Somewhat similar to the “Brandon vs Satan” page, this page has been established to address issues somewhat beyond the original scope and primary purpose of “Gods End-Time SOS Ministry”, which is that of providing a forum or platform for the 333 community.
INDEX: A. SPIRITUAL WARFARE: 1) Kim's Corner. 2) "Demons in My Marriage Bed". 3) "Proof of Heaven" - A best-selling Satanic deception. 4) Richard-Addiction, Witchcraft, & Demons 5) Joyce-"The Exorcist" - more real then we can imagine. 6) CC-A Case of Possession? 7) Dillon-Demon Fighter! 8) John-Satanic Bondage 9) Robert-Addiction Free 10) BlueShift-Danced w/the Devil 11) Mathew-Unclean Familiar Spirit 12) Tonya-Monster Meth Addiction
C. PROPHETIC DREAMS/VISIONS: 1) Amy 2) Ally 3) Brandon 4) Joy 5) Angela 6) Joyce
INDEX: A. SPIRITUAL WARFARE: 1) Kim's Corner. 2) "Demons in My Marriage Bed". 3) "Proof of Heaven" - A best-selling Satanic deception. 4) Richard-Addiction, Witchcraft, & Demons 5) Joyce-"The Exorcist" - more real then we can imagine. 6) CC-A Case of Possession? 7) Dillon-Demon Fighter! 8) John-Satanic Bondage 9) Robert-Addiction Free 10) BlueShift-Danced w/the Devil 11) Mathew-Unclean Familiar Spirit 12) Tonya-Monster Meth Addiction
C. PROPHETIC DREAMS/VISIONS: 1) Amy 2) Ally 3) Brandon 4) Joy 5) Angela 6) Joyce
333 Guest Kim is quite intelligent, a devout born-again Christian believer, has God given prophetic & psychic gifts, and is a good person. But she also has life problems that Satan is taking advantage of. Somewhat similar to Brandon, although certainly quite different, she knows & battles “spiritual warfare”. I’ve received some negative comments concerning Kim, paraphrasing: “There just seems to be no logic to it.”, “This web-site’s intelligence has dropped a few notches.”, “Ridiculous!”, “Just a painful read.”, “Makes no sense!”, "She just takes up too much space.", “Reading what Kim writes is just not an easy thing to do”. To the majority in this fallen world, spiritual warfare is totally foreign, makes no sense, and is ridicules. It’s NOT! So I’ve established “Kim’s (Spiritual Warfare) Corner”, and I hope she continues to participate, as well as others. I believe Kim could be a blessing to others going through similar circumstances.
1/13/2017: Kim / Oklahoma, USA. - "I've been seeing numbers for quite some time. I also have been given many dreams of the people around me. I'll be shown things about them and be shown people before they come into my life. It's been hard. I love the Lord, the Father, and the Holy Spirit with all my heart. I'm far from perfect and have made a lot of bad choices (as I ignored the signs my whole life really) and am still too stupid too often. It's caused family to pull away and it is and has been painful. I just tell them what I'm shown! It is the Lord giving me these numbers, I do know that. He loves us so very much. He wants us to know that He is with us. He says if we seek Him, we shall find Him; when we seek Him with all our heart, mind, and Soul. Thanks for writing about this. It helps. God bless and guide you."
Kim, Firstly, we can all be stupid too often! More importantly, is it possible that some of what you're shown is not from God! Discerning of spirits is a gift that not all possess, (I Cor.12:10). Satan is a master deceiver. You do have a gift, just be cautious. See "Satan's # Game".
1/15/2017: Kim. - “Yes I definitely have had a lot of attacks happen to me as I drew closer to the Lord. I started receiving prophecies a long time ago. One for instance was the earthquakes that were coming. (That was real fun!). I know because of my getting these things that it's hard for the people I tell. I was so excited when they first started that I didn't think of what they must feel. Now we just all get angry, then get over it, and so on and so on. Lately I've been worn out from all the stuff I get and the enemy knows it. I Hate Him! Sometimes we search so hard we forget to just trust and know that God is in control and live in the peace and joy He provides instead of us always trying to figure it all out. My father also gets many things from the Lord so he does help a lot. Thank God! Now I'm not a big no.s person, Ugh... but I need some answers. I particularly keep seeing 303. Also, does the number 3:11 mean anything? I really am a mess with all this lately. Thank you again.”
Kim, I do sympathize. It’s not an easy life at times to be a present day prophet, seer, psychic, etc. The general public & even family tend to distrust these nice but semi-crazy people! It’s amazing how that commercial psychics & mediums, who are generally influenced by evil spirits, are more likely accepted by the public! Now numbers. 303: 30 = 3x10 = A high degree of the Perfection of Divine Order. 3(the Holy Spirit filled number) = Divine Completeness or Perfection. Sounds good, but you’ll have to take it from here! 3:11: 11 = Disorder, Imperfection, or Disintegration, (particularly governmental). Just a thought, but maybe He's letting us know that whatever happens in Washington this week end, it'll be in line with His Divine & Perfect Plan. If it will help, send e-mail & I’ll send you my number-cheat-sheet. Blessings.
1/20/2017: See Kim - "Brandon vs Satan".
5/5/2017: Kim / USA. - "Hey Jack! You got 144,000 visitors and or chats yet? ! So it's been Amazing All These Attacks! Even have the police following me everywhere! Wow! It's hilarious! Now... anyway! Now that I'm Getting it and Awake! Praise God! It's pathetic and inexcusable to Now hear and see,.. But Not hear Nor see?! Right?! Stupid. We perish from the lack of Knowledge! So Now that you're All waking up,.. Continue! Don't Run! Bless you All! Amen."
Kim, That's an interesting thought; over the past three years the site has logged about 120,000 visitors, although many of them are probably repeats. I'm guessing that most of these are ignoring the call; a shame! "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few" and time is getting short. Praying for you.
5/8/2017: Josephine O'Leary - "Hi, sorry for my asking, but I read Kim's comment, and I was wondering what the Police following her has to do with seeing 333? I'm just a wee bit confused by the comment!"
Josephine, An understandable question. She can be confusing, but is a 333 person; see Jan.13,15,&20. Kim has been blessed with prophetic &/or psychic abilities but is plagued by demonic attaches, life problems, and also fighting fibromyalgia. I am concerned for her. Her 144,000 comment I believe was alluding to the possibility that maybe the 333 community is being called to be a similar gathering (maybe the gathering) as the end-time Jewish witnesses of Rev.7:3&4, who were sealed on their foreheads as servants of God. See next.
5/8/2017: Kim / USA. "Hey Jack,'s me again. Been seeing all the numbers too. But knew i better say this too. Wasn't sure i should say anything because i know a few will role their eyes. But you know how big of a mouth I've got and since when did i care about someone rolling their eyes? Me?? No. So I'm quite sure this happened because the Lord Knows I'll tell...ha ha . Ok, so it started while i was getting change to wash my car myself due to the fact that both places I went for a drive through were broke. Uhh huh?? Yeah. I was getting tired so i just went to do it myself. So while getting change, i noticed a man who had pulled in and then i see right behind him two trucks screech to a stop. The man in front jumped out of his car and ran back after the other man. I could feel the Holy Spirit rise up in me. As i could not take my eyes off them,..they both stopped and looked at me and i could see a peace come over them and the one who got out of the car just kept looking at me and walked back to his truck! And the whole time i was still walking! I could have ran into something! I said later! Ha ha.. but of course The Lord had me. That was the first thing that happened. Then i went home and fell asleep for a bit and woke up and realized i needed to get to the grocery store before it got too late. While checking out, .. there's a women waiting behind me and i started to feel it again! This time i felt i knew her, but i didn't. I just wanted to get my stuff and go and wasn't sure about it all. So i get all the way to where the doors slide open and i feel some ( what i thought) kids running up behind me and I'm thinking, well heck kiddos, slow down! Then i realized, they were in the spirit! I was like,..ok, that's not normal. But they just went on by! I was still tired and just went on to my car and said, what now?
After getting home, I put up my stuff and got relaxed and comfortable. About 2 hours or so later i was sitting at a bench in my kitchen, and i felt the most awesome love and peace go into my forehead and scrambled around a bit! It lifted me about 3 inches off the ground! I thought we were being taken out of here! I just relaxed and was ready! And Yes,..i was Wide Awake! - So i wasn't sure exactly what happened, but i knew it was from Our Lord! So , with all i get anyway, i wasn't shocked or anything, but was excited! A few days later the Lord revealed to me, I've been Sealed and i was given the gift to feel it all! I'm So Excited! If that's not hope,..then i don't know what would be! - So i really would like to know if & when other's feel this! That was 3 major blessings in one day! 3!! God Bless and may you All feel it as well! And soon! Amen. ^-^ ..."
Kim, Sealed: We are "sealed" when we are "born of the Spirit": 2Cor.1:22, Eph.1:13 & 4:30. I've assumed that you had already experienced salvation/the "Born-Again" experience. Could we have been wrong! There is that weird scripture of Mt.7:21-23. But then, maybe it's not impossible that you are Jewish and are one of the 144,000! Wow! You continually stress my crazy limit! Anyone else out there?
5/8/2017: Kim - "Just wanted to apologize for the confusion. I should have elaborated more on the police. Honestly I'm not for sure why they are. I've done nothing wrong of course. I'm pretty sure it has to do with someone I've prayed for. So my point was that when you get closer to The Lord and Speak about it,.. the enemy attacks in a lot of ways. There is a lot going on in my family and I've been forced to fight it or give in to their control. And yes,..i have to do all this with the fibro pain. It's not easy and sometimes i just get really upset, but when that happens, my strength gets renewed. And as far as me being Jewish Jack, ..maybe. But I'm not so sure that they are Jewish. Remember, we are grafted in. And virgin is talking of the spirit. If someone has messed in any false Gods or witchcraft, they are not virgin. I've never messed in any of that. My Only love and worship goes to The Father, The Lord Jesus, and The Holy Spirit my whole life. Now, when my dad went to Israel for the 2nd time The Lord spoke to him and asked if The Lord asked him, would he stay. I've walked in The Spirit with the Lord on a street in Jerusalem right before watching many Jews receive Him. So i have no doubt whose i am. I'm just not getting all the information from Him yet. I feel as if I'm in training for something huge. What i need is a lot of prayer. I sure won't get it from my family. But who turned on Jesus first? His own people. :' -( Heartbreaking. Hope that helps Josephine and all."
5/14/2017: Kim - "Just want to reassure everyone I'm not a psychic. I only get what's going to happen from The Lord. The enemy can't tell you things that are going to happen years later. I do Not like those things and am completely against them. I get prophecies from The Lord. The attacks i get are from the enemy. And i bring too much of that upon myself as the Lord has been revealing to me. Unfortunately, I've let my anger at times ( when attacked by people i know) rise up over my gift and I'm truly very sorry for that. When we who are prophetic get a heaviness we are to begin serious prayer. Sometimes, I'm sorry to say, that I let my anger at the foolishness of others, cause me to get angry instead. I will control this better now and keep my focus on the love I have for them in Christ, instead of the anger. It's not easy, but i should already have this down. I know someone or a few have prayed on here for me to get back on track, and I want to say thank you so very much. Means more than you know. Just know that with these numbers your getting is The Lord letting you know He's not left you and He'll line things up in Your favor as long as you stay in Him. Trust Him always... Bless you all."
Kim, It is true that many people are concerned about the term psychic and confuse it with medium or fortune-teller. You are certainly not of the latter, but, in addition to prophetic abilities, you have also been gifted with psychic abilities. Dictionary definition of "psychic" = "sensitive to supernatural forces". But there are good & bad supernatural forces or spirits out there. Unfortunately, many of those with psychic abilities are unsaved, lack spiritual discernment, and use their gift for the glory of Satan. Concerning anger, I just saw a good Proverb somewhere; had to do with "a calm or peaceful reply, undoes an angry opponent". Something like that! Praying for you. God bless.
2) DEMONS in MY MARRIAGE BED: a True Story of Spiritual Warfare - "I, Paul, am the author of this book. My wife and I went through spiritual hell in 2006 when I got involved in witchcraft. We literally became haunted people with a haunted house with too many strange paranormal events to mention here. But Jesus Christ of Nazareth came to my aid and re-claimed my soul from satan! I say this to articulate that since our salvation and closer and closer walk with our Lord, we have seen 11:11, 111, for several years now. I knew it was a message from the Lord and always felt the urgency of the Last Days message. We have a Podcast, KAPOW Radio Show, where we conduct Bible teaching and urgent warnings to the apostate church. However, lately, we have begun to see these 3:33 or 33, or 333, or 3333 everywhere. I am awakened at night often at 3:33, and even at 11:33, using a combination of 11 and 33. Like so many other people have stated, the majority of "333 meaning" sites on the web are occult or plain numerology. Then I found your site and wow! I simply love the testimonies of others around the world who are experiencing this calling to stand in the gap on the wall and proclaim the Kingdom of Jesus Christ of Nazareth." PAUL / / 6/19/2017.
3) PROOF OF HEAVEN - A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife - I was naively given this best-selling book to read. Following is a critical review portraying just how deceptive Satan can be in his quest for souls.
Dr. Eben Alexander's exposé of his week long comma and near-death experience does indeed seem to provide living proof of an afterlife. Heaven and Hell are ‘somewhat’ represented as the Bible portrays them, although Heaven is less glorious & Hell is less foreboding. Also, I’m not convinced that it was God that he was talking with. In the beginning, he did cry out “God help me”. But he was not a religious man, he rarely went to church. After his ordeal, upon a visit to church, a painting of Jesus & of The Last Supper did evoke feelings & memories of the bliss of heaven & of God’s unconditional love. He goes on to say “I didn’t just believe in God, I knew Him”. And tears streamed down his cheeks as he took communion. – This of course sounds deeply touching. However, there are many, many people who believe in God, even Satan & the fallen Angels knew & know God. But, we all know where they’re going to end up! Nowhere does Eben acknowledge Jesus, nor did Jesus acknowledge him. Eben completely bypasses Jesus’ torture, agony, & the death he suffered for our salvation! He has never acknowledged Jesus as his Lord & Savior. God’s Word, John 14.6, is quite clear, “No-one comes to the Father except thru the Son”. Moreover, God would never have allowed His Son to go through what he did if it weren’t for a very good reason. “He gave his only begotten Son”! (John 3:16). Of course we do need to seek God, but in this Age of Grace, we don’t have the option of bypassing Jesus.
Eben so passionately wants to tell his story; he wants people to know that there really is an afterlife, that we do have an eternal spiritual self, and that God really does exist. He has the greatest of intentions, but in actuality he’s being used as a dupe by Satan. He’s taking part in a concerted effort by Satan to delude & give people a false sense of security. Because Eben is truly searching and wants others to experience God, he’s promoting all kinds of New Age type philosophies, books, & organizations that totally bypass Jesus and are in opposition to the Bible. Hemi-Sync, page 158, is one of these. Per Eben, Hemi-Sync is a powerful system to enhance deep conscious exploration based on an audio technology. Via enhanced states of consciousness it can supposedly allow access to alternate perceptual modes including deep meditation and mystical states, liberating ones out-of-body consciousness and ultimately allowing us to communicate & be one with God. The problem here is, when someone empties his rational mind, he leaves it wide open to access by deceiving spirits, “spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Eph. 6:12). There’s no doubt in my mind that Eben’s experience was orchestrated by Satan. If Eben were a believer, I think his experience would have been quite different.
A few other things worry me about Eben’s new found teachings. 1) He relates the story of a dead relative coming back to converse with someone. He also endorses the book “Personal Encounters with the Virgin Mary”. These types of encounters are similar to that of mediums, conjurings, channelings, etc., which encompass manifestations of evil spirits under Satan’s control. They are strictly forbidden and warned about in the Bible. 2) God told him there are many other universes, some whose intelligence is advanced far beyond that of ours. I’m guessing that this satanic lie will help Satan foster an alien/God type end-time scenario, possibly in conjunction with Antichrist. 3) Israel. Eben supposedly got his Black Plague type disease in Israel. I wouldn’t put it past Satan to throw this into the story just because he hates Israel so very much. 4) Another lie to promote false hope & security, - Eben was given the knowledge that we are all part of the Devine and that absolutely nothing can take that away; that nothing can tear us from God, ever! Again, completely against God’s Word.
I really do feel sorry for Eben. He seems to be such a good, loving, & compassionate person. I feel confident that someday he will get to know Jesus, come to true faith, & find salvation. But right now, he’s totally helping Satan with his never-ending plan of deceit & deception. He’s leading so many in the wrong direction. What a shame! If only Eben had the Holy Spirit as his helper, which only happens when one is born of the Spirit, born-again, has truly accepted Jesus as their Lord & Savior. Only then is one even interested enough to really want to know God & His Ways. Unless the Holy Spirit has quickened our spirit, we remain blind to the things of God; our mind & spirit are open to all kinds of false teachings. And only with the Spirits help are we driven to and enabled to rightly interpret the Bible, the God Breathed (2Tim.3:16) instruction book for the believer. And the better we know His Word, the less likely we are to be deceived by evil spirits, false teachers, & false preachers. The Word of God is truly the only thing in this Satan controlled world that we can totally trust! If only Eben had been a partaker of the Word!
4) DRUG ADDICTION, WITCHCRAFT, & DEMONS - Richard Marmor, (333 Guest 3/13/2018). - "God used 333 in a big way to help me get off drugs. 333 was also a big part in my coming to know Christ. I was raised in a very religious family and wanted nothing to do with God most of my life. 6 years ago I called out to Jesus and was saved. Two years ago with the help of Jesus I finally got sober. While I was in rehab I decided to write down my story. God has shown me he wants to use me and my story to help others. I go into great detail of how God kept pursuing me and continued to give me lots of warning signs that I needed to change my life."
Richard knows the devastation of drugs more than most. Hundreds of thousands of people, particularly young people, are losing their family, friends, morals, health, finances, sanity, even life & soul. Richard's story of hell & supernatural deliverance is a totally engrossing testimony and video. Visit Richard at Eyes2See or
5) Movie THE EXORCIST - more real then we can imagine. - Joyce from Holland, (333 Guest 12/30/2018). - "My mom died 2 years ago. In the 9 days that she was diagnosed and dying, she accepted Jesus and told me that a huge dark cloud, which were demons when she looked closer, where coming down to the earth. Like I mentioned before (12/7/18): we all have noticed the extreme darkness this last year, right? The number which I believe is the highest spiritual number, 33, has been stolen by the Devil. Like always the Devil copy’s everything from God, but I know that this number is really God telling us To get ready because we are in the final seconds.
My husband backslid in 2016. I kept praying for him which was hard at times because he had so many strongholds; eventually demons & huge gateways because of pornography prostitution, lies, & drugs. He was not my husband anymore. He was very possessed. Satan hates families; he wants to destroy them no matter what, but I kept praying although I was in pain. God gave me strength to keep on praying & loving my husband & telling me: this person is not your husband & demons always try to hurt people. In May 2017 I told my husband because it was getting out of control with drugs and we have 2 little boys, that he had to leave the house since he was damaging the family & no longer leading his family. I told him that I had to let go & let God!! But I always told him, if you are ready to let God back in your life & lead you, I will be here. On the 30th of October he came back, said he was being tormented & he wanted to quite everything. Few days later he was in a psychoses ( demons overtake ). I prayed a lot with brothers & sisters and a lot of demons manifested & left his body during praying. I can honestly say that the movie the Exorcist is more real then we can imagine. He jumped out of the window on the 8th of November and was rushed to the hospital. He is saved & fine now and since 2 weeks at home & back into Gods Word again, a lot of fear is gone & he knows Jesus is coming soon. Anyway, my husband also told me that he remembered during the week that he was at home & in this psychoses, that he really got afraid every time I showed him the 33 signals I was getting. He said, I could feel the fear of these demons because of this number, so I truly believe that it meant He, our Lord & Savior, is on His way. He wants us to warn others & get ready. Sorry for the long story! Love you all."
Joyce, Again, you are a blessing. You have certainly seen the great power & devastation that Satan & his demons are capable of. Praise God for your strength & spiritual fortitude. Hoping others heed your warnings & are ready. 33 does seem to be manifesting more & it is getting quit dark. Thank you & bless you.
6) A CASE of POSSESSION? - CC, (333 Guest 1/10/2019). - "333 was the first number sequence that I began seeing years and years ago when I was a young girl. It is still a prominent pattern, amongst others, but this one particularly strikes a peculiar tone each time. I am curious if there are others that are connected to Christ spirit within, that speak of their connection to 333, without putting such an emphasis on EXTERNALIZING a worship of Christ as a MAN outside of themselves. The dogmatic religion of Christianity that we have been provided-by the "Jews" and Catholic "authorities", has been seriously distorted and dished out as children stories as if we need physical accounts to make sense of spiritual things. The same ones that have fed Christians their religious beliefs, has also deceptively convinced the whole world that we live on a spinning ball rotating around the sun, - when the bible specifically and clearly states the earth was created first, immovable, on pillars, and that the sun & moon & stars move around us. If they have the ability to blindfold humanity with that falsity - using the magik of nasa's filming trickery - you must consider all information of this world to be distorted. Looking for an externalized anti-Christ or externalized Jesus to come to this world is the ego needing a physical evidence of spiritual matters. I am definitely a believer of and worship the one true Holy God of creation, and of the Holy Spirit of Christ that communicates truth to us. I seem to have a difficult time finding affiliates of 333 that are not either forceful with dogmatic ideology claims, or on the opposite end with new age spirituality. Anyone out there centered in the balance?"
CC, Sorry, but it is not the true Holy Spirit communicating with you. I believe that God has really been trying to break through, but He's being blocked and you are being deceived. Oh how I pray that you are somehow delivered!
7) DEMON FIGHTER! - Dillon Morley McConnell (333 Guest 2/11/2019). - "I"m 20 years old, was born at 3:33 am 3/27/98. I remember a very specific night of my life, where I believed that I had met the woman I was going to marry. It was the night Donald Trump won. I went to sleep around 2:45 am and woke up at 3:33 drenched in sweat, out of horrific dreams of the demons. It was like I had been in my own, personalized horror movie. It took me three days to get my head back on straight, and by than, I guess I had scared her away forever. I'm okay. It's been years since this happened. I wear the Arch Angel Michael's pendant around my neck. It depicts him slaying the Beast. I have no idea where this pendant came from, nor does my mother who passed it from God to me. I've literally pulled a demon out of a non believer, took it home, and I tried to send it to hell through my toilet. That did not work. Also it flooded my garage and blew a whole through my ceiling and pipes. I'm starting to think that I am an angel sent to stand in the face of evil and inequity, help, and ultimately admonish and nudge as many souls as I can in the correct direction. I want so much to understand. I'm so human and so much more. I will admit... how could one understand a world that one did not even realize was not his own. I didn't know the devil has dominion over this planet. That dynamic is understood by me now. Maybe it will just take time for everything I've read here today to sink in. I know another, who was born at 11:11. I'm waiting for him to grow up before him and I continue to resonate. He sees his angel every night before he goes to bed. Sees demons wherever he finds one, and is impervious to them. From the story he told me, it did not sound like a weak demon either. Just impervious. That is very very special. Thank you so much for your time and your content. God bless." Please, if you are inspired, or you understand. Reach out to me." My email is [email protected]
Dillon, I'm concerned for you. Demons are certainly real. You have a very noble mind-set, but please be careful, demons can not be taken for granted. See Eph.6:10-18 and make sure you're born-again, you will definitely need God's protection, (see "Salvation").
8) SATANIC BONDAGE - John / South Africa (333 Guest 5/11/2019) - Hi fellow body in Christ members# 333 .I live in south Africa and have a powerful testimony that started with 333 111 11:11 444 555 888 and a supernatural calling /invitation in god's divine anointing. Now the lord knows you and Ur souls receiving frequency !!it's a emergency private (hotline) message sent to you that triggers a spiritual acknowledgement/sos revelation that you have drifted of your path to receiving your spiritual gifts that he has destined for you !!!now 333 is a registered trademark of the lord and your spiritual address of #purpose# ,god intended for you !! U would find that 333 will give u fruit of the spirit ,bread of life as a result of receiving ,a supernatural fate that brakes all physical laws in your world ,,ALWAYS has to be confirmed by# 3#more supernatural signatures of divine confirmation ( discernment can be the titles of the videos ,number of views,time duration of videos,Ur clock anything )!! U will be issued/ announced a Prophetic calling for the kingdom of God!!! by nature and purpose u will get the message in a revelation,unique & abstract way that only you understand !! eagle eye anointing , seeing, hearing, visions, dreams, discerning of spirits, evangelism, prayer warrior. You are a soldier of the lord that lost his way in Ur spiritual walk !!! you have fallen victim to Satan's bondage ,soul-ties, strongholds, and demonic influences when on drugs; because you have given them legal grounds to do so!!! meth shadows reveal a presence that has its demonic assignment to oppress you with Fear, paranoia, depression ,spirits influence you with dirty ideas ,desires of the flesh that are evil in origin ,sexual ,aggressive ,which ever way Ur cookie crumbles !!! U are spiritually in ""bondage"" to the ritual of drug use by now .you will slowly start having Ur mind tormented , u will feel the atmosphere change when they active to a dark stale presence that eye watching you ,u will know something evil has made its presence by spirituall instincts !!u will have to justify it with psychosis etc. u will notice the sinking in the web of darkness and loss of free will slowly be destroyed spiritually!!this happens when the (drugs) convert to a weapon of witch craft formed against you and this creates the manifestation of ;demonic forces,witchces ,warlocks ,unclean spirits will gain legal right to oppress, torment, posses you depending on your spiritual defense u have in that area and dark desires they can trap you with !! . the more you use drugs and want to quit ,then fail !!! the weaker Ur free will & spirit becomes in guarding you!! the stronger the attack & magic magnetic force drags You strait back to the drugs (witchcraft) of the spirit ,till you lose the hope and free will god made you with !! Porn has so many demonic slaves "sold out" spirits demonic principalities snapping you up by soul-ties, to the dark presences, it's an invasion & invitation to Ur own little party ;;:-(:-(:-( a donation of meat thrown to which ever cat is in the ally !! legal consent in manipulating you by any demonic intention it best sees fit to kill ,steal, destroy !!! your little sparkle of hope in finding Ur destiny in "god" !!! assigned against your ""book of life """" heavenly father blessed gifts to you !! naturally your mind tends to notice certain things on television,music, numbers, visions etc.. reflecting back Ur current actions and desires, thoughts, etc in perfect sync, timing, abstract thinking, encoding MSG's !! it's your natural blessing!!!! Held against you as a curse, damnation in Ur salvation and faith in Jesus Christ ,; the unforgivable sin u done this time !!! repeating in your soul, like their own is a common symptom of these spirits, corrupted by demonic influences is when powerful demonic principalities bind your soul ,wrap you up in a chain of destructive patterns all strategically killing you as smooth as a domino effect. one triggers the other (gamble & win, take drugs to celebrate, lose money, anger, now u steal, then hurt people that love you !! it's a spiritual python wrapping around your purpose in Christ and the kingdom of God, conveniently disguised as Ur deepest desires of the flesh .!! God will intervene in this attack on your life, he will fight for you !!! by his sheer mercy, infinite grace,,, puddles of deep spiritual cries overflowing Ur own soul as u surrender thy breath to the very desires that once fueled your flesh!!! U'll be heard from the Pitt of damnation, lord Jesus knows Ur bound in the Pitts of hell !! he knows you are up against powerful, wicked, forces in heavenly places, he knows how to call his sheep!! for he knows the sound of Ur voice !!!???..your# 333#spiritual code voice echos to Satan's sadistic appetite as a feast !!! He smells & identifies, assigns specific (demons, strongholds, spiritual hindering spirits) to your life that best seduce your#333# type of spiritual assignment....when you in the mouth of the serpent, to see just how far the rabbit hole can go !!!;;!!!??? sometimes it's these places of pure evil! and torture we find our true amazing grace, our brightest most distinctive calling !!;; ,The showers of salvation,,,undenying 333 ever merciful, infinite 555 power, wisdom1212 of infinite precision 777 ,,,, 888 lord Jesus Christ who by pure divine, love, is seeking you in the deepest of damnations, tribulations, demonic oppressions, whatever it takes to wake up !!! to your eternal ((infinite)) salvation !!! 11:11 alert 1111 we're going home to our eternal heavenly father .ps 333.
9) ADDICTION FREE - Robert Zane / California, USA. (10/6/2019) - "I recently found my sobriety in a very unconventional way. My life has an epic story that could leave most in tears. My addictions were all brought to a standstill from a single experience. But that was only the beginning. I soon had tremendous spiritual battles during the night. Waking up tired and exhausted but full of faith. An extreme amount of faith that has almost pushed a lot of people away, friends and family. And this is only the second week. Then I saw 3:33am when I would wake. Once, okay. Twice, hmm.. everywhere now! even on a toy from my sons happy meal toy. I did research to support my faith and bring some of these coincidences to light. Angels were the obvious sign I felt a connection to. Especially since when my enlightenment happened I started painting angels. But I have been completely reborn and live my life with complete FAITH! And share my experience with all who will listen. I’m not afraid of life anymore, I just live it in gods grace. September 15th I took my first breath as a Christian. I’m 31 and if it be the end soon, I will be here to spread the word of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit till my time be done. If anyone has any questions my email [email protected] ."
Robert, Praise God!! Love your born-again & deliverance testimony. Jesus does transform our lives! I'm guessing your 333s encompass Gods acknowledgment of your son-ship in conjunction with His guidance for you to find this site and to somehow promote your growth or his plans for your end-time service. Welcome to the Kingdom.
10) DANCED w/the DEVIL - BlueShift / Tennessee, USA (4/11/2020) - "Thanks for creating this website. I have been seeing 333 everywhere since going through a 9 month challenging personal experience with addiction. While in active addiction I went through a very structured "test" by organized forces that are very hard to explain and put in words. It felt like military training and the hardest experience of my life. During this experience the 333 number began showing up and still does everywhere. I began drawing the cross with the three 3's around it. I had no previous knowledge of the bible or the significance of 3. I would characterize myself as agnostic prior to this experience. During this experience I had very heightened senses and began receiving messages about an upcoming pandemic which now I know as COVID-19. This was a 9 month experience and I have left this experience with absolutely 0 doubt in my mind of the real Truth. I saw it and lived it. God is everything and Jesus is our Lord and Savior. I danced with the devil and denounced all they wanted to give me for my soul (they offer a lot and they are masterful deceivers). My life has been threatened by "them" and they financially ruined me, but I will not stay quiet. I am only sober and alive by the grace of God. People need to wake up. This
is real and we are in a spiritual war. We are all children of God and therefore we are all the chosen ones. God is seeking the ACTION ONES. Let's take action. Email me if you have insight from similar experiences. ✝️333" [email protected]
BlueShift, As above, Praise God!! Love your born-again & deliverance testimony. Jesus does transform our lives! Thank you for sharing & welcome to the Kingdom!
11) UNCLEAN FAMILIAR SPIRIT - Matthew / Canada (11/20/19) - "It's been over 13 years since I have begun this battle. Initially it was just 333 then changed to all numbers from 1111,222,333,444,555. There are special sequences that it shows me. I say this with concern. I am a born again Christian but actually from a long line of Methodists and now currently with the SDA denomination.These # sequences stopped for 2 years (2017/2018) when people started to pray for me (intercession). In this time I know i was building the Grace power through faith and learning and disciplining through bible study. At one point 333 stopped coming at noon time and started to come at night time. I would have a very hard time sleeping afterwards. I would have very clear demonic dreams. I have recently started to see these numbers again ( today 2019/11/19) such as 222,444. This is a warning that I sinned. I'm leery of how you got your understanding of 333. I don't believe this method of communication is sanctioned by God. Any numbers you see, including 333, are not of God, they're a ploy of Satan to trick you into thinking you are special. This is all a lie perpetrated by the devil."
Matthew, It is certainly clear that you are being buffeted by Satan in his effort to undermine, water-down, & negate God's 333/SOS message. I'm concerned that he has succeeded and moreover is able to put you on guilt-trips. Please review "Satan's # Games" & please don't ignore the 333. Discernment is needed, but I really believe God wants something of you. What it is, is between you & him. Keep asking Him for guidance.
Note: I'm not very familiar with the Adventists. I'm a bit concerned however as to whether Paul, the apostle to us gentiles, would be comfortable with some of the SDA doctrines. Of course as long as you're truly born-again, it shouldn't matter.
5/2/20 - Update from Mathew replying to above. - "After i received your response, i had a revelation of what was affecting me. At that moment, all diluted numbers ceased to occur and my focus became clear. I am dealing with a Unclean Familiar spirit. I do not believe it is a fallen one as this spirit walks the earth an from the tests my wife an i did, it is only one. This Unclean spirit seems to be able to create dreams into our heads, is past times people would call it prophetic, but now since we have started a deeper Spiritual warfare with a clearer intention of what to do. "the Jig is up" as they say. The spiritual demon knows that i Know what it is now.
I wanted to reach out and thank you for clarifying the situation i was placed into. I wanted to ask if you have anything further you can tell me which needs to be said.
To tell you something about myself, My parents and their descendants are from a long line of Methodists Christians from the first missionaries. My great uncles started the Ministry in the Malaya Peninsula which is rife with Voodoo. My family has been attacked from this Unclean spirit since their time. So i am assuming it is a Generational curse or a battle the devil wishes to win with my Bloodline. I have had trouble sleeping for a very long time. I have had demonic dreams and prophetic dreams. One dream i have had was of my own Mother doing voodoo encouraged from her co-worker regarding my fathers infidelities which inevitably caused the continual Bloodline curse. The beginning was from my fathers father, I am the 3rd generations.....
My parents never told me of the spiritual problem. It began to manifest as a rapping demon (poltergeist maybe??) . It would always make sounds of tapping on glass, wall, window pains. All the funny lore states it is electrical but, i have not experienced that only when there was a time when a Fallen one appeared to have started to work with the Unclean spirit. At this time, there was definite electrical outages, such as Lights shutting off when i glance at a Lit fixture , tapping of the monitors, and whenever i drive under a Streetlamp, it would shut off. At this period of time in 2013 Jan1. i was pretty suicidal. on the Eve of New years, i received a dream from a Circular Rainbow with blinding light. When i woke up, the air in my condo felt calm an peaceful. This dream came after i had a Fasting and prayer period of 22 days. This was when it was the worst time.....At work i was being attacked, my life was spiraling down hill with substance abuse and life wasn't doing well. Everything problem comes in 3s seems to be a biblical cliche.
This is what i am facing..... Something wants my soul. I know as it told me very plainly when i ask. (response was always via Mind contact: odd or not, but seems to be able to enter Body)
What God did for me. After i reached out to contradict your understanding of the triple numerological phenomenon, you sent back a clear, concise, deduction. I now know what it was. I thank you for this gesture. As the spiritual Warfare i have am waging with a clearer mind. I have had a divine inclination to reach out to you to tell you what has been going on since i received your message in January 2020 (went back to your website for a response).
The Diluted numbering has since stopped occurring and the 1111 and 333 began once again. I did not see it for many years... only 222, 444, 555,1212,420.
I was guided to a Minister called Derek Prince seminar "how to be delivered from Demons" and it was explained to me very clearly what this unclean thing is.... It is a Human who was perverted when alive and cannot rest. I wanted to say, this thing has been around me since at a very young age of 7. So the notion of Familiar spirits is not fictional but explained by the bible as an Old aged demon (aka Legion, jezebel, leviathon). But in reality, it is not old age. I believe these spirits are the unrest controlled from a higher being (the Devil) Helped by the old age demons : sort of a school for the demonic unrest that SaTan has created. These things are not stupid , but seems to be another intelligent life form. I was visited by all the demons, as i received dreams from all of them. Jezebel was a big one. She has black hair, wears a white dress (like in the movie "the Ring"). She laid in an very large empty room on an older style metal hospital bed (like 1900 hospital bed) in the middle of the room. I rebuked her, and told her to leave in Jesus name. She only left was when i broke all soul ties with her. There was a contract...
Slowly, but surely, i had revelation from God through yourself, and From the Teachings of the Bible (sword of God). The prayer for the full armor of God does work and the asking of the understanding for the Sword will be given. IF wisdom is asked, you will receive it.
I thank you for the message . Be at peace and loved by God in Jesus name. Pray for me and my family, for the devil Hates my family and continues to break us from the Sin created by Adam.
BTW: the Unclean spirit Stopped making noises after i Forgave it. I told it out loud in the washroom (as it seems to be it's favorite location due to the isolation of the room)."
Mathew, Praying for your continued peace. Eph.6:11-18 is so profound! Satan does indeed want our souls.
12) MONSTER METH ADDICTION - Tonya, 8/16/20 - "I've been seeing 333 for way over a month now but just not that one I see 111 222 333 444 and then just a couple days ago I seen 555 im glad I got on my knees and humble myself to the lord and asked him what he's trying to tell me. I asked him to go through my phone the I ouckes up my phone out in 333 and then the very first time this sight gas can't on. Because I've googled it before never seen this and it makes perfectly sense, but see I was 33 years old when my ex shot me in the face with a 44 mag. I've had multiple surgeries on my face, 23. 10 years worth of surgeries!! I prayed right before I died. When u died it was like a force sucking me. I was like a tadpole and only had eyes. I seen beautiful colors. I remember thinking what's up with the Christmas lights, it's April! About that time I had a body, there was a man there with long white hair and a white head. I told him that I got shot and he said yes my child I know you did. He assured me everything was going to be ok. About that time I woke up to a teacher praying over my dead body. Then I seen a mask come onto my face, they put me in drug induced coma, so I do believe I seen it for myself. But the thing is, I got an addiction I just can't shake. I seen a article here about it. I have a crystal meth addiction, im very ashamed & keep asking God to take my addiction away. So if im being called, im going to have to stop. If God is calling me this is huge. Thank you for your article. You were a true God-Sent. And thank you to yank from Indiana."
Tonya, Satan is definitely using drugs big time in these last days. Meth is such a monster! If you haven't already, see "Beyond 333"/Spiritual Warfare - #4, 8, 9, & 10. May God continue to order your steps. Seek Him out. We're so close to the end!
333 Guest Kim is quite intelligent, a devout born-again Christian believer, has God given prophetic & psychic gifts, and is a good person. But she also has life problems that Satan is taking advantage of. Somewhat similar to Brandon, although certainly quite different, she knows & battles “spiritual warfare”. I’ve received some negative comments concerning Kim, paraphrasing: “There just seems to be no logic to it.”, “This web-site’s intelligence has dropped a few notches.”, “Ridiculous!”, “Just a painful read.”, “Makes no sense!”, "She just takes up too much space.", “Reading what Kim writes is just not an easy thing to do”. To the majority in this fallen world, spiritual warfare is totally foreign, makes no sense, and is ridicules. It’s NOT! So I’ve established “Kim’s (Spiritual Warfare) Corner”, and I hope she continues to participate, as well as others. I believe Kim could be a blessing to others going through similar circumstances.
1/13/2017: Kim / Oklahoma, USA. - "I've been seeing numbers for quite some time. I also have been given many dreams of the people around me. I'll be shown things about them and be shown people before they come into my life. It's been hard. I love the Lord, the Father, and the Holy Spirit with all my heart. I'm far from perfect and have made a lot of bad choices (as I ignored the signs my whole life really) and am still too stupid too often. It's caused family to pull away and it is and has been painful. I just tell them what I'm shown! It is the Lord giving me these numbers, I do know that. He loves us so very much. He wants us to know that He is with us. He says if we seek Him, we shall find Him; when we seek Him with all our heart, mind, and Soul. Thanks for writing about this. It helps. God bless and guide you."
Kim, Firstly, we can all be stupid too often! More importantly, is it possible that some of what you're shown is not from God! Discerning of spirits is a gift that not all possess, (I Cor.12:10). Satan is a master deceiver. You do have a gift, just be cautious. See "Satan's # Game".
1/15/2017: Kim. - “Yes I definitely have had a lot of attacks happen to me as I drew closer to the Lord. I started receiving prophecies a long time ago. One for instance was the earthquakes that were coming. (That was real fun!). I know because of my getting these things that it's hard for the people I tell. I was so excited when they first started that I didn't think of what they must feel. Now we just all get angry, then get over it, and so on and so on. Lately I've been worn out from all the stuff I get and the enemy knows it. I Hate Him! Sometimes we search so hard we forget to just trust and know that God is in control and live in the peace and joy He provides instead of us always trying to figure it all out. My father also gets many things from the Lord so he does help a lot. Thank God! Now I'm not a big no.s person, Ugh... but I need some answers. I particularly keep seeing 303. Also, does the number 3:11 mean anything? I really am a mess with all this lately. Thank you again.”
Kim, I do sympathize. It’s not an easy life at times to be a present day prophet, seer, psychic, etc. The general public & even family tend to distrust these nice but semi-crazy people! It’s amazing how that commercial psychics & mediums, who are generally influenced by evil spirits, are more likely accepted by the public! Now numbers. 303: 30 = 3x10 = A high degree of the Perfection of Divine Order. 3(the Holy Spirit filled number) = Divine Completeness or Perfection. Sounds good, but you’ll have to take it from here! 3:11: 11 = Disorder, Imperfection, or Disintegration, (particularly governmental). Just a thought, but maybe He's letting us know that whatever happens in Washington this week end, it'll be in line with His Divine & Perfect Plan. If it will help, send e-mail & I’ll send you my number-cheat-sheet. Blessings.
1/20/2017: See Kim - "Brandon vs Satan".
5/5/2017: Kim / USA. - "Hey Jack! You got 144,000 visitors and or chats yet? ! So it's been Amazing All These Attacks! Even have the police following me everywhere! Wow! It's hilarious! Now... anyway! Now that I'm Getting it and Awake! Praise God! It's pathetic and inexcusable to Now hear and see,.. But Not hear Nor see?! Right?! Stupid. We perish from the lack of Knowledge! So Now that you're All waking up,.. Continue! Don't Run! Bless you All! Amen."
Kim, That's an interesting thought; over the past three years the site has logged about 120,000 visitors, although many of them are probably repeats. I'm guessing that most of these are ignoring the call; a shame! "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few" and time is getting short. Praying for you.
5/8/2017: Josephine O'Leary - "Hi, sorry for my asking, but I read Kim's comment, and I was wondering what the Police following her has to do with seeing 333? I'm just a wee bit confused by the comment!"
Josephine, An understandable question. She can be confusing, but is a 333 person; see Jan.13,15,&20. Kim has been blessed with prophetic &/or psychic abilities but is plagued by demonic attaches, life problems, and also fighting fibromyalgia. I am concerned for her. Her 144,000 comment I believe was alluding to the possibility that maybe the 333 community is being called to be a similar gathering (maybe the gathering) as the end-time Jewish witnesses of Rev.7:3&4, who were sealed on their foreheads as servants of God. See next.
5/8/2017: Kim / USA. "Hey Jack,'s me again. Been seeing all the numbers too. But knew i better say this too. Wasn't sure i should say anything because i know a few will role their eyes. But you know how big of a mouth I've got and since when did i care about someone rolling their eyes? Me?? No. So I'm quite sure this happened because the Lord Knows I'll tell...ha ha . Ok, so it started while i was getting change to wash my car myself due to the fact that both places I went for a drive through were broke. Uhh huh?? Yeah. I was getting tired so i just went to do it myself. So while getting change, i noticed a man who had pulled in and then i see right behind him two trucks screech to a stop. The man in front jumped out of his car and ran back after the other man. I could feel the Holy Spirit rise up in me. As i could not take my eyes off them,..they both stopped and looked at me and i could see a peace come over them and the one who got out of the car just kept looking at me and walked back to his truck! And the whole time i was still walking! I could have ran into something! I said later! Ha ha.. but of course The Lord had me. That was the first thing that happened. Then i went home and fell asleep for a bit and woke up and realized i needed to get to the grocery store before it got too late. While checking out, .. there's a women waiting behind me and i started to feel it again! This time i felt i knew her, but i didn't. I just wanted to get my stuff and go and wasn't sure about it all. So i get all the way to where the doors slide open and i feel some ( what i thought) kids running up behind me and I'm thinking, well heck kiddos, slow down! Then i realized, they were in the spirit! I was like,..ok, that's not normal. But they just went on by! I was still tired and just went on to my car and said, what now?
After getting home, I put up my stuff and got relaxed and comfortable. About 2 hours or so later i was sitting at a bench in my kitchen, and i felt the most awesome love and peace go into my forehead and scrambled around a bit! It lifted me about 3 inches off the ground! I thought we were being taken out of here! I just relaxed and was ready! And Yes,..i was Wide Awake! - So i wasn't sure exactly what happened, but i knew it was from Our Lord! So , with all i get anyway, i wasn't shocked or anything, but was excited! A few days later the Lord revealed to me, I've been Sealed and i was given the gift to feel it all! I'm So Excited! If that's not hope,..then i don't know what would be! - So i really would like to know if & when other's feel this! That was 3 major blessings in one day! 3!! God Bless and may you All feel it as well! And soon! Amen. ^-^ ..."
Kim, Sealed: We are "sealed" when we are "born of the Spirit": 2Cor.1:22, Eph.1:13 & 4:30. I've assumed that you had already experienced salvation/the "Born-Again" experience. Could we have been wrong! There is that weird scripture of Mt.7:21-23. But then, maybe it's not impossible that you are Jewish and are one of the 144,000! Wow! You continually stress my crazy limit! Anyone else out there?
5/8/2017: Kim - "Just wanted to apologize for the confusion. I should have elaborated more on the police. Honestly I'm not for sure why they are. I've done nothing wrong of course. I'm pretty sure it has to do with someone I've prayed for. So my point was that when you get closer to The Lord and Speak about it,.. the enemy attacks in a lot of ways. There is a lot going on in my family and I've been forced to fight it or give in to their control. And yes,..i have to do all this with the fibro pain. It's not easy and sometimes i just get really upset, but when that happens, my strength gets renewed. And as far as me being Jewish Jack, ..maybe. But I'm not so sure that they are Jewish. Remember, we are grafted in. And virgin is talking of the spirit. If someone has messed in any false Gods or witchcraft, they are not virgin. I've never messed in any of that. My Only love and worship goes to The Father, The Lord Jesus, and The Holy Spirit my whole life. Now, when my dad went to Israel for the 2nd time The Lord spoke to him and asked if The Lord asked him, would he stay. I've walked in The Spirit with the Lord on a street in Jerusalem right before watching many Jews receive Him. So i have no doubt whose i am. I'm just not getting all the information from Him yet. I feel as if I'm in training for something huge. What i need is a lot of prayer. I sure won't get it from my family. But who turned on Jesus first? His own people. :' -( Heartbreaking. Hope that helps Josephine and all."
5/14/2017: Kim - "Just want to reassure everyone I'm not a psychic. I only get what's going to happen from The Lord. The enemy can't tell you things that are going to happen years later. I do Not like those things and am completely against them. I get prophecies from The Lord. The attacks i get are from the enemy. And i bring too much of that upon myself as the Lord has been revealing to me. Unfortunately, I've let my anger at times ( when attacked by people i know) rise up over my gift and I'm truly very sorry for that. When we who are prophetic get a heaviness we are to begin serious prayer. Sometimes, I'm sorry to say, that I let my anger at the foolishness of others, cause me to get angry instead. I will control this better now and keep my focus on the love I have for them in Christ, instead of the anger. It's not easy, but i should already have this down. I know someone or a few have prayed on here for me to get back on track, and I want to say thank you so very much. Means more than you know. Just know that with these numbers your getting is The Lord letting you know He's not left you and He'll line things up in Your favor as long as you stay in Him. Trust Him always... Bless you all."
Kim, It is true that many people are concerned about the term psychic and confuse it with medium or fortune-teller. You are certainly not of the latter, but, in addition to prophetic abilities, you have also been gifted with psychic abilities. Dictionary definition of "psychic" = "sensitive to supernatural forces". But there are good & bad supernatural forces or spirits out there. Unfortunately, many of those with psychic abilities are unsaved, lack spiritual discernment, and use their gift for the glory of Satan. Concerning anger, I just saw a good Proverb somewhere; had to do with "a calm or peaceful reply, undoes an angry opponent". Something like that! Praying for you. God bless.
2) DEMONS in MY MARRIAGE BED: a True Story of Spiritual Warfare - "I, Paul, am the author of this book. My wife and I went through spiritual hell in 2006 when I got involved in witchcraft. We literally became haunted people with a haunted house with too many strange paranormal events to mention here. But Jesus Christ of Nazareth came to my aid and re-claimed my soul from satan! I say this to articulate that since our salvation and closer and closer walk with our Lord, we have seen 11:11, 111, for several years now. I knew it was a message from the Lord and always felt the urgency of the Last Days message. We have a Podcast, KAPOW Radio Show, where we conduct Bible teaching and urgent warnings to the apostate church. However, lately, we have begun to see these 3:33 or 33, or 333, or 3333 everywhere. I am awakened at night often at 3:33, and even at 11:33, using a combination of 11 and 33. Like so many other people have stated, the majority of "333 meaning" sites on the web are occult or plain numerology. Then I found your site and wow! I simply love the testimonies of others around the world who are experiencing this calling to stand in the gap on the wall and proclaim the Kingdom of Jesus Christ of Nazareth." PAUL / / 6/19/2017.
3) PROOF OF HEAVEN - A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife - I was naively given this best-selling book to read. Following is a critical review portraying just how deceptive Satan can be in his quest for souls.
Dr. Eben Alexander's exposé of his week long comma and near-death experience does indeed seem to provide living proof of an afterlife. Heaven and Hell are ‘somewhat’ represented as the Bible portrays them, although Heaven is less glorious & Hell is less foreboding. Also, I’m not convinced that it was God that he was talking with. In the beginning, he did cry out “God help me”. But he was not a religious man, he rarely went to church. After his ordeal, upon a visit to church, a painting of Jesus & of The Last Supper did evoke feelings & memories of the bliss of heaven & of God’s unconditional love. He goes on to say “I didn’t just believe in God, I knew Him”. And tears streamed down his cheeks as he took communion. – This of course sounds deeply touching. However, there are many, many people who believe in God, even Satan & the fallen Angels knew & know God. But, we all know where they’re going to end up! Nowhere does Eben acknowledge Jesus, nor did Jesus acknowledge him. Eben completely bypasses Jesus’ torture, agony, & the death he suffered for our salvation! He has never acknowledged Jesus as his Lord & Savior. God’s Word, John 14.6, is quite clear, “No-one comes to the Father except thru the Son”. Moreover, God would never have allowed His Son to go through what he did if it weren’t for a very good reason. “He gave his only begotten Son”! (John 3:16). Of course we do need to seek God, but in this Age of Grace, we don’t have the option of bypassing Jesus.
Eben so passionately wants to tell his story; he wants people to know that there really is an afterlife, that we do have an eternal spiritual self, and that God really does exist. He has the greatest of intentions, but in actuality he’s being used as a dupe by Satan. He’s taking part in a concerted effort by Satan to delude & give people a false sense of security. Because Eben is truly searching and wants others to experience God, he’s promoting all kinds of New Age type philosophies, books, & organizations that totally bypass Jesus and are in opposition to the Bible. Hemi-Sync, page 158, is one of these. Per Eben, Hemi-Sync is a powerful system to enhance deep conscious exploration based on an audio technology. Via enhanced states of consciousness it can supposedly allow access to alternate perceptual modes including deep meditation and mystical states, liberating ones out-of-body consciousness and ultimately allowing us to communicate & be one with God. The problem here is, when someone empties his rational mind, he leaves it wide open to access by deceiving spirits, “spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Eph. 6:12). There’s no doubt in my mind that Eben’s experience was orchestrated by Satan. If Eben were a believer, I think his experience would have been quite different.
A few other things worry me about Eben’s new found teachings. 1) He relates the story of a dead relative coming back to converse with someone. He also endorses the book “Personal Encounters with the Virgin Mary”. These types of encounters are similar to that of mediums, conjurings, channelings, etc., which encompass manifestations of evil spirits under Satan’s control. They are strictly forbidden and warned about in the Bible. 2) God told him there are many other universes, some whose intelligence is advanced far beyond that of ours. I’m guessing that this satanic lie will help Satan foster an alien/God type end-time scenario, possibly in conjunction with Antichrist. 3) Israel. Eben supposedly got his Black Plague type disease in Israel. I wouldn’t put it past Satan to throw this into the story just because he hates Israel so very much. 4) Another lie to promote false hope & security, - Eben was given the knowledge that we are all part of the Devine and that absolutely nothing can take that away; that nothing can tear us from God, ever! Again, completely against God’s Word.
I really do feel sorry for Eben. He seems to be such a good, loving, & compassionate person. I feel confident that someday he will get to know Jesus, come to true faith, & find salvation. But right now, he’s totally helping Satan with his never-ending plan of deceit & deception. He’s leading so many in the wrong direction. What a shame! If only Eben had the Holy Spirit as his helper, which only happens when one is born of the Spirit, born-again, has truly accepted Jesus as their Lord & Savior. Only then is one even interested enough to really want to know God & His Ways. Unless the Holy Spirit has quickened our spirit, we remain blind to the things of God; our mind & spirit are open to all kinds of false teachings. And only with the Spirits help are we driven to and enabled to rightly interpret the Bible, the God Breathed (2Tim.3:16) instruction book for the believer. And the better we know His Word, the less likely we are to be deceived by evil spirits, false teachers, & false preachers. The Word of God is truly the only thing in this Satan controlled world that we can totally trust! If only Eben had been a partaker of the Word!
4) DRUG ADDICTION, WITCHCRAFT, & DEMONS - Richard Marmor, (333 Guest 3/13/2018). - "God used 333 in a big way to help me get off drugs. 333 was also a big part in my coming to know Christ. I was raised in a very religious family and wanted nothing to do with God most of my life. 6 years ago I called out to Jesus and was saved. Two years ago with the help of Jesus I finally got sober. While I was in rehab I decided to write down my story. God has shown me he wants to use me and my story to help others. I go into great detail of how God kept pursuing me and continued to give me lots of warning signs that I needed to change my life."
Richard knows the devastation of drugs more than most. Hundreds of thousands of people, particularly young people, are losing their family, friends, morals, health, finances, sanity, even life & soul. Richard's story of hell & supernatural deliverance is a totally engrossing testimony and video. Visit Richard at Eyes2See or
5) Movie THE EXORCIST - more real then we can imagine. - Joyce from Holland, (333 Guest 12/30/2018). - "My mom died 2 years ago. In the 9 days that she was diagnosed and dying, she accepted Jesus and told me that a huge dark cloud, which were demons when she looked closer, where coming down to the earth. Like I mentioned before (12/7/18): we all have noticed the extreme darkness this last year, right? The number which I believe is the highest spiritual number, 33, has been stolen by the Devil. Like always the Devil copy’s everything from God, but I know that this number is really God telling us To get ready because we are in the final seconds.
My husband backslid in 2016. I kept praying for him which was hard at times because he had so many strongholds; eventually demons & huge gateways because of pornography prostitution, lies, & drugs. He was not my husband anymore. He was very possessed. Satan hates families; he wants to destroy them no matter what, but I kept praying although I was in pain. God gave me strength to keep on praying & loving my husband & telling me: this person is not your husband & demons always try to hurt people. In May 2017 I told my husband because it was getting out of control with drugs and we have 2 little boys, that he had to leave the house since he was damaging the family & no longer leading his family. I told him that I had to let go & let God!! But I always told him, if you are ready to let God back in your life & lead you, I will be here. On the 30th of October he came back, said he was being tormented & he wanted to quite everything. Few days later he was in a psychoses ( demons overtake ). I prayed a lot with brothers & sisters and a lot of demons manifested & left his body during praying. I can honestly say that the movie the Exorcist is more real then we can imagine. He jumped out of the window on the 8th of November and was rushed to the hospital. He is saved & fine now and since 2 weeks at home & back into Gods Word again, a lot of fear is gone & he knows Jesus is coming soon. Anyway, my husband also told me that he remembered during the week that he was at home & in this psychoses, that he really got afraid every time I showed him the 33 signals I was getting. He said, I could feel the fear of these demons because of this number, so I truly believe that it meant He, our Lord & Savior, is on His way. He wants us to warn others & get ready. Sorry for the long story! Love you all."
Joyce, Again, you are a blessing. You have certainly seen the great power & devastation that Satan & his demons are capable of. Praise God for your strength & spiritual fortitude. Hoping others heed your warnings & are ready. 33 does seem to be manifesting more & it is getting quit dark. Thank you & bless you.
6) A CASE of POSSESSION? - CC, (333 Guest 1/10/2019). - "333 was the first number sequence that I began seeing years and years ago when I was a young girl. It is still a prominent pattern, amongst others, but this one particularly strikes a peculiar tone each time. I am curious if there are others that are connected to Christ spirit within, that speak of their connection to 333, without putting such an emphasis on EXTERNALIZING a worship of Christ as a MAN outside of themselves. The dogmatic religion of Christianity that we have been provided-by the "Jews" and Catholic "authorities", has been seriously distorted and dished out as children stories as if we need physical accounts to make sense of spiritual things. The same ones that have fed Christians their religious beliefs, has also deceptively convinced the whole world that we live on a spinning ball rotating around the sun, - when the bible specifically and clearly states the earth was created first, immovable, on pillars, and that the sun & moon & stars move around us. If they have the ability to blindfold humanity with that falsity - using the magik of nasa's filming trickery - you must consider all information of this world to be distorted. Looking for an externalized anti-Christ or externalized Jesus to come to this world is the ego needing a physical evidence of spiritual matters. I am definitely a believer of and worship the one true Holy God of creation, and of the Holy Spirit of Christ that communicates truth to us. I seem to have a difficult time finding affiliates of 333 that are not either forceful with dogmatic ideology claims, or on the opposite end with new age spirituality. Anyone out there centered in the balance?"
CC, Sorry, but it is not the true Holy Spirit communicating with you. I believe that God has really been trying to break through, but He's being blocked and you are being deceived. Oh how I pray that you are somehow delivered!
7) DEMON FIGHTER! - Dillon Morley McConnell (333 Guest 2/11/2019). - "I"m 20 years old, was born at 3:33 am 3/27/98. I remember a very specific night of my life, where I believed that I had met the woman I was going to marry. It was the night Donald Trump won. I went to sleep around 2:45 am and woke up at 3:33 drenched in sweat, out of horrific dreams of the demons. It was like I had been in my own, personalized horror movie. It took me three days to get my head back on straight, and by than, I guess I had scared her away forever. I'm okay. It's been years since this happened. I wear the Arch Angel Michael's pendant around my neck. It depicts him slaying the Beast. I have no idea where this pendant came from, nor does my mother who passed it from God to me. I've literally pulled a demon out of a non believer, took it home, and I tried to send it to hell through my toilet. That did not work. Also it flooded my garage and blew a whole through my ceiling and pipes. I'm starting to think that I am an angel sent to stand in the face of evil and inequity, help, and ultimately admonish and nudge as many souls as I can in the correct direction. I want so much to understand. I'm so human and so much more. I will admit... how could one understand a world that one did not even realize was not his own. I didn't know the devil has dominion over this planet. That dynamic is understood by me now. Maybe it will just take time for everything I've read here today to sink in. I know another, who was born at 11:11. I'm waiting for him to grow up before him and I continue to resonate. He sees his angel every night before he goes to bed. Sees demons wherever he finds one, and is impervious to them. From the story he told me, it did not sound like a weak demon either. Just impervious. That is very very special. Thank you so much for your time and your content. God bless." Please, if you are inspired, or you understand. Reach out to me." My email is [email protected]
Dillon, I'm concerned for you. Demons are certainly real. You have a very noble mind-set, but please be careful, demons can not be taken for granted. See Eph.6:10-18 and make sure you're born-again, you will definitely need God's protection, (see "Salvation").
8) SATANIC BONDAGE - John / South Africa (333 Guest 5/11/2019) - Hi fellow body in Christ members# 333 .I live in south Africa and have a powerful testimony that started with 333 111 11:11 444 555 888 and a supernatural calling /invitation in god's divine anointing. Now the lord knows you and Ur souls receiving frequency !!it's a emergency private (hotline) message sent to you that triggers a spiritual acknowledgement/sos revelation that you have drifted of your path to receiving your spiritual gifts that he has destined for you !!!now 333 is a registered trademark of the lord and your spiritual address of #purpose# ,god intended for you !! U would find that 333 will give u fruit of the spirit ,bread of life as a result of receiving ,a supernatural fate that brakes all physical laws in your world ,,ALWAYS has to be confirmed by# 3#more supernatural signatures of divine confirmation ( discernment can be the titles of the videos ,number of views,time duration of videos,Ur clock anything )!! U will be issued/ announced a Prophetic calling for the kingdom of God!!! by nature and purpose u will get the message in a revelation,unique & abstract way that only you understand !! eagle eye anointing , seeing, hearing, visions, dreams, discerning of spirits, evangelism, prayer warrior. You are a soldier of the lord that lost his way in Ur spiritual walk !!! you have fallen victim to Satan's bondage ,soul-ties, strongholds, and demonic influences when on drugs; because you have given them legal grounds to do so!!! meth shadows reveal a presence that has its demonic assignment to oppress you with Fear, paranoia, depression ,spirits influence you with dirty ideas ,desires of the flesh that are evil in origin ,sexual ,aggressive ,which ever way Ur cookie crumbles !!! U are spiritually in ""bondage"" to the ritual of drug use by now .you will slowly start having Ur mind tormented , u will feel the atmosphere change when they active to a dark stale presence that eye watching you ,u will know something evil has made its presence by spirituall instincts !!u will have to justify it with psychosis etc. u will notice the sinking in the web of darkness and loss of free will slowly be destroyed spiritually!!this happens when the (drugs) convert to a weapon of witch craft formed against you and this creates the manifestation of ;demonic forces,witchces ,warlocks ,unclean spirits will gain legal right to oppress, torment, posses you depending on your spiritual defense u have in that area and dark desires they can trap you with !! . the more you use drugs and want to quit ,then fail !!! the weaker Ur free will & spirit becomes in guarding you!! the stronger the attack & magic magnetic force drags You strait back to the drugs (witchcraft) of the spirit ,till you lose the hope and free will god made you with !! Porn has so many demonic slaves "sold out" spirits demonic principalities snapping you up by soul-ties, to the dark presences, it's an invasion & invitation to Ur own little party ;;:-(:-(:-( a donation of meat thrown to which ever cat is in the ally !! legal consent in manipulating you by any demonic intention it best sees fit to kill ,steal, destroy !!! your little sparkle of hope in finding Ur destiny in "god" !!! assigned against your ""book of life """" heavenly father blessed gifts to you !! naturally your mind tends to notice certain things on television,music, numbers, visions etc.. reflecting back Ur current actions and desires, thoughts, etc in perfect sync, timing, abstract thinking, encoding MSG's !! it's your natural blessing!!!! Held against you as a curse, damnation in Ur salvation and faith in Jesus Christ ,; the unforgivable sin u done this time !!! repeating in your soul, like their own is a common symptom of these spirits, corrupted by demonic influences is when powerful demonic principalities bind your soul ,wrap you up in a chain of destructive patterns all strategically killing you as smooth as a domino effect. one triggers the other (gamble & win, take drugs to celebrate, lose money, anger, now u steal, then hurt people that love you !! it's a spiritual python wrapping around your purpose in Christ and the kingdom of God, conveniently disguised as Ur deepest desires of the flesh .!! God will intervene in this attack on your life, he will fight for you !!! by his sheer mercy, infinite grace,,, puddles of deep spiritual cries overflowing Ur own soul as u surrender thy breath to the very desires that once fueled your flesh!!! U'll be heard from the Pitt of damnation, lord Jesus knows Ur bound in the Pitts of hell !! he knows you are up against powerful, wicked, forces in heavenly places, he knows how to call his sheep!! for he knows the sound of Ur voice !!!???..your# 333#spiritual code voice echos to Satan's sadistic appetite as a feast !!! He smells & identifies, assigns specific (demons, strongholds, spiritual hindering spirits) to your life that best seduce your#333# type of spiritual assignment....when you in the mouth of the serpent, to see just how far the rabbit hole can go !!!;;!!!??? sometimes it's these places of pure evil! and torture we find our true amazing grace, our brightest most distinctive calling !!;; ,The showers of salvation,,,undenying 333 ever merciful, infinite 555 power, wisdom1212 of infinite precision 777 ,,,, 888 lord Jesus Christ who by pure divine, love, is seeking you in the deepest of damnations, tribulations, demonic oppressions, whatever it takes to wake up !!! to your eternal ((infinite)) salvation !!! 11:11 alert 1111 we're going home to our eternal heavenly father .ps 333.
9) ADDICTION FREE - Robert Zane / California, USA. (10/6/2019) - "I recently found my sobriety in a very unconventional way. My life has an epic story that could leave most in tears. My addictions were all brought to a standstill from a single experience. But that was only the beginning. I soon had tremendous spiritual battles during the night. Waking up tired and exhausted but full of faith. An extreme amount of faith that has almost pushed a lot of people away, friends and family. And this is only the second week. Then I saw 3:33am when I would wake. Once, okay. Twice, hmm.. everywhere now! even on a toy from my sons happy meal toy. I did research to support my faith and bring some of these coincidences to light. Angels were the obvious sign I felt a connection to. Especially since when my enlightenment happened I started painting angels. But I have been completely reborn and live my life with complete FAITH! And share my experience with all who will listen. I’m not afraid of life anymore, I just live it in gods grace. September 15th I took my first breath as a Christian. I’m 31 and if it be the end soon, I will be here to spread the word of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit till my time be done. If anyone has any questions my email [email protected] ."
Robert, Praise God!! Love your born-again & deliverance testimony. Jesus does transform our lives! I'm guessing your 333s encompass Gods acknowledgment of your son-ship in conjunction with His guidance for you to find this site and to somehow promote your growth or his plans for your end-time service. Welcome to the Kingdom.
10) DANCED w/the DEVIL - BlueShift / Tennessee, USA (4/11/2020) - "Thanks for creating this website. I have been seeing 333 everywhere since going through a 9 month challenging personal experience with addiction. While in active addiction I went through a very structured "test" by organized forces that are very hard to explain and put in words. It felt like military training and the hardest experience of my life. During this experience the 333 number began showing up and still does everywhere. I began drawing the cross with the three 3's around it. I had no previous knowledge of the bible or the significance of 3. I would characterize myself as agnostic prior to this experience. During this experience I had very heightened senses and began receiving messages about an upcoming pandemic which now I know as COVID-19. This was a 9 month experience and I have left this experience with absolutely 0 doubt in my mind of the real Truth. I saw it and lived it. God is everything and Jesus is our Lord and Savior. I danced with the devil and denounced all they wanted to give me for my soul (they offer a lot and they are masterful deceivers). My life has been threatened by "them" and they financially ruined me, but I will not stay quiet. I am only sober and alive by the grace of God. People need to wake up. This
is real and we are in a spiritual war. We are all children of God and therefore we are all the chosen ones. God is seeking the ACTION ONES. Let's take action. Email me if you have insight from similar experiences. ✝️333" [email protected]
BlueShift, As above, Praise God!! Love your born-again & deliverance testimony. Jesus does transform our lives! Thank you for sharing & welcome to the Kingdom!
11) UNCLEAN FAMILIAR SPIRIT - Matthew / Canada (11/20/19) - "It's been over 13 years since I have begun this battle. Initially it was just 333 then changed to all numbers from 1111,222,333,444,555. There are special sequences that it shows me. I say this with concern. I am a born again Christian but actually from a long line of Methodists and now currently with the SDA denomination.These # sequences stopped for 2 years (2017/2018) when people started to pray for me (intercession). In this time I know i was building the Grace power through faith and learning and disciplining through bible study. At one point 333 stopped coming at noon time and started to come at night time. I would have a very hard time sleeping afterwards. I would have very clear demonic dreams. I have recently started to see these numbers again ( today 2019/11/19) such as 222,444. This is a warning that I sinned. I'm leery of how you got your understanding of 333. I don't believe this method of communication is sanctioned by God. Any numbers you see, including 333, are not of God, they're a ploy of Satan to trick you into thinking you are special. This is all a lie perpetrated by the devil."
Matthew, It is certainly clear that you are being buffeted by Satan in his effort to undermine, water-down, & negate God's 333/SOS message. I'm concerned that he has succeeded and moreover is able to put you on guilt-trips. Please review "Satan's # Games" & please don't ignore the 333. Discernment is needed, but I really believe God wants something of you. What it is, is between you & him. Keep asking Him for guidance.
Note: I'm not very familiar with the Adventists. I'm a bit concerned however as to whether Paul, the apostle to us gentiles, would be comfortable with some of the SDA doctrines. Of course as long as you're truly born-again, it shouldn't matter.
5/2/20 - Update from Mathew replying to above. - "After i received your response, i had a revelation of what was affecting me. At that moment, all diluted numbers ceased to occur and my focus became clear. I am dealing with a Unclean Familiar spirit. I do not believe it is a fallen one as this spirit walks the earth an from the tests my wife an i did, it is only one. This Unclean spirit seems to be able to create dreams into our heads, is past times people would call it prophetic, but now since we have started a deeper Spiritual warfare with a clearer intention of what to do. "the Jig is up" as they say. The spiritual demon knows that i Know what it is now.
I wanted to reach out and thank you for clarifying the situation i was placed into. I wanted to ask if you have anything further you can tell me which needs to be said.
To tell you something about myself, My parents and their descendants are from a long line of Methodists Christians from the first missionaries. My great uncles started the Ministry in the Malaya Peninsula which is rife with Voodoo. My family has been attacked from this Unclean spirit since their time. So i am assuming it is a Generational curse or a battle the devil wishes to win with my Bloodline. I have had trouble sleeping for a very long time. I have had demonic dreams and prophetic dreams. One dream i have had was of my own Mother doing voodoo encouraged from her co-worker regarding my fathers infidelities which inevitably caused the continual Bloodline curse. The beginning was from my fathers father, I am the 3rd generations.....
My parents never told me of the spiritual problem. It began to manifest as a rapping demon (poltergeist maybe??) . It would always make sounds of tapping on glass, wall, window pains. All the funny lore states it is electrical but, i have not experienced that only when there was a time when a Fallen one appeared to have started to work with the Unclean spirit. At this time, there was definite electrical outages, such as Lights shutting off when i glance at a Lit fixture , tapping of the monitors, and whenever i drive under a Streetlamp, it would shut off. At this period of time in 2013 Jan1. i was pretty suicidal. on the Eve of New years, i received a dream from a Circular Rainbow with blinding light. When i woke up, the air in my condo felt calm an peaceful. This dream came after i had a Fasting and prayer period of 22 days. This was when it was the worst time.....At work i was being attacked, my life was spiraling down hill with substance abuse and life wasn't doing well. Everything problem comes in 3s seems to be a biblical cliche.
This is what i am facing..... Something wants my soul. I know as it told me very plainly when i ask. (response was always via Mind contact: odd or not, but seems to be able to enter Body)
What God did for me. After i reached out to contradict your understanding of the triple numerological phenomenon, you sent back a clear, concise, deduction. I now know what it was. I thank you for this gesture. As the spiritual Warfare i have am waging with a clearer mind. I have had a divine inclination to reach out to you to tell you what has been going on since i received your message in January 2020 (went back to your website for a response).
The Diluted numbering has since stopped occurring and the 1111 and 333 began once again. I did not see it for many years... only 222, 444, 555,1212,420.
I was guided to a Minister called Derek Prince seminar "how to be delivered from Demons" and it was explained to me very clearly what this unclean thing is.... It is a Human who was perverted when alive and cannot rest. I wanted to say, this thing has been around me since at a very young age of 7. So the notion of Familiar spirits is not fictional but explained by the bible as an Old aged demon (aka Legion, jezebel, leviathon). But in reality, it is not old age. I believe these spirits are the unrest controlled from a higher being (the Devil) Helped by the old age demons : sort of a school for the demonic unrest that SaTan has created. These things are not stupid , but seems to be another intelligent life form. I was visited by all the demons, as i received dreams from all of them. Jezebel was a big one. She has black hair, wears a white dress (like in the movie "the Ring"). She laid in an very large empty room on an older style metal hospital bed (like 1900 hospital bed) in the middle of the room. I rebuked her, and told her to leave in Jesus name. She only left was when i broke all soul ties with her. There was a contract...
Slowly, but surely, i had revelation from God through yourself, and From the Teachings of the Bible (sword of God). The prayer for the full armor of God does work and the asking of the understanding for the Sword will be given. IF wisdom is asked, you will receive it.
I thank you for the message . Be at peace and loved by God in Jesus name. Pray for me and my family, for the devil Hates my family and continues to break us from the Sin created by Adam.
BTW: the Unclean spirit Stopped making noises after i Forgave it. I told it out loud in the washroom (as it seems to be it's favorite location due to the isolation of the room)."
Mathew, Praying for your continued peace. Eph.6:11-18 is so profound! Satan does indeed want our souls.
12) MONSTER METH ADDICTION - Tonya, 8/16/20 - "I've been seeing 333 for way over a month now but just not that one I see 111 222 333 444 and then just a couple days ago I seen 555 im glad I got on my knees and humble myself to the lord and asked him what he's trying to tell me. I asked him to go through my phone the I ouckes up my phone out in 333 and then the very first time this sight gas can't on. Because I've googled it before never seen this and it makes perfectly sense, but see I was 33 years old when my ex shot me in the face with a 44 mag. I've had multiple surgeries on my face, 23. 10 years worth of surgeries!! I prayed right before I died. When u died it was like a force sucking me. I was like a tadpole and only had eyes. I seen beautiful colors. I remember thinking what's up with the Christmas lights, it's April! About that time I had a body, there was a man there with long white hair and a white head. I told him that I got shot and he said yes my child I know you did. He assured me everything was going to be ok. About that time I woke up to a teacher praying over my dead body. Then I seen a mask come onto my face, they put me in drug induced coma, so I do believe I seen it for myself. But the thing is, I got an addiction I just can't shake. I seen a article here about it. I have a crystal meth addiction, im very ashamed & keep asking God to take my addiction away. So if im being called, im going to have to stop. If God is calling me this is huge. Thank you for your article. You were a true God-Sent. And thank you to yank from Indiana."
Tonya, Satan is definitely using drugs big time in these last days. Meth is such a monster! If you haven't already, see "Beyond 333"/Spiritual Warfare - #4, 8, 9, & 10. May God continue to order your steps. Seek Him out. We're so close to the end!
Several non-mainline christian churches have chosen to worship the Lord on Saturday, the old testament Sabbath. Number 4 of the Ten Commandments specifies "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy". So why do most churches choose to worship on Sunday?
1) The Lord in Ex.31:12 says, "Say to the Israelites, You must observe my Sabbaths". This in no way carries over to New Testament believers. At the Council of Jerusalem, the apostles decided and sent a letter specifying what was expected of Paul's Gentile believers (Acts 15:22-29).
2) Rom. 6:14 & 7:1-6 tell us we are no longer under the law, we are under grace. We are truly under a new covenant.
3) Romans 13:8-10 and Galatians 5:14 tell us that "The entire law is summed up in a single command: Love your neighbor as yourself". Even Jesus tells us in Math. 22:40, "All the law hangs on the first two commandments" - love God & love your neighbor. Love is the fulfillment of the law.
4) In Mark 2:27 Jesus tells us, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath".
5) Acts 20:7 & 1Cor.16:2 tell us that the first churches met on the 1st day of the week. Presumably because that was the day of Jesus' resurrection. Math. 28:1 & Mark 16:2 & 9 tell us that Sunday is the 1st day of the week.
6) In Romans 14:5&6 Paul tells us that we are not under obligation to consider one day more sacred than another. And he goes on to admonish us not to judge or look down on a brother because of disagreement over disputable matters.
7)Similarly, Col.2:16 says "do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a new moon celebration or a Sabbath day.
The internet is replete with so much more, both pro & con. That being said, I'm absolutely sure my God is not going to deprive anyone of heaven based on when they choose to worship him. The only criteria will be - are you truly born-again.
1) The Lord in Ex.31:12 says, "Say to the Israelites, You must observe my Sabbaths". This in no way carries over to New Testament believers. At the Council of Jerusalem, the apostles decided and sent a letter specifying what was expected of Paul's Gentile believers (Acts 15:22-29).
2) Rom. 6:14 & 7:1-6 tell us we are no longer under the law, we are under grace. We are truly under a new covenant.
3) Romans 13:8-10 and Galatians 5:14 tell us that "The entire law is summed up in a single command: Love your neighbor as yourself". Even Jesus tells us in Math. 22:40, "All the law hangs on the first two commandments" - love God & love your neighbor. Love is the fulfillment of the law.
4) In Mark 2:27 Jesus tells us, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath".
5) Acts 20:7 & 1Cor.16:2 tell us that the first churches met on the 1st day of the week. Presumably because that was the day of Jesus' resurrection. Math. 28:1 & Mark 16:2 & 9 tell us that Sunday is the 1st day of the week.
6) In Romans 14:5&6 Paul tells us that we are not under obligation to consider one day more sacred than another. And he goes on to admonish us not to judge or look down on a brother because of disagreement over disputable matters.
7)Similarly, Col.2:16 says "do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a new moon celebration or a Sabbath day.
The internet is replete with so much more, both pro & con. That being said, I'm absolutely sure my God is not going to deprive anyone of heaven based on when they choose to worship him. The only criteria will be - are you truly born-again.
Amy 1/21/18: I have seen 333 over a course of time. The last two weeks especially. I was driving to Cleveland and a song come on by the S.O.S Band and a delivery truck passes around me, on the back is Pompeii with a volcano on it. I am now thinking this is a warning and perhaps Mt Vesuvius is going to erupt again... hmm. I had a dream last night of being high up in a building with wooden floors and ladders that go down below. The ladders were not stable and loose from the wall. Over to my left was King Edward's wife "Woodford" and my sister in front of me with short black hair (in reality is not my sister) turns away and the wooden floor had opened up and she disappeared below. I look down through what is the wooden floor opening and closing and she is dead. My thought was how to get out of here and woke up.
Note: Via e-mail, we find out that Amy's cat Moses is the spiting image of my late cat GG (God's Gift). And, my late wife & I had a cat named Moses before GG!! She also had recently bought a weather-vain with an Angel that is very similar to the 333 Angel on page1!
Also: see Guestbook comment by Amy 10/21/18, - another strange happening.
Ally 1/23/18: I started seeing 333 in 2013 on the clocks then the tv and now on car tags and signs on the side of the road. God led me to Jeremiah and gave me a promise of restoration. I know what my calling is and I ran from it for many years because I was scared and just not ready. I've had great loss and thru that I've grown to Love God more than I ever had. It's been a hard struggle. God has given me several visions. One I recall was an Angle as tall as the sky bent over blowing a horn. I was at this body of water with this gorgeous harvest moon and we were in a car that was passing over a mud puddle when I told everyone look and it was the angel blowing the horn. That was years ago. I've had 2 just in the last few weeks. I know its God sending a message. Any help understanding these more would be great. 1st one was a very dark room, pitch black, and on the floor there are 9 canvases; I think they were 9x12 in size and there were 9 of us standing there beside the canvases. There was a spot light on us and the "salesman" he was trying to sell us on these canvases. Each canvas had something different on it. I remember 3 of them. A water slide was on my canvas, which I thought was weird because I have a fear of water, especially slides/heights. Another one was like a jungle of sorts and the 3rd one was a beach with warm waters. So the "Salesman" is telling us we can have it, all we have to do is pick up our canvas, picture it in our minds, and jump out this window. Everyone was excited except me. I felt this quickening in my spirit which I knew was the Holy spirit telling me something is not right. Then all of a sudden I could see past this darkness. There was no window, no room, just total darkness. These people were lined up and jumping out the window. The whole way down I could see there faces and the salesman was smiling at them. Unknown to them, he was sucking the souls out of them. Right before they hit the bottom, the vision ended and I realized they were deceived, but it was to late. Then just this morning I had a vision. There were 12 of us praying for a guy who was possessed by many demons. I remember at first we were all just praying out loud, but I said we need to join hands and encircle him. I then I felt a power like wind and fire hit me, like I was going to fall down because it was so strong, but I didn't. I knew it was the holy spirit and I started praying in tongues and I knew what I was saying. I was calling the demons out and sending them back to hell. Was a very strong dream. It took all 12 of us holding hands and the fire from the holy spirit to send them back so this man could be free. I say all this because I know they all go hand in hand to my visions and the number 333 God has given me since 2013. I was wondering in the dessert for many years as a backslider and I knew in 2013 it was a warning to turn my life back around, that God still had a purpose for my life, and it was still the same as when I first started. I thought I was silly because I kept seeing the #333, but now I know its not. I know that the #9 & #12 go hand in hand with the #333. I feel like God is telling his people to wake up before its to late and I believe he wants us to share this and not be afraid. He's coming and I believe its sooner than most people think it is. God says none of us know the hour or day, but He'll give us signs and discernment and I feel in my soul he wants us to wake up and reach out to those who are sleeping. Please if you have any insight into these visions. Please share. Thanks so much!!
Ally, Wow! You have certainly been given some truly prophetic visions; certainly related to scary end-time satanic deceptions that are near at hand. Very good discernment & advice. Concerning the 9 &12: "9" = Finality or Divine Judgement, "12" has to do with Governmental Perfection but can also signify Anointed. Thus, maybe they could be interpreted as your being anointed for end-time ministry. God does certainly have a purpose for your life!
Amy#2 1/25/18: Weird coincidence! - 2 Amys & 3 "A"s within 4 days! 2,3,4!! And Amy#2 is seeing a lot of "5"s!! Some kind of countdown?
Brandon McLachlan / UK
#1) 3/31/18: - "I began to see 333 about four weeks ago, they have been appearing more and more. I have also been having a recurring dream in which a man who I would describe as being Jesus-like in appearance stands a few meters away from me and just holds up three fingers but never says a word. I don't feel afraid of the dream, but it and seeing 333 has prompted me to look further into this. Your website so far is the only one which makes sense, even though I still don't know why this is happening to me. I will however be a regular visitor to the site and hopefully I will find the answer."
Brandon, Quite a profound recurring dream! Sure would be great to know what he's trying to tell you/us. I reread what I wrote about the #3 on pg1. It's certainly his personal #. If nothing else, your experience seems to verify that this 333 ministry is of or is approved by Him. But I'm thinking probably something more. Wondering if he's showing the #3 casually, invitingly, triumphantly? And was it meant to be personal or global?
#2) 4/25/18: - "I had a dream about the Jesus-like man once again. In it he stood a short distance from me again holding up his three fingers, but this time he turned his head to the side and pointed towards the horizon. So I turned my head to see what he was pointing at. I could see that the Sun and Moon were both going down together. When I turned back to look at the man, he had tears running down his face. Then I woke up. Do you have any ideas on what this could mean?"
Brandon, Referencing your 3/31/18 comment of seeing the 333 and of recurring dreams, this dream certainly verifies the end-time & SOS significance of the 333 message! It must signify the onslaught of "the sun & the moon being darkened". Google it. Many end-time bible verses reference it; the "Day of the Lord", a cruel day when God finally releases his ultimate anger on a corrupt & faithless world. Per Math.24:29, this will conclude the horrendous distress of the 7 yr Tribulation. Thus, the Tribulation must be very close. Maybe his 3 fingers represent 3 years as well as his deity. No wonder your Jesus-like man was crying!
#3) 7/9/18: - "I've had another dream about the Jesus like man. With this dream he was standing in front of a Cross that towered behind him, but I could see the Cross was leaning slightly towards the right and on either side of the Cross stood a figure dressed in black monk type robes. They both stood with their heads down and their arms stretched out to their sides like they were being crucified. I looked at the Jesus man and he smiled at me. Then I woke up, and this time when I woke up my breathing was very labored. This dream definitely felt different to the others I've had, (3/31 & 4/25). Any ideas on what this one could mean?"
Brandon, Welcome back. For the 3rd time, the #3 stands out, 3 figures. Which leads me to believe that the dream is truly of God. Monks generally live their lives under vows of poverty, chastity, & obedience, and devote their lives to prayer. Along with the huge cross, this could possibly represent the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy. Would seem it's falling and/or being crucified. And it would seem that Jesus is not unhappy about this. Moreover, the color black generally symbolizes evil. (Note: My hypothesis is just that.) Would be good to know if this has any personal impact relevant to your life. Are you Catholic? Are you a born-again believer? Is this a personal communication, possibly warning, for your benefit, or for the edification of the church in general, or both?
7/12/18: - "I do believe in the existence of God but I am not born-again or Catholic. I have never found a religious order that I have felt drawn to become a part of. Could my dream be telling me to stay clear of religion , because it is falling?"
Brandon, As indicated in your last dream, God is not a fan of religion. He hates overbearing religions of hierarchy, vows, sacrifices, and man-made rituals & laws similar to those of the Pharisees. All are not biblical. What God does want, actually demands, is a personal loving relationship with His son, who died for you. Thus I believe all 3 dreams & the 333 message, although universal in scope, are more-so directed quite personally to you.
Please see "Salvation" and thank you for sharing. What a profound verification of God's 333/SOS message! Bless your journey.
Note: A similar dream - see Antoinette 8/7/18 @
Joy 7/29/18: - "Dear all who are seeing this number, I have been seeing the 33 combination mostly for the last few months on a daily basis. I prayed that the Lord would let me know if this was Him or something demonic. He showed me in a dream that it meant that Jesus is standing up ( rising ) again. Meaning from now on He will interfere with everything on Earth. The time is now! Get right with God and Pray for everyone!! I love all you Guys."
Joy, That makes sense. As I referenced on page 1, the #33 is certainly associated with Jesus, (and with God's Promises). Moreover, being 3x11, it could possibly represent God's Promise of Judgment on a chaotic world (#11).
Angela 10/25/18: - I took a nap today for a couple hours and had another “end-times like" dream as I mentioned I often have. "I was at work and I see people I know from my work place one in particular I was thinking how great of a nurse she was and I went to help one of my patients and I see my dad visited me in the room of another patient we spoke for a little while and my unit manager came in wondering what I was doing ( I was supposed to be helping my patient and I was talking with my dad instead) she gets upset with me and decided to help my patient for me (my patient needed a shave) so my manager before going to shave my patient puts the razor to my brow and shaved a line into it. I was so upset but part of me wanted to laugh it off and pretend it was no big deal and then I decided I wasn’t going to let myself be bullied or stomped on so I simply let her know I was angry with her and that it was wrong of her to do. She completes the shave and did a terrible job so I was looking how I was going to fix it before the wife came in and think it was me. Sure enough she cane in and had a fit I didn’t want to blame my manager so I let her say her dues and then she began to complain about the things I had in my pocket and what my unit manager was holding, I had scissors and an inhaler in my pocket and my manager had what looked like a face pain scale but instead of faces it looked like clocks ( which the patients wife thought was a calendar) . Anyway I began to explain to her and basically defend myself and manager and my manager just nodded in approval . We then heard a LOUD SIREN ! Everyone ran outside and looked to the sky and we heard radio sounds and talking and they mentioned the first bomb and in that moment right where the sun was setting we see an explosion all I could say was Jesus ! Then a person came and held me and then we saw a GIGANTIC plane coming from where sun was it happened very quickly but 1 I could see that on the plane it said #1. (Now it gets even crazier for my brain to even put together and fully comprehend! But back to my dream.) In that moment we all attempted to run back inside and I stopped myself and thought it doesn’t matter there is no surviving this. I looked up to the sky and shouted "Jesus I’m sorry!" ...... When I woke up, I checked the time on my phone and it was 9:38 but when I checked on my watch it was 9:40 .... using your cheat sheet —— >> I will type my comments as I have my notes. Sorry if it’s all over the place!
Watch: 9=end/conclusion of a matter & judgement. 40= a period of probation or chastisement leading to the growth of Gods chosen (ie. tribulation).
Phone: But also 3=divine perfection or completeness, 8=new era, new beginning —->> could that mean a divine new era / time period or perfect timing ?????
Bullet points about my dream:
• we know we will know the end is near / here by the signs in the sky.
• we know that Jesus' coming will come as a thief in the night, suddenly like in the time of Noah, people will be living their lives, getting married, working, burying they’re dead. Etc.
• we can’t depend on anyone else to save us, we cannot cling onto someone to be saved, it is all autonomous, must be done individually.
• worse - thinking you’re going to heaven and end up somewhere else!
• worse - being saved yet not knowing where you’ll go —->> with death comes judgment and with judgment comes having to answer for wrongs and for idleness and disobedience.
I would really like to contact or talk to someone/anyone about all of this! Please contact me: [email protected] - If you do, please title the subject 333 revelation or anything with 333 in it so I know it’s not spam! Please and thank you !!
Joyce 1/29/2019 (Holland): - "Dear brothers & sisters, I have a strong feeling that there will be a sort of economic collapse soon. Since I have two little boys I today bought a lot of food in cans, bottles of water, candles, encetra to prepare. Still seeing the 33 Numbers a lot more then the 333. Still feels as if God is telling us To warn others and To get up as soldiers for the Gospel. Get ready, prepare, and reach out To the unsaved as well. Also feel the demonic uprising. Not afraid but I Just hope my brothers & sisters here and all around the world will still reach a lot of people who are in need for the truth and love before time is up. Love you all!"
Joyce, Referencing your 12/30/18 comment, thank you again. Good advice. The #33 certainly has a strong connection to Jesus. He died for our salvation at age 33, and thus it is known as the # of Promise. Bless you & yours.
4/11/2019: "Dear Brethren, God still speaks to his children through visions And messages. Like with Moses, he told them what To do and how To cover the houses with the blood so the spirit of death would not kill the the first Born in that house. Never thought that I would be doing this, but I now understand why God shows me the 33 signs. I did not believe it at first but I asked God To show me, And I got confirmation. The 3 days of darkness are coming, it is true. He who has ears listens. 3 signs before this darkness - like nuclear ( air colors / light ) Globally, power turning off Globally, Earthquakes Globally. We are being warned because he loves us. Darkness is real darkness, demonic entities extremely, but also physically sun being darkened by 3 days. - Get stuff for your house, stay inside during this period & do not let Anyone enter after the darkness. These people ( even family ) can be possessed.
You must think I am crazy but that's ok for me as long as you hear this message and know what To do. I pray the blood of Jesus upon all these people Here on this site. God bless you guys."
Joyce, God bless you. Hoping you're not as crazy as this sounds.
Post Script: March.2020 - CoronaVirus likely to cause a worldwide economic collapse! Maybe you're not crazy!
Note: Via e-mail, we find out that Amy's cat Moses is the spiting image of my late cat GG (God's Gift). And, my late wife & I had a cat named Moses before GG!! She also had recently bought a weather-vain with an Angel that is very similar to the 333 Angel on page1!
Also: see Guestbook comment by Amy 10/21/18, - another strange happening.
Ally 1/23/18: I started seeing 333 in 2013 on the clocks then the tv and now on car tags and signs on the side of the road. God led me to Jeremiah and gave me a promise of restoration. I know what my calling is and I ran from it for many years because I was scared and just not ready. I've had great loss and thru that I've grown to Love God more than I ever had. It's been a hard struggle. God has given me several visions. One I recall was an Angle as tall as the sky bent over blowing a horn. I was at this body of water with this gorgeous harvest moon and we were in a car that was passing over a mud puddle when I told everyone look and it was the angel blowing the horn. That was years ago. I've had 2 just in the last few weeks. I know its God sending a message. Any help understanding these more would be great. 1st one was a very dark room, pitch black, and on the floor there are 9 canvases; I think they were 9x12 in size and there were 9 of us standing there beside the canvases. There was a spot light on us and the "salesman" he was trying to sell us on these canvases. Each canvas had something different on it. I remember 3 of them. A water slide was on my canvas, which I thought was weird because I have a fear of water, especially slides/heights. Another one was like a jungle of sorts and the 3rd one was a beach with warm waters. So the "Salesman" is telling us we can have it, all we have to do is pick up our canvas, picture it in our minds, and jump out this window. Everyone was excited except me. I felt this quickening in my spirit which I knew was the Holy spirit telling me something is not right. Then all of a sudden I could see past this darkness. There was no window, no room, just total darkness. These people were lined up and jumping out the window. The whole way down I could see there faces and the salesman was smiling at them. Unknown to them, he was sucking the souls out of them. Right before they hit the bottom, the vision ended and I realized they were deceived, but it was to late. Then just this morning I had a vision. There were 12 of us praying for a guy who was possessed by many demons. I remember at first we were all just praying out loud, but I said we need to join hands and encircle him. I then I felt a power like wind and fire hit me, like I was going to fall down because it was so strong, but I didn't. I knew it was the holy spirit and I started praying in tongues and I knew what I was saying. I was calling the demons out and sending them back to hell. Was a very strong dream. It took all 12 of us holding hands and the fire from the holy spirit to send them back so this man could be free. I say all this because I know they all go hand in hand to my visions and the number 333 God has given me since 2013. I was wondering in the dessert for many years as a backslider and I knew in 2013 it was a warning to turn my life back around, that God still had a purpose for my life, and it was still the same as when I first started. I thought I was silly because I kept seeing the #333, but now I know its not. I know that the #9 & #12 go hand in hand with the #333. I feel like God is telling his people to wake up before its to late and I believe he wants us to share this and not be afraid. He's coming and I believe its sooner than most people think it is. God says none of us know the hour or day, but He'll give us signs and discernment and I feel in my soul he wants us to wake up and reach out to those who are sleeping. Please if you have any insight into these visions. Please share. Thanks so much!!
Ally, Wow! You have certainly been given some truly prophetic visions; certainly related to scary end-time satanic deceptions that are near at hand. Very good discernment & advice. Concerning the 9 &12: "9" = Finality or Divine Judgement, "12" has to do with Governmental Perfection but can also signify Anointed. Thus, maybe they could be interpreted as your being anointed for end-time ministry. God does certainly have a purpose for your life!
Amy#2 1/25/18: Weird coincidence! - 2 Amys & 3 "A"s within 4 days! 2,3,4!! And Amy#2 is seeing a lot of "5"s!! Some kind of countdown?
Brandon McLachlan / UK
#1) 3/31/18: - "I began to see 333 about four weeks ago, they have been appearing more and more. I have also been having a recurring dream in which a man who I would describe as being Jesus-like in appearance stands a few meters away from me and just holds up three fingers but never says a word. I don't feel afraid of the dream, but it and seeing 333 has prompted me to look further into this. Your website so far is the only one which makes sense, even though I still don't know why this is happening to me. I will however be a regular visitor to the site and hopefully I will find the answer."
Brandon, Quite a profound recurring dream! Sure would be great to know what he's trying to tell you/us. I reread what I wrote about the #3 on pg1. It's certainly his personal #. If nothing else, your experience seems to verify that this 333 ministry is of or is approved by Him. But I'm thinking probably something more. Wondering if he's showing the #3 casually, invitingly, triumphantly? And was it meant to be personal or global?
#2) 4/25/18: - "I had a dream about the Jesus-like man once again. In it he stood a short distance from me again holding up his three fingers, but this time he turned his head to the side and pointed towards the horizon. So I turned my head to see what he was pointing at. I could see that the Sun and Moon were both going down together. When I turned back to look at the man, he had tears running down his face. Then I woke up. Do you have any ideas on what this could mean?"
Brandon, Referencing your 3/31/18 comment of seeing the 333 and of recurring dreams, this dream certainly verifies the end-time & SOS significance of the 333 message! It must signify the onslaught of "the sun & the moon being darkened". Google it. Many end-time bible verses reference it; the "Day of the Lord", a cruel day when God finally releases his ultimate anger on a corrupt & faithless world. Per Math.24:29, this will conclude the horrendous distress of the 7 yr Tribulation. Thus, the Tribulation must be very close. Maybe his 3 fingers represent 3 years as well as his deity. No wonder your Jesus-like man was crying!
#3) 7/9/18: - "I've had another dream about the Jesus like man. With this dream he was standing in front of a Cross that towered behind him, but I could see the Cross was leaning slightly towards the right and on either side of the Cross stood a figure dressed in black monk type robes. They both stood with their heads down and their arms stretched out to their sides like they were being crucified. I looked at the Jesus man and he smiled at me. Then I woke up, and this time when I woke up my breathing was very labored. This dream definitely felt different to the others I've had, (3/31 & 4/25). Any ideas on what this one could mean?"
Brandon, Welcome back. For the 3rd time, the #3 stands out, 3 figures. Which leads me to believe that the dream is truly of God. Monks generally live their lives under vows of poverty, chastity, & obedience, and devote their lives to prayer. Along with the huge cross, this could possibly represent the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy. Would seem it's falling and/or being crucified. And it would seem that Jesus is not unhappy about this. Moreover, the color black generally symbolizes evil. (Note: My hypothesis is just that.) Would be good to know if this has any personal impact relevant to your life. Are you Catholic? Are you a born-again believer? Is this a personal communication, possibly warning, for your benefit, or for the edification of the church in general, or both?
7/12/18: - "I do believe in the existence of God but I am not born-again or Catholic. I have never found a religious order that I have felt drawn to become a part of. Could my dream be telling me to stay clear of religion , because it is falling?"
Brandon, As indicated in your last dream, God is not a fan of religion. He hates overbearing religions of hierarchy, vows, sacrifices, and man-made rituals & laws similar to those of the Pharisees. All are not biblical. What God does want, actually demands, is a personal loving relationship with His son, who died for you. Thus I believe all 3 dreams & the 333 message, although universal in scope, are more-so directed quite personally to you.
Please see "Salvation" and thank you for sharing. What a profound verification of God's 333/SOS message! Bless your journey.
Note: A similar dream - see Antoinette 8/7/18 @
Joy 7/29/18: - "Dear all who are seeing this number, I have been seeing the 33 combination mostly for the last few months on a daily basis. I prayed that the Lord would let me know if this was Him or something demonic. He showed me in a dream that it meant that Jesus is standing up ( rising ) again. Meaning from now on He will interfere with everything on Earth. The time is now! Get right with God and Pray for everyone!! I love all you Guys."
Joy, That makes sense. As I referenced on page 1, the #33 is certainly associated with Jesus, (and with God's Promises). Moreover, being 3x11, it could possibly represent God's Promise of Judgment on a chaotic world (#11).
Angela 10/25/18: - I took a nap today for a couple hours and had another “end-times like" dream as I mentioned I often have. "I was at work and I see people I know from my work place one in particular I was thinking how great of a nurse she was and I went to help one of my patients and I see my dad visited me in the room of another patient we spoke for a little while and my unit manager came in wondering what I was doing ( I was supposed to be helping my patient and I was talking with my dad instead) she gets upset with me and decided to help my patient for me (my patient needed a shave) so my manager before going to shave my patient puts the razor to my brow and shaved a line into it. I was so upset but part of me wanted to laugh it off and pretend it was no big deal and then I decided I wasn’t going to let myself be bullied or stomped on so I simply let her know I was angry with her and that it was wrong of her to do. She completes the shave and did a terrible job so I was looking how I was going to fix it before the wife came in and think it was me. Sure enough she cane in and had a fit I didn’t want to blame my manager so I let her say her dues and then she began to complain about the things I had in my pocket and what my unit manager was holding, I had scissors and an inhaler in my pocket and my manager had what looked like a face pain scale but instead of faces it looked like clocks ( which the patients wife thought was a calendar) . Anyway I began to explain to her and basically defend myself and manager and my manager just nodded in approval . We then heard a LOUD SIREN ! Everyone ran outside and looked to the sky and we heard radio sounds and talking and they mentioned the first bomb and in that moment right where the sun was setting we see an explosion all I could say was Jesus ! Then a person came and held me and then we saw a GIGANTIC plane coming from where sun was it happened very quickly but 1 I could see that on the plane it said #1. (Now it gets even crazier for my brain to even put together and fully comprehend! But back to my dream.) In that moment we all attempted to run back inside and I stopped myself and thought it doesn’t matter there is no surviving this. I looked up to the sky and shouted "Jesus I’m sorry!" ...... When I woke up, I checked the time on my phone and it was 9:38 but when I checked on my watch it was 9:40 .... using your cheat sheet —— >> I will type my comments as I have my notes. Sorry if it’s all over the place!
Watch: 9=end/conclusion of a matter & judgement. 40= a period of probation or chastisement leading to the growth of Gods chosen (ie. tribulation).
Phone: But also 3=divine perfection or completeness, 8=new era, new beginning —->> could that mean a divine new era / time period or perfect timing ?????
Bullet points about my dream:
• we know we will know the end is near / here by the signs in the sky.
• we know that Jesus' coming will come as a thief in the night, suddenly like in the time of Noah, people will be living their lives, getting married, working, burying they’re dead. Etc.
• we can’t depend on anyone else to save us, we cannot cling onto someone to be saved, it is all autonomous, must be done individually.
• worse - thinking you’re going to heaven and end up somewhere else!
• worse - being saved yet not knowing where you’ll go —->> with death comes judgment and with judgment comes having to answer for wrongs and for idleness and disobedience.
I would really like to contact or talk to someone/anyone about all of this! Please contact me: [email protected] - If you do, please title the subject 333 revelation or anything with 333 in it so I know it’s not spam! Please and thank you !!
Joyce 1/29/2019 (Holland): - "Dear brothers & sisters, I have a strong feeling that there will be a sort of economic collapse soon. Since I have two little boys I today bought a lot of food in cans, bottles of water, candles, encetra to prepare. Still seeing the 33 Numbers a lot more then the 333. Still feels as if God is telling us To warn others and To get up as soldiers for the Gospel. Get ready, prepare, and reach out To the unsaved as well. Also feel the demonic uprising. Not afraid but I Just hope my brothers & sisters here and all around the world will still reach a lot of people who are in need for the truth and love before time is up. Love you all!"
Joyce, Referencing your 12/30/18 comment, thank you again. Good advice. The #33 certainly has a strong connection to Jesus. He died for our salvation at age 33, and thus it is known as the # of Promise. Bless you & yours.
4/11/2019: "Dear Brethren, God still speaks to his children through visions And messages. Like with Moses, he told them what To do and how To cover the houses with the blood so the spirit of death would not kill the the first Born in that house. Never thought that I would be doing this, but I now understand why God shows me the 33 signs. I did not believe it at first but I asked God To show me, And I got confirmation. The 3 days of darkness are coming, it is true. He who has ears listens. 3 signs before this darkness - like nuclear ( air colors / light ) Globally, power turning off Globally, Earthquakes Globally. We are being warned because he loves us. Darkness is real darkness, demonic entities extremely, but also physically sun being darkened by 3 days. - Get stuff for your house, stay inside during this period & do not let Anyone enter after the darkness. These people ( even family ) can be possessed.
You must think I am crazy but that's ok for me as long as you hear this message and know what To do. I pray the blood of Jesus upon all these people Here on this site. God bless you guys."
Joyce, God bless you. Hoping you're not as crazy as this sounds.
Post Script: March.2020 - CoronaVirus likely to cause a worldwide economic collapse! Maybe you're not crazy!
Per many website & u-tube comments & videos, thousands of people worldwide and some 333 commenters are hearing ire trumpet sounds seemingly from the sky. (Google "Trumpet Sounds /"). Are they from God, Satan, Aliens, or just our planet? Because they may have something to do with end-times, I'm including the following synopsis.
In the Bible, Old Testament, Exodus 19 references a heavenly trumpet that was sounded when the fire of God's glory descended from Mt.Siani and He gave the Law to Israel. This symbolized the marriage contract between God and the Jewish nation. "When God came down, a trumpet sounded long & load, filling the people with awe & terror".
So maybe the trumpet sounds are that of God calling his present bride, the Church, to heaven, i.e. the rapture (I Cor. 15:52 & I Thes. 4:16). But, that doesn't seem to be happening! Unless it's a prelude! That is, maybe it's a warning signaling that "the times of the gentiles" (the age of Grace) is coming to a close, (Luke 21:24). Many believe the the Jewish Pentecost Festival, the festival of the spring harvest, celebrated in May, is a likely candidate for when the rapture would take place. Biblicaly, the spring harvest (early summer) is seen as typifying the "harvest" or "catching away" of the church. Then again, in the fall there's Rosh Hashana & the blowing of many trumpets. It ends with the Feast of Trumpets which has always been associated with the rapture of the Church! See "Tribulation & Rapture".
Another Biblical heavenly trumpet reference is noted in Isiah 27:13. It talks of a great trumpet sounding and God's people returning to Israel/Jerusalem. I believe this already happened in old testament times, however, maybe God is again calling His estranged bride, back to the chosen land, the Jewish state of Israel & God's Holy city, Jerusalem. That is happening! But I don't think it's a result of these trumpet sounds. Maybe it's God's acknowledgement of their return, however I think that would be a joyful sound, not these ire, mournful sounds that are being heard!
The only other heavenly trumpet occurrences in the Bible are not until we're deep into tribulation times, beyond Revelation Chapter 8. Anyhow, I don't think these will be literal trumpets that we'll actually hear on earth.
Now, on the other hand, what if these trumpet sounds are not of God. In these end-time days, I'm extremely concerned that these sounds could be part of some sort of satanic deception; similar possibly, or even expounding on an alien/UFO type of deception. - The Bible certainly does warn us of a coming great deception, a powerful delusion, counterfeit miracles, signs, & wonders that God will allow Satan to manifest in the end-days to condemn those who have refused to love the truth and so be saved. (2nd Thes. 2:9-12). It's very possible that Satan is setting the stage for his end-time final push to take as many of Adam & Eve's descendants with him to hell as he possibly can!
Finally, as discussed at, these sounds could just be from our planet. To me, this doesn't sound logical; surely our scientists would have been able to unravel the puzzle by now. But who knows!
In the Bible, Old Testament, Exodus 19 references a heavenly trumpet that was sounded when the fire of God's glory descended from Mt.Siani and He gave the Law to Israel. This symbolized the marriage contract between God and the Jewish nation. "When God came down, a trumpet sounded long & load, filling the people with awe & terror".
So maybe the trumpet sounds are that of God calling his present bride, the Church, to heaven, i.e. the rapture (I Cor. 15:52 & I Thes. 4:16). But, that doesn't seem to be happening! Unless it's a prelude! That is, maybe it's a warning signaling that "the times of the gentiles" (the age of Grace) is coming to a close, (Luke 21:24). Many believe the the Jewish Pentecost Festival, the festival of the spring harvest, celebrated in May, is a likely candidate for when the rapture would take place. Biblicaly, the spring harvest (early summer) is seen as typifying the "harvest" or "catching away" of the church. Then again, in the fall there's Rosh Hashana & the blowing of many trumpets. It ends with the Feast of Trumpets which has always been associated with the rapture of the Church! See "Tribulation & Rapture".
Another Biblical heavenly trumpet reference is noted in Isiah 27:13. It talks of a great trumpet sounding and God's people returning to Israel/Jerusalem. I believe this already happened in old testament times, however, maybe God is again calling His estranged bride, back to the chosen land, the Jewish state of Israel & God's Holy city, Jerusalem. That is happening! But I don't think it's a result of these trumpet sounds. Maybe it's God's acknowledgement of their return, however I think that would be a joyful sound, not these ire, mournful sounds that are being heard!
The only other heavenly trumpet occurrences in the Bible are not until we're deep into tribulation times, beyond Revelation Chapter 8. Anyhow, I don't think these will be literal trumpets that we'll actually hear on earth.
Now, on the other hand, what if these trumpet sounds are not of God. In these end-time days, I'm extremely concerned that these sounds could be part of some sort of satanic deception; similar possibly, or even expounding on an alien/UFO type of deception. - The Bible certainly does warn us of a coming great deception, a powerful delusion, counterfeit miracles, signs, & wonders that God will allow Satan to manifest in the end-days to condemn those who have refused to love the truth and so be saved. (2nd Thes. 2:9-12). It's very possible that Satan is setting the stage for his end-time final push to take as many of Adam & Eve's descendants with him to hell as he possibly can!
Finally, as discussed at, these sounds could just be from our planet. To me, this doesn't sound logical; surely our scientists would have been able to unravel the puzzle by now. But who knows!
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