Satan's activity in the Numbers Game
Other Number Combinations:
Many are seeing number combinations other than 333. This could just possibly be Satan's way of distracting, misleading, or manipulating us. Satan is no dummy! He knows that if he gives you more #s, you're not going to give much credence to God's personal message or warning! Moreover, there's also the possibility that the more #s you're receiving, the more important God's 333 is and thus the more determined Satan is that you don't acknowledge it! In other words, Satan may try to water down God's message so as to make it of no consequence. Receiving a bunch of #s could even lead to a false sense of security. One might tend to believe that God knows them so well that He's blessing them, when in actuality He's really warning them! We need to respect Satan, he's no doubt a pretty darn good psychologist! Don't let a bunch of #s give you a big head! And alas! He may just be sly enough to have you scurrying around searching through the Bible for scriptures, rather than paying attention to a warning or important 333/SOS message from God!!
Remember, there is truly a spiritual battle going on for your soul! Satan, God's most beautiful & dangerous "fallen" angel, the God of this world, wants our souls! He's going to try to thwart anything God initiates to help provide for our salvation. Satan and his sidekicks are real, they're powerful, and they are devious. See Ephesians 6:12. - God, on the other hand, is not a God of confusion.
Personally, unless you have good reason to think otherwise, the only other combinations I would trust are 111 or 1111 (I believe these represent God's signature or approval). Also, Isaiah 11:11 references the 2nd coming of Christ. But, they can also be used by Satan (see below). 11:11 is also associated with the occult or New Age practices such as Solara 11:11. Caution and discernment are necessary.
See: Anonymous/4-15-2017, Shannon/12-6-2017, Faithful/12-13-2017, and Amy/2/25/2018.
Amazing 11:11 Revelation:
Because of the extreme importance and implications of the above recommendations, which I hadn't felt completely comfortable with, I decided I should try to seek some Godly wisdom. Thus, early morning 6/10/15, I prayed, "Lord I know Satan & his demons can counterfeit and lead people astray and water-down your 333/SOS message by giving people numbers like 222, 444, 555, etc; but what about your signature or approval number, 11:11? Does he counterfeit this? If so, please give me an 11:11." (Knowing Satan wouldn't want to admit it.) - This was about 7am. I waited & watched patiently. As 11:11am approached, I was overly expectant, tried not to look at clocks! I really negated any chance that God could spontaneously reveal Himself! The time passed & I was a bit disappointed. But hay, maybe I was asking too much. - So about noon, I continued my morning routine (retirement is nice), and I proceeded to watch my favorite teacher, Les Feldick. I record him; it was yesterdays program. At some point he said, "turn to Matthew 11:11". Wow! What a Wow, Praise God, moment!! - And it gets even better; the scripture mentions my name, John!! - Shouting & tears ensued. - What a glorious, wonderful, awesome God we serve!!!
Then, the same day, after checking the mail for Jackie, she text me, "Thanks Pap, Blessings!" The time was 333!!! - And it didn't even stop there. That evening, while I was updating His web-site, I was given 11:11 via clock!! Thank You Lord!!
Amazingly, it gets even better! This morning, 6/15/15, 5 days after the above revelation, (5 of course is Gods' Grace number), as I was pondering Matthew 11:11, I realized an even greater revelation! Matthew 11:11 is all about John the Baptist, the precursor of Jesus at His 1st coming; the voice of one calling in the desert, "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near", "Prepare the way for the Lord". (Mat. 3:1-3 & 11-12, Mark 1:1-4). - - - Which is exactly what this, your supernatural 333/End-Time SOS invitation, warning, or guidance from the Angel of Revelation 14:6&7 is all about!
1st, to the unsaved, "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near".
2nd, to the saved, "Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him".
Wow!!! And, the Baptists' ministry was right before Jesus began His ministry! Praise God!!!
I wonder, does this mean I'm some kind of John the Baptist? We all know what happened to him! I can hardly wait! Really! But then what would all of you 333 folk do without me?!! - Or, are all of you 333 folk being invited to be John the Baptists, to usher in the coming of Christ and the rapture of the Church? I don't think that would be a far-fetched hypothesis! Matthew 11:11 also states that "he who is the least in the Kingdom of God (I assume referring to believers such as myself & hopefully you), will be greater than John"! What a promise!
Thinking further along these lines, I wonder if the 333 message is being directed to the Jews, the nation of Israel. After all, that's who John the Baptist was originally trying to minister to! See Zechariah's Song, Luke 1:57-80 and the Prophet Zeckariah, Chapter 12. - Not the same person; just a coincidence I guess! - They both prophesied the same thing, the deliverance & salvation of Israel.
The implications of this 11:11 prayer manifestation are totally mind-blowing! It's like the culmination of a play that God wrote some 2000 years ago or maybe even before the world began! All for your eternal benefit and God's glory! And we all said, "Thank You Lord"!
11:11 Summary: If you would do something that you know the Lord would like & you receive an 11:11, you can reasonably assume it is from the Lord. If you do or are doing something that you know the Lord would not like & you receive an 11:11, you can reasonably assume it is from the other side. If you continually receive 11:11, for no particular reason, beware!
Angel Numbers:
Per various "Angel Number" sites:
1. Angel Number 333 tells you that angels or Ascended Masters are near you. They have responded to your prayers and wish to help & assist you in your endeavors & with serving your life purpose & soul mission.
2. Angel Number 333 means that Jesus or angels are in agreement with a message or thoughts that you've been receiving.
3. Angel Number 333 encourages you to be creative, social, & use your natural abilities & talents to empower yourself; a union of mind, body, & spirit.
Synopsis: These are all very nice sounding, however, they can be extremely misleading, subversive & dangerous. To believe in Angel Numbers is akin to believing in a psychic or medium & ultimately in the deceptions of Satan. Moreover, they are strongly condemned in the Bible. They will lead you into a false sense of security and lead you away from true salvation. You're 333 is surely from God, but your interpretation of its meaning could end up leading you astray. I'm convinced Angel Numbers, Ascended Masters, etc. are satanic. Satan has misguided, deceived or seduced the purveyors of these sites. Probably similar to how he manipulated Judas. He can appear as an angel of light, he's the ultimate deceiver and he wants your soul.
A couple appropriate Bible verses: Colossians 2:18 - "Do not let anyone who delights in false humility & the worship of angels disqualify you. Such a person also goes into great detail about what they have seen; they are puffed up with idle notions by their nonspiritual mind."
1Timothy 4:1 - "In later times some will abandon the faith & follow deceiving spirits & things taught by demons."
See Comments: Shannon 12/6/2017, Faithful 12/13/2017, Donna 12/21/2017.
Satan & 333:
Some people contend that Satan (the trickster, deceiver) might be sending the 333. I've taken logic courses in collage. Logic dictates that Satan would not counterfeit 333; that would be counterproductive for him, he might end up getting someone saved! Actually, I really don't care who or what is sending the 333, be it God, an angel, the Holy Spirit, a demon, or Satan, as long as that person is wise enough to respond to it, gets to know Jesus, and get them-self born-again! Furthermore, Satan would have no idea how a person would react to it, only God is all knowing. On the other hand, Satan would surely provide his deceptive & misleading rendition of the "meaning of 333". Which, again, he manifests through psychics, mediums, Angel Numbers, etc.
However, per the following, it would seem Satan can use 333 in different types of subversive ways.
Also see Jesse 4/15/2018. - Via a 333 dream/message, it seems Jesse is being seduced & deceived!
The Occult & 333
On 11/17/2016 Guestbook commentor Teresa introduced us to a YouTube video that seems to associate 333 with some form of occultism involving a satanic pentagram. It also talks about Freemasons, the Illuminati, and the One World System. See . This Denver airport video is truly weird, crazy, & occultic!
Flying Saucers, Aliens, & 333
3/30/2016: I watched a 2009 movie, "The Fourth Kind". It was about alien abductions in Nome, Alaska in October 2000. To me, this was a particularly disturbing story; not because of it's other-worldly implications, or it's horrific graphic mind control & violence, or even the claim that they were of God! What really disturbed me was that the three (3) times the aliens (or demons) made their personal demonic appearance, a digital clock or police-car video-cam portrayed our number 3:33!!! No explanation was given about these times. So why were the 333s portrayed?? This was supposedly a true story. However, following is the best comment that I've found as to the actuality of this movie.
William, November 10, 2009 - Guys, watched the film and enjoyed it to be honest. But it’s a Sci-Fi FILM and that's it. Why this opinion you ask? I have lived in Nome, Alaska for 38 years. Yes some people have gone missing as well as other people throughout the USA and some of these beg explanation. The film shows Nome as a valley, it’s actually flat with one tiny hill that I run up and down regularly. Most of the sheriffs we have had are quiet homely men. I’ve known all of them and none would react this way. For something like this to happen in my town I’d know. To add to that, I would like to believe, and do believe, in extra terrestrial life, but I think there are more exciting places than my beloved Nome. Good entertainment though and will probably boost our visitor numbers for all the wrong reasons. I think I may open a “little green cafe”.
August 2016: Upon review of Cris Putnam & Thomas Horn's 2013 book, "Exo-Vaticana", I learned that 333 is also involved in many stories of alien abductions! Mike Clelland, an abductee & writer of '', talked about how abductees experience a remarkable amount of synchronic high strangeness. Many abductees report waking to see their clocks at exactly 3:33 am. Concerning synchronicity (having to do with coincidence) and the UFO abductee, Putnam was directed to a published collection called "The Sync Book 2". Turns out the subject in question is on page 333! Imagine that!
Personally, I don't deny the existence of aliens or flying saucers. Millions of people, including myself, have had some sort of experience. Now, I'll probably pull some flack on this one, but I don't believe these things are extraterrestrial/out of this world. I believe, along with many others, that they are manifestations of Satan and his demons. I strongly believe that Satan in these cases is trying to malign or subvert God's 333 invitation/SOS warning message. By throwing some doubts out there, he'll try to make people question God's endeavors. Satan is the master deceiver and this just may tie in with his great end-time deception plan (Math.24:24). This could possibly manifest in such a way as to help them declare themselves as God and/or help them provide an excuse for the disappearance of millions of Christians via the rapture. As Paul says in Ephesians 6, "We wrestle not against flesh & blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness in heavenly places". They are very subtly & sneakily inseminating themselves into our society. In ways such as thru this movie and the millions of other alien encounters & visions, they will very possibly someday reveal themselves to the whole world as God. And thus Satan, as Antichrist, will deceive & seduce the whole unsaved world. However, I am still going to stick with my opinion that Satan would not entice someone to google or investigate 333; the risk would be too high for him that the person might get saved.
Also See: Guestbook Comment 10/16/2017: Heather Lord. Talks about "The Lady of Fatima & Miracle of the Sun" manifestation.
Demons & 333:
Choronzon: The Dark Side Demoness of 333. - I was made aware of this occultic 333 relationship by commentor Corey, 9/1/16. And via the NewCovenantChurchOfGod website, Choronzon (per is the female half (333) of the Beast (666) described in the Book of Revelation. She is an associate aspect of the Beast, like one of Satan's brides. She is cunning & dangerous to an extreme. And she can operate on her own or with a group. Her characteristics parallel those of the Holy Spirit, except that she's diametrically opposite. She's known as the "Lord of Hallucinations", a "stagnant pool filled to the brim with psychic sewage", the "obscene gardener of bitterness & hatred". It's said, "she sucks up the soul like a vacuum into a darkness of nothingness". If Choronzon had a motto it would be: "Let my total will be done ..... at the expense of your own, of course".
By messing around with mental, emotional, & physical processes, Choronzon simply blocks off the natural God-given functions of reason, feeling, & health. Thought processes can become confused often leading to insanity. Mental wards are filled with her victims. MPDs (those people with Multiple Personality Disorders) encompass another victims group.
Occultists who are aware of Choronzon have been deceived into believing that she is a 'power' they must 'overcome' in their spiritual 'ascent' to some 'higher plane' of mythical enlightenment & immortality, a reward for loyalty; not realizing that loyalty of humans to demons is never rewarded except with greater enslavement & destruction.
In the case of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) victims, Choronzon & her allies can create the allusion of a false self. Quite naturally the soul, deprived of consciousness of the true self, believes that there is no hope and that the Christian portrayal of Yahweh's world is all illusion. That way they are tricked into remaining in the darkness because they fear that by leaving it everything will collapse - or to use the expression of some survivors of SRA, "there is no safety-net" beyond what they know. That of course is another lie. When Yah'shua (Jesus) is invited into the soul to transform it, He also holds it together and is a safety-net; He will never leave nor forsake. - I'm thinking this scenario could very possibly apply in the case of Brandon vs Satan, where the Brothers, with the likely help of Choronzon & her allies, have brainwashed & confused this lad to the point that he's unable to escape. Hopefully all such SRA victims would be able to mount up enough rational thought & strength to reach out to Jesus.
Conclusion: The 333 is a very important message & warning from God. Don't let Satan mislead you. Be cautious and exercise discernment.
Many are seeing number combinations other than 333. This could just possibly be Satan's way of distracting, misleading, or manipulating us. Satan is no dummy! He knows that if he gives you more #s, you're not going to give much credence to God's personal message or warning! Moreover, there's also the possibility that the more #s you're receiving, the more important God's 333 is and thus the more determined Satan is that you don't acknowledge it! In other words, Satan may try to water down God's message so as to make it of no consequence. Receiving a bunch of #s could even lead to a false sense of security. One might tend to believe that God knows them so well that He's blessing them, when in actuality He's really warning them! We need to respect Satan, he's no doubt a pretty darn good psychologist! Don't let a bunch of #s give you a big head! And alas! He may just be sly enough to have you scurrying around searching through the Bible for scriptures, rather than paying attention to a warning or important 333/SOS message from God!!
Remember, there is truly a spiritual battle going on for your soul! Satan, God's most beautiful & dangerous "fallen" angel, the God of this world, wants our souls! He's going to try to thwart anything God initiates to help provide for our salvation. Satan and his sidekicks are real, they're powerful, and they are devious. See Ephesians 6:12. - God, on the other hand, is not a God of confusion.
Personally, unless you have good reason to think otherwise, the only other combinations I would trust are 111 or 1111 (I believe these represent God's signature or approval). Also, Isaiah 11:11 references the 2nd coming of Christ. But, they can also be used by Satan (see below). 11:11 is also associated with the occult or New Age practices such as Solara 11:11. Caution and discernment are necessary.
See: Anonymous/4-15-2017, Shannon/12-6-2017, Faithful/12-13-2017, and Amy/2/25/2018.
Amazing 11:11 Revelation:
Because of the extreme importance and implications of the above recommendations, which I hadn't felt completely comfortable with, I decided I should try to seek some Godly wisdom. Thus, early morning 6/10/15, I prayed, "Lord I know Satan & his demons can counterfeit and lead people astray and water-down your 333/SOS message by giving people numbers like 222, 444, 555, etc; but what about your signature or approval number, 11:11? Does he counterfeit this? If so, please give me an 11:11." (Knowing Satan wouldn't want to admit it.) - This was about 7am. I waited & watched patiently. As 11:11am approached, I was overly expectant, tried not to look at clocks! I really negated any chance that God could spontaneously reveal Himself! The time passed & I was a bit disappointed. But hay, maybe I was asking too much. - So about noon, I continued my morning routine (retirement is nice), and I proceeded to watch my favorite teacher, Les Feldick. I record him; it was yesterdays program. At some point he said, "turn to Matthew 11:11". Wow! What a Wow, Praise God, moment!! - And it gets even better; the scripture mentions my name, John!! - Shouting & tears ensued. - What a glorious, wonderful, awesome God we serve!!!
Then, the same day, after checking the mail for Jackie, she text me, "Thanks Pap, Blessings!" The time was 333!!! - And it didn't even stop there. That evening, while I was updating His web-site, I was given 11:11 via clock!! Thank You Lord!!
Amazingly, it gets even better! This morning, 6/15/15, 5 days after the above revelation, (5 of course is Gods' Grace number), as I was pondering Matthew 11:11, I realized an even greater revelation! Matthew 11:11 is all about John the Baptist, the precursor of Jesus at His 1st coming; the voice of one calling in the desert, "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near", "Prepare the way for the Lord". (Mat. 3:1-3 & 11-12, Mark 1:1-4). - - - Which is exactly what this, your supernatural 333/End-Time SOS invitation, warning, or guidance from the Angel of Revelation 14:6&7 is all about!
1st, to the unsaved, "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near".
2nd, to the saved, "Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him".
Wow!!! And, the Baptists' ministry was right before Jesus began His ministry! Praise God!!!
I wonder, does this mean I'm some kind of John the Baptist? We all know what happened to him! I can hardly wait! Really! But then what would all of you 333 folk do without me?!! - Or, are all of you 333 folk being invited to be John the Baptists, to usher in the coming of Christ and the rapture of the Church? I don't think that would be a far-fetched hypothesis! Matthew 11:11 also states that "he who is the least in the Kingdom of God (I assume referring to believers such as myself & hopefully you), will be greater than John"! What a promise!
Thinking further along these lines, I wonder if the 333 message is being directed to the Jews, the nation of Israel. After all, that's who John the Baptist was originally trying to minister to! See Zechariah's Song, Luke 1:57-80 and the Prophet Zeckariah, Chapter 12. - Not the same person; just a coincidence I guess! - They both prophesied the same thing, the deliverance & salvation of Israel.
The implications of this 11:11 prayer manifestation are totally mind-blowing! It's like the culmination of a play that God wrote some 2000 years ago or maybe even before the world began! All for your eternal benefit and God's glory! And we all said, "Thank You Lord"!
11:11 Summary: If you would do something that you know the Lord would like & you receive an 11:11, you can reasonably assume it is from the Lord. If you do or are doing something that you know the Lord would not like & you receive an 11:11, you can reasonably assume it is from the other side. If you continually receive 11:11, for no particular reason, beware!
Angel Numbers:
Per various "Angel Number" sites:
1. Angel Number 333 tells you that angels or Ascended Masters are near you. They have responded to your prayers and wish to help & assist you in your endeavors & with serving your life purpose & soul mission.
2. Angel Number 333 means that Jesus or angels are in agreement with a message or thoughts that you've been receiving.
3. Angel Number 333 encourages you to be creative, social, & use your natural abilities & talents to empower yourself; a union of mind, body, & spirit.
Synopsis: These are all very nice sounding, however, they can be extremely misleading, subversive & dangerous. To believe in Angel Numbers is akin to believing in a psychic or medium & ultimately in the deceptions of Satan. Moreover, they are strongly condemned in the Bible. They will lead you into a false sense of security and lead you away from true salvation. You're 333 is surely from God, but your interpretation of its meaning could end up leading you astray. I'm convinced Angel Numbers, Ascended Masters, etc. are satanic. Satan has misguided, deceived or seduced the purveyors of these sites. Probably similar to how he manipulated Judas. He can appear as an angel of light, he's the ultimate deceiver and he wants your soul.
A couple appropriate Bible verses: Colossians 2:18 - "Do not let anyone who delights in false humility & the worship of angels disqualify you. Such a person also goes into great detail about what they have seen; they are puffed up with idle notions by their nonspiritual mind."
1Timothy 4:1 - "In later times some will abandon the faith & follow deceiving spirits & things taught by demons."
See Comments: Shannon 12/6/2017, Faithful 12/13/2017, Donna 12/21/2017.
Satan & 333:
Some people contend that Satan (the trickster, deceiver) might be sending the 333. I've taken logic courses in collage. Logic dictates that Satan would not counterfeit 333; that would be counterproductive for him, he might end up getting someone saved! Actually, I really don't care who or what is sending the 333, be it God, an angel, the Holy Spirit, a demon, or Satan, as long as that person is wise enough to respond to it, gets to know Jesus, and get them-self born-again! Furthermore, Satan would have no idea how a person would react to it, only God is all knowing. On the other hand, Satan would surely provide his deceptive & misleading rendition of the "meaning of 333". Which, again, he manifests through psychics, mediums, Angel Numbers, etc.
However, per the following, it would seem Satan can use 333 in different types of subversive ways.
Also see Jesse 4/15/2018. - Via a 333 dream/message, it seems Jesse is being seduced & deceived!
The Occult & 333
On 11/17/2016 Guestbook commentor Teresa introduced us to a YouTube video that seems to associate 333 with some form of occultism involving a satanic pentagram. It also talks about Freemasons, the Illuminati, and the One World System. See . This Denver airport video is truly weird, crazy, & occultic!
Flying Saucers, Aliens, & 333
3/30/2016: I watched a 2009 movie, "The Fourth Kind". It was about alien abductions in Nome, Alaska in October 2000. To me, this was a particularly disturbing story; not because of it's other-worldly implications, or it's horrific graphic mind control & violence, or even the claim that they were of God! What really disturbed me was that the three (3) times the aliens (or demons) made their personal demonic appearance, a digital clock or police-car video-cam portrayed our number 3:33!!! No explanation was given about these times. So why were the 333s portrayed?? This was supposedly a true story. However, following is the best comment that I've found as to the actuality of this movie.
William, November 10, 2009 - Guys, watched the film and enjoyed it to be honest. But it’s a Sci-Fi FILM and that's it. Why this opinion you ask? I have lived in Nome, Alaska for 38 years. Yes some people have gone missing as well as other people throughout the USA and some of these beg explanation. The film shows Nome as a valley, it’s actually flat with one tiny hill that I run up and down regularly. Most of the sheriffs we have had are quiet homely men. I’ve known all of them and none would react this way. For something like this to happen in my town I’d know. To add to that, I would like to believe, and do believe, in extra terrestrial life, but I think there are more exciting places than my beloved Nome. Good entertainment though and will probably boost our visitor numbers for all the wrong reasons. I think I may open a “little green cafe”.
August 2016: Upon review of Cris Putnam & Thomas Horn's 2013 book, "Exo-Vaticana", I learned that 333 is also involved in many stories of alien abductions! Mike Clelland, an abductee & writer of '', talked about how abductees experience a remarkable amount of synchronic high strangeness. Many abductees report waking to see their clocks at exactly 3:33 am. Concerning synchronicity (having to do with coincidence) and the UFO abductee, Putnam was directed to a published collection called "The Sync Book 2". Turns out the subject in question is on page 333! Imagine that!
Personally, I don't deny the existence of aliens or flying saucers. Millions of people, including myself, have had some sort of experience. Now, I'll probably pull some flack on this one, but I don't believe these things are extraterrestrial/out of this world. I believe, along with many others, that they are manifestations of Satan and his demons. I strongly believe that Satan in these cases is trying to malign or subvert God's 333 invitation/SOS warning message. By throwing some doubts out there, he'll try to make people question God's endeavors. Satan is the master deceiver and this just may tie in with his great end-time deception plan (Math.24:24). This could possibly manifest in such a way as to help them declare themselves as God and/or help them provide an excuse for the disappearance of millions of Christians via the rapture. As Paul says in Ephesians 6, "We wrestle not against flesh & blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness in heavenly places". They are very subtly & sneakily inseminating themselves into our society. In ways such as thru this movie and the millions of other alien encounters & visions, they will very possibly someday reveal themselves to the whole world as God. And thus Satan, as Antichrist, will deceive & seduce the whole unsaved world. However, I am still going to stick with my opinion that Satan would not entice someone to google or investigate 333; the risk would be too high for him that the person might get saved.
Also See: Guestbook Comment 10/16/2017: Heather Lord. Talks about "The Lady of Fatima & Miracle of the Sun" manifestation.
Demons & 333:
Choronzon: The Dark Side Demoness of 333. - I was made aware of this occultic 333 relationship by commentor Corey, 9/1/16. And via the NewCovenantChurchOfGod website, Choronzon (per is the female half (333) of the Beast (666) described in the Book of Revelation. She is an associate aspect of the Beast, like one of Satan's brides. She is cunning & dangerous to an extreme. And she can operate on her own or with a group. Her characteristics parallel those of the Holy Spirit, except that she's diametrically opposite. She's known as the "Lord of Hallucinations", a "stagnant pool filled to the brim with psychic sewage", the "obscene gardener of bitterness & hatred". It's said, "she sucks up the soul like a vacuum into a darkness of nothingness". If Choronzon had a motto it would be: "Let my total will be done ..... at the expense of your own, of course".
By messing around with mental, emotional, & physical processes, Choronzon simply blocks off the natural God-given functions of reason, feeling, & health. Thought processes can become confused often leading to insanity. Mental wards are filled with her victims. MPDs (those people with Multiple Personality Disorders) encompass another victims group.
Occultists who are aware of Choronzon have been deceived into believing that she is a 'power' they must 'overcome' in their spiritual 'ascent' to some 'higher plane' of mythical enlightenment & immortality, a reward for loyalty; not realizing that loyalty of humans to demons is never rewarded except with greater enslavement & destruction.
In the case of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) victims, Choronzon & her allies can create the allusion of a false self. Quite naturally the soul, deprived of consciousness of the true self, believes that there is no hope and that the Christian portrayal of Yahweh's world is all illusion. That way they are tricked into remaining in the darkness because they fear that by leaving it everything will collapse - or to use the expression of some survivors of SRA, "there is no safety-net" beyond what they know. That of course is another lie. When Yah'shua (Jesus) is invited into the soul to transform it, He also holds it together and is a safety-net; He will never leave nor forsake. - I'm thinking this scenario could very possibly apply in the case of Brandon vs Satan, where the Brothers, with the likely help of Choronzon & her allies, have brainwashed & confused this lad to the point that he's unable to escape. Hopefully all such SRA victims would be able to mount up enough rational thought & strength to reach out to Jesus.
Conclusion: The 333 is a very important message & warning from God. Don't let Satan mislead you. Be cautious and exercise discernment.
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