Or maybe the end of God's Grace! 8:53 might be interpreted as - New Beginnings, In 5 years, With God. Maybe Rapture!! That would certainly be God's Grace!
3/4/19: Upon ordering David Jeremiah's The Book of Signs, I noticed my credit card expiration date, 09/23. September 2023!! WOW!
3/7/19: Conferred with my step-daughter & spiritual mentor, Bonnie. To her, the #23 immediately brought to mind Psalm 23. It's a Psalm that has served humanity for eons, and yet seems particularly appropriate at this time. You really need to read it. It totally wraps up God's plan, will, & direction for His end-time Saints, - those who can truly say, "The Lord is my Shepherd". Even though we might "walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death" the Lord will comfort & take care of us, and "we will dwell in the House of the Lord forever". This is truly a personification of the Great 9/23/17 Heavenly Sign of Rev.12 which encompasses birth pains (vs.2), satanic warfare, corruption, etc (vs.3&4), and the Rapture of the Church (vs.5). Wow! What a revelation! It could certainly seem logical that Psalm 23 could be pointing to a 2023 rapture!
And: Just before typing this update, I received the following message from my Computer Cleaning program, "23 programs are slowing your PC"!!
3/23/19: I noted a very good synopsis of Revelation Chapter 12 posted by "Red Moon Rapture" (via Stephanie Dawn)!!
3/28/19: Right after providing the above to pastors at three churches to illicit their thoughts, which were essentially viewed with much skepticism, tonight I received a vivid & disturbing dream. It was in color, which often means it's God driven.
THE DREAM: There's this old light blue bus, not in great condition, for sale on a lot. I (and maybe someone else) open the door & climb aboard. The driver seat is missing. It starts to roll backwards down a steep hill. It's a narrow muddy road with all kinds of obstacles - vehicles, fencing, etc. I tried to drive it, but it's out of control. Brakes barely worked at all. Passing places to pull off but going too fast to safely try. It finally stops at the bottom, an isolated & bit scary spot. We have a small dying, baby alligator. I lay him on a pile of logs. We're concerned for him. There's a small pole with several very small but colorful LED type lights attached. We think that may comfort him. He revives, although still quite weak, and climbs up the light-pole where he calmly rests.
INTERPRETATION: The BUS symbolizes a medium sized ministry. LIGHT BLUE references immature development of a spiritual gift, evil spirit, or corruption. ALLIGATORS symbolize people with "big mouths" who can hurt via lies, rumors, & big tails. (John Paul Jackson – Dreams&Mysteries)
The dream originally seemed to portray a corrupt, false, or misguided ministry or ministry initiative that is heading dangerously backwards, downhill, with no spiritual guidance, which needs to be stopped so that gossip, lies, & false tails can be put to rest via the light of truth. - Scary!
However, after considerable prayer, a clearer picture has emerged. The dream was a manifestation of God portraying my fears of what others, and sometimes myself, are thinking about this controversial ministry, and particularly this 2023 pre-trib rapture hypothesis. I'm convinced that the Lord is telling me that these people who I'm concerned about, represented by the sickly baby alligator, are almost dead when it comes to spiritual end-time &/or rapture wisdom. These, what I've thought of as potentially dangerous people, are really just babes needing to be drawn to the light. And, although this ministry is a bit scary to navigate, it's what God is leading me do. Also, I'm absolutely sure that it is no coincidence that this dream was given me at the same time as this crazy 2023 rapture revelation is manifesting itself and I am trying to reach out to others for some kind of acknowledgment, guidance, or corroboration. Thank You Lord!
4/3/19: Received a Guestbook Comment from Mike - "God is calling His children. We are the Watchmen on the wall and it is our duty to spread the great news of His redeeming love and salvation through His son Jesus. Numbers I see the most - 23, 123, 223, 323, & 333. God wakes me up regularly at 3AM, gives me messages to deliver and dreams to work through. The more we become sensitive to these callings the more He uses us. I have so many occurrences and messages with seeing these numbers that it is no coincidence. My wife had a Vision about the year 2023 but nothing specifically related to that. Of course I never want to assume that we know when Jesus is coming back, but we always need to be prepared. Just like a thief in the night. It may drive you crazy sometimes with the amount of times you see these numbers, but it is just God knocking on the door of your heart. Let Him in! Email me with any questions or concerns. God is great!" [email protected]
Watchman Mike, Wow! Concerning your #23s - this continues to be an amazing & controversial revelation or elaborate satanic hoax! As you can imagine, we're dealing with something very important here. And we have to be very discerning. Like you say, such things can drive a person crazy! God bless your continued watchfulness.
4/12/19: Still praying for revelation. Today, watching my favorite TV Bible teacher, Les Feldick, he mentioned the #23, 3 times!!! Absolutely amazing! And even moreso because this program was originally aired in the mid 1990s! Moreover, the scriptures couldn't be more appropriate at this time! So very Rapture oriented!
1) 1Thess.5:23 - Has to do with the coming of our Lord.
2) John 12:23 - "The hour has come when the Son of Man should be glorified."
3) Romans Chapter 23 - Amazingly, he mis-spoke; there is no Chapter 23 in Romans. He was actually referencing Chapter 3 which has to do with salvation.
NOTE: This might be a good place to reiterate how important numbers are to God. He is totally omniscient and omnipotent in His use of numbers, whether in our lives or in His Word. Even though Bible chapter & verse numbers were added long after the original books were written, God had total control over all aspects of His Word. It is truly a profound & supernatural work. But, its secrets are hidden to the unsaved and those who don’t wish to study, trust, & appreciate its revelations. We are commanded to “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15). And, “All scripture is given by the inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16). Many revelations have been kept secret by the Lord until He’s ready to reveal them. Proverbs 25:2 – “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings to search out a matter.” And Deuteronomy 29:29 – “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things that are revealed belong to us and our children forever.”
4/17/19: It just so happens that for the past few weeks my Sunday School class has been studying the Old Testament Book of Esther. Serendipitously, I just so happened to come across this book, The Mystery of Esther - God's Prophetic Plan and later, Prophecies in the Book of Esther. They reveal the underlying epic & prophetic end-time story having to do with Satan's unending goal of killing all the Jews. Keep in mind that the Book of Esther depicts real people in real events. On another level however, these real people are actors in a drama created & inspired by God. They are acting out past, present, & future events as illustrated in the Bible. Queen Esther (who is symbolic of the Church, including born-again Jews), with the guidance of Mordecai (symbolic of Jesus), issued an "Edict", authorized by the King (symbolic of God), which appoints a day for the Jews to assemble, protect themselves, & destroy their enemies. The Edict was sent out on the 23rd day of the 3rd month, the month of Sivan (our May/June). This is in Chapter 8 & verse 9, (8=New Beginnings & 9=Judgment). The historic Book of Esther goes on to chronicle the defeat of Haman the Jew-hatter (who is symbolic of Satan & Antichrist) and all of the Jews enemies. Moreover, like the Dragon of Rev.12:3&4 which had ten horns (which represent leaders of nations), so Haman had ten sons, who were likewise defeated & killed.
Are there truths in the Book of Esther that are relevant for us today? Does God have a message that He has chosen to reveal, only now, in these last days? Could the revelation of Esther be God's final instruction to His people? Did God give us this date of the 23rd as a clue similar to that of the Rev.12 Great Sign date of 9/23/17? Are they pointing to the year 2023? Interestingly, The name of the book itself, Esther, means Star or Myrtle. Myrtle is a plant with tiny flowers, like stars in the night sky. And of course stars play a major role in Bible prophecy. But more interesting is that the root of Esther in Hebrew refers to hide, conceal, or hiding place. This could allude to there being a hidden meaning in the Book of Esther or even a hidden end-time secret or revelation! I believe the date of the 23rd, as it concerns the rapture, is one of these.
I also find it quite interesting that the Book of Esther was the only Old Testament book not found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. There are several hypotheses as to why this is. But isn’t it interesting and quite coincidental that the only Bible book possibly alluding to the date of the Rapture is missing!
We're told that Esther became the king's bride & queen in the 7th year of his reign, another perfect eschatological picture of Jesus & His bride during the 7th millennium. Delving farther into the Book of Esther, Chapter 8:16&17 tells us that everywhere the Edict of the 23rd went, it was “a time of happiness & joy, gladness & honor, with feasting & celebrating" by God's people. This could be likened to a rapture celebration similar to that of Revelation Chapters 4&5 when the Church is raptured and Jesus assumes Kingship and is given the 7 sealed scroll similar to that of Esther's Edict of the 23rd, which triggers the forthcoming death knell of God's enemies. Moreover, Mordecai (personifying Jesus), was given a Kings crown, remnant, & prominence, just as Jesus will ultimately be crowned & reign preeminent on earth after the rapture & tribulation, (Rev.14:14). Esther 8:17b goes on to say that "many people of other nations became Jews (believers) because fear of the Jews seized them". Again, sounds like the tremendous revival that will surely happen right after the rapture! Thus it seems to me that the Book of Esther is truly prophetic and in light of the significance of the Rev.12 Great Sign, it similarly foreshadows the Rapture in 2023!!
Even more significant, searching scripture, I’m amazed at how often God seems to show us how he feels about the monumental & glorious events that involve the numbers 16&17. First, looking at Bible Numerology, the #16 represents “Love” and the #17, being the combination of two perfect #s, 7&10, represents “Divine Completion”. And what more would represent God's Love & Divine Completion then the Rapture! Moreover, throughout the Bible there are just so many scriptures that associate the #s 16&17 with a rapture or deliverance type experience just like the Book of Esther 8:16&17 does:
1) 1Thes.4:16&17 is the prominent & most important scripture pointing to our rapture, – “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, & with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first." "Then we which are alive & remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air." Moreover, 5:23 talks of "the coming of our Lord", which might just allude to a 2023 Rapture.
2) 1Cor.15:16&17 is the 2nd most prominent, – “If the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either.” “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile.” Moreover, verses 22 thru 24 seem to spell out a possible 2022, 2023, 2024 rapture/tribulation timeline: 22-"For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.” 23 -"But each in his own turn: Christ, the first fruits; then, when he comes, those that belong to him.” & 24 -"Then the end will come.” Verses 51&52 go on to say “Listen I tell you a mystery: we shall not all sleep (die), but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump.”
3) The Book of Matthew - The last two versus of Chapter 16 and the first few versus of Chapter 17.
Chapter 16 - "Assuredly I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom."
Chapter 17 - "Now after six days Jesus took Peter, James, & John, led them up a high mountain by themselves; and He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light. And behold Moses & Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him."
These versus and the transfiguration of Jesus are clearly a prophetic picture of the Rapture. Also note the reference to six days. There's no doubt in my mind that this relates to 6000 years, which is where we are presently at on God's time-line.
4) Exodus 3:16&17 – “The Lord appeared to me and said” “I have promised to bring you up out of your misery in Egypt.”
5) Exodus 19:16&17 – “On the morning of the 3rd day there was thunder and lightning with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast. Everyone in the camp trembled.” “Then Moses led the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain.”
6) Daniel 3:16&17 – “Shadrack, Meshack, & Abednego replied to the king, "we do not need to defend ourselves before you.” “The God we serve is able to save us, he will rescue us from your hand O king.”
7) Malachi 3:16&17 – “concerning those who fear the Lord & honor his name.” “They will be mine, says the Lord Almighty, my treasured possession, on the day that I act. I will spare them, just as in compassion a man spares his son who serves him.” These verses are particularly profound in that they are directly followed by Chapter 4 which talks of the horrendous Day of the Lord!
8) John 2:16&17 – These verses talk of the glorification of Jesus and the raising of Lazarus from the dead.
9) John 3:16&17 – “For God so loved the world… whoever believes in His Son shall not perish” “that the world might be saved through Him.”
10) Acts 15:16&17 - "After these things (the Tribulation), I will return and I will rebuild the Tabernacle of David", "that the remnant of men may seek the Lord, and all the Gentiles who bear my name."
11) Romans 8:16&17 - "The Spirit testifies, we are God's children." "Now if we are children, then we are heirs, heirs of God, and co-heirs of Christ."
12) 2Cor.5:16&17 - "Though we once regarded Christ from a worldly point of view, we do so no longer." "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come."
13) Philemon – This is Paul’s final epistle directed primarily to the Gentiles before Tribulation. It’s a portrait of the rapture. Verse 16 – “no longer a slave, but a dear brother.” Verse 17 – “So welcome him as you would welcome me.”
14) Rev.6:16&17 – “Hide us from the wrath of the Lamb!” “For the great day of his wrath has come.”
15) Rev.7:16&17 – “Never again shall they hunger or thirst.” “For the Lamb will be their Shepard & shall wipe away every tear.”
16) Rev.22:16&17 – “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches.” “The Spirit & the bride say “Come!” And let him who hears say “Come!” Whoever is thirsty, let him come; let him take the free gift of the water of life.”
17) Rev.16:17 - "The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of the temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, "It is done!"
Also, Concerning the #17: (Which represents "The Perfection of Spiritual Order", being the combination of two perfect #s - 7 & 10.)
1) It was on the 17th of Nisan that Queen Esther's 2nd banquet resulted in the hanging of evil Hamon,& his 10 sons and the initiation of the Edict of the 23rd.
2) Moreover, the Book of Esther itself is the 17th book of the Bible!
3) Noah & the ark. Noah & his family were saved, lifted high above the devastating flood, essentially raptured, on the 17th day of the 2nd month! And then amazingly, after carrying the believers through the judgment, it came to rest on the mountains of Ararat on the 17th day of the 7th month! - In Math.24:37 Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man".
4) The crossing of the Red Sea, personifying the deliverance of the Jews, is believed to have been on the 17th of Nisan.
5) Psalm 23 also has an uncanny relationship to the #17! There are 17 references in the Psalm to the believer & particularly in connection with the doctrine of assurance & security in Christ.
6) The relevance of the #17 is scripturally represented in two particular passages where we have 7 negatives vs 10 positives. Both of these scriptures could personify a rapture:
a) Romans 8:35-39, “What can separate us from the love of Christ? - Nothing!”.
b) Hebrews 12:18-24, the Old vs the New dispensations are contrasted.
7) Finally, we also have the #17 incorporated in the date of the Great Rev.12 Sign itself, 9/23/17. By a simple transposition type decipherization, we have Sept.17, 2023!! Like a sign hidden in plain sight! But without the preponderance of underlying revelation that God has miraculously orchestrated, it stood naked of any real significance. Thus I believe a mystery has been revealed at a time chosen by God. Maybe He really does want His Bride, His Church of born-again believers, to know when He's coming for them!!
Referring back to Queen Esther's Edict of the 23rd, a specific date for the destruction of the enemies of the Jews was given. It was the 13th day of the 12th month (the month of Adar, which is generally March on the Civil calendar). The celebration of Purim is celebrated to this day in commemoration. At this time also, Mordecai (the personification of Jesus) "went out from the presence of the King in royal robes and a large crown of gold and reigned supreme over all the land". This all transpires in the 9th chapter of Esther. Again, Bible Numerology associates the #9 with Divine Judgment & Finality. This of course corresponds perfectly with the Judgments of Tribulation and the resulting manifestation of the 1000 year reign of Christ, as King, & his Church. - It's possible that this date, the 13th day of the 12th month, is also prophetic. However, it could just be symbolic; the #13 represents "the # of ill-omen, Rebellion, & Revolution" and the #12 signifies "the Perfection of Divine Government". This is perfectly logical. It's also possible that the time period between the Edict of the 23rd of Sivan (which personifies the rapture) and the 13th of Adar (which personifies the Tribulation) could be alluding to an 8+ month (or maybe years) period between the Rapture & Tribulation. It seems that more & more Bible scholars are rethinking the Tribulation directly following the Rapture scenario; more likely it will be years. Of course the actual date of the Tribulation (or Day of the Lord) is a secret only God the Father knows.
Interestingly, the God ordained end-time significance of the Book of Esther has been revealed on other levels as well. Although God is never really mentioned in the book, using acrostics (equidistant letter sequences), the name of God is hidden no less than eight times in the text. Moreover, the various instances chronicle the workings of God behind the scenes. The name of the book itself, Esther, means "something hidden"! (From Cosmic Codes by Chuck Missler). It wouldn't surprise me if there were still more secrets to be revealed. I believe the date of the 23rd, as it concerns the rapture, is one of these.
One day the Jew & Jewish nation will also appreciate the Book of Esther as not only historic but prophetic as well. One day Zechariah 12:10 will manifest, "they shall look upon Me whom they have pierced and shall mourn for Him as one morneth for his only son". And then they will celebrate & rejoice as God delivers them from their enemies as he did in the time of Esther. I'm thinking we're getting very close to this time. And a rapture would certainly help seal the deal!
Today, 4/19/19, Good Friday, (and also coincidentally Passover this year), I Googled the #23. This yielded a surprising result! It is often described as "the # of incident". Many historic events can be found to have a connection to the #23. Belief in these connections is known as the 23 Enigma. Some people are obsessed with it. In addition to the Great Sign of 9/23/17, the Book of Esther's ominous Edict date of the 23rd, and the numerous #23 coincidences, we have the following:
1) As noted above, the most famous Psalm, 23, is ominous as well as hopeful.
2) The 1st Morse Code transmission, "What has God wrought!", is from Numbers 23:23. (Recall that Mr.Morse, surely via God's inspiration, gave us our SOS/333 warning! - 3dots, 3dashes, 3dots).
3) Julius Caesar was supposedly stabbed 23 times.
4) William Shakespeare was born & died on April 23rd.
5) The numbers of the infamous date 9-11-2001 add to 23.
6) The Hiroshima bomb was dropped at 8:15 am. 8+15=23.
7) The Titanic sank on 4-15-1912. The #s add to 23.
8) Saddam Hussein was hung 12-30-2006. The #s add to 23.
9) Jezebel is mentioned 23 times in the Bible.
10) Charles Darwin's Origin of Species was published in 1859. Again, #s add to 23.
11) The human cell generally contains 23 pairs of chromosomes.
12) "W" is the 23rd letter of the English alphabet. On the normal computer keyboard, it's right below & between 2 & 3.
As seen, there is certainly something supernatural about the #23 and most have an ominous connotation. It's like God has reserved this # for monumental events, of which the Rapture just may be the ultimate!!
Interestingly, we note also that the Book of Revelation ends with Chapter 22. Possibly there is no Chapter 23 because 23 is representative of the Church which has been raptured in Chapter 4.
Although the #23 is mentioned several times in the Bible, it does not seem to have any particular Biblical Numerical significance, as do others between 1 & 25. This of course seems significant in itself! Moreover, the spiritual significance of the individual numbers, 2 & 3, tie into a Rapture/Resurrection scenario quite nicely.
The #3 of course is the heavenly, Holy Spirit filled number representing the Trinity. It signifies Divine Completeness and Perfection. The 1st occurrence of the #3 is in Gen. 1:13. The third day was the day on which the earth was caused to rise up out of the water, symbolic of that resurrection life which we have in Christ. - Hence 3 is also the number of Resurrection, for it was on the 3rd day that Christ rose from the dead, and was "perfected".
Also there were only 3 individuals who witnessed Jesus' transfiguration/perfected heavenly body on Mt. Hermon.
Also Jesus resurrected 3 persons from the dead.
Also the bodies of the 2 witnesses of Rev.11 were resurrected after 3 days. (Another reference to 23/2023 and the Rapture?)
There are a multitude of threes or triads, and they all bespeak the same Divine Perfection and Completeness wherever they are found.
The #2 is a bit more complicated. It conveys the meaning of Division or Difference, but also Union. A man and woman, though two in number, are made one in marriage (Gen. 2:23-24).
The 2 classes of people, saved & unsaved. The saved will be united in the Body of Christ and be resurrected or raptured. Those who ultimately refuse to repent & obey God will be put to death by being thrown into the Lake of Fire, which is called the 2nd death (Rev. 21:8).
The 1st man Adam sinned and brought death & destruction into the world. Jesus, however, as the 2nd Adam, brings the hope of resurrection and eternal life (1Cor. 15:21-22 & 45-49).
Then there's God's own two-fold revelation to man, the Old and the New Covenants. Law vs Grace; Works vs Faith. But together, they are God's sufficient testimony to provide an everlasting Covenant of Salvation and eternal union with Him in heaven.
More Biblical Signs of a 2023 Rapture:
Genesis 19: 22, 23, 24 (Sodom & Gomorrah)
22 – The righteous are warned to get out of town.
23 – Lot & daughters were delivered from the destruction.
24 – The Lord rained down brimstone & fire on Sodom & Gomorrah.
Genesis 5:23 & 24 – “All the days of Enoch were 365 years. Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.”
Zephaniah 2:3 - "Seek the Lord all you humble of the land... perhaps you will be sheltered on the day of the Lord's anger."
2Thes.2:3 says - "Let no one deceive you by any means; for that day (Day of the Lord) will not come unless the falling away (apostisia) comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,". Chapter 2 goes on to explain (as interpreted by most) that the man of sin (Antichrist) won't be revealed until after the Holy Spirit (the Church) is taken out of the way (raptured).
Concerning this scripture, for centuries, there has been some controversy as to the correct rendering of the Greek word "apostasia". Does it represent "an apostasy, a falling away, rebellion, or departure from the faith", -OR- should it be rendered as "departure, departure of the Church" via the pre-tribulation Rapture? (Some early English translations of the Bible did use the word "departure".) Consensus is the former. However, it's certainly quite possible that a great falling away from the faith will directly follow the extraction of all believers from the earth! Also, although quite speculative, could God have purposely manifested this controversy as a mystery to give us a clue as to the date of the Rapture by incorporating the number 23 in the verse number, i.e., insinuating a 2023 departure/pre-trib rapture? I believe God does love blessing us with a good mystery, particularly if there are numbers involved!
John 12:23 – “Jesus answered them saying, The hour has come that the Son of Man should be glorified”.
This talks of His death, burial, & resurrection. However, could it also possibly allude to a 2023 resurrection/rapture!
John 14:2&3 may also be a 2023 Rapture clue.
2 - "In my Father's house are many mansions.... I go to prepare a place for you"
3 - "I will come again and receive you to Myself; etc."
Note also that 14 is 2x7. The #7 is God's special number. It signifies Spiritual Perfection or Completion. The #14 represents a double measure.
Abraham & 2023 - Two YouTube presentations propose a plausible Abrahamic timeline analogy predicting a 2023 Rapture.
Rabbi Felix Halpern - died, went to heaven, and has been given end-time revelation. One thing the Lord told him was "The Jewish year 5784 will be a time of consequences for the decisions that will be made in 5783." The Jewish New Year 5783 will start on Rosh Hashanah September 25, 2022 and end on Rosh Hashanah 2023. Per Rabbi Felix, the year will be a year of unprecedented calamities & tremendous revival, in addition to the culminating Rapture. I find it amazing that 5+7+8+3 = 23!
4/27/19: Just read an article in Prophecy in the News. Leviticus Chapter 23 talks of God's 7 Feasts. This, along with a well written article by Mike Wigton (, 3/16/21), and what is only recently being understood, that these God ordained feasts were not only established as Jewish traditions, but they are profoundly prophetic and impact those of us today who are Christians.
Approximately 3500 years ago Moses wrote the Book of Leviticus. Throughout the 23rd chapter, God described to Moses His Feasts which were to be celebrated. Seven (the number of completeness) Feasts were very specific "Holy Convocations" which the Israelites were to commemorate to God's Glory & Honor. The first 4 are in the Spring, the last 3 are in the Fall.
The Revelation 12:1&2 astronomical sign which actually happened on September 23, 2017, as noted on the previous page, is the last heavenly sign referenced in the Bible and it's the only one that was labeled "Great". In Jan.2019, I was prompted, I'm guessing by the Holy Spirit, to consider the question, "what if this Rev.12 Great Sign date itself, 9/23/17, is a sign!" Surly it means something! We're talking about a Great & Wondrous End-Time Sign that was orchestrated by God!! Surly He did not just choose this date randomly! Via Biblical Numerology the #9 represents 'Finality, Divine Completeness, or Judgment'. The #17 denotes 'The Perfection of Spiritual Order'. The #23 doesn't possess any special biblical significance, however, maybe the combination could point to the Completion of the "age of grace", the Rapture, &/or Judgment in 2023! It's also amazing and profoundly significant that this sign could only be seen at this time in history due to the advent of recent computer technology. - Also, Referring back to Revelation 12:1 thru 5, consider this: In verses 1&2 (2020&2021), we have birth pains. In verses 3&4 (2022&2023) we have the ominous enormous red dragon (Satan). Then we have verse 5, the Rapture.
2/4/19: Three ("3") days after the above posting, we (the web-site) received an Anonymous Guestbook Comment, i.e., "he/she receives a lot of #s, but lately nothing but the #23"! Plus, an amazing rapture dream!!
And, this same day, I received an invitation to a surprise B.D. party, scheduled for 2/23/19!!!
So, does the #23 represent rapture in 2023? Could that be the B.D. of the Raptured Church! Looks logical, but I'm not going to be dogmatic as yet.
Moreover, it seems we have a Mystery! Neither God (or Satan) will verify this hypothesis with a 3rd #23 coincidence. Instead, it seems I was purposely given ?:22 & ?:24 via my clock, but mysteriously absent has been another #23! - Maybe the #23 or 9/23/17 represent something totally different?
2/7/19: Of course before the possible rapture of Rev.12:5, we have Rev.12:3&4, "Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with 7 heads & 10 horns & 7 crowns on his heads. His tail swept away a third of the stars out of heaven & flung them to the earth." "And the dragon was intent on devouring the child". Historically and prophetically the Red Dragon has represented Satan. He and his band of fallen angels have continuously tried to eradicate Jesus, the Jews, & Christians from the day of Jesus' birth. Israel (as well as the whole world) is certainly being threatened by war and satanic forces of all types. This could likely include the war of Psalm 83 or the Ezekiel 38&39 Gog/Magog war against Israel which will likely precede the rapture. Additionally, it might be possible that the "stars being flung to the earth", besides portraying the angels following Satan, could also represent a meteor catastrophe or a plethora of rockets, missiles, etc.
So, maybe the year 2023 is still a good prophetic date, just not necessarily or exclusively for the rapture. In Chapters 2&3 of Revelation, John ends each of his letters to the 7 churches with "To him that overcometh", he will receive heavenly eternal blessings." Thus, it seems likely that the church will not be spared from the birth-pangs & Red Dragon of Rev.12:3&4. Although I'm sure we'll be spared from the main Tribulation. In 2Thess.2:7&8 Paul explains that the "Wicked One", Antichrist, will not be revealed until after the Holy Spirit, i.e., the Church whose members are the Temple of the Holy Spirit, is taken out of the way, presumably, via the Rapture. I'm guessing that this confirmation of our Blessed Hope will act as an encouragement for the Church to minister & witness in this very likely devastating interim period, from now till Rapture. This should likely include much of the 333 community, those who have accepted God's prompting.
2/12/19: Been thinking & praying on the above. While it's sometimes dangerous to read too much into numerology, the numbers 22 and 24 are very significant prophetic numbers carrying multiple layers of biblical meanings.
The #22 essentially signifies a concentrated essence of the attributes of the number 11: Chaotic, Disorder, Imperfection, or Disintegration, and is generally accompanied by Judgement, particularly governmental. – Although it also expresses Completion & Fullness; the Hebrew alphabet consists of 22 letters. Moreover, the #22 encompasses Hope & Restoration. It seems like no accident that the Bible’s most detailed book of End Time prophecy, the Book of Revelation, has 22 chapters. Thus we see that the #22 is tied to the End-Time sequence of events that ultimately point us to the promised Rapture of believers, the Tribulation, as well as the Restoration of Israel and the coming of the Kingdom. Also, I think it’s possible that the #22 could be alluding to some kind of crisis, possibly in 2022. The middle-east is a cauldron ready to erupt and it might just encompass the whole world. Iran, China, & Russia are all doing a lot of saber rattling. The prophetic war of Psalm 83 &/or Ezekiel 38&39 could be very close. Or, maybe an economic crisis, which has long been projected (see Dream of 2/15/19 below).
The #24 is also particularly relevant. It's associated with priesthood. Born-again believers are considered priests. It's also associated with Rev.4:4 and the 24 elders on 24 thrones surrounding the throne of God in heaven. This is the "rapture chapter"! Rev.4:1&2, "I heard a voice like a trumpet say, "come up here". And at once, I (John) was in the spirit and there before me was the thrown of God in heaven". Could this possibly be a sign that the Church will be in heaven in 2024?!
Additionally, on April 8, 2024 North America will experience a total solar eclipse. It and the total solar eclipse of 2017 (7 yrs earlier & the same year as the Great Sign) will form an ominous "X" over the United States! With the large number of Christians residing in the U.S., that could mean that a rapture in 2023 might result in the demise of the U.S. in 2024!
2/13/19: Today I awoke at 6:23. – Maybe I finally received my 3rd confirmation!?
2/15/19: Today I woke up to "Hay Jack"! No one was there. Clock read 8:33, i.e., New Beginnings : I Promise!
I fell back to sleep & had a Vivid Dream: "Was at a counter with my brother trying to come up with enough money to pay our bill. Money generally in my pocket was not there. But I finally came up with a very crinkled $5 bill! I awoke, the time was 8:53."
Interpretation - No money & crinkled bill could be prophesying bad economic times ahead. $5 could represent 5 years, which would make it 2023. Or the #5 could represent God's Grace. Or maybe the end of God's Grace! 8:53 might be interpreted as - New Beginnings, In 5 years, With God. Maybe Rapture!! That would certainly be God's Grace!
3/4/19: Upon ordering David Jeremiah's The Book of Signs, I noticed my credit card expiration date, 09/23. September 2023!! WOW!
3/7/19: Conferred with my step-daughter & spiritual mentor, Bonnie. To her, the #23 immediately brought to mind Psalm 23. It's a Psalm that has served humanity for eons, and yet seems particularly appropriate at this time. You really need to read it. It totally wraps up God's plan, will, & direction for His end-time Saints, - those who can truly say, "The Lord is my Shepherd". Even though we might "walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death" the Lord will comfort & take care of us, and "we will dwell in the House of the Lord forever". This is truly a personification of the Great 9/23/17 Heavenly Sign of Rev.12 which encompasses birth pains (vs.2), satanic warfare, corruption, etc (vs.3&4), and the Rapture of the Church (vs.5). Wow! What a revelation! It could certainly seem logical that Psalm 23 could be pointing to a 2023 rapture!
And: Just before typing this update, I received the following message from my Computer Cleaning program, "23 programs are slowing your PC"!!
3/23/19: I noted a very good synopsis of Revelation Chapter 12 posted by "Red Moon Rapture" (via Stephanie Dawn)!!
3/28/19: Right after providing the above to pastors at three churches to illicit their thoughts, which were essentially viewed with much skepticism, tonight I received a vivid & disturbing dream. It was in color, which often means it's God driven.
THE DREAM: There's this old light blue bus, not in great condition, for sale on a lot. I (and maybe someone else) open the door & climb aboard. The driver seat is missing. It starts to roll backwards down a steep hill. It's a narrow muddy road with all kinds of obstacles - vehicles, fencing, etc. I tried to drive it, but it's out of control. Brakes barely worked at all. Passing places to pull off but going too fast to safely try. It finally stops at the bottom, an isolated & bit scary spot. We have a small dying, baby alligator. I lay him on a pile of logs. We're concerned for him. There's a small pole with several very small but colorful LED type lights attached. We think that may comfort him. He revives, although still quite weak, and climbs up the light-pole where he calmly rests.
INTERPRETATION: The BUS symbolizes a medium sized ministry. LIGHT BLUE references immature development of a spiritual gift, evil spirit, or corruption. ALLIGATORS symbolize people with "big mouths" who can hurt via lies, rumors, & big tails. (John Paul Jackson – Dreams&Mysteries)
The dream originally seemed to portray a corrupt, false, or misguided ministry or ministry initiative that is heading dangerously backwards, downhill, with no spiritual guidance, which needs to be stopped so that gossip, lies, & false tails can be put to rest via the light of truth. - Scary!
However, after considerable prayer, a clearer picture has emerged. The dream was a manifestation of God portraying my fears of what others, and sometimes myself, are thinking about this controversial ministry, and particularly this 2023 pre-trib rapture hypothesis. I'm convinced that the Lord is telling me that these people who I'm concerned about, represented by the sickly baby alligator, are almost dead when it comes to spiritual end-time &/or rapture wisdom. These, what I've thought of as potentially dangerous people, are really just babes needing to be drawn to the light. And, although this ministry is a bit scary to navigate, it's what God is leading me do. Also, I'm absolutely sure that it is no coincidence that this dream was given me at the same time as this crazy 2023 rapture revelation is manifesting itself and I am trying to reach out to others for some kind of acknowledgment, guidance, or corroboration. Thank You Lord!
4/3/19: Received a Guestbook Comment from Mike - "God is calling His children. We are the Watchmen on the wall and it is our duty to spread the great news of His redeeming love and salvation through His son Jesus. Numbers I see the most - 23, 123, 223, 323, & 333. God wakes me up regularly at 3AM, gives me messages to deliver and dreams to work through. The more we become sensitive to these callings the more He uses us. I have so many occurrences and messages with seeing these numbers that it is no coincidence. My wife had a Vision about the year 2023 but nothing specifically related to that. Of course I never want to assume that we know when Jesus is coming back, but we always need to be prepared. Just like a thief in the night. It may drive you crazy sometimes with the amount of times you see these numbers, but it is just God knocking on the door of your heart. Let Him in! Email me with any questions or concerns. God is great!" [email protected]
Watchman Mike, Wow! Concerning your #23s - this continues to be an amazing & controversial revelation or elaborate satanic hoax! As you can imagine, we're dealing with something very important here. And we have to be very discerning. Like you say, such things can drive a person crazy! God bless your continued watchfulness.
4/12/19: Still praying for revelation. Today, watching my favorite TV Bible teacher, Les Feldick, he mentioned the #23, 3 times!!! Absolutely amazing! And even moreso because this program was originally aired in the mid 1990s! Moreover, the scriptures couldn't be more appropriate at this time! So very Rapture oriented!
1) 1Thess.5:23 - Has to do with the coming of our Lord.
2) John 12:23 - "The hour has come when the Son of Man should be glorified."
3) Romans Chapter 23 - Amazingly, he mis-spoke; there is no Chapter 23 in Romans. He was actually referencing Chapter 3 which has to do with salvation.
NOTE: This might be a good place to reiterate how important numbers are to God. He is totally omniscient and omnipotent in His use of numbers, whether in our lives or in His Word. Even though Bible chapter & verse numbers were added long after the original books were written, God had total control over all aspects of His Word. It is truly a profound & supernatural work. But, its secrets are hidden to the unsaved and those who don’t wish to study, trust, & appreciate its revelations. We are commanded to “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15). And, “All scripture is given by the inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16). Many revelations have been kept secret by the Lord until He’s ready to reveal them. Proverbs 25:2 – “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings to search out a matter.” And Deuteronomy 29:29 – “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things that are revealed belong to us and our children forever.”
4/17/19: It just so happens that for the past few weeks my Sunday School class has been studying the Old Testament Book of Esther. Serendipitously, I just so happened to come across this book, The Mystery of Esther - God's Prophetic Plan and later, Prophecies in the Book of Esther. They reveal the underlying epic & prophetic end-time story having to do with Satan's unending goal of killing all the Jews. Keep in mind that the Book of Esther depicts real people in real events. On another level however, these real people are actors in a drama created & inspired by God. They are acting out past, present, & future events as illustrated in the Bible. Queen Esther (who is symbolic of the Church, including born-again Jews), with the guidance of Mordecai (symbolic of Jesus), issued an "Edict", authorized by the King (symbolic of God), which appoints a day for the Jews to assemble, protect themselves, & destroy their enemies. The Edict was sent out on the 23rd day of the 3rd month, the month of Sivan (our May/June). This is in Chapter 8 & verse 9, (8=New Beginnings & 9=Judgment). The historic Book of Esther goes on to chronicle the defeat of Haman the Jew-hatter (who is symbolic of Satan & Antichrist) and all of the Jews enemies. Moreover, like the Dragon of Rev.12:3&4 which had ten horns (which represent leaders of nations), so Haman had ten sons, who were likewise defeated & killed.
Are there truths in the Book of Esther that are relevant for us today? Does God have a message that He has chosen to reveal, only now, in these last days? Could the revelation of Esther be God's final instruction to His people? Did God give us this date of the 23rd as a clue similar to that of the Rev.12 Great Sign date of 9/23/17? Are they pointing to the year 2023? Interestingly, The name of the book itself, Esther, means Star or Myrtle. Myrtle is a plant with tiny flowers, like stars in the night sky. And of course stars play a major role in Bible prophecy. But more interesting is that the root of Esther in Hebrew refers to hide, conceal, or hiding place. This could allude to there being a hidden meaning in the Book of Esther or even a hidden end-time secret or revelation! I believe the date of the 23rd, as it concerns the rapture, is one of these.
I also find it quite interesting that the Book of Esther was the only Old Testament book not found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. There are several hypotheses as to why this is. But isn’t it interesting and quite coincidental that the only Bible book possibly alluding to the date of the Rapture is missing!
We're told that Esther became the king's bride & queen in the 7th year of his reign, another perfect eschatological picture of Jesus & His bride during the 7th millennium. Delving farther into the Book of Esther, Chapter 8:16&17 tells us that everywhere the Edict of the 23rd went, it was “a time of happiness & joy, gladness & honor, with feasting & celebrating" by God's people. This could be likened to a rapture celebration similar to that of Revelation Chapters 4&5 when the Church is raptured and Jesus assumes Kingship and is given the 7 sealed scroll similar to that of Esther's Edict of the 23rd, which triggers the forthcoming death knell of God's enemies. Moreover, Mordecai (personifying Jesus), was given a Kings crown, remnant, & prominence, just as Jesus will ultimately be crowned & reign preeminent on earth after the rapture & tribulation, (Rev.14:14). Esther 8:17b goes on to say that "many people of other nations became Jews (believers) because fear of the Jews seized them". Again, sounds like the tremendous revival that will surely happen right after the rapture! Thus it seems to me that the Book of Esther is truly prophetic and in light of the significance of the Rev.12 Great Sign, it similarly foreshadows the Rapture in 2023!!
Even more significant, searching scripture, I’m amazed at how often God seems to show us how he feels about the monumental & glorious events that involve the numbers 16&17. First, looking at Bible Numerology, the #16 represents “Love” and the #17, being the combination of two perfect #s, 7&10, represents “Divine Completion”. And what more would represent God's Love & Divine Completion then the Rapture! Moreover, throughout the Bible there are just so many scriptures that associate the #s 16&17 with a rapture or deliverance type experience just like the Book of Esther 8:16&17 does:
1) 1Thes.4:16&17 is the prominent & most important scripture pointing to our rapture, – “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, & with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first." "Then we which are alive & remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air." Moreover, 5:23 talks of "the coming of our Lord", which might just allude to a 2023 Rapture.
2) 1Cor.15:16&17 is the 2nd most prominent, – “If the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either.” “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile.” Moreover, verses 22 thru 24 seem to spell out a possible 2022, 2023, 2024 rapture/tribulation timeline: 22-"For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.” 23 -"But each in his own turn: Christ, the first fruits; then, when he comes, those that belong to him.” & 24 -"Then the end will come.” Verses 51&52 go on to say “Listen I tell you a mystery: we shall not all sleep (die), but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump.”
3) The Book of Matthew - The last two versus of Chapter 16 and the first few versus of Chapter 17.
Chapter 16 - "Assuredly I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom."
Chapter 17 - "Now after six days Jesus took Peter, James, & John, led them up a high mountain by themselves; and He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light. And behold Moses & Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him."
These versus and the transfiguration of Jesus are clearly a prophetic picture of the Rapture. Also note the reference to six days. There's no doubt in my mind that this relates to 6000 years, which is where we are presently at on God's time-line.
4) Exodus 3:16&17 – “The Lord appeared to me and said” “I have promised to bring you up out of your misery in Egypt.”
5) Exodus 19:16&17 – “On the morning of the 3rd day there was thunder and lightning with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast. Everyone in the camp trembled.” “Then Moses led the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain.”
6) Daniel 3:16&17 – “Shadrack, Meshack, & Abednego replied to the king, "we do not need to defend ourselves before you.” “The God we serve is able to save us, he will rescue us from your hand O king.”
7) Malachi 3:16&17 – “concerning those who fear the Lord & honor his name.” “They will be mine, says the Lord Almighty, my treasured possession, on the day that I act. I will spare them, just as in compassion a man spares his son who serves him.” These verses are particularly profound in that they are directly followed by Chapter 4 which talks of the horrendous Day of the Lord!
8) John 2:16&17 – These verses talk of the glorification of Jesus and the raising of Lazarus from the dead.
9) John 3:16&17 – “For God so loved the world… whoever believes in His Son shall not perish” “that the world might be saved through Him.”
10) Acts 15:16&17 - "After these things (the Tribulation), I will return and I will rebuild the Tabernacle of David", "that the remnant of men may seek the Lord, and all the Gentiles who bear my name."
11) Romans 8:16&17 - "The Spirit testifies, we are God's children." "Now if we are children, then we are heirs, heirs of God, and co-heirs of Christ."
12) 2Cor.5:16&17 - "Though we once regarded Christ from a worldly point of view, we do so no longer." "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come."
13) Philemon – This is Paul’s final epistle directed primarily to the Gentiles before Tribulation. It’s a portrait of the rapture. Verse 16 – “no longer a slave, but a dear brother.” Verse 17 – “So welcome him as you would welcome me.”
14) Rev.6:16&17 – “Hide us from the wrath of the Lamb!” “For the great day of his wrath has come.”
15) Rev.7:16&17 – “Never again shall they hunger or thirst.” “For the Lamb will be their Shepard & shall wipe away every tear.”
16) Rev.22:16&17 – “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches.” “The Spirit & the bride say “Come!” And let him who hears say “Come!” Whoever is thirsty, let him come; let him take the free gift of the water of life.”
17) Rev.16:17 - "The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of the temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, "It is done!"
Also, Concerning the #17: (Which represents "The Perfection of Spiritual Order", being the combination of two perfect #s - 7 & 10.)
1) It was on the 17th of Nisan that Queen Esther's 2nd banquet resulted in the hanging of evil Hamon,& his 10 sons and the initiation of the Edict of the 23rd.
2) Moreover, the Book of Esther itself is the 17th book of the Bible!
3) Noah & the ark. Noah & his family were saved, lifted high above the devastating flood, essentially raptured, on the 17th day of the 2nd month! And then amazingly, after carrying the believers through the judgment, it came to rest on the mountains of Ararat on the 17th day of the 7th month! - In Math.24:37 Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man".
4) The crossing of the Red Sea, personifying the deliverance of the Jews, is believed to have been on the 17th of Nisan.
5) Psalm 23 also has an uncanny relationship to the #17! There are 17 references in the Psalm to the believer & particularly in connection with the doctrine of assurance & security in Christ.
6) The relevance of the #17 is scripturally represented in two particular passages where we have 7 negatives vs 10 positives. Both of these scriptures could personify a rapture:
a) Romans 8:35-39, “What can separate us from the love of Christ? - Nothing!”.
b) Hebrews 12:18-24, the Old vs the New dispensations are contrasted.
7) Finally, we also have the #17 incorporated in the date of the Great Rev.12 Sign itself, 9/23/17. By a simple transposition type decipherization, we have Sept.17, 2023!! Like a sign hidden in plain sight! But without the preponderance of underlying revelation that God has miraculously orchestrated, it stood naked of any real significance. Thus I believe a mystery has been revealed at a time chosen by God. Maybe He really does want His Bride, His Church of born-again believers, to know when He's coming for them!!
Referring back to Queen Esther's Edict of the 23rd, a specific date for the destruction of the enemies of the Jews was given. It was the 13th day of the 12th month (the month of Adar, which is generally March on the Civil calendar). The celebration of Purim is celebrated to this day in commemoration. At this time also, Mordecai (the personification of Jesus) "went out from the presence of the King in royal robes and a large crown of gold and reigned supreme over all the land". This all transpires in the 9th chapter of Esther. Again, Bible Numerology associates the #9 with Divine Judgment & Finality. This of course corresponds perfectly with the Judgments of Tribulation and the resulting manifestation of the 1000 year reign of Christ, as King, & his Church. - It's possible that this date, the 13th day of the 12th month, is also prophetic. However, it could just be symbolic; the #13 represents "the # of ill-omen, Rebellion, & Revolution" and the #12 signifies "the Perfection of Divine Government". This is perfectly logical. It's also possible that the time period between the Edict of the 23rd of Sivan (which personifies the rapture) and the 13th of Adar (which personifies the Tribulation) could be alluding to an 8+ month (or maybe years) period between the Rapture & Tribulation. It seems that more & more Bible scholars are rethinking the Tribulation directly following the Rapture scenario; more likely it will be years. Of course the actual date of the Tribulation (or Day of the Lord) is a secret only God the Father knows.
Interestingly, the God ordained end-time significance of the Book of Esther has been revealed on other levels as well. Although God is never really mentioned in the book, using acrostics (equidistant letter sequences), the name of God is hidden no less than eight times in the text. Moreover, the various instances chronicle the workings of God behind the scenes. The name of the book itself, Esther, means "something hidden"! (From Cosmic Codes by Chuck Missler). It wouldn't surprise me if there were still more secrets to be revealed. I believe the date of the 23rd, as it concerns the rapture, is one of these.
One day the Jew & Jewish nation will also appreciate the Book of Esther as not only historic but prophetic as well. One day Zechariah 12:10 will manifest, "they shall look upon Me whom they have pierced and shall mourn for Him as one morneth for his only son". And then they will celebrate & rejoice as God delivers them from their enemies as he did in the time of Esther. I'm thinking we're getting very close to this time. And a rapture would certainly help seal the deal!
Today, 4/19/19, Good Friday, (and also coincidentally Passover this year), I Googled the #23. This yielded a surprising result! It is often described as "the # of incident". Many historic events can be found to have a connection to the #23. Belief in these connections is known as the 23 Enigma. Some people are obsessed with it. In addition to the Great Sign of 9/23/17, the Book of Esther's ominous Edict date of the 23rd, and the numerous #23 coincidences, we have the following:
1) As noted above, the most famous Psalm, 23, is ominous as well as hopeful.
2) The 1st Morse Code transmission, "What has God wrought!", is from Numbers 23:23. (Recall that Mr.Morse, surely via God's inspiration, gave us our SOS/333 warning! - 3dots, 3dashes, 3dots).
3) Julius Caesar was supposedly stabbed 23 times.
4) William Shakespeare was born & died on April 23rd.
5) The numbers of the infamous date 9-11-2001 add to 23.
6) The Hiroshima bomb was dropped at 8:15 am. 8+15=23.
7) The Titanic sank on 4-15-1912. The #s add to 23.
8) Saddam Hussein was hung 12-30-2006. The #s add to 23.
9) Jezebel is mentioned 23 times in the Bible.
10) Charles Darwin's Origin of Species was published in 1859. Again, #s add to 23.
11) The human cell generally contains 23 pairs of chromosomes.
12) "W" is the 23rd letter of the English alphabet. On the normal computer keyboard, it's right below & between 2 & 3.
As seen, there is certainly something supernatural about the #23 and most have an ominous connotation. It's like God has reserved this # for monumental events, of which the Rapture just may be the ultimate!!
Interestingly, we note also that the Book of Revelation ends with Chapter 22. Possibly there is no Chapter 23 because 23 is representative of the Church which has been raptured in Chapter 4.
Although the #23 is mentioned several times in the Bible, it does not seem to have any particular Biblical Numerical significance, as do others between 1 & 25. This of course seems significant in itself! Moreover, the spiritual significance of the individual numbers, 2 & 3, tie into a Rapture/Resurrection scenario quite nicely.
The #3 of course is the heavenly, Holy Spirit filled number representing the Trinity. It signifies Divine Completeness and Perfection. The 1st occurrence of the #3 is in Gen. 1:13. The third day was the day on which the earth was caused to rise up out of the water, symbolic of that resurrection life which we have in Christ. - Hence 3 is also the number of Resurrection, for it was on the 3rd day that Christ rose from the dead, and was "perfected".
Also there were only 3 individuals who witnessed Jesus' transfiguration/perfected heavenly body on Mt. Hermon.
Also Jesus resurrected 3 persons from the dead.
Also the bodies of the 2 witnesses of Rev.11 were resurrected after 3 days. (Another reference to 23/2023 and the Rapture?)
There are a multitude of threes or triads, and they all bespeak the same Divine Perfection and Completeness wherever they are found.
The #2 is a bit more complicated. It conveys the meaning of Division or Difference, but also Union. A man and woman, though two in number, are made one in marriage (Gen. 2:23-24).
The 2 classes of people, saved & unsaved. The saved will be united in the Body of Christ and be resurrected or raptured. Those who ultimately refuse to repent & obey God will be put to death by being thrown into the Lake of Fire, which is called the 2nd death (Rev. 21:8).
The 1st man Adam sinned and brought death & destruction into the world. Jesus, however, as the 2nd Adam, brings the hope of resurrection and eternal life (1Cor. 15:21-22 & 45-49).
Then there's God's own two-fold revelation to man, the Old and the New Covenants. Law vs Grace; Works vs Faith. But together, they are God's sufficient testimony to provide an everlasting Covenant of Salvation and eternal union with Him in heaven.
More Biblical Signs of a 2023 Rapture:
Genesis 19: 22, 23, 24 (Sodom & Gomorrah)
22 – The righteous are warned to get out of town.
23 – Lot & daughters were delivered from the destruction.
24 – The Lord rained down brimstone & fire on Sodom & Gomorrah.
Genesis 5:23 & 24 – “All the days of Enoch were 365 years. Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.”
Zephaniah 2:3 - "Seek the Lord all you humble of the land... perhaps you will be sheltered on the day of the Lord's anger."
2Thes.2:3 says - "Let no one deceive you by any means; for that day (Day of the Lord) will not come unless the falling away (apostisia) comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,". Chapter 2 goes on to explain (as interpreted by most) that the man of sin (Antichrist) won't be revealed until after the Holy Spirit (the Church) is taken out of the way (raptured).
Concerning this scripture, for centuries, there has been some controversy as to the correct rendering of the Greek word "apostasia". Does it represent "an apostasy, a falling away, rebellion, or departure from the faith", -OR- should it be rendered as "departure, departure of the Church" via the pre-tribulation Rapture? (Some early English translations of the Bible did use the word "departure".) Consensus is the former. However, it's certainly quite possible that a great falling away from the faith will directly follow the extraction of all believers from the earth! Also, although quite speculative, could God have purposely manifested this controversy as a mystery to give us a clue as to the date of the Rapture by incorporating the number 23 in the verse number, i.e., insinuating a 2023 departure/pre-trib rapture? I believe God does love blessing us with a good mystery, particularly if there are numbers involved!
John 12:23 – “Jesus answered them saying, The hour has come that the Son of Man should be glorified”.
This talks of His death, burial, & resurrection. However, could it also possibly allude to a 2023 resurrection/rapture!
John 14:2&3 may also be a 2023 Rapture clue.
2 - "In my Father's house are many mansions.... I go to prepare a place for you"
3 - "I will come again and receive you to Myself; etc."
Note also that 14 is 2x7. The #7 is God's special number. It signifies Spiritual Perfection or Completion. The #14 represents a double measure.
Abraham & 2023 - Two YouTube presentations propose a plausible Abrahamic timeline analogy predicting a 2023 Rapture.
- “2023 and the Rapture”, by Full Bible Time Line (FBT) with M. Joseph Hutzler.
- “Is 2023 a Possible Rapture Year?”, by 'Faithful to the Very End'.
Rabbi Felix Halpern - died, went to heaven, and has been given end-time revelation. One thing the Lord told him was "The Jewish year 5784 will be a time of consequences for the decisions that will be made in 5783." The Jewish New Year 5783 will start on Rosh Hashanah September 25, 2022 and end on Rosh Hashanah 2023. Per Rabbi Felix, the year will be a year of unprecedented calamities & tremendous revival, in addition to the culminating Rapture. I find it amazing that 5+7+8+3 = 23!
4/27/19: Just read an article in Prophecy in the News. Leviticus Chapter 23 talks of God's 7 Feasts. This, along with a well written article by Mike Wigton (, 3/16/21), and what is only recently being understood, that these God ordained feasts were not only established as Jewish traditions, but they are profoundly prophetic and impact those of us today who are Christians.
Approximately 3500 years ago Moses wrote the Book of Leviticus. Throughout the 23rd chapter, God described to Moses His Feasts which were to be celebrated. Seven (the number of completeness) Feasts were very specific "Holy Convocations" which the Israelites were to commemorate to God's Glory & Honor. The first 4 are in the Spring, the last 3 are in the Fall.
The first 4 have already manifested prophetically. Jesus died on Passover, He was buried during Unleavened Bread, He arose on First Fruits, and He sent us the holy Spirit on Pentecost. Next on the list is Rosh Hashanah or Feast of Trumpets. In Leviticus 23:24 God proclaimed, "In the 7th month, on the 1st day of the month, you shall have a sabbath-rest, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a Holy Convocation." This feast has not yet manifested prophetically and is thought by many to be a very good candidate for the Rapture. And of course, 7 (the month) is the number of Completion. - Moreover, Rosh Hashanah is one of the "Fall" feasts and I believe the following scripture verifies or at least strongly alludes to a Pre-Tribulation 'Fall' Rapture and the resulting dread & horror that the world will be facing during the Great Tribulation.
Micah 7:1-6: "Woe is me! For I am as when they have gathered the summer fruits, at the gleaning of the vineyard. (Grapes in Israel are harvested August - October). The good (godly) have perished (vanished) out of the earth: no upright person remains. All men lie in wait to shed blood... to do evil. The day of thy visitation has come."
The remaining two Fall feasts, Day of Atonement (aka Yom Kippur) and the Feast of Tabernacles directly follow Rosh Hashanah on the 10th & 15th days of the month. It is thought that these feasts will be realized prophetically during the tribulation when the Jews finally recognize Jesus.
Rosh Hashanah is also the beginning of the Jewish civil New Year. Is it just a coincidence that Leviticus 23:24 could represent 2023 going to 2024!! No, I believe God is giving us a significant clue. I believe that Rosh Hashanah and the year 2023 are intrinsically tied together as a prophetic sign.
4/27/19: Received a Guestbook Comment from Lindsey / Iowa, USA. - "I’m almost 9 mos pregnant and woke up from a contraction. Afterward, I couldn’t quite sleep and was messaging a missionary in Africa. I ended my message to this dear one with “it’s 3:33am and should try to rest” - then felt a prompting I should look up bible verses with that combination and found this site. The Lord tends to speak to me in dreams but this was my first 333 - Just thought I’d share."
Lindsey, So glad you did. This being your 1st 333 & being 9 months pregnant & this being the 27th is another verification (actually 3 in 1) that ties in perfectly with what the Lord seems to be showing us, - that the Church's delivery/rapture is very close, right at the door! You are now an integral part of this crazy 2023 rapture hypothesis! Blessings.
Note: The #27 is 3 cubed. This expresses the concentrated essence of the #3 which signifies Divine Completeness or Perfection. There are 27 books in the New Testament. This represents the Completion of God's Word to mankind and the end of the world as we know it.
5/6/19: Another huge coincidence - I have 5 years of "Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee" on a zip drive that I listen to when driving. Today he finished Nehemiah and just started teaching the Book of Esther! - which we are just now finishing up in our Sunday School class!
5/7/19: Guestbook Comment by Amy. "Today I woke up at 2 am to a train horn (which registered in my mind as a horn, not a whistle). I couldn't get back to sleep. Soon after I heard a different train sound its horn. I live in a "no whistle" zone so if the train sounds there is a problem. Then I heard a 3rd train sound its horn and quickly looked at the clock, 3:33. Immediately I knew I was supposed to walk to the tracks- 3 blocks- and pray over them. As this isn't a great idea in my neighborhood, I was reluctant but I felt an urgent calling so I did and prayers began to flow over the whole neighborhood as I walked there and back. When I got back home, I received words for two people. I had been at the first day of a conference on May 6th and both individuals were at the same conference (2 day conference totally unrelated to religion). I gave them the words. Both messages involved expansion of Biblical leadership and messengers. After the conference, they found me and both messages had happened during the day. When I got home, just now, I searched for "Biblical meaning of 3:33" and found this site. I was incredibly amazed when I saw the connection to your dream of locomotives. (End of page 1). A total of 5 horns sounded during the night from the time I woke up and then I heard 5 trains pass with no horns."
Amy, You know, you're likely making many people envious of your faith & intimacy with the Holy realm! Your 5 horns experience reminds me of the dreams interpreted by Joseph in Genesis Chapter 41 having to do with 7 good years followed by 7 bad years. Let us know if you should find an interpretation.
5/12/19 - Amy, this morning I received the following: The #5 represents Grace. We are in the Age of Grace. Like the 333/SOS & other ministries (trains), we are warning people (blowing our horns). This is going to stop. Maybe in 5 years, 2023. WOW!!!
Also - Concerning the #5, my dream of 2/15/19 also alluded to a 5 year period!
5/25/19: Guestbook Comment by Carolyn Brumley. "This is the first time to your site after seeing 333 on my clock today. I've had a rollercoaster life spiritually. Only until the end of 2015 was I truly awakened and called to serve God more fully. I began to have dreams and visions increasing during 2016. I had a recent vision of a large "23" on the ground. It was a week before May 21-22 which had been all over you-tube. Do you have insight on how 23 might be significant now, even though May 23, 2019 has past?"
Carolyn, I love your testimony. About the "23", it seems that it's another conformation of what the Lord's been revealing to me. And it sounds like you're ready!
5/29/19: Headline News: "FOR FIRST TIME IN REGATHERED ISRAEL’S HISTORY, A DULY-ELECTED PRIME MINISTER FAILS TO FORM A COALITION TRIGGERING AN UNPRECEDENTED REPEAT ELECTION ON SEPTEMBER 17". It would seem God is right on time with one more amazing verification!! And from Israel no less!! How profoundly appropriate! Moreover, what more important "ELECTION" could one make than that of choosing Jesus and thus the "Rapture". What a phenomenal end-time message!
This is an amazing end-time revelation! In John 21:11 we are told that the number of fish Peter caught, after the Resurrected Christ told him to cast his net, was 153. This has got to be a hidden biblical clue to something; why would anyone count the number of fish?! First off, this number is relatively well known as the Resurrection Number; the number resurrects itself, (see "Salvation"). Also, the phrase "sons of God" occurs 7 times in the Bible, and its gematria is exactly 153! Additionally, the gematria of "joint heirs" is 153 x 7! Thus, referring back to Jesus telling his disciples that they will be "fishers of men", the #153 represents "those who are saved", "those who will be resurrected" from the 'sea' of unsaved humanity. God is amazing!!!
Moreover, per Steve Cioccolanti’s book The Devine Code, I learned that 153 is a multiple of ‘9’ (the # of Finality or Divine Completeness, 3x3) and ‘17’ (the combination of two perfect numbers, the # of Perfection of Spiritual Order). Thus amazingly, we also have our projected Rapture date, September 17th! - The #9 could also be associated with Judgment, i.e., the beginning of Tribulation. – The only other numbers that fulfill this scenario are ‘3’ (Divine Completeness or Perfection) and ‘51’ (the # of Divine Revelation – there are 51 Books in the Jewish Bible). These numbers could very likely magnify the significance of the above.
Furthermore, Steve points out that besides 153, there are 3 other three-digit numbers in the New Testament. They are all divisible by 3, and amazingly, they are all ‘triangular numbers’ or numbers that can fill an equilateral triangle perfectly! (Think of racking balls on a pool table.)
Thus we have the following:
120 is the 15th triangular number, (disciples in the Upper Room, post-resurrection)
153 is the 17th triangular number, (fish in Peter’s net, post-resurrection. The Resurrection #)
276 is the 23rd triangular number, (lives saved on Paul’s shipwreck at Malta Acts 27:34-37)
666 is the 36th triangular number, (number of the Beast or Anti-Christ)
As noted, 153 & 276 deal with salvation and AMAZINGLY, we not only have our Rapture day again, the 17th, but we also have the year 2023!!! Also, when we look at the sum of the 4 numbers (1215), 1+2+1+5 is equal to ‘9’. And thus again, we have the full date of our Rapture, September 17, 2023!
Now this is just extra, but the gematria of the first 3 words of Genesis 1:1 plus the first 3 words of Genesis 1:2 is also 1215! And, 1+1=2 & 1+2=3, i.e., 23! - Is this all some kind of weird coincidence fluke, or is this really something God is communicating to us through intelligent design and wants us to know at this particular time?!! Personally, I don’t think there is really any question. I believe this is an outstanding verification of the date of the resurrection of those Saints who have died and of our rapture.
The multitude of coincidences & synchronicity of the above happenings & corroborating comments within such a short time frame are nothing less than supernatural. I am convinced that God did indeed orchestrate all of this. I am not a man of degrees like many theologians. If all this weren't just laid out, like on a silver platter, I would never have been able to piece it all together. This is totally a God thing! He put the pieces together like a beautiful jig-saw puzzle. Moreover, I believe this 2023 rapture scenario has been overwhelmingly supported by scripture, particularly the Rev.12 Great Sign, the Book of Esther, Micah 7:1-6, the 153 fish of John 21:11, & the profound significance of all the Verses 16&17 number combinations. Each of these taken separately could seem coincidental, but taken together they point to a true prophetic revelation. Granted, Satan could likely counterfeit coincidences, but I don't believe he could vilify scripture. There is now absolutely no doubt in my mind that God wants this date, September 16&17, 2023, made known & set in stone! Although, some people will continue to complain, "but nobody is to know the day or hour!” As discussed previously, (“But Nobody Knows”), that applies to the "the Day of the Lord" specifically, which this is not. The Day of the Lord is a horrendous 7 year time period and it's even likely to be several days, weeks, months, or years after the Rapture! - Moreover, although this may or may not be relevant, if God prophesied Christ's 1st coming, via the Old Testament & particularly Daniel 9:25, why wouldn't he make his 2nd advent known? God does keep it somewhat veiled in scripture, just like that of Jesus' 1st coming, but they really should have known!
As noted above, every Biblical Feast links up with a prophetic event, and the next event on the prophetic calendar is Rosh Hashanah / The Feast of Trumpets. It's one of the most important holidays on the Jewish calendar. It’s a two-day celebration that begins on the 1st day of Tishrei. Coinciding secular dates vary from mid-September to early October. In 2023 it will be celebrated on Sept.16&17!!! Moreover, it just so happens to be Saturday (the Jewish Sabbath) and Sunday (the Christian Sabbath) in the year 2023!! (In 2021 it's Tue.&Wed., in 2022 it's Mon.&Tue., in 2024 it's Thur.&Fri.). Rosh Hashanah is also known as "the Feast for which you do not know the day or the hour"; it depends on the sighting of the New Moon.
Rosh Hashanah in the Jewish culture, has always been symbolic of the rapture & the resurrection of the dead. And it's also known as the “Day of Judgment”. The ten days, the Days of Awe, from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur are known as the High Holy Days, the most sacred time of the Jewish year. Because Rosh Hashanah is the “Day of Judgment”, awe & dread are a part of its message. Each day of the preceding month a shofar is blown to warn the people that Rosh Hashanah is approaching. In addition to the theme of awakening and a call to repent, the sounding of the shofar is associated with a message to prepare for the coming of the Messiah, get ready to meet the Lord. According to Jewish scholars, the day of Rosh Hashanah involves the sounding of the Last Trumpet, such as mentioned in 1Cor.15:51&52, i.e. "Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." – So, is this a supernatural verification of the day of the rapture?!! I'm leaning towards definitely!! And what better sign to the Jew than this happening on one of their most holy feast days. God is absolutely amazing!!! The rapture of Christians on Rosh Hashanah will surely awaken the Jews, as well as the whole world, as to the true identity of Jesus. That is of course, those who aren't persuaded by Satan's explanation of the Rapture!
Note: I need to thank Joseph Good of Hatikva Ministries for two books, Prophecies in the Book of Esther & Rosh Hashanah & the Messianic Kingdom to Come, which were invaluable in my research.
6/7/2021 - Prompted by an article in the June 2021 publication of the 'Prophecy Watcher', we were possibly given another Rapture date verification.
In John 17:23 Jesus prays to the Father, "that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them (born-again believers) as You have loved Me."
What better way, maybe the only way now-a-days, for God to show the world the truth of Jesus and His love for believers than to make known the specific date of the Rapture to the whole world. Otherwise, Satan's lies & deceptions would certainly fill the gap!
Yes, the Month is missing, but all will know that Rosh Hashanah in 2023 is September 16&17.
So, we have the year and the day of our soon coming rapture, now what about the HOUR. That's a bit more complicated. We know the Rapture will be on the 17th in Jerusalem. We know that the last ram's-horn trumpet will be blown on Rosh Hashanah, but when? - Sunrise on 17th? Or during the special Jewish service called the Mussaf, where the last trumpet blast, called the great Teki'ah, is very long & drawn out? In Judaism, the gates of heaven are opened during the Mussaf service of Rosh Hashanah and closed on Yom Kippur. Then again, maybe it will be at the completion of Rosh Hashanah, 6pm on the 17th.
However, although Rosh Hashanah and the associated trumpet blasts may symbolize the Rapture, it’s likely that the Last Trumpet will not be sounded by humans at all. Per 1Thess.4:16&17 it seems that the Last Trumpet is clearly sounded by God himself, - “For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.” - Or, maybe after the 100 trumpet blasts of Rosh Hashanah, God’s trumpet will be the last. Moreover, as His trumpet call is for the Church, it’s likely that it would be heard all over the world, not just Jerusalem.
What more-so complicates this mystery is the difference between our traditional start of a days beginning, 12am midnight, versus that of the Jewish tradition being 6pm the previous day. I’m pretty sure we should use the Jewish tradition. However, as their days were measured from 6pm to 6pm, their hourly references are similar to that of the rest of us. As seen in Mark 15:25, 33, & 34, we’re told that Jesus was crucified at the 3rd hour. (This has always been interpreted as 9am.) Then there was darkness over the land from the 6th hour to the 9th hour (12 noon to 3pm). It was about the 9th hour when he cried out and breathed his last. He was then entombed in the evening per Mark 15:42. These numbers are very significant; they all encompass God’s number, the #3. Moreover, Matthew 27:45-52 gives us additional details. When Jesus died, about 3pm, the veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom, the earth quaked, rocks were split, and graves were opened; many bodies of saints were raised. Maybe this could represent a trumpet blast & Rapture.
On the other hand, Jesus’ resurrection could likely be referred to as a rapture. Per 1Corinthians 15:20-23, He was considered the 1st Fruits of those coming after him. Thus, might it be possible that the hour of our rapture might be similar to His? Matthew 28:1, Mark 16:1,2,&9, Luke 24:1, & John 20:1 make it very clear that Jesus arose very early on Sunday morning. However, per John 20:17, He had not yet ascended to heaven. At the tomb, still early that morning, Jesus said to Mary, who first thought he was a gardener, “Do not cling to me for I have not yet ascended to My Father.” It wasn’t until later that “Jesus appeared in another form”, (His resurrected body?), to two disciples as they walked on a country road to Emmaus, (Mark 16:12 and Luke 24:13). It’s still hypothetical of course, but this could certainly suggest that our rapture could also be on Sunday morning, maybe early.
Now, even more relevant, let’s take a look at the first trumpet that God himself sounded on Mt. Sinai when He called Moses and the children of Israel to meet with Him at the mountain. This initiated the marriage type relationship that God made with Israel that if they would obey His voice and keep His commands, that they would be a special treasure above all people (Exodus 19:5). This could certainly be likened to a Rapture call!! Indeed, this sounds like the relationship that God, through Jesus, wants with His Church of born-again believers, those that He is going to call together via the Rapture. Again, both are initiated via the Trumpet of God. Ecclesiastes 1:9 comes to mind, “That which HAS BEEN is what WILL BE, that which IS DONE is what WILL BE DONE.”
Exodus 19:16 – “On the 3rd day, in the morning, the sound of the trumpet was very loud.”
Exodus 19:17 – “And Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet with God.”
We notice here that 1) The trumpet was sounded in the morning. Of course just because His 1st trumpet call was blown in the morning doesn’t mean His 2nd trumpet call will follow suit. But we can’t rule it out as an important clue. 2) It’s interesting that Exodus 19:16 references the 3rd day. I don't know why this was even mentioned, however, similarly, it will be on the 3rd day of Rosh Hashanah that the Rapture trumpet will sound. - Per the Jewish calendar, in 2023, Rosh Hashanah actually starts at 6 PM Friday and ends 6 PM Sunday, thus three days on our Gregorian calendar. 3) We again have Verses 16 & 17 which were mentioned previously to establish the concept and the day of the Rapture. Or more precisely, the days of the Rapture. - Because of the International Date Line the loss of a day is dictated when moving from east to west. This also imposes limits as to what hour the trumpet & Rapture can happen in Israel on the 17th such that throughout the world the Trumpet & Rapture will happen either on the 17th or 16th. Also, it’s well to note that we have the 16&17 combination that Rosh Hashanah incorporates! This in itself is more proof of God's profound handiwork in that He established Rosh Hashanah as a two day celebration! God is omnipotent!! And the Bible is indeed His supernatural & trustworthy handbook for humanity.
So now, per the following World Time Chart, 6am till noon, Jerusalem time, does meet the 16/17 criteria. On the other hand, 3pm on the 17th would result in 4 of 143 Major Cities in the world experiencing the Rapture on Monday the 18th, which is unacceptable. Thus it would seem, Jesus’ resurrection/ascension and God’s first trumpet blast on Mt. Sinai, which were both in the morning, certainly look like logical predictors of the time of our Trumpet Blast & Rapture.
Israel (Sunday, 17th) vs 143 Major Cities
6am ---- 44 Saturdays, the 16th
9am ------ 8 Saturdays
12 Noon -- 1 Saturday
3pm ----- 4 Mondays, the 18th
I like the concept of a very early Rapture in Jerusalem, however, a 6am Rapture would result in the entire North American continent experiencing a Saturday evening Rapture and 9am would result in half the continent not experiencing a Sunday Rapture. Thus, I really think it would be logical & appropriate if God chose Sunday at 12 Noon in Jerusalem for the Rapture. This would result in blessing the ultimate number of non-believers in the world, because Sunday is known the world over as the Lord’s Day. And per 1Timothy 2:4, “God desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth”. The only territories that would not experience a Sunday Rapture are Hawaii & some small Islands in the South Pacific.
Another thing, and this is extremely important, a Noon Rapture would be analogous to the start of the “darkness that came over all the land, from Noon to 3pm” when Jesus was dying on the cross, (Matthew 27:45, Mark 15:33, & Luke 23:44). Similarly, at the moment of the Rapture, a 'spiritual darkness', sorrow, & trepidation will envelope the whole world.
Moreover, a Sunday Rapture versus a Sabbath Rapture would be a very significant sign to the entire Jewish population as to how much God loves Christians, the Body of Christ, and how the Jews have so missed the mark. I’m sure this is one of God’s ultimate goals – to bring salvation to His chosen people, even though most will have to go through the 7 year Tribulation. As Paul puts it in Romans 11:14, “in the hope that I may arouse my own people to envy and save some of them.” Naturally, I’m sure the same applies to all unbelievers.
Now although this may be somewhat premature, if we assume a 12 Noon, Sunday, September 17, 2023 Rapture in Jerusalem, the following table shows corresponding rapture times for various cities around the world. However, taking all of the above into consideration, and knowing for certain that God has given me this assignment, I am feeling quite comfortable with this Rapture hypothesis.
Sunday September 17, 2023
(Adjusted for Daylight Savings Time)
12 Noon Sun. - Jerusalem, Baghdad, Istanbul, Minsk
11 AM Sun. --- Rome, Frankfurt, Brussels, Paris
10 AM Sun. --- London, Dublin, Casablanca
5 AM Sun. --- New York, Toronto, Miami, Havana
4 AM Sun. --- Chicago, Houston, Mexico City
2 AM Sun. --- Las Vegas, Los Angelis, Phoenix
1 AM Sun. --- Anchorage, Alaska
11 PM Sat. ---- Honolulu, Hawaii
------ International Date Line ------
7 PM Sun. --- Melbourne, Sydney
6 PM Sun. --- Tokyo, Seoul
5 PM Sun. --- Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai, Manila
4 PM Sun. --- Bangkok, Hanoi
3 PM Sun. --- Dhaka, Yangon
1 PM Sun. --- Tehran, Dubai
I realize that setting a date is a profound step and I certainly don't feel qualified to be the one receiving or purveying these revelations. Moreover, friends & family would agree; most have been quite skeptical. And alas, now that Rosh Hashanah has passed with no Rapture, all I can do is apologize for any inconveniences I may have caused. I should probably just give up and spare myself additional embarrassment. But, I just can't help feeling that the multitude of signs, coincidences, etc. were truly orchestrated by God and maybe I need to dig a bit deeper. So here we go.
First of all, I am completely comfortable with this, 2023, being the Rapture year. There were just too many signs, coincidences, scripture, 3rd party comments, etc.: 1) The Revelation 12 sign of 9/23/17. 2) The Book of Esther's Edict Date, the 23rd. 3) The numerous personal coincidences and comments referencing the number 23. 4) The 23 Enigma. 5) Psalm 23.
Now, about the Day of the Rapture; I was completely convinced that the 17th was the day due to all the versus 16&17 that related to a rapture or salvation scenario, starting with those in the Book of Esther. Moreover, 16&17 miraculously line up with the date of this years Rosh Hashanah celebration. That really convinced me! Of course it wasn't, which left me confused and disappointed. - Maybe it was just meant to be another end-time sign.
Several days later, October 5th, I was given the following revelation (or thought). 16+17=33. Jesus was 33 when He died on the cross for us. We celebrate Jesus' birth on December 25th. 25=5x5; which expresses the concentrated essence of the significance of the number 5, which is GRACE. What more profound expression of God's Grace & Love for the Church than the Rapture. As Christmas relates to Christ's birth into the world, so possibly it might relate to the Christian's birth (or Rapture) into Heaven! - Just a thought. I'm not going to be dogmatic this time. But, I'm still sticking with 2023 as the year.
For the Rapture to happen on Christmas would be an ideal day to make the Jews jealous and nudge them toward belief in Jesus. Similarly, it would nudge those borderline Christians who don't celebrate Christmas as a truly spiritual holiday as opposed to the vulgar commercialized travesty that it's become.
John 12:23 – “Jesus answered them saying, The hour has come that the Son of Man should be glorified”. This talks of Jesus' death, burial, & resurrection. However, could it also possibly allude to a 2023 resurrection/rapture!
10/2/2019: Guestbook Comment from Neil / Australia. - "333 and 1111 since 2017. Hi, I feel compelled to let you know about a funny little instance that just happened, make of it what you will... Just found your website tonight after feeling another strong pull to connect with God on a higher level. I've been hesitant to join religion thus far, but would like to, just a bit lost in what to trust. While reading through 'God's End-Time SOS' I reached the end of the first part of 'End-Time Signs'. Realizing I had become caught up reading and it was surely late I went to look at the time, 11:23pm...I was a bit disappointed I didn't see 11:11.... That was until I continued reading into the next part, 'A Personal Hypothesis - Rapture Rosh Hashanah 2023'. Wowzers...really, hahaha!! Then when deciding to type this, I noticed the date just changed from the 2nd to the 3rd of October, and my battery is at 23%. Hmmmmm!! - Any advice on where a non religious person should start would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time and great website, I look forward to reading the rest. All the best, [email protected] Ps. 12:23am!!
Neil, Yes, Wowzers! And a blessing for me as well as yourself. I do sympathize with your trust issues; there are so many questionable teachings & churches out there! But it would seem that God is certainly trying to help you connect with Him. By this time you've probably already read my advice on the 'Salvation' page.
Micah 7:1-6: "Woe is me! For I am as when they have gathered the summer fruits, at the gleaning of the vineyard. (Grapes in Israel are harvested August - October). The good (godly) have perished (vanished) out of the earth: no upright person remains. All men lie in wait to shed blood... to do evil. The day of thy visitation has come."
The remaining two Fall feasts, Day of Atonement (aka Yom Kippur) and the Feast of Tabernacles directly follow Rosh Hashanah on the 10th & 15th days of the month. It is thought that these feasts will be realized prophetically during the tribulation when the Jews finally recognize Jesus.
Rosh Hashanah is also the beginning of the Jewish civil New Year. Is it just a coincidence that Leviticus 23:24 could represent 2023 going to 2024!! No, I believe God is giving us a significant clue. I believe that Rosh Hashanah and the year 2023 are intrinsically tied together as a prophetic sign.
4/27/19: Received a Guestbook Comment from Lindsey / Iowa, USA. - "I’m almost 9 mos pregnant and woke up from a contraction. Afterward, I couldn’t quite sleep and was messaging a missionary in Africa. I ended my message to this dear one with “it’s 3:33am and should try to rest” - then felt a prompting I should look up bible verses with that combination and found this site. The Lord tends to speak to me in dreams but this was my first 333 - Just thought I’d share."
Lindsey, So glad you did. This being your 1st 333 & being 9 months pregnant & this being the 27th is another verification (actually 3 in 1) that ties in perfectly with what the Lord seems to be showing us, - that the Church's delivery/rapture is very close, right at the door! You are now an integral part of this crazy 2023 rapture hypothesis! Blessings.
Note: The #27 is 3 cubed. This expresses the concentrated essence of the #3 which signifies Divine Completeness or Perfection. There are 27 books in the New Testament. This represents the Completion of God's Word to mankind and the end of the world as we know it.
5/6/19: Another huge coincidence - I have 5 years of "Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee" on a zip drive that I listen to when driving. Today he finished Nehemiah and just started teaching the Book of Esther! - which we are just now finishing up in our Sunday School class!
5/7/19: Guestbook Comment by Amy. "Today I woke up at 2 am to a train horn (which registered in my mind as a horn, not a whistle). I couldn't get back to sleep. Soon after I heard a different train sound its horn. I live in a "no whistle" zone so if the train sounds there is a problem. Then I heard a 3rd train sound its horn and quickly looked at the clock, 3:33. Immediately I knew I was supposed to walk to the tracks- 3 blocks- and pray over them. As this isn't a great idea in my neighborhood, I was reluctant but I felt an urgent calling so I did and prayers began to flow over the whole neighborhood as I walked there and back. When I got back home, I received words for two people. I had been at the first day of a conference on May 6th and both individuals were at the same conference (2 day conference totally unrelated to religion). I gave them the words. Both messages involved expansion of Biblical leadership and messengers. After the conference, they found me and both messages had happened during the day. When I got home, just now, I searched for "Biblical meaning of 3:33" and found this site. I was incredibly amazed when I saw the connection to your dream of locomotives. (End of page 1). A total of 5 horns sounded during the night from the time I woke up and then I heard 5 trains pass with no horns."
Amy, You know, you're likely making many people envious of your faith & intimacy with the Holy realm! Your 5 horns experience reminds me of the dreams interpreted by Joseph in Genesis Chapter 41 having to do with 7 good years followed by 7 bad years. Let us know if you should find an interpretation.
5/12/19 - Amy, this morning I received the following: The #5 represents Grace. We are in the Age of Grace. Like the 333/SOS & other ministries (trains), we are warning people (blowing our horns). This is going to stop. Maybe in 5 years, 2023. WOW!!!
Also - Concerning the #5, my dream of 2/15/19 also alluded to a 5 year period!
5/25/19: Guestbook Comment by Carolyn Brumley. "This is the first time to your site after seeing 333 on my clock today. I've had a rollercoaster life spiritually. Only until the end of 2015 was I truly awakened and called to serve God more fully. I began to have dreams and visions increasing during 2016. I had a recent vision of a large "23" on the ground. It was a week before May 21-22 which had been all over you-tube. Do you have insight on how 23 might be significant now, even though May 23, 2019 has past?"
Carolyn, I love your testimony. About the "23", it seems that it's another conformation of what the Lord's been revealing to me. And it sounds like you're ready!
5/29/19: Headline News: "FOR FIRST TIME IN REGATHERED ISRAEL’S HISTORY, A DULY-ELECTED PRIME MINISTER FAILS TO FORM A COALITION TRIGGERING AN UNPRECEDENTED REPEAT ELECTION ON SEPTEMBER 17". It would seem God is right on time with one more amazing verification!! And from Israel no less!! How profoundly appropriate! Moreover, what more important "ELECTION" could one make than that of choosing Jesus and thus the "Rapture". What a phenomenal end-time message!
This is an amazing end-time revelation! In John 21:11 we are told that the number of fish Peter caught, after the Resurrected Christ told him to cast his net, was 153. This has got to be a hidden biblical clue to something; why would anyone count the number of fish?! First off, this number is relatively well known as the Resurrection Number; the number resurrects itself, (see "Salvation"). Also, the phrase "sons of God" occurs 7 times in the Bible, and its gematria is exactly 153! Additionally, the gematria of "joint heirs" is 153 x 7! Thus, referring back to Jesus telling his disciples that they will be "fishers of men", the #153 represents "those who are saved", "those who will be resurrected" from the 'sea' of unsaved humanity. God is amazing!!!
Moreover, per Steve Cioccolanti’s book The Devine Code, I learned that 153 is a multiple of ‘9’ (the # of Finality or Divine Completeness, 3x3) and ‘17’ (the combination of two perfect numbers, the # of Perfection of Spiritual Order). Thus amazingly, we also have our projected Rapture date, September 17th! - The #9 could also be associated with Judgment, i.e., the beginning of Tribulation. – The only other numbers that fulfill this scenario are ‘3’ (Divine Completeness or Perfection) and ‘51’ (the # of Divine Revelation – there are 51 Books in the Jewish Bible). These numbers could very likely magnify the significance of the above.
Furthermore, Steve points out that besides 153, there are 3 other three-digit numbers in the New Testament. They are all divisible by 3, and amazingly, they are all ‘triangular numbers’ or numbers that can fill an equilateral triangle perfectly! (Think of racking balls on a pool table.)
Thus we have the following:
120 is the 15th triangular number, (disciples in the Upper Room, post-resurrection)
153 is the 17th triangular number, (fish in Peter’s net, post-resurrection. The Resurrection #)
276 is the 23rd triangular number, (lives saved on Paul’s shipwreck at Malta Acts 27:34-37)
666 is the 36th triangular number, (number of the Beast or Anti-Christ)
As noted, 153 & 276 deal with salvation and AMAZINGLY, we not only have our Rapture day again, the 17th, but we also have the year 2023!!! Also, when we look at the sum of the 4 numbers (1215), 1+2+1+5 is equal to ‘9’. And thus again, we have the full date of our Rapture, September 17, 2023!
Now this is just extra, but the gematria of the first 3 words of Genesis 1:1 plus the first 3 words of Genesis 1:2 is also 1215! And, 1+1=2 & 1+2=3, i.e., 23! - Is this all some kind of weird coincidence fluke, or is this really something God is communicating to us through intelligent design and wants us to know at this particular time?!! Personally, I don’t think there is really any question. I believe this is an outstanding verification of the date of the resurrection of those Saints who have died and of our rapture.
The multitude of coincidences & synchronicity of the above happenings & corroborating comments within such a short time frame are nothing less than supernatural. I am convinced that God did indeed orchestrate all of this. I am not a man of degrees like many theologians. If all this weren't just laid out, like on a silver platter, I would never have been able to piece it all together. This is totally a God thing! He put the pieces together like a beautiful jig-saw puzzle. Moreover, I believe this 2023 rapture scenario has been overwhelmingly supported by scripture, particularly the Rev.12 Great Sign, the Book of Esther, Micah 7:1-6, the 153 fish of John 21:11, & the profound significance of all the Verses 16&17 number combinations. Each of these taken separately could seem coincidental, but taken together they point to a true prophetic revelation. Granted, Satan could likely counterfeit coincidences, but I don't believe he could vilify scripture. There is now absolutely no doubt in my mind that God wants this date, September 16&17, 2023, made known & set in stone! Although, some people will continue to complain, "but nobody is to know the day or hour!” As discussed previously, (“But Nobody Knows”), that applies to the "the Day of the Lord" specifically, which this is not. The Day of the Lord is a horrendous 7 year time period and it's even likely to be several days, weeks, months, or years after the Rapture! - Moreover, although this may or may not be relevant, if God prophesied Christ's 1st coming, via the Old Testament & particularly Daniel 9:25, why wouldn't he make his 2nd advent known? God does keep it somewhat veiled in scripture, just like that of Jesus' 1st coming, but they really should have known!
As noted above, every Biblical Feast links up with a prophetic event, and the next event on the prophetic calendar is Rosh Hashanah / The Feast of Trumpets. It's one of the most important holidays on the Jewish calendar. It’s a two-day celebration that begins on the 1st day of Tishrei. Coinciding secular dates vary from mid-September to early October. In 2023 it will be celebrated on Sept.16&17!!! Moreover, it just so happens to be Saturday (the Jewish Sabbath) and Sunday (the Christian Sabbath) in the year 2023!! (In 2021 it's Tue.&Wed., in 2022 it's Mon.&Tue., in 2024 it's Thur.&Fri.). Rosh Hashanah is also known as "the Feast for which you do not know the day or the hour"; it depends on the sighting of the New Moon.
Rosh Hashanah in the Jewish culture, has always been symbolic of the rapture & the resurrection of the dead. And it's also known as the “Day of Judgment”. The ten days, the Days of Awe, from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur are known as the High Holy Days, the most sacred time of the Jewish year. Because Rosh Hashanah is the “Day of Judgment”, awe & dread are a part of its message. Each day of the preceding month a shofar is blown to warn the people that Rosh Hashanah is approaching. In addition to the theme of awakening and a call to repent, the sounding of the shofar is associated with a message to prepare for the coming of the Messiah, get ready to meet the Lord. According to Jewish scholars, the day of Rosh Hashanah involves the sounding of the Last Trumpet, such as mentioned in 1Cor.15:51&52, i.e. "Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." – So, is this a supernatural verification of the day of the rapture?!! I'm leaning towards definitely!! And what better sign to the Jew than this happening on one of their most holy feast days. God is absolutely amazing!!! The rapture of Christians on Rosh Hashanah will surely awaken the Jews, as well as the whole world, as to the true identity of Jesus. That is of course, those who aren't persuaded by Satan's explanation of the Rapture!
Note: I need to thank Joseph Good of Hatikva Ministries for two books, Prophecies in the Book of Esther & Rosh Hashanah & the Messianic Kingdom to Come, which were invaluable in my research.
6/7/2021 - Prompted by an article in the June 2021 publication of the 'Prophecy Watcher', we were possibly given another Rapture date verification.
In John 17:23 Jesus prays to the Father, "that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them (born-again believers) as You have loved Me."
What better way, maybe the only way now-a-days, for God to show the world the truth of Jesus and His love for believers than to make known the specific date of the Rapture to the whole world. Otherwise, Satan's lies & deceptions would certainly fill the gap!
Yes, the Month is missing, but all will know that Rosh Hashanah in 2023 is September 16&17.
So, we have the year and the day of our soon coming rapture, now what about the HOUR. That's a bit more complicated. We know the Rapture will be on the 17th in Jerusalem. We know that the last ram's-horn trumpet will be blown on Rosh Hashanah, but when? - Sunrise on 17th? Or during the special Jewish service called the Mussaf, where the last trumpet blast, called the great Teki'ah, is very long & drawn out? In Judaism, the gates of heaven are opened during the Mussaf service of Rosh Hashanah and closed on Yom Kippur. Then again, maybe it will be at the completion of Rosh Hashanah, 6pm on the 17th.
However, although Rosh Hashanah and the associated trumpet blasts may symbolize the Rapture, it’s likely that the Last Trumpet will not be sounded by humans at all. Per 1Thess.4:16&17 it seems that the Last Trumpet is clearly sounded by God himself, - “For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.” - Or, maybe after the 100 trumpet blasts of Rosh Hashanah, God’s trumpet will be the last. Moreover, as His trumpet call is for the Church, it’s likely that it would be heard all over the world, not just Jerusalem.
What more-so complicates this mystery is the difference between our traditional start of a days beginning, 12am midnight, versus that of the Jewish tradition being 6pm the previous day. I’m pretty sure we should use the Jewish tradition. However, as their days were measured from 6pm to 6pm, their hourly references are similar to that of the rest of us. As seen in Mark 15:25, 33, & 34, we’re told that Jesus was crucified at the 3rd hour. (This has always been interpreted as 9am.) Then there was darkness over the land from the 6th hour to the 9th hour (12 noon to 3pm). It was about the 9th hour when he cried out and breathed his last. He was then entombed in the evening per Mark 15:42. These numbers are very significant; they all encompass God’s number, the #3. Moreover, Matthew 27:45-52 gives us additional details. When Jesus died, about 3pm, the veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom, the earth quaked, rocks were split, and graves were opened; many bodies of saints were raised. Maybe this could represent a trumpet blast & Rapture.
On the other hand, Jesus’ resurrection could likely be referred to as a rapture. Per 1Corinthians 15:20-23, He was considered the 1st Fruits of those coming after him. Thus, might it be possible that the hour of our rapture might be similar to His? Matthew 28:1, Mark 16:1,2,&9, Luke 24:1, & John 20:1 make it very clear that Jesus arose very early on Sunday morning. However, per John 20:17, He had not yet ascended to heaven. At the tomb, still early that morning, Jesus said to Mary, who first thought he was a gardener, “Do not cling to me for I have not yet ascended to My Father.” It wasn’t until later that “Jesus appeared in another form”, (His resurrected body?), to two disciples as they walked on a country road to Emmaus, (Mark 16:12 and Luke 24:13). It’s still hypothetical of course, but this could certainly suggest that our rapture could also be on Sunday morning, maybe early.
Now, even more relevant, let’s take a look at the first trumpet that God himself sounded on Mt. Sinai when He called Moses and the children of Israel to meet with Him at the mountain. This initiated the marriage type relationship that God made with Israel that if they would obey His voice and keep His commands, that they would be a special treasure above all people (Exodus 19:5). This could certainly be likened to a Rapture call!! Indeed, this sounds like the relationship that God, through Jesus, wants with His Church of born-again believers, those that He is going to call together via the Rapture. Again, both are initiated via the Trumpet of God. Ecclesiastes 1:9 comes to mind, “That which HAS BEEN is what WILL BE, that which IS DONE is what WILL BE DONE.”
Exodus 19:16 – “On the 3rd day, in the morning, the sound of the trumpet was very loud.”
Exodus 19:17 – “And Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet with God.”
We notice here that 1) The trumpet was sounded in the morning. Of course just because His 1st trumpet call was blown in the morning doesn’t mean His 2nd trumpet call will follow suit. But we can’t rule it out as an important clue. 2) It’s interesting that Exodus 19:16 references the 3rd day. I don't know why this was even mentioned, however, similarly, it will be on the 3rd day of Rosh Hashanah that the Rapture trumpet will sound. - Per the Jewish calendar, in 2023, Rosh Hashanah actually starts at 6 PM Friday and ends 6 PM Sunday, thus three days on our Gregorian calendar. 3) We again have Verses 16 & 17 which were mentioned previously to establish the concept and the day of the Rapture. Or more precisely, the days of the Rapture. - Because of the International Date Line the loss of a day is dictated when moving from east to west. This also imposes limits as to what hour the trumpet & Rapture can happen in Israel on the 17th such that throughout the world the Trumpet & Rapture will happen either on the 17th or 16th. Also, it’s well to note that we have the 16&17 combination that Rosh Hashanah incorporates! This in itself is more proof of God's profound handiwork in that He established Rosh Hashanah as a two day celebration! God is omnipotent!! And the Bible is indeed His supernatural & trustworthy handbook for humanity.
So now, per the following World Time Chart, 6am till noon, Jerusalem time, does meet the 16/17 criteria. On the other hand, 3pm on the 17th would result in 4 of 143 Major Cities in the world experiencing the Rapture on Monday the 18th, which is unacceptable. Thus it would seem, Jesus’ resurrection/ascension and God’s first trumpet blast on Mt. Sinai, which were both in the morning, certainly look like logical predictors of the time of our Trumpet Blast & Rapture.
Israel (Sunday, 17th) vs 143 Major Cities
6am ---- 44 Saturdays, the 16th
9am ------ 8 Saturdays
12 Noon -- 1 Saturday
3pm ----- 4 Mondays, the 18th
I like the concept of a very early Rapture in Jerusalem, however, a 6am Rapture would result in the entire North American continent experiencing a Saturday evening Rapture and 9am would result in half the continent not experiencing a Sunday Rapture. Thus, I really think it would be logical & appropriate if God chose Sunday at 12 Noon in Jerusalem for the Rapture. This would result in blessing the ultimate number of non-believers in the world, because Sunday is known the world over as the Lord’s Day. And per 1Timothy 2:4, “God desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth”. The only territories that would not experience a Sunday Rapture are Hawaii & some small Islands in the South Pacific.
Another thing, and this is extremely important, a Noon Rapture would be analogous to the start of the “darkness that came over all the land, from Noon to 3pm” when Jesus was dying on the cross, (Matthew 27:45, Mark 15:33, & Luke 23:44). Similarly, at the moment of the Rapture, a 'spiritual darkness', sorrow, & trepidation will envelope the whole world.
Moreover, a Sunday Rapture versus a Sabbath Rapture would be a very significant sign to the entire Jewish population as to how much God loves Christians, the Body of Christ, and how the Jews have so missed the mark. I’m sure this is one of God’s ultimate goals – to bring salvation to His chosen people, even though most will have to go through the 7 year Tribulation. As Paul puts it in Romans 11:14, “in the hope that I may arouse my own people to envy and save some of them.” Naturally, I’m sure the same applies to all unbelievers.
Now although this may be somewhat premature, if we assume a 12 Noon, Sunday, September 17, 2023 Rapture in Jerusalem, the following table shows corresponding rapture times for various cities around the world. However, taking all of the above into consideration, and knowing for certain that God has given me this assignment, I am feeling quite comfortable with this Rapture hypothesis.
Sunday September 17, 2023
(Adjusted for Daylight Savings Time)
12 Noon Sun. - Jerusalem, Baghdad, Istanbul, Minsk
11 AM Sun. --- Rome, Frankfurt, Brussels, Paris
10 AM Sun. --- London, Dublin, Casablanca
5 AM Sun. --- New York, Toronto, Miami, Havana
4 AM Sun. --- Chicago, Houston, Mexico City
2 AM Sun. --- Las Vegas, Los Angelis, Phoenix
1 AM Sun. --- Anchorage, Alaska
11 PM Sat. ---- Honolulu, Hawaii
------ International Date Line ------
7 PM Sun. --- Melbourne, Sydney
6 PM Sun. --- Tokyo, Seoul
5 PM Sun. --- Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai, Manila
4 PM Sun. --- Bangkok, Hanoi
3 PM Sun. --- Dhaka, Yangon
1 PM Sun. --- Tehran, Dubai
I realize that setting a date is a profound step and I certainly don't feel qualified to be the one receiving or purveying these revelations. Moreover, friends & family would agree; most have been quite skeptical. And alas, now that Rosh Hashanah has passed with no Rapture, all I can do is apologize for any inconveniences I may have caused. I should probably just give up and spare myself additional embarrassment. But, I just can't help feeling that the multitude of signs, coincidences, etc. were truly orchestrated by God and maybe I need to dig a bit deeper. So here we go.
First of all, I am completely comfortable with this, 2023, being the Rapture year. There were just too many signs, coincidences, scripture, 3rd party comments, etc.: 1) The Revelation 12 sign of 9/23/17. 2) The Book of Esther's Edict Date, the 23rd. 3) The numerous personal coincidences and comments referencing the number 23. 4) The 23 Enigma. 5) Psalm 23.
Now, about the Day of the Rapture; I was completely convinced that the 17th was the day due to all the versus 16&17 that related to a rapture or salvation scenario, starting with those in the Book of Esther. Moreover, 16&17 miraculously line up with the date of this years Rosh Hashanah celebration. That really convinced me! Of course it wasn't, which left me confused and disappointed. - Maybe it was just meant to be another end-time sign.
Several days later, October 5th, I was given the following revelation (or thought). 16+17=33. Jesus was 33 when He died on the cross for us. We celebrate Jesus' birth on December 25th. 25=5x5; which expresses the concentrated essence of the significance of the number 5, which is GRACE. What more profound expression of God's Grace & Love for the Church than the Rapture. As Christmas relates to Christ's birth into the world, so possibly it might relate to the Christian's birth (or Rapture) into Heaven! - Just a thought. I'm not going to be dogmatic this time. But, I'm still sticking with 2023 as the year.
For the Rapture to happen on Christmas would be an ideal day to make the Jews jealous and nudge them toward belief in Jesus. Similarly, it would nudge those borderline Christians who don't celebrate Christmas as a truly spiritual holiday as opposed to the vulgar commercialized travesty that it's become.
John 12:23 – “Jesus answered them saying, The hour has come that the Son of Man should be glorified”. This talks of Jesus' death, burial, & resurrection. However, could it also possibly allude to a 2023 resurrection/rapture!
10/2/2019: Guestbook Comment from Neil / Australia. - "333 and 1111 since 2017. Hi, I feel compelled to let you know about a funny little instance that just happened, make of it what you will... Just found your website tonight after feeling another strong pull to connect with God on a higher level. I've been hesitant to join religion thus far, but would like to, just a bit lost in what to trust. While reading through 'God's End-Time SOS' I reached the end of the first part of 'End-Time Signs'. Realizing I had become caught up reading and it was surely late I went to look at the time, 11:23pm...I was a bit disappointed I didn't see 11:11.... That was until I continued reading into the next part, 'A Personal Hypothesis - Rapture Rosh Hashanah 2023'. Wowzers...really, hahaha!! Then when deciding to type this, I noticed the date just changed from the 2nd to the 3rd of October, and my battery is at 23%. Hmmmmm!! - Any advice on where a non religious person should start would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time and great website, I look forward to reading the rest. All the best, [email protected] Ps. 12:23am!!
Neil, Yes, Wowzers! And a blessing for me as well as yourself. I do sympathize with your trust issues; there are so many questionable teachings & churches out there! But it would seem that God is certainly trying to help you connect with Him. By this time you've probably already read my advice on the 'Salvation' page.
2/16/2020: Sunday, after Church, about 1&7pm, I noticed, or was more likely given, two license plates: JLZ-23total & ZLJ-23total! My initials are JL, and Z could signify "the end"! Moreover, the date, 16th, symbolizes "Love". This may not be appropriate, but I took this as a sign of God's approval as to the direction I've been going.
2/17/2021: Comment from Robert / USA. - "I have not had time to take a closer look at your entire website, and it would likely take me much longer than the time we have left to study it as a good Berean must. I do believe that the rapture will happen on Rosh Hashanah, and 2023 is a very likely time based upon the Berisheet Prophecy which perfectly fits on your timeline." See this Youtube presentation about the Berisheet Prophecy:
9/20/2021: I received a new credit card today, the number of which ends in “23”. More profoundly, the PIN number they assigned me was “##23”, with the first two numbers totaling “9”. Thus, Sept.2023!!
Dec.2021: Found two YouTube presentations that propose a plausible Abrahamic timeline analogy predicting a 2023 Rapture.
Jan.12, 2022 an article in Biblical News by Adam Berkowitz reported that a prominent mystic-numerologist from Jerusalem, Rabbi Yekutiel Fish, has proved that the year 2023 (5783 AM), which will start in September 2022, will be the final Jubilee before the arrival of the Messiah. Rabbi Fish attributed this teaching to a Rabbi Oren Evron, another prominent mystic-numerologist.
The Jubilee year, every 50th year, was sanctioned by God in Leviticus 25:8-10. God instructed the Jews to hallow the 50th year. “That they should proclaim release throughout all the land for all its inhabitants. It shall be a Jubilee for you.” Debts were to be forgiven, slaves set free, and property returned to its original owner. – In actuality, this Jubilee mandate was disrupted 2700 years ago when the Jews were taken captivity by the Babylonians and has never been reinstated.
Rabbi also said “After the Messiah, after this Jubilee, the entire world will recognize that God is King and God is one. This coming Jubilee, per the Rabbis, will end on the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, September 16, 2023. Whether the above coming of the Messiah refers to the Rapture or to the Tribulation, God would certainly be making Himself known! – The Rabbis also teach that the year before the Jubilee year, in this case 2022, will bring wars. Which is certainly not hard to believe with all that is going on in the world.
Although I tend to believe these Rabbis as to their timing of the Jubilee year, there are other Bible scholars that would not agree. Some believe it’s 2025, others 2039. Plus, we have no idea as yet as to how the Rabbis came up with their teachings.
2/17/2021: Comment from Robert / USA. - "I have not had time to take a closer look at your entire website, and it would likely take me much longer than the time we have left to study it as a good Berean must. I do believe that the rapture will happen on Rosh Hashanah, and 2023 is a very likely time based upon the Berisheet Prophecy which perfectly fits on your timeline." See this Youtube presentation about the Berisheet Prophecy:
9/20/2021: I received a new credit card today, the number of which ends in “23”. More profoundly, the PIN number they assigned me was “##23”, with the first two numbers totaling “9”. Thus, Sept.2023!!
Dec.2021: Found two YouTube presentations that propose a plausible Abrahamic timeline analogy predicting a 2023 Rapture.
- “2023 and the Rapture”, by Full Bible Time Line (FBT) with M. Joseph Hutzler.
- “Is 2023 a Possible Rapture Year?”, by Faithful to the Very End.
Jan.12, 2022 an article in Biblical News by Adam Berkowitz reported that a prominent mystic-numerologist from Jerusalem, Rabbi Yekutiel Fish, has proved that the year 2023 (5783 AM), which will start in September 2022, will be the final Jubilee before the arrival of the Messiah. Rabbi Fish attributed this teaching to a Rabbi Oren Evron, another prominent mystic-numerologist.
The Jubilee year, every 50th year, was sanctioned by God in Leviticus 25:8-10. God instructed the Jews to hallow the 50th year. “That they should proclaim release throughout all the land for all its inhabitants. It shall be a Jubilee for you.” Debts were to be forgiven, slaves set free, and property returned to its original owner. – In actuality, this Jubilee mandate was disrupted 2700 years ago when the Jews were taken captivity by the Babylonians and has never been reinstated.
Rabbi also said “After the Messiah, after this Jubilee, the entire world will recognize that God is King and God is one. This coming Jubilee, per the Rabbis, will end on the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, September 16, 2023. Whether the above coming of the Messiah refers to the Rapture or to the Tribulation, God would certainly be making Himself known! – The Rabbis also teach that the year before the Jubilee year, in this case 2022, will bring wars. Which is certainly not hard to believe with all that is going on in the world.
Although I tend to believe these Rabbis as to their timing of the Jubilee year, there are other Bible scholars that would not agree. Some believe it’s 2025, others 2039. Plus, we have no idea as yet as to how the Rabbis came up with their teachings.
This question will certainly be asked. - Firstly, God certainly would not want to reveal this too far in advance. That would simply result in complacency. For it to have been made known to the apostles would have negated the immanency factor which has worked so well for some 2000 years! However, with the Rapture now directly in front of us, immanency is no longer relevant. God has more important things in mind. I'm guessing God might want to let His bride, the Church, know and moreover so they can warn friends & family. Also, as mentioned above, why give Satan any advantage in the promotion of his deceptive counter attack! What a glorious, mind-changing, faith-promoting, spectacular, glorious God-event it would be if His children knew and were awaiting the day, - and it happened!! Wow!! What a profound witness to the world & unbelievers!! Ask yourself, why would God do a secret Rapture when a public, even advertised, Rapture would have the effect of bringing many more people to acknowledge and even believe in Jesus rather than just the few who know or are friends with those who are raptured? It would be like our ultimate prophecy, our ultimate testimony, to our family, friends, and the world! Imagine the credence & glory this would manifest to God and at the same time so greatly diminish & undermine the false explanation that Satan will be putting forth! It would also be nice that we wouldn't have all that death & destruction caused by vanishing Christians in car & plane crashes!! Most would likely be gathered in Christian homes & churches.
A quote from Dr. Jeremiah's The Book of Signs, - "The more vividly aware we are of His impending return, the more we'll be motivated in our work for Him in these last days". Now understand, this is in no way his endorsement of any kind of date setting, however it does acknowledge that knowing how close we are to His gathering us together with Him should illicit confidence, hope, and a renewed sense of purpose. Similarly, the beloved evangelist, Luis Palau recently commented, "The coming of Jesus Christ is really a big deal! Unbelievers are often more interested than people who read the Bible. Politicians, business-people, people who use their brains, they mostly all want to know, 'what's the end of all this? What's the climax of history? What is before us?' They want to know! It's a major part of the Gospel message!" How much more of an impact if the immanency of his return is expressly associated with a very near coming date!
Moreover, afterward, what a marvelous & tremendous potential for mass revival!! Of course several movies have been made portraying the rapture event, like the “Left Behind” series. But what’s going to happen when people are faced with the fact that this is not just a fictional movie or fantasy or fairytale! Some think panic will ensue. I don’t. If people are told what to expect, AND WHEN, it won’t be a surprise, people will be in awe and likely will just have to make some serious decisions. - Do they believe the Biblical Christian narrative, or do they believe whatever narrative Satan comes up with. I could certainly see a tremendous revival, both gentile and Jewish.
God is certainly going to make the Rapture happen when it will have the greatest impact on His chosen people. Romans 11:25 tells us “I do not desire brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own conceit; that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved.” Their eyes will surely be opened when the Christian Church is raptured. This should be the ultimate sign to any God respecting Jew. Very possibly the 144,000 of Revelation 7:4 might be the result of this.
Furthermore, revealing the timing of our "blessed hope" would give the Church, his children, a loving warning & heads-up to "prepare", certainly spiritually and possibly materially, as well as providing needed incentive to persevere. COVID-19 has plunged the whole world into the most troubling time in history. In addition, it may only be a prelude to what’s coming. Economic collapse and even war may likely precede the rapture. It might be good to have some kind of cash reserve as well as some extra food, water, fuel, etc. And we need this time to minister & witness. We really need to let our friends & family know (along with the Jewish Nation/community) that if we should suddenly disappear, they will really need to take this Jesus stuff seriously. After the rapture, most people are going to be deceived by Satan's wondrous signs & miracles. You don't want your family & friends to be among them. Hell is no place to spend eternity! Born-again believers are going to be the only light in a world of great darkness. Moreover, like Stephen & many others, they (and possibly we) may be called upon to be martyrs for the glory of God. Are you ready? Is your family ready? Hopefully most of us will simply be raptured. Praise God!
The Church really needs to make this a priority. There are millions of on-the-fence Christians out there who need to be introduced to the truth of the Rapture in order to be able to refute the lies & deception that Satan will manifest to cover up the truth. Satan's explanation of the mass exodus will be in total opposition to the Rapture. It will include lying wonders, signs, & counterfeit miracles that will deceive most of the world (as chronicled in Math.24:24, 2Thes.2:9&10, & Rev.13:13&14). What better & more loving investment could we make than providing for the ultimate salvation of millions of souls, including the Jews, after the Rapture. We need to acknowledge God's will. - His desire that all people should be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. And certainly, if nothing else, we need to at least be preaching the "Blessed Hope", the pre-trib Rapture, (see Titus:2:13 and "The Pre-Trib Rapture" on the previous page).
Of course, 2023 has come & gone. No Rapture! I feel somewhat betrayed! As I'm sure all of you do. Were the past 5 years of prophetic signs, coincidences, etc. corrupt? I'm guessing possibly some of them, due to Satan and my overzealous desire to pinpoint an exact day. Frustrating!! I humbly apologize for letting myself be bamboozled and leading anyone astray. But as an anonymous comment of 1/8/2024 said, "what the Lord showed wasn't the exact day of the rapture, but the beginning of the signs in the heavens and on earth that are leading to the catching away. Many watchmen have been setting dates according to what they are watching, and I see the Lord leading His sheep toward the prize. He's saying to hang in there, he is coming".
A quote from Dr. Jeremiah's The Book of Signs, - "The more vividly aware we are of His impending return, the more we'll be motivated in our work for Him in these last days". Now understand, this is in no way his endorsement of any kind of date setting, however it does acknowledge that knowing how close we are to His gathering us together with Him should illicit confidence, hope, and a renewed sense of purpose. Similarly, the beloved evangelist, Luis Palau recently commented, "The coming of Jesus Christ is really a big deal! Unbelievers are often more interested than people who read the Bible. Politicians, business-people, people who use their brains, they mostly all want to know, 'what's the end of all this? What's the climax of history? What is before us?' They want to know! It's a major part of the Gospel message!" How much more of an impact if the immanency of his return is expressly associated with a very near coming date!
Moreover, afterward, what a marvelous & tremendous potential for mass revival!! Of course several movies have been made portraying the rapture event, like the “Left Behind” series. But what’s going to happen when people are faced with the fact that this is not just a fictional movie or fantasy or fairytale! Some think panic will ensue. I don’t. If people are told what to expect, AND WHEN, it won’t be a surprise, people will be in awe and likely will just have to make some serious decisions. - Do they believe the Biblical Christian narrative, or do they believe whatever narrative Satan comes up with. I could certainly see a tremendous revival, both gentile and Jewish.
God is certainly going to make the Rapture happen when it will have the greatest impact on His chosen people. Romans 11:25 tells us “I do not desire brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own conceit; that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved.” Their eyes will surely be opened when the Christian Church is raptured. This should be the ultimate sign to any God respecting Jew. Very possibly the 144,000 of Revelation 7:4 might be the result of this.
Furthermore, revealing the timing of our "blessed hope" would give the Church, his children, a loving warning & heads-up to "prepare", certainly spiritually and possibly materially, as well as providing needed incentive to persevere. COVID-19 has plunged the whole world into the most troubling time in history. In addition, it may only be a prelude to what’s coming. Economic collapse and even war may likely precede the rapture. It might be good to have some kind of cash reserve as well as some extra food, water, fuel, etc. And we need this time to minister & witness. We really need to let our friends & family know (along with the Jewish Nation/community) that if we should suddenly disappear, they will really need to take this Jesus stuff seriously. After the rapture, most people are going to be deceived by Satan's wondrous signs & miracles. You don't want your family & friends to be among them. Hell is no place to spend eternity! Born-again believers are going to be the only light in a world of great darkness. Moreover, like Stephen & many others, they (and possibly we) may be called upon to be martyrs for the glory of God. Are you ready? Is your family ready? Hopefully most of us will simply be raptured. Praise God!
The Church really needs to make this a priority. There are millions of on-the-fence Christians out there who need to be introduced to the truth of the Rapture in order to be able to refute the lies & deception that Satan will manifest to cover up the truth. Satan's explanation of the mass exodus will be in total opposition to the Rapture. It will include lying wonders, signs, & counterfeit miracles that will deceive most of the world (as chronicled in Math.24:24, 2Thes.2:9&10, & Rev.13:13&14). What better & more loving investment could we make than providing for the ultimate salvation of millions of souls, including the Jews, after the Rapture. We need to acknowledge God's will. - His desire that all people should be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. And certainly, if nothing else, we need to at least be preaching the "Blessed Hope", the pre-trib Rapture, (see Titus:2:13 and "The Pre-Trib Rapture" on the previous page).
Of course, 2023 has come & gone. No Rapture! I feel somewhat betrayed! As I'm sure all of you do. Were the past 5 years of prophetic signs, coincidences, etc. corrupt? I'm guessing possibly some of them, due to Satan and my overzealous desire to pinpoint an exact day. Frustrating!! I humbly apologize for letting myself be bamboozled and leading anyone astray. But as an anonymous comment of 1/8/2024 said, "what the Lord showed wasn't the exact day of the rapture, but the beginning of the signs in the heavens and on earth that are leading to the catching away. Many watchmen have been setting dates according to what they are watching, and I see the Lord leading His sheep toward the prize. He's saying to hang in there, he is coming".
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