INDEX - "End-Time Signs", "Revelation 12 Great Sign", "Rapture 2023", "But Nobody Knows!", "The Pre-Trib Rapture", "As in the Days of Noah", and "Misc. End-Time Revelations".
End-Time Signs (Of Tribulation & Rapture)
Certainly there have been terrible tragedies, devastations, calamities, etc. that have plagued this world. However, Math.24:21 tells us that the 7 year Tribulation "will be a time of great distress unequaled from the beginning of the world - - and it will never be equaled again". This period is also referred to throughout the Bible as "the Day of the Lord". We are told that there will be many "signs" that will precede that day. We are also told that it will come like a thief in the night. In Math.24:42 & 25:13, Mark 13:35-37, and Luke 21:36 Jesus instructs us to "Watch therefore, for you do not know what day or hour your Lord is coming. I say to everyone, watch". And in 1stThes.5:6 Paul warns us to "stay alert". In Math.16:3 Jesus reprimands the Pharisees, "O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky (coming weather), but can ye not discern the signs of the times?" In this particular instance, Jesus was referring to Old Testament prophesies that predicted his 1st coming, even to the day, which they should have recognized.
Before the Tribulation (Day of the Lord), most Christian Teachers, Bible Scholars, etc. believe that God will deliver his children, born-again believers, the Body of Christ, via the "Rapture". There is general agreement that we are in a time of church history that the expectation of the return of Jesus Christ, "The Blessed Hope", is at a fever pitch! Too many things are converging! And too many things are happening! We shouldn't be surprised in the least when the tribulation &/or the rapture is upon us. Just too many signs:
#1) Most Bible Scholars adhere to a prophetic world clock or timeline based on the Genesis 1, 7 day, creation narrative and that "a day is = 1000 yrs", (2Pet.3:8). Thus:
Days 1&2 = The world before God called out Abraham & a chosen people for Himself, the Jews.
Days 3&4 = The Old Testament time of the Jews until Jesus and God's turning to the gentiles.
Days 5&6 = The New Testament time of the gentiles & the dispensation of God's Grace.
Day 7 = The 1000 yr. Millennium.
The 2000 yr. time period for the gentiles is about up. Assuming Jesus was likely born about 3BC, at age 33 he died in the year 30AD. Thus the Millennium could possibly start about 2030 and the Tribulation 7yrs. earlier or 2023. The Rapture & probably the Psalm 83 or Ezek.38&39 war would then likely happen between now & 2023. (Note: There is some controversy as to the year of Jesus’ birth.)
Along a similar line, Author C.J. Lovik (of RockIslandBooks) explores one of the most ancient of prophecies associated with the first word of the Bible. This prophecy, which, if unfolded, may help us to see just where we are on God’s biblical timeline. Is this a prophecy which has been sealed up, just waiting to be unfolded at the end of the age? Has God revealed the end in the beginning? This is an extremely interesting, enlightening, & timely presentation based on God's original Hebrew script. It's an hour long, but well worth it.
#2) The scripture is replete with examples of God's 7000 yr. timeline:
a) In Matt.17:1-9 Jesus, at his transfiguration, is seen coming in his glorified Kingdom body with Moses & Elijah. The fact that this took place "after 6 days" is a picture of the 6000 year timeline. Moreover, this might also be seen as a foreshadow of when Jesus gathers his disciples together at the Rapture.
b) Abraham's son, Isaac, is an amazing portrayal of the life of Jesus. Moreover, Isaac's marriage at age 40 (Gen.25:20), could correspond to Jesus' coming to earth at the end of 4000 years for His bride. Likewise, the birth of Isaac's children when he was 60, could parallel the salvation of His people, Israel, at the end of 6000 years.
c) In 2 Kings chapter 11 we have the coronation of Joash as the rightful King at the end of 6 yrs. This could correspond to Jesus' coronation at the end of 6000 years. Also, as Joash is a picture of Jesus, Althaliah, who rules the same 6 years, could be a picture of Satan & his present rule.
d) Noah was 600 years old at the time of the flood. This could easily be seen as alluding to a 6000 year time period when God will bring another great judgment on the whole earth.
e) Using similar reasoning, following is a prophetic extrapolation of the Death of Lazarus: John 11:6 - "When Jesus learns that Lazarus (Israel), whom He loves, is sick (spiritually dead), He stayed 2 days (2000 yrs.) in the place where he was (heaven)". 11:8 - The disciples said to Him, "Rabbi, a while ago the Jews tried to stone you (& crucified him) and you are going back there?" 11:11 - Jesus says, "Our friend Lazarus (Israel) has fallen asleep (is spiritually dead); but I am going there to wake him up". 11:17 - "When Jesus came, Lazarus (Israel) had been in the grave (spiritually dead) for 4 days (4000 yrs.- From Abraham until Jesus returns from heaven)"
With Jesus' return, (which may be 2023), Israel's eyes will finally be opened. Rom.11:25 - "Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles have come in, (& likely have been raptured). And so all Israel will be saved". (But through Tribulation).
Moreover, this was the 7th Sign/Miracle in the Book of John, thus signifying "Completion". The 8th & final Sign/Miracle, John 21:11, occurred after Jesus' resurrection, and thus signifies "New Beginnings". It chronicles the miraculous catch of 153 fish, which represents the salvation of all God's Children, (see "Salvation/Resurrection #").
f) In very similar language the prophet Hosea also speaks of the Lord’s return at the end of two days. Hosea 5:15-6:2, “I will go and return to my place (heaven), till they (the Jews) will acknowledge their offence, and seek my face; in their affliction they will seek me early. Come, let us return unto the Lord, for he has torn, and he will heal us. He hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After 2 days will he revive us; in the 3rd day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.” The “3rd day” would correspond to the 1000 year Millennium. Again, if Jesus was born about 3BC & he died at age 33 or 30AD, 2000 years would place the start of the 7 year Tribulation at about 2023 and the Millennium 2030.
g) Somewhat similarly, when Jesus said, “destroy this temple, and I’ll rebuild it in 3 days,” in addition to his foretelling of his death & resurrection, he may have given us a Clue as to when he would return. Again, if we consider a day to be 1000 years, assuming Jesus returns in 2000 years, construction of the 3rd Jewish temple, which is sacred in Judaism, is projected to be accomplished during the tribulation. Or, more likely, it could refer to the Millennial Temple which Christ will reside during His 1000 year millennial reign, Ezk 40-48 & Zech.6:11-15.(Thank you Dave 12/5/19)
#3) At the very start of this ministry, the 1st thing God had to do was convince me that we are really at the very end of end-times. One major aspect of this process involved a 2 second interval between two numbers. It took me eons to realize the underlying significance of the 2 seconds representing 2000 years, but it ultimately made sense. The two #s were 7 & 8. The #7 represents "Completion", such as at the cross, and the #8 represents "New Beginnings", like 2000 years later via the Rapture, Tribulation, or Millennium. Of course, I wasn't using a stop-watch, so it was a bit vague.
#4) Too many things are coming together that indicate that we are the generation that Jesus refers to in Math. 24:32-34, Mark 13:28-30, & Luke 21:29-32; "Learn this lesson from the fig tree, "when it sprouts leaves" - - this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened". In these verses it is generally acknowledged that Jesus is specifically referring to the last Jewish generation, the "fig tree generation". The fig tree is a symbol of National Israel; Israel was recognized as a nation in 1948. (Often a tree is not recognized until after it "buds"). It was "planted" or "rooted" way back when God actually established Israel and gave the land to Abraham & the generations of Jews after him. Now the question is, how many years is a generation? Psalm 90:10 says, "The length of our days is 70 years, 80 if we have strength". Seventy years would be very close to the average life expectancy of the Jewish population in 1948. Today it is more like 80 years. This would place the end of Tribulation between 2018 & 2028. Well it certainly has not happened to date! Then again, people do live to be over 100! Maybe that's more in line with what Jesus meant. 100 years would place the start of Tribulation at 2041! And of course it could be anywhere in between.
Note: This may also tie in with the St. Malachy prophecy concerning the last Pope. See 'Links'.
#5) The Ancient Book of Enoch (Noah's great-grandfather) is acknowledged and proven by Jude 1:14-15, to be a genuine & true book of prophecy. The book specifically emphasizes that it is a special message from God to bless born-again believers who will be living in the generation just prior to the tribulation. It emphatically professes that the tribulation will start between 1975 & 2075. He also emphasizes that His children are not to fear and will escape God's wrath. This agrees with 1st Thessalonians 1:10, 4:16-18, & 5:9.
Moreover, per The Ancient Apocalypse of Ezra, Chapter 4, the Second Coming will happen sometime between 2005 & 2045.
#6) Per an article by J. R. Church in 'Prophecy in the News': Joshua was a type of Christ. Like Jesus, he & Caleb, two of the 12 spies that were sent to check out the Promised Land after Moses lead the Jews out of Egypt, said to the Jewish nation, "the Promised Land is at hand, let's go". But, the Jews said "No". So they wondered in the wilderness for 40 years. - Likewise, Jesus said the same thing before his crucifixion, "the kingdom of heaven is at hand, let's go". But again, the Jews said "No". So they've now basically wondered the wilderness for about 2000 years or 40 Jubilees!! (A biblical "Jubilee" is 50 years. See "Links"). Thus, if this is indeed a legitimate simile, as it seems, then it's quite logical that Christ's return, the tribulation, & the millennial kingdom are very near at hand. On the other hand, maybe the "rapture", not the tribulation, is imminent! As the Jews finally got into the "promised land", so the Church may finally be taken into heaven, the "blessed hope".
#7) Another 40 Jubilee analogy involves Moses' Mt. Sinai experience. On his final (7th) trip to the top of Mt. Sinai, after spending 40 days in the presence of God (Ex.34:28), he returned in power & great glory to the Israelite camp with the Ten Commandments and began construction of the Tabernacle. This is exactly what Jesus will do when he returns to establish His Kingdom & build the Millennial Temple. Again, might the 40 days be a prophetic picture of 40 Jubilee periods, 2000 years, when Christ will return?
#8) The Jubilee cycle is too important not be involved in end-time events. The Jewish year of Jubilee has to do with restoration and is quite significant in God's eyes & time table. However, the Jews have not kept the Jubilee for over 2700 years, when they were conquered by the Babylonians So there is controversy as to when the Jubilees have occurred or when they will happen. Some Bible scholars have proposed the following scenario. - In 1917 The Balfour Declaration established the land of Palestine as a Jewish homeland - a prophetic end-time restoration. In 1967, amidst the Six Day War, Israel took back God's City, after 2000 years Jerusalem is restored to them. Then what about 2017 as a Jubilee year? Did anything significant happen? Yes! The Great Sign of Revelation 12, on Sept.23, 2017. And likely more significant to God, Jerusalem, (again - God's City), was finally given world recognition & restored as the official capitol of Israel. Maybe this was the final Jubilee. - But than again, maybe the ultimate restoration, the initiation of God's 1000 year millennium, would be ushered in by the next Jubilee year, 2067! Of course, that would push the "generation" definition out to 120 years. Which I guess wouldn't be out of line seeing as the oldest person alive today is over 115 years. If that's the case, I really hope there's a long interim period between the rapture & the Tribulation!
#9) Now this is a bit off the wall (pun intended), but it's been suggested that Donald Trump's name may be prophetic. ICor.15:51-52, "Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep (die), but we will all (believers) be changed (raptured) - in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump". Could this be one of God's puns? Of course Donald Trump is not really the last Trump; he does have a large family. But with everything else that's going on, I really wouldn't put it past God to add this play on words to accompany & magnify the many other end- time signs that He's given us that we are very close to the end of the age of grace! Moreover, Trump, our 45th president, has declared & promoted Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Interestingly, he has been likened to King Cyrus who God anointed to rebuild Jerusalem back in 536 B.C. Coincidentally, this is chronicled in Isaiah 45!!
Also, some other strange coincidences: Trump was born exactly 700 days before Israel became a nation, and Trump was 70 years, 7 months, & 7 days old on his 1st full day as president of the most powerful nation in the world. Some people even claim that his election was a miracle! Moreover, (per End of Days expert Rabbi Pinchas Winston & Breaking Israel News) the Super-Moon of 11/14/16, right after the election, could be a Divine confirmation of sorts that God is behind all this. It's also significant that this moon was the brightest since the Super-Moon in 1948, the year Israel became a nation. That was 67 years ago; and 50 years ago,1967, Israel took back God's City, Jerusalem! And, it would seem that God verified his connection to & choice of Donald Trump by honoring the 2nd anniversary of Trump's presidency via a "Super Blood Wolf Moon" that crossed over the White House on Jan.20&21,2019! Every U.S. state caught a glimpse. Just too many coincidences here for God not to be involved!
Concerning "The Last Trump", Youtube presentations by ENDTIME DREAM & VISION are very good.
#10) Fundamental changes are happening to our planet: record heatwaves, floods & droughts, massive fires, giant dust storms, large & numerous earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. In Matthew 24, Mark 13, & Luke 21 Jesus talks about wars, famine, pestilences, and an upheaval of nature that will increase in frequency & intensity - like birth pains - as his return draws near. Whether natural or man-made, the changes that are happening are way out of our control and are just another sign of a righteous God's displeasure with his ultimate creation, man.
On top of this, nature has recently given us "billions" of locusts threatening horrendous famines. Per Joel Chapters 1&2, just before the Day of the Lord, "an army of locusts will devour the land"! And then there's the CoronaVirus outbreak of 2020 & beyond that is proving to be devastating. Crematoriums in China were reportably burning bodies 24x7 and the whole world has been affected. It's interesting to note that this virus originated in the country of the "Red Dragon". Moreover, corona is Latin for crown. The seven-headed dragon of Rev.12 is wearing seven crowns on his heads! The months ahead will likely become more chaotic. If these are initial "birth pains", we know that near future pains are going to be increasingly worse. These are definitely not normal times. We are witnessing the nearness of the end of the age and Christ's coming.
#11) We are being systematically desensitized to vulgar, vile, & even blasphemous desecrations to God's holy word that we would not have thought possible only a few years ago. Sexual immorality of every kind is running rampant in our society. Pornography and addiction thereto is overwhelming, our entertainment is mostly pure filth, and we have pushed God & His ways out of almost every corner of public life! We're experiencing a diabolic degradation of our Christian values. Evil is considered good and good evil! Quoting Jonathan Cahn, "I believe we crossed the line when we desecrated the sacred, holy sign of His covenant with mankind.
Before the Tribulation (Day of the Lord), most Christian Teachers, Bible Scholars, etc. believe that God will deliver his children, born-again believers, the Body of Christ, via the "Rapture". There is general agreement that we are in a time of church history that the expectation of the return of Jesus Christ, "The Blessed Hope", is at a fever pitch! Too many things are converging! And too many things are happening! We shouldn't be surprised in the least when the tribulation &/or the rapture is upon us. Just too many signs:
#1) Most Bible Scholars adhere to a prophetic world clock or timeline based on the Genesis 1, 7 day, creation narrative and that "a day is = 1000 yrs", (2Pet.3:8). Thus:
Days 1&2 = The world before God called out Abraham & a chosen people for Himself, the Jews.
Days 3&4 = The Old Testament time of the Jews until Jesus and God's turning to the gentiles.
Days 5&6 = The New Testament time of the gentiles & the dispensation of God's Grace.
Day 7 = The 1000 yr. Millennium.
The 2000 yr. time period for the gentiles is about up. Assuming Jesus was likely born about 3BC, at age 33 he died in the year 30AD. Thus the Millennium could possibly start about 2030 and the Tribulation 7yrs. earlier or 2023. The Rapture & probably the Psalm 83 or Ezek.38&39 war would then likely happen between now & 2023. (Note: There is some controversy as to the year of Jesus’ birth.)
Along a similar line, Author C.J. Lovik (of RockIslandBooks) explores one of the most ancient of prophecies associated with the first word of the Bible. This prophecy, which, if unfolded, may help us to see just where we are on God’s biblical timeline. Is this a prophecy which has been sealed up, just waiting to be unfolded at the end of the age? Has God revealed the end in the beginning? This is an extremely interesting, enlightening, & timely presentation based on God's original Hebrew script. It's an hour long, but well worth it.
#2) The scripture is replete with examples of God's 7000 yr. timeline:
a) In Matt.17:1-9 Jesus, at his transfiguration, is seen coming in his glorified Kingdom body with Moses & Elijah. The fact that this took place "after 6 days" is a picture of the 6000 year timeline. Moreover, this might also be seen as a foreshadow of when Jesus gathers his disciples together at the Rapture.
b) Abraham's son, Isaac, is an amazing portrayal of the life of Jesus. Moreover, Isaac's marriage at age 40 (Gen.25:20), could correspond to Jesus' coming to earth at the end of 4000 years for His bride. Likewise, the birth of Isaac's children when he was 60, could parallel the salvation of His people, Israel, at the end of 6000 years.
c) In 2 Kings chapter 11 we have the coronation of Joash as the rightful King at the end of 6 yrs. This could correspond to Jesus' coronation at the end of 6000 years. Also, as Joash is a picture of Jesus, Althaliah, who rules the same 6 years, could be a picture of Satan & his present rule.
d) Noah was 600 years old at the time of the flood. This could easily be seen as alluding to a 6000 year time period when God will bring another great judgment on the whole earth.
e) Using similar reasoning, following is a prophetic extrapolation of the Death of Lazarus: John 11:6 - "When Jesus learns that Lazarus (Israel), whom He loves, is sick (spiritually dead), He stayed 2 days (2000 yrs.) in the place where he was (heaven)". 11:8 - The disciples said to Him, "Rabbi, a while ago the Jews tried to stone you (& crucified him) and you are going back there?" 11:11 - Jesus says, "Our friend Lazarus (Israel) has fallen asleep (is spiritually dead); but I am going there to wake him up". 11:17 - "When Jesus came, Lazarus (Israel) had been in the grave (spiritually dead) for 4 days (4000 yrs.- From Abraham until Jesus returns from heaven)"
With Jesus' return, (which may be 2023), Israel's eyes will finally be opened. Rom.11:25 - "Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles have come in, (& likely have been raptured). And so all Israel will be saved". (But through Tribulation).
Moreover, this was the 7th Sign/Miracle in the Book of John, thus signifying "Completion". The 8th & final Sign/Miracle, John 21:11, occurred after Jesus' resurrection, and thus signifies "New Beginnings". It chronicles the miraculous catch of 153 fish, which represents the salvation of all God's Children, (see "Salvation/Resurrection #").
f) In very similar language the prophet Hosea also speaks of the Lord’s return at the end of two days. Hosea 5:15-6:2, “I will go and return to my place (heaven), till they (the Jews) will acknowledge their offence, and seek my face; in their affliction they will seek me early. Come, let us return unto the Lord, for he has torn, and he will heal us. He hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After 2 days will he revive us; in the 3rd day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.” The “3rd day” would correspond to the 1000 year Millennium. Again, if Jesus was born about 3BC & he died at age 33 or 30AD, 2000 years would place the start of the 7 year Tribulation at about 2023 and the Millennium 2030.
g) Somewhat similarly, when Jesus said, “destroy this temple, and I’ll rebuild it in 3 days,” in addition to his foretelling of his death & resurrection, he may have given us a Clue as to when he would return. Again, if we consider a day to be 1000 years, assuming Jesus returns in 2000 years, construction of the 3rd Jewish temple, which is sacred in Judaism, is projected to be accomplished during the tribulation. Or, more likely, it could refer to the Millennial Temple which Christ will reside during His 1000 year millennial reign, Ezk 40-48 & Zech.6:11-15.(Thank you Dave 12/5/19)
#3) At the very start of this ministry, the 1st thing God had to do was convince me that we are really at the very end of end-times. One major aspect of this process involved a 2 second interval between two numbers. It took me eons to realize the underlying significance of the 2 seconds representing 2000 years, but it ultimately made sense. The two #s were 7 & 8. The #7 represents "Completion", such as at the cross, and the #8 represents "New Beginnings", like 2000 years later via the Rapture, Tribulation, or Millennium. Of course, I wasn't using a stop-watch, so it was a bit vague.
#4) Too many things are coming together that indicate that we are the generation that Jesus refers to in Math. 24:32-34, Mark 13:28-30, & Luke 21:29-32; "Learn this lesson from the fig tree, "when it sprouts leaves" - - this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened". In these verses it is generally acknowledged that Jesus is specifically referring to the last Jewish generation, the "fig tree generation". The fig tree is a symbol of National Israel; Israel was recognized as a nation in 1948. (Often a tree is not recognized until after it "buds"). It was "planted" or "rooted" way back when God actually established Israel and gave the land to Abraham & the generations of Jews after him. Now the question is, how many years is a generation? Psalm 90:10 says, "The length of our days is 70 years, 80 if we have strength". Seventy years would be very close to the average life expectancy of the Jewish population in 1948. Today it is more like 80 years. This would place the end of Tribulation between 2018 & 2028. Well it certainly has not happened to date! Then again, people do live to be over 100! Maybe that's more in line with what Jesus meant. 100 years would place the start of Tribulation at 2041! And of course it could be anywhere in between.
Note: This may also tie in with the St. Malachy prophecy concerning the last Pope. See 'Links'.
#5) The Ancient Book of Enoch (Noah's great-grandfather) is acknowledged and proven by Jude 1:14-15, to be a genuine & true book of prophecy. The book specifically emphasizes that it is a special message from God to bless born-again believers who will be living in the generation just prior to the tribulation. It emphatically professes that the tribulation will start between 1975 & 2075. He also emphasizes that His children are not to fear and will escape God's wrath. This agrees with 1st Thessalonians 1:10, 4:16-18, & 5:9.
Moreover, per The Ancient Apocalypse of Ezra, Chapter 4, the Second Coming will happen sometime between 2005 & 2045.
#6) Per an article by J. R. Church in 'Prophecy in the News': Joshua was a type of Christ. Like Jesus, he & Caleb, two of the 12 spies that were sent to check out the Promised Land after Moses lead the Jews out of Egypt, said to the Jewish nation, "the Promised Land is at hand, let's go". But, the Jews said "No". So they wondered in the wilderness for 40 years. - Likewise, Jesus said the same thing before his crucifixion, "the kingdom of heaven is at hand, let's go". But again, the Jews said "No". So they've now basically wondered the wilderness for about 2000 years or 40 Jubilees!! (A biblical "Jubilee" is 50 years. See "Links"). Thus, if this is indeed a legitimate simile, as it seems, then it's quite logical that Christ's return, the tribulation, & the millennial kingdom are very near at hand. On the other hand, maybe the "rapture", not the tribulation, is imminent! As the Jews finally got into the "promised land", so the Church may finally be taken into heaven, the "blessed hope".
#7) Another 40 Jubilee analogy involves Moses' Mt. Sinai experience. On his final (7th) trip to the top of Mt. Sinai, after spending 40 days in the presence of God (Ex.34:28), he returned in power & great glory to the Israelite camp with the Ten Commandments and began construction of the Tabernacle. This is exactly what Jesus will do when he returns to establish His Kingdom & build the Millennial Temple. Again, might the 40 days be a prophetic picture of 40 Jubilee periods, 2000 years, when Christ will return?
#8) The Jubilee cycle is too important not be involved in end-time events. The Jewish year of Jubilee has to do with restoration and is quite significant in God's eyes & time table. However, the Jews have not kept the Jubilee for over 2700 years, when they were conquered by the Babylonians So there is controversy as to when the Jubilees have occurred or when they will happen. Some Bible scholars have proposed the following scenario. - In 1917 The Balfour Declaration established the land of Palestine as a Jewish homeland - a prophetic end-time restoration. In 1967, amidst the Six Day War, Israel took back God's City, after 2000 years Jerusalem is restored to them. Then what about 2017 as a Jubilee year? Did anything significant happen? Yes! The Great Sign of Revelation 12, on Sept.23, 2017. And likely more significant to God, Jerusalem, (again - God's City), was finally given world recognition & restored as the official capitol of Israel. Maybe this was the final Jubilee. - But than again, maybe the ultimate restoration, the initiation of God's 1000 year millennium, would be ushered in by the next Jubilee year, 2067! Of course, that would push the "generation" definition out to 120 years. Which I guess wouldn't be out of line seeing as the oldest person alive today is over 115 years. If that's the case, I really hope there's a long interim period between the rapture & the Tribulation!
#9) Now this is a bit off the wall (pun intended), but it's been suggested that Donald Trump's name may be prophetic. ICor.15:51-52, "Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep (die), but we will all (believers) be changed (raptured) - in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump". Could this be one of God's puns? Of course Donald Trump is not really the last Trump; he does have a large family. But with everything else that's going on, I really wouldn't put it past God to add this play on words to accompany & magnify the many other end- time signs that He's given us that we are very close to the end of the age of grace! Moreover, Trump, our 45th president, has declared & promoted Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Interestingly, he has been likened to King Cyrus who God anointed to rebuild Jerusalem back in 536 B.C. Coincidentally, this is chronicled in Isaiah 45!!
Also, some other strange coincidences: Trump was born exactly 700 days before Israel became a nation, and Trump was 70 years, 7 months, & 7 days old on his 1st full day as president of the most powerful nation in the world. Some people even claim that his election was a miracle! Moreover, (per End of Days expert Rabbi Pinchas Winston & Breaking Israel News) the Super-Moon of 11/14/16, right after the election, could be a Divine confirmation of sorts that God is behind all this. It's also significant that this moon was the brightest since the Super-Moon in 1948, the year Israel became a nation. That was 67 years ago; and 50 years ago,1967, Israel took back God's City, Jerusalem! And, it would seem that God verified his connection to & choice of Donald Trump by honoring the 2nd anniversary of Trump's presidency via a "Super Blood Wolf Moon" that crossed over the White House on Jan.20&21,2019! Every U.S. state caught a glimpse. Just too many coincidences here for God not to be involved!
Concerning "The Last Trump", Youtube presentations by ENDTIME DREAM & VISION are very good.
#10) Fundamental changes are happening to our planet: record heatwaves, floods & droughts, massive fires, giant dust storms, large & numerous earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. In Matthew 24, Mark 13, & Luke 21 Jesus talks about wars, famine, pestilences, and an upheaval of nature that will increase in frequency & intensity - like birth pains - as his return draws near. Whether natural or man-made, the changes that are happening are way out of our control and are just another sign of a righteous God's displeasure with his ultimate creation, man.
On top of this, nature has recently given us "billions" of locusts threatening horrendous famines. Per Joel Chapters 1&2, just before the Day of the Lord, "an army of locusts will devour the land"! And then there's the CoronaVirus outbreak of 2020 & beyond that is proving to be devastating. Crematoriums in China were reportably burning bodies 24x7 and the whole world has been affected. It's interesting to note that this virus originated in the country of the "Red Dragon". Moreover, corona is Latin for crown. The seven-headed dragon of Rev.12 is wearing seven crowns on his heads! The months ahead will likely become more chaotic. If these are initial "birth pains", we know that near future pains are going to be increasingly worse. These are definitely not normal times. We are witnessing the nearness of the end of the age and Christ's coming.
#11) We are being systematically desensitized to vulgar, vile, & even blasphemous desecrations to God's holy word that we would not have thought possible only a few years ago. Sexual immorality of every kind is running rampant in our society. Pornography and addiction thereto is overwhelming, our entertainment is mostly pure filth, and we have pushed God & His ways out of almost every corner of public life! We're experiencing a diabolic degradation of our Christian values. Evil is considered good and good evil! Quoting Jonathan Cahn, "I believe we crossed the line when we desecrated the sacred, holy sign of His covenant with mankind.
We transformed His rainbow into an object of desecration, having joined it to the desecration of marriage! And from the American White House yet, the highest house in the land!" Isaiah 5:20 - "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness". As they say, "If God spares us much longer, He'll have to apologize to Sodom & Gomorrah"!
Per Daniel 11:37, Satan's Antichrist will likely be homosexual. Moreover, the time is ripe for such a leader. At what other time have we seen such unbiblical attitudes come out of the closets onto our streets, even threatening violence if we do not accept their ways! Of course, we always need to remember, “Hate the sin, but love the sinner”.
#12) God's Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 12:3) ordains that those nations that bless Israel will be blessed, those who curse Israel will be cursed. Barack Obama's signing of a covenant with Iran placed the Jewish nation in danger. The U.N., with the exception of America via President Trump, have defiantly shook their fist at the one true God that created all things. Basically, Israel was placed on Notice to vacate East Jerusalem, the West bank, and the Golan Heights, for it is now unlawfully occupied by Israel and Jerusalem was denied being the capitol of Israel. However, via President Trump, America has declared & recognized Jerusalem (God's City) as the capitol of Israel, Dec.2017. Moreover, the US Embassy was moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, May 2018, coinciding with Israel's 70th anniversary as a nation! This event is unprecedented, historic, & prophetic! And, the #70 signifies "Perfect Spiritual Order carried out with All Spiritual Power & Significance". Also, it's interesting to note: Jer-USA-lem, & 3-3-3 !!!
In the Book of Zechariah, a prophecy is given in which God says: “I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all surrounding peoples reeling.... And it will be on that day that I will set Jerusalem as a weighty stone to all the peoples. All who carry it will surely gash themselves, and all the nations of the land will be gathered against it.” The prophecy sounds unimaginable. How could the entire world come against one city, a little city of rocks on the edge of a desert? There's no natural explanation for it! But it's taking place right before our eyes! God's Word is true. Hopefully we will continue to back Israel and keep America safe. Unfortunately, with Biden & Harris in office, I have doubts that our nation will continue to be blessed.
#13) Continuing from above, the stage has been set for the bloodiest war the Middle East has ever seen. Political tensions around the world and particularly around & concerning Israel have never been greater. The Middle East is increasingly unstable and many nations continue to militarize at increasing rates. Arab/Muslim nations, probably with the help of Russia want to eradicate Israel. The prophetic war of Psalm 83 &/or Ezekiel 38&39 could be very close. We are clearly told, Ezekiel 38:18-20, "when the Russians invade the Middle East, then the Tribulation will commence; all the people on the face of the earth will tremble”. Russia, in addition to its invasion of Ukraine, its nuclear threats, and talk of its expanding its territory, has certainly made its presence known in Syria and are practically allies with Iran! Iran of course is determined to be a nuclear power, which will likely happen in 2022. And they will not back away from their threats to Israel & the US; war will happen!
#14) Economic conditions of many nations are looking very troublesome. Many prophets & signs, including the Shemitah cycle, have pointed to a huge worldwide economic downturn. This did happen to some extent in 2015 & 2016. The Venezuelan economy, in particular, has totally collapsed. Other countries & cities are declaring bankruptcy concerns. In 2020 & 2021we had the Coronavirus. In addition to death, it devastated the whole world’s economy! In 2022, with war and threats of more war, plus inflation and worldwide plague & famine concerns, stock markets are falling precipitously. It would seem that we are in the midst of experiencing the “birth pains” preceding tribulation as referenced in Matthew 24:8 & Luke 21:11?! See
#15) ISIS, the cutting off of heads (particularly Christian), Boko haram, Al-Shabaab, the Taliban, senseless terrorism & slaughter, thousands of refugees, starvation, increasing anti-Semitism, Israel under constant threat from Iran, Hezbollah, & Hamas. Surely the spirit of Antichrist and the birth pains of Tribulation are in full swing in the Middle East and are quickly spreading throughout the world! It would seem that the 4 satanic horseman of Rev.6 (the first 4 Seals), are getting ready to ride. The martyred saints of the 5th Seal have got to be getting extremely impatient! "How long oh Lord?" When will God finally have had enough of the atrocities & moral corruptions of man? It would seem that this would be an opportune time for the Rapture and for Jesus to start opening the seals which will usher in Antichrist, the beginning of Tribulation, and the ultimate defeat of Satan.
#16) The world is almost totally set up for the one world government that the Antichrist will use in his global governance during the tribulation. We have the United Nations, the World Court, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization. Moreover, the "mark of the beast" of Rev.13:16 is now no longer a pipe dream. For 2000 years the fulfillment of this prophecy was incomprehensible. There was no way that the buying & selling of every single person in the world could be controlled by a "mark on their right hand or forehead". Today it is not only possible, but it is actually being advocated by a number of people, companies, and governments. And presently, the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic is becoming a driving force.
#17) The Christian Church today bears striking similarities to the last of the seven churches of Revelation 2&3. It’s the church that is lukewarm, neither cold nor hot. There’s no question here that Jesus is referring to the majority of churches today which are Christian in name only. Unless they should repent, they will be “spewed out of His mouth” and will not partake of the rapture of Revelation Chapter 4.
#18) The Bible (Luke 21:11 & 25, & Acts 2:19) talks about "great signs & wonders in the heavens" in conjunction with the end-time. Joel 2:31 & Acts 2:20 say, “The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord”. From April 2014 thru Sept. 2015 we had 4 Blood Moons. The last one was a super full moon, (when the moon is closest to the earth), and it was visible in the skies over Israel. More significantly, all 4 Blood Moons fell on Jewish feast/Holy Days. And it'll be another 400 years until we see another tetrad (4 Blood Moons that fall on Holy Days)! What more profound sign could God manifest to announce & warn humanity that something really BIG is about to happen! A huge billboard in the sky! Moreover, this was the 8th tetrad since Christ. Biblicaly, the #8 represents "New Beginnings". This could possibly be forecasting the rapture or the Tribulation which would usher in the wonderful 1000 year millennium. The 7th tetrad, 1967-68, along with a Jubilee year, as noted above, marked the return of the city of Jerusalem, "the City of God", to the Jewish people, another sign of completion!
#19) The Revelation 12:1&2 Celestial Woman in Labor Pain is the most detailed astronomical end-time sign recorded in scripture! "A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth."
Per Daniel 11:37, Satan's Antichrist will likely be homosexual. Moreover, the time is ripe for such a leader. At what other time have we seen such unbiblical attitudes come out of the closets onto our streets, even threatening violence if we do not accept their ways! Of course, we always need to remember, “Hate the sin, but love the sinner”.
#12) God's Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 12:3) ordains that those nations that bless Israel will be blessed, those who curse Israel will be cursed. Barack Obama's signing of a covenant with Iran placed the Jewish nation in danger. The U.N., with the exception of America via President Trump, have defiantly shook their fist at the one true God that created all things. Basically, Israel was placed on Notice to vacate East Jerusalem, the West bank, and the Golan Heights, for it is now unlawfully occupied by Israel and Jerusalem was denied being the capitol of Israel. However, via President Trump, America has declared & recognized Jerusalem (God's City) as the capitol of Israel, Dec.2017. Moreover, the US Embassy was moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, May 2018, coinciding with Israel's 70th anniversary as a nation! This event is unprecedented, historic, & prophetic! And, the #70 signifies "Perfect Spiritual Order carried out with All Spiritual Power & Significance". Also, it's interesting to note: Jer-USA-lem, & 3-3-3 !!!
In the Book of Zechariah, a prophecy is given in which God says: “I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all surrounding peoples reeling.... And it will be on that day that I will set Jerusalem as a weighty stone to all the peoples. All who carry it will surely gash themselves, and all the nations of the land will be gathered against it.” The prophecy sounds unimaginable. How could the entire world come against one city, a little city of rocks on the edge of a desert? There's no natural explanation for it! But it's taking place right before our eyes! God's Word is true. Hopefully we will continue to back Israel and keep America safe. Unfortunately, with Biden & Harris in office, I have doubts that our nation will continue to be blessed.
#13) Continuing from above, the stage has been set for the bloodiest war the Middle East has ever seen. Political tensions around the world and particularly around & concerning Israel have never been greater. The Middle East is increasingly unstable and many nations continue to militarize at increasing rates. Arab/Muslim nations, probably with the help of Russia want to eradicate Israel. The prophetic war of Psalm 83 &/or Ezekiel 38&39 could be very close. We are clearly told, Ezekiel 38:18-20, "when the Russians invade the Middle East, then the Tribulation will commence; all the people on the face of the earth will tremble”. Russia, in addition to its invasion of Ukraine, its nuclear threats, and talk of its expanding its territory, has certainly made its presence known in Syria and are practically allies with Iran! Iran of course is determined to be a nuclear power, which will likely happen in 2022. And they will not back away from their threats to Israel & the US; war will happen!
#14) Economic conditions of many nations are looking very troublesome. Many prophets & signs, including the Shemitah cycle, have pointed to a huge worldwide economic downturn. This did happen to some extent in 2015 & 2016. The Venezuelan economy, in particular, has totally collapsed. Other countries & cities are declaring bankruptcy concerns. In 2020 & 2021we had the Coronavirus. In addition to death, it devastated the whole world’s economy! In 2022, with war and threats of more war, plus inflation and worldwide plague & famine concerns, stock markets are falling precipitously. It would seem that we are in the midst of experiencing the “birth pains” preceding tribulation as referenced in Matthew 24:8 & Luke 21:11?! See
#15) ISIS, the cutting off of heads (particularly Christian), Boko haram, Al-Shabaab, the Taliban, senseless terrorism & slaughter, thousands of refugees, starvation, increasing anti-Semitism, Israel under constant threat from Iran, Hezbollah, & Hamas. Surely the spirit of Antichrist and the birth pains of Tribulation are in full swing in the Middle East and are quickly spreading throughout the world! It would seem that the 4 satanic horseman of Rev.6 (the first 4 Seals), are getting ready to ride. The martyred saints of the 5th Seal have got to be getting extremely impatient! "How long oh Lord?" When will God finally have had enough of the atrocities & moral corruptions of man? It would seem that this would be an opportune time for the Rapture and for Jesus to start opening the seals which will usher in Antichrist, the beginning of Tribulation, and the ultimate defeat of Satan.
#16) The world is almost totally set up for the one world government that the Antichrist will use in his global governance during the tribulation. We have the United Nations, the World Court, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization. Moreover, the "mark of the beast" of Rev.13:16 is now no longer a pipe dream. For 2000 years the fulfillment of this prophecy was incomprehensible. There was no way that the buying & selling of every single person in the world could be controlled by a "mark on their right hand or forehead". Today it is not only possible, but it is actually being advocated by a number of people, companies, and governments. And presently, the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic is becoming a driving force.
#17) The Christian Church today bears striking similarities to the last of the seven churches of Revelation 2&3. It’s the church that is lukewarm, neither cold nor hot. There’s no question here that Jesus is referring to the majority of churches today which are Christian in name only. Unless they should repent, they will be “spewed out of His mouth” and will not partake of the rapture of Revelation Chapter 4.
#18) The Bible (Luke 21:11 & 25, & Acts 2:19) talks about "great signs & wonders in the heavens" in conjunction with the end-time. Joel 2:31 & Acts 2:20 say, “The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord”. From April 2014 thru Sept. 2015 we had 4 Blood Moons. The last one was a super full moon, (when the moon is closest to the earth), and it was visible in the skies over Israel. More significantly, all 4 Blood Moons fell on Jewish feast/Holy Days. And it'll be another 400 years until we see another tetrad (4 Blood Moons that fall on Holy Days)! What more profound sign could God manifest to announce & warn humanity that something really BIG is about to happen! A huge billboard in the sky! Moreover, this was the 8th tetrad since Christ. Biblicaly, the #8 represents "New Beginnings". This could possibly be forecasting the rapture or the Tribulation which would usher in the wonderful 1000 year millennium. The 7th tetrad, 1967-68, along with a Jubilee year, as noted above, marked the return of the city of Jerusalem, "the City of God", to the Jewish people, another sign of completion!
#19) The Revelation 12:1&2 Celestial Woman in Labor Pain is the most detailed astronomical end-time sign recorded in scripture! "A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth."
Many signs are mentioned in the Bible, this is the only one labeled "great". It involves the fulfillment of this prophetic scripture which culminated on Sept. 23, 2017. Among other celestial bodies, it involved the Sun, the Moon, the constellation Virgo, and a conjunction of Mercury, Venus, & Mars. See: Discover Ministries (Pastor Steve Cioccolanti) - "THE GREATEST END TIMES SIGN in 777”
After retrograding (going back & forth) in Virgos’ womb for 9 months, the King planet Jupiter exited, or was birthed on Sept. 23, 2017. Which seems to correspond to Rev.12:5 that tells us, “The woman gave birth to a male child, who will rule all nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne”. The woman, the constellation Virgo, could represent two women: 1) Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus, and/or 2) the Nation Israel, personified by the prophetic dream of Joseph in Genesis 37:9&10. The general consensuses of many Bible scholars is that Rev.12:1 thru 5 is simply a historical recap of Israel's contention with Satan culminating in Jesus' birth & ascension to heaven. However, many, including myself, believe this has got to be prophetic as well as historic. Surely this can’t be the simple retelling of the birth of Christ etc.; we’re in the Book of Revelation, this is end-time ground and we're talking about a "great" & "final" end-time sign here, a heavenly event that happened at a time when the return of Jesus, the rapture, is thought to be so eminent by so many! Moreover, after verse 5, all the following verses, are certainly prophetic, not historic. - The woman, Virgo, could quite logically, represent the Nation of Israel, God's chosen people, the “spiritual mother” of the Church. And the child could certainly represent the Body of Christ, the multitude of born-again believers who are raptured and who will reign with Jesus with a rod of iron, (2Tim.2:12 & Rev.2:26-27).
One clue that particularly alludes to the rapture is the term "snatched up" in verse 5. This certainly could not be referring to Jesus, either at His resurrection or His ascension. At His resurrection, at the tomb, Jesus tells Mary that “He has not yet “ascended” to the Father”, (John 20:17). He goes on to say, “I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God.” And, at His ascension, Acts 1:9&10 tells us that "Jesus was “lifted up” while they were looking on. They were looking intently into the sky as he was going, until a cloud hid him from their sight." Jesus certainly was not "snatched up", (like in the twinkling of an eye)! In both instances, Jesus was totally in control of His coming or going, He was not being manipulated or controlled, i.e. “caught up” by any outside force of God! The Church however, will be!
The last time these celestial bodies where similarly aligned was over 5900 years ago, near the time of Adam & Eve! Only recently has all this been revealed due to the advanced God-given technological knowledge and capabilities that we presently possess, (A major end-time sign in itself). We also need to note here, this is all about astronomy and has nothing to do with the black arts of astrology. Genesis 1:14 - "Let there be lights in the firmament... let them be for signs, & for seasons, & for days, & years."
This is an amazing revelation that God Himself orchestrated. It culminated 3 days after the Jewish year 5777 finished. Amazingly, recall that Jesus "arose" 3 days after his last words on the cross, ”It is finished"!! Moreover, 777 represents "triple completion"! Furthermore, the year 5778 was ushered in by Rosh Hashana & the blowing of many trumpets. This ended with the Feast of Trumpets which has always been associated with the rapture of the Church! Many thought this forecasted the Rapture. The astronomy & thinking were accurate, but alas, nothing happened! There can be no argument however, the Great & Wondrous Heavenly Sign of Sept.23, 2017 did indeed happen. Our job now is to discern what it meant. Certainly, it did not include the immediate Rapture of the Church. One hypothesis (Red Moon Rapture by Stephanie Dawn), is that we have been given up to a 3 year window for the rapture. This is based on another Great Heavenly Sign, the Star of Bethlehem, which announced Jesus' birth and the fact that it took the wise men up to 3 years to find Jesus from the first appearing of that Great Sign. Of course it's now far beyond 3years.
End-Time Dream & Vision has a Must See 24 minute video (Last Trump Rapture Timeline!) that chronicles all the recent signs including the Trump presidency. -
Note: An understanding of the true God-orchestrated origin and meaning of the constellations and signs of the Zodiac can be a real asset to fully understanding the significance of heavenly signs. Overall, except for some humanistic corruption in some cultures, these ancient star-pictures, like Virgo, were designed by God in antiquity to preserve, expound, and perpetuate the one first great promise & prophecy of Genesis 3:15; that all hope for man, all hope for creation, was bound up in a coming Redeemer. These ancient star pictures tell the story of the sufferings of Christ and the glory that will follow. Job 38:32, comes to mind; God asks Job "Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons?" Actually, now with our computer programs, we can! God created the constellations & signs of the Zodiac in the heavens and He expects us to pay attention and unravel their mysteries. "It's the glory of God to conceal a matter, to search out a matter is the glory of kings." Proverbs 25:2. This is particularly relevant to our understanding of the "great and wondrous sign that appeared in heaven" of Revelation 12:1.
After retrograding (going back & forth) in Virgos’ womb for 9 months, the King planet Jupiter exited, or was birthed on Sept. 23, 2017. Which seems to correspond to Rev.12:5 that tells us, “The woman gave birth to a male child, who will rule all nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne”. The woman, the constellation Virgo, could represent two women: 1) Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus, and/or 2) the Nation Israel, personified by the prophetic dream of Joseph in Genesis 37:9&10. The general consensuses of many Bible scholars is that Rev.12:1 thru 5 is simply a historical recap of Israel's contention with Satan culminating in Jesus' birth & ascension to heaven. However, many, including myself, believe this has got to be prophetic as well as historic. Surely this can’t be the simple retelling of the birth of Christ etc.; we’re in the Book of Revelation, this is end-time ground and we're talking about a "great" & "final" end-time sign here, a heavenly event that happened at a time when the return of Jesus, the rapture, is thought to be so eminent by so many! Moreover, after verse 5, all the following verses, are certainly prophetic, not historic. - The woman, Virgo, could quite logically, represent the Nation of Israel, God's chosen people, the “spiritual mother” of the Church. And the child could certainly represent the Body of Christ, the multitude of born-again believers who are raptured and who will reign with Jesus with a rod of iron, (2Tim.2:12 & Rev.2:26-27).
One clue that particularly alludes to the rapture is the term "snatched up" in verse 5. This certainly could not be referring to Jesus, either at His resurrection or His ascension. At His resurrection, at the tomb, Jesus tells Mary that “He has not yet “ascended” to the Father”, (John 20:17). He goes on to say, “I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God.” And, at His ascension, Acts 1:9&10 tells us that "Jesus was “lifted up” while they were looking on. They were looking intently into the sky as he was going, until a cloud hid him from their sight." Jesus certainly was not "snatched up", (like in the twinkling of an eye)! In both instances, Jesus was totally in control of His coming or going, He was not being manipulated or controlled, i.e. “caught up” by any outside force of God! The Church however, will be!
The last time these celestial bodies where similarly aligned was over 5900 years ago, near the time of Adam & Eve! Only recently has all this been revealed due to the advanced God-given technological knowledge and capabilities that we presently possess, (A major end-time sign in itself). We also need to note here, this is all about astronomy and has nothing to do with the black arts of astrology. Genesis 1:14 - "Let there be lights in the firmament... let them be for signs, & for seasons, & for days, & years."
This is an amazing revelation that God Himself orchestrated. It culminated 3 days after the Jewish year 5777 finished. Amazingly, recall that Jesus "arose" 3 days after his last words on the cross, ”It is finished"!! Moreover, 777 represents "triple completion"! Furthermore, the year 5778 was ushered in by Rosh Hashana & the blowing of many trumpets. This ended with the Feast of Trumpets which has always been associated with the rapture of the Church! Many thought this forecasted the Rapture. The astronomy & thinking were accurate, but alas, nothing happened! There can be no argument however, the Great & Wondrous Heavenly Sign of Sept.23, 2017 did indeed happen. Our job now is to discern what it meant. Certainly, it did not include the immediate Rapture of the Church. One hypothesis (Red Moon Rapture by Stephanie Dawn), is that we have been given up to a 3 year window for the rapture. This is based on another Great Heavenly Sign, the Star of Bethlehem, which announced Jesus' birth and the fact that it took the wise men up to 3 years to find Jesus from the first appearing of that Great Sign. Of course it's now far beyond 3years.
End-Time Dream & Vision has a Must See 24 minute video (Last Trump Rapture Timeline!) that chronicles all the recent signs including the Trump presidency. -
Note: An understanding of the true God-orchestrated origin and meaning of the constellations and signs of the Zodiac can be a real asset to fully understanding the significance of heavenly signs. Overall, except for some humanistic corruption in some cultures, these ancient star-pictures, like Virgo, were designed by God in antiquity to preserve, expound, and perpetuate the one first great promise & prophecy of Genesis 3:15; that all hope for man, all hope for creation, was bound up in a coming Redeemer. These ancient star pictures tell the story of the sufferings of Christ and the glory that will follow. Job 38:32, comes to mind; God asks Job "Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons?" Actually, now with our computer programs, we can! God created the constellations & signs of the Zodiac in the heavens and He expects us to pay attention and unravel their mysteries. "It's the glory of God to conceal a matter, to search out a matter is the glory of kings." Proverbs 25:2. This is particularly relevant to our understanding of the "great and wondrous sign that appeared in heaven" of Revelation 12:1.
In Jan.2019, I was prompted, I'm guessing by the Holy Spirit, (although I know better now), to consider the question, "what if the Rev.12 Great Sign date itself, 9/23/17, is a sign!" Surly it means something! We're talking about a Great & Wondrous End-Time Sign that was orchestrated by God!! Surly He did not just choose this date randomly! Via Biblical Numerology the #9 represents 'Finality, Divine Completeness, or Judgment'. The #17 denotes 'The Perfection of Spiritual Order'. The #23 doesn't possess any special biblical significance, however, maybe the combination could point to the Completion of the "age of grace", the Rapture, &/or Judgment in 2023!
This hypothesis is continued on the next page - "Rapture 2023". (But of course, this never happened! It seems I was somehow supernaturally deceived!!! What a bummer!)
This hypothesis is continued on the next page - "Rapture 2023". (But of course, this never happened! It seems I was somehow supernaturally deceived!!! What a bummer!)
But Nobody Knows!
We all are aware that the scriptures tells us: "Nobody knows the day or the hour" and "It will come like a thief in the night". I'm going to expound here on my belief that these do not apply to the Rapture but only to the Day of the Lord, the 7 year Tribulation. Following are the scriptures that need to be addressed:
1) Matt.24:34-42: After expounding to his disciples about the many tribulations that are going to be coming, and then telling them that "this generation will not pass away until all these things have happened", He says, "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels or even the Son". "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man." "They knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. Two men will be in the field, one will be taken and the other left. Therefore keep watch, because you do not know what day your Lord will come." Verses 50 & 51 go on to say "The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping & gnashing of teeth."
This and Matt.25:31-46 chronicle the separation of the sheep & the goats at the end of the 7yr tribulation and Jesus' second coming. Certainly it's perfectly clear that Jesus is in no way referring to a rapture. He's talking to his Jewish disciples about the Jewish nation which will be going through the 7yr Tribulation.
2) Matt.25:1-13: The Parable of the Ten Virgins. The virgins who were ready (had oil for their lamps) went into the wedding banquet with the bridegroom and the door was shut. Later the others also came wanting the door to be opened. But the bridegroom replied, "I tell you the truth, I don't know you. Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour."
The oil represents having the Spirit and thus knowing the Lord. Although this does indeed sound like a Rapture type scenario, Jesus is just simply likening the Kingdom of Heaven to the well-known Jewish wedding tradition which Jews of Jesus day and beyond could readily relate to. This would encompass much more than a one day rapture. It would apply universally to all who seek to become a child of the Kingdom, from Jesus day until his 2nd coming at the end of the 7 year tribulation. One’s death could be at any time. If you don’t know the Lord, if you’re not ready, if you lack the Holy Spirit & salvation, the door to heaven will indeed be closed to you. Moreover, Chapter 25 starts out with "At that time”, referring back to Chapter 24 and the separation of the sheep & goats during the tribulation, the 'Time of Jacob's Trouble'.
Furthermore, in the book of Matthew, as well as the other gospels, Jesus, before His death, burial, & resurrection, was still preaching the Old Testament doctrine of the Kingdom where King Jesus would head the Jewish nation as a kingdom of priests who would evangelize the world. It wasn’t until after the stoning of Steven that God finally gave up on the Jews and instituted the dispensation of the Age of Grace through the apostle Paul. It’s only through the revelations given to Paul that we learn of the Rapture. And nowhere does he say that the day & hour will not be known. Moreover, when Paul revealed the Rapture in 1Cor.15:51-53, he starts out with, "Listen, I tell you a mystery:" He was revealing a secret. Thus it follows, the Rapture would not have been a mystery or secret if Jesus had already revealed it in His ministry. (Article by Jack Kelley in Jan. 2023 Prophecy Watcher magazine.).
3) Mark 13:30-37: This is essentially the same as the Matt.24 warning.
4) 1Thess.5:1-5: "You know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night, destruction will come on them suddenly." "But you brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief." Verse 9 goes on, "For God did not appoint us to wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ who died for us."
Again, this is only talking about the Day of the Lord, the Tribulation. Believers will likely not be surprised because they'll have already been raptured.
5) 2Peter 3:10: "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar, the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth will be laid bare."
Again, this is only concerning & warning of the Great Tribulation, the horrendous Day of the Lord (Joel 2:31, cited also in Acts 2:20).
6) Rev.3:3: "Remember what you have received, obey it & repent. But if you do not watch (or wake up), I will come like a thief and you will not know at what time I will come."
Here again, this is likely a warning of the coming Tribulation. Note however, it is only directed to non-believers, those who refuse to watch or wake up. This could insinuate that believers will know the time, whether it be of the tribulation or the rapture. Right after these warnings to the 7 churches, Chapter 4 starts off with a picture of the Rapture.
In the February 2020 issue of 'Prophecy in the News' magazine, Evangelist & TV Host Dan Goodwin authored an article, "The Mystery of the Unknown Day or Hour". He essentially mirrored what I expounded on above, i.e., that the subject scriptures, except for Rev.3:3, are talking about the Day of the Lord, the Tribulation, &/or the 2nd coming of Christ to set up His Kingdom, not the Rapture.
Some believe that the rapture & the start of tribulation will be a simultaneous event and are both part of the complex period known as the Day of the Lord. If that were to be true, it would be quite misleading, even heretical, to assume to set a date for the Rapture. But, it is absolutely impossible for the "Blessed Hope", the Rapture, to fit into the definition of the "Day of the Lord". Beyond those that are noted above, there are numerous other scriptures that expound on the horrors of that period. Actually, every biblical reference to it presents it as a time of unprecedented anguish.
Moreover, the Rapture does not start the Tribulation (Day of the Lord). The Tribulation is initiated by the covenant between the Antichrist and Israel (Dan.9:24-27). There could certainly be a “gap” of weeks or even years between the two. This is also alluded to in the Book of Esther. (To be discussed on the next page). Between Esther’s edict of the 23rd of the 3rd month and the date for the destruction of the enemies of the Jews, the 13th day of the 12th month, there is a time period of almost 9 months. Thus, it seems there could be a time period between the Rapture and the Tribulation in which much could transpire and many of our friends could come to faith. I'm sure God has his reasons, but scripture remains frustratingly vague or confusing concerning much of this.
In his book End Time Events, well known Bible teacher & author Charles Capps expounds on the rapture of Elijah in 2Kings 2:1-5. Quoting Mr.Capps, “The very fact that Elijah, Elisha, & the sons of the prophets knew the exact day of Elijah’s rapture could indicate that God may reveal the time of the Rapture to the Church before it happens.”
1) Matt.24:34-42: After expounding to his disciples about the many tribulations that are going to be coming, and then telling them that "this generation will not pass away until all these things have happened", He says, "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels or even the Son". "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man." "They knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. Two men will be in the field, one will be taken and the other left. Therefore keep watch, because you do not know what day your Lord will come." Verses 50 & 51 go on to say "The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping & gnashing of teeth."
This and Matt.25:31-46 chronicle the separation of the sheep & the goats at the end of the 7yr tribulation and Jesus' second coming. Certainly it's perfectly clear that Jesus is in no way referring to a rapture. He's talking to his Jewish disciples about the Jewish nation which will be going through the 7yr Tribulation.
2) Matt.25:1-13: The Parable of the Ten Virgins. The virgins who were ready (had oil for their lamps) went into the wedding banquet with the bridegroom and the door was shut. Later the others also came wanting the door to be opened. But the bridegroom replied, "I tell you the truth, I don't know you. Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour."
The oil represents having the Spirit and thus knowing the Lord. Although this does indeed sound like a Rapture type scenario, Jesus is just simply likening the Kingdom of Heaven to the well-known Jewish wedding tradition which Jews of Jesus day and beyond could readily relate to. This would encompass much more than a one day rapture. It would apply universally to all who seek to become a child of the Kingdom, from Jesus day until his 2nd coming at the end of the 7 year tribulation. One’s death could be at any time. If you don’t know the Lord, if you’re not ready, if you lack the Holy Spirit & salvation, the door to heaven will indeed be closed to you. Moreover, Chapter 25 starts out with "At that time”, referring back to Chapter 24 and the separation of the sheep & goats during the tribulation, the 'Time of Jacob's Trouble'.
Furthermore, in the book of Matthew, as well as the other gospels, Jesus, before His death, burial, & resurrection, was still preaching the Old Testament doctrine of the Kingdom where King Jesus would head the Jewish nation as a kingdom of priests who would evangelize the world. It wasn’t until after the stoning of Steven that God finally gave up on the Jews and instituted the dispensation of the Age of Grace through the apostle Paul. It’s only through the revelations given to Paul that we learn of the Rapture. And nowhere does he say that the day & hour will not be known. Moreover, when Paul revealed the Rapture in 1Cor.15:51-53, he starts out with, "Listen, I tell you a mystery:" He was revealing a secret. Thus it follows, the Rapture would not have been a mystery or secret if Jesus had already revealed it in His ministry. (Article by Jack Kelley in Jan. 2023 Prophecy Watcher magazine.).
3) Mark 13:30-37: This is essentially the same as the Matt.24 warning.
4) 1Thess.5:1-5: "You know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night, destruction will come on them suddenly." "But you brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief." Verse 9 goes on, "For God did not appoint us to wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ who died for us."
Again, this is only talking about the Day of the Lord, the Tribulation. Believers will likely not be surprised because they'll have already been raptured.
5) 2Peter 3:10: "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar, the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth will be laid bare."
Again, this is only concerning & warning of the Great Tribulation, the horrendous Day of the Lord (Joel 2:31, cited also in Acts 2:20).
6) Rev.3:3: "Remember what you have received, obey it & repent. But if you do not watch (or wake up), I will come like a thief and you will not know at what time I will come."
Here again, this is likely a warning of the coming Tribulation. Note however, it is only directed to non-believers, those who refuse to watch or wake up. This could insinuate that believers will know the time, whether it be of the tribulation or the rapture. Right after these warnings to the 7 churches, Chapter 4 starts off with a picture of the Rapture.
In the February 2020 issue of 'Prophecy in the News' magazine, Evangelist & TV Host Dan Goodwin authored an article, "The Mystery of the Unknown Day or Hour". He essentially mirrored what I expounded on above, i.e., that the subject scriptures, except for Rev.3:3, are talking about the Day of the Lord, the Tribulation, &/or the 2nd coming of Christ to set up His Kingdom, not the Rapture.
Some believe that the rapture & the start of tribulation will be a simultaneous event and are both part of the complex period known as the Day of the Lord. If that were to be true, it would be quite misleading, even heretical, to assume to set a date for the Rapture. But, it is absolutely impossible for the "Blessed Hope", the Rapture, to fit into the definition of the "Day of the Lord". Beyond those that are noted above, there are numerous other scriptures that expound on the horrors of that period. Actually, every biblical reference to it presents it as a time of unprecedented anguish.
Moreover, the Rapture does not start the Tribulation (Day of the Lord). The Tribulation is initiated by the covenant between the Antichrist and Israel (Dan.9:24-27). There could certainly be a “gap” of weeks or even years between the two. This is also alluded to in the Book of Esther. (To be discussed on the next page). Between Esther’s edict of the 23rd of the 3rd month and the date for the destruction of the enemies of the Jews, the 13th day of the 12th month, there is a time period of almost 9 months. Thus, it seems there could be a time period between the Rapture and the Tribulation in which much could transpire and many of our friends could come to faith. I'm sure God has his reasons, but scripture remains frustratingly vague or confusing concerning much of this.
In his book End Time Events, well known Bible teacher & author Charles Capps expounds on the rapture of Elijah in 2Kings 2:1-5. Quoting Mr.Capps, “The very fact that Elijah, Elisha, & the sons of the prophets knew the exact day of Elijah’s rapture could indicate that God may reveal the time of the Rapture to the Church before it happens.”
The Pre-Tribulation Rapture
Although the Rapture itself is a given fact (1Cor.15;52 & 1Thess.4:16&17), in some arenas the Pre-Trib Rapture, as opposed to Mid or Post-Trib, is a hotly contested subject. However, 2Thess.2:3-8 makes it clear that “the lawless one (Antichrist) will not be revealed until after the Church (the embodiment of the Holy Spirit) is taken out of the way”. Moreover, the majority of Christian teachers, Bible scholars, etc. do agree that God will not allow his body, the Church of born-again believers, to go through the horrors of the Tribulation, the Day of the Lord.
Supporting scriptures:
Psalm 27:5 "For in the time of Jacob's Trouble, He shall hide me in His pavilion."
Isaiah 57:1 "no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil."
Amos 5:18-20, "The Day of the Lord will be darkness not light." And, per 1Thes.5:4&5, "believers are not of the darkness, but are all sons of the light."
Zephaniah 2:3 "Seek the Lord all you meek of the earth, Who have upheld His justice. Seek righteousness, seek humility. It may be that you will be hidden in the day of the Lord's anger."
Malachi 3:17-18 “On the day when I act, says the LORD Almighty, they will be my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as a father has compassion and spares his son who serves him.”
Luke 21:36 “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass.”
Rom. 5:9 "Since we have been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through Him!"
Rom.8:1 "There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."
1Thess.1:10 “wait for His Son, Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath.”
1Thess.5:4-9 “For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath, but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Rev.3:10 “Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth.”
Rev 4:1 “After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven.” (John, a possible surrogate for the Church, is translated to heaven before he expounds on the Tribulation. After Rev.3 the Church is never mentioned).
The Book of Enoch 1:8 “But to the just He will give peace, and will protect the chosen, and mercy will abide over them.”
The Book of Enoch Chapter 62, similar to Rev.12, also talks of “a woman in travail and in pain giving birth"; and "the righteous & elect shall be saved and stand before the Lord on that day.” He goes on to say that “the righteous & elect shall have risen from the earth and those that remain will be terrified and attempt to reconcile with the Lord; but tribulation, God's wrath, will engulf them."
Enoch & Jude 14, “the Lord will be coming with thousands of his holy ones to judge the ungodly.”
Ezra 9:7&8, "Everyone who will be saved will be able to escape by his works & faith which he has believed."
Moreover, think of how God saved his righteous ones, Noah and Lot, before destroying the unrighteous, (2Peter 2:5-9).
Also we have Moses and God's chosen people Israel: The Jews in Egypt were protected from the "Death Angel" as they were "past-over" because they were covered by the blood on the door-posts (Exodus Chap.12). Similarly, believers will be protected from God's wrath of the Tribulation because of their belief in Jesus and the sacrificial blood that he shed for them.
We know that the Jews need “signs” (1Cor.1:22). A pre-trib rapture would certainly be a huge sign for them! Rom.11:11 says “Salvation has come unto the Gentiles for to provoke Israel to jealousy.” How could God provoke the Jews to jealousy & promote belief in the Jesus they rejected any better than to take gentile believers to heaven and leave His chosen, but unbelieving Jews, here to face tribulation! And of course it would also be a huge sign for the rest of the world. Of course Satan is going to do all in his power to thwart God’s plans. When the Church is taken out of the world, he & his Antichrist will reign (2Thess.2:7-11). He is the great deceiver! I wonder how he’ll go about negating the significance of this tremendous evangelical miracle of God. I can’t help but think it will have something to do with UFOs, aliens, and very likely the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy.
Naturally, there are going to be many who have been on the fence that will miss the rapture. They’ll no doubt have a choice afterwards, but it will likely be through great tribulation and martyrdom like that of the early Christians. - A warning to those who are not included in the rapture, Rev.14:9 “do not take the mark of the Beast”.
Supporting scriptures:
Psalm 27:5 "For in the time of Jacob's Trouble, He shall hide me in His pavilion."
Isaiah 57:1 "no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil."
Amos 5:18-20, "The Day of the Lord will be darkness not light." And, per 1Thes.5:4&5, "believers are not of the darkness, but are all sons of the light."
Zephaniah 2:3 "Seek the Lord all you meek of the earth, Who have upheld His justice. Seek righteousness, seek humility. It may be that you will be hidden in the day of the Lord's anger."
Malachi 3:17-18 “On the day when I act, says the LORD Almighty, they will be my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as a father has compassion and spares his son who serves him.”
Luke 21:36 “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass.”
Rom. 5:9 "Since we have been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through Him!"
Rom.8:1 "There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."
1Thess.1:10 “wait for His Son, Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath.”
1Thess.5:4-9 “For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath, but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Rev.3:10 “Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth.”
Rev 4:1 “After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven.” (John, a possible surrogate for the Church, is translated to heaven before he expounds on the Tribulation. After Rev.3 the Church is never mentioned).
The Book of Enoch 1:8 “But to the just He will give peace, and will protect the chosen, and mercy will abide over them.”
The Book of Enoch Chapter 62, similar to Rev.12, also talks of “a woman in travail and in pain giving birth"; and "the righteous & elect shall be saved and stand before the Lord on that day.” He goes on to say that “the righteous & elect shall have risen from the earth and those that remain will be terrified and attempt to reconcile with the Lord; but tribulation, God's wrath, will engulf them."
Enoch & Jude 14, “the Lord will be coming with thousands of his holy ones to judge the ungodly.”
Ezra 9:7&8, "Everyone who will be saved will be able to escape by his works & faith which he has believed."
Moreover, think of how God saved his righteous ones, Noah and Lot, before destroying the unrighteous, (2Peter 2:5-9).
Also we have Moses and God's chosen people Israel: The Jews in Egypt were protected from the "Death Angel" as they were "past-over" because they were covered by the blood on the door-posts (Exodus Chap.12). Similarly, believers will be protected from God's wrath of the Tribulation because of their belief in Jesus and the sacrificial blood that he shed for them.
We know that the Jews need “signs” (1Cor.1:22). A pre-trib rapture would certainly be a huge sign for them! Rom.11:11 says “Salvation has come unto the Gentiles for to provoke Israel to jealousy.” How could God provoke the Jews to jealousy & promote belief in the Jesus they rejected any better than to take gentile believers to heaven and leave His chosen, but unbelieving Jews, here to face tribulation! And of course it would also be a huge sign for the rest of the world. Of course Satan is going to do all in his power to thwart God’s plans. When the Church is taken out of the world, he & his Antichrist will reign (2Thess.2:7-11). He is the great deceiver! I wonder how he’ll go about negating the significance of this tremendous evangelical miracle of God. I can’t help but think it will have something to do with UFOs, aliens, and very likely the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy.
Naturally, there are going to be many who have been on the fence that will miss the rapture. They’ll no doubt have a choice afterwards, but it will likely be through great tribulation and martyrdom like that of the early Christians. - A warning to those who are not included in the rapture, Rev.14:9 “do not take the mark of the Beast”.
As in the Days of Noah
Matthew 24:37 & Luke 17:26 say, "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. - They knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away." Throughout the Bible God gives us shadow type portrayals or analogies of future events. Certainly the flood represents a foreshadowing of the Tribulation! Of course God first saved the righteous; Noah & his family were lifted above the devastation.
Interestingly, at the start of this ministry, Jan.5,2012, I was given four seemingly prophetic numbers. They all seemed to shout as to the eminent completion of Daniel's week of 7 years, i.e., the tribulation. One of the numbers was 711. The #7 represents God's Spiritual Perfection &/or Completion. The #11 represents Imperfection, Disorder, & Judgment. Both together seem to represent the Great 7 Year Tribulation. However, I've continually thought that there has to be a deeper meaning than just a general reference to the tribulation. But, nothing presented itself. - Then, 7/28 & 8/2/2015; both mornings I was given the #711 again. I investigated and found Geneses 7:11 - "In the 600th year of Noah's life, on the 17th day of the 2nd month, all the springs of the deep burst forth, and the flood gates of the heavens were opened." What a confirmation!
Compounding the significance of these 711 sightings are their dates of occurrence, 7/28 & 8/2.
A) The 7&8 combo represents a very significant Divine or Spiritual change. See Journal entry 1-5-12.
B) 28 & 82! - Coincidence? That would take a pretty big leap of faith!
Moreover, the date of the flood, the 17th, as referenced earlier, corresponds to the projected date of the Rapture. Noah & his family were saved, essentially raptured, on the 17th day of the 2nd month! And then amazingly, after carrying the believers through the judgment, it came to rest on the mountains of Ararat on the 17th day of the 7th month!
Interestingly, at the start of this ministry, Jan.5,2012, I was given four seemingly prophetic numbers. They all seemed to shout as to the eminent completion of Daniel's week of 7 years, i.e., the tribulation. One of the numbers was 711. The #7 represents God's Spiritual Perfection &/or Completion. The #11 represents Imperfection, Disorder, & Judgment. Both together seem to represent the Great 7 Year Tribulation. However, I've continually thought that there has to be a deeper meaning than just a general reference to the tribulation. But, nothing presented itself. - Then, 7/28 & 8/2/2015; both mornings I was given the #711 again. I investigated and found Geneses 7:11 - "In the 600th year of Noah's life, on the 17th day of the 2nd month, all the springs of the deep burst forth, and the flood gates of the heavens were opened." What a confirmation!
Compounding the significance of these 711 sightings are their dates of occurrence, 7/28 & 8/2.
A) The 7&8 combo represents a very significant Divine or Spiritual change. See Journal entry 1-5-12.
B) 28 & 82! - Coincidence? That would take a pretty big leap of faith!
Moreover, the date of the flood, the 17th, as referenced earlier, corresponds to the projected date of the Rapture. Noah & his family were saved, essentially raptured, on the 17th day of the 2nd month! And then amazingly, after carrying the believers through the judgment, it came to rest on the mountains of Ararat on the 17th day of the 7th month!
Miscellaneous End-Time Signs & Revelations
In addition to the many, many, prophetic numbers that I originally received in 2012 & 2013 that forecasted the soon coming end-time tribulations that so many people are talking about nowadays, following is a synopsis of the DREAMS etc. that I & others have been given that expound on the subject and seem to allude to how close we are to some extremely bad times! Maybe birth-pains, if not the ultimate devastations of the Tribulation.
1/18/2020: Malissa Fisher / Penna., USA. - "Since the beginning of Nov. 2019 I’ve been waking up at 3:33 am. I kept seeing the numbers 1111 and 1010 also. Not sure why the 333. Twice in the same week, January 2020. I was given a dream 20 years ago about mass military planes filling our sky’s over my house. In the dream I had grandchildren and two babies about the same age. Outside under a porch roof at my current home. It’s a time frame. I now have a covered porch outback and many grandchildren and two babies close in age. It is a warning sign . After reading the meaning behind the 333, I will agree with the interpretation. For me it means to Pursue saving the lost by living my life as Jesus taught us to. GO heal the sick, cleanse the leper’s , raise the dead, and cast out demons. Matt.10:8."
Malissa, As most of us have not been blessed with the greater gifts (1Cor.12:30), I would like to add Jesus' greatest post resurrection admonition and Paul's primary teaching - our "Great Commission" - that of simply being Christ's Ambassadors, of expounding the salvation message & saving lost souls, (Matt.28:18 & 2Cor.5:18-20). And yes, quite a warning sign, it would seem we don't have much time. Blessings.
10/25/2019: Anonymous - "I’ve been seeing number a lot...for the past year...I typically see numbers in sequence for months than another sequence number will start to appear in different places...recently I’ve been seeing 333 and have had the most odd dreams...I heard Him say His power will spread throughout the world to all who believe and will receive great and supernatural miracles! Yes, He is coming!"
Anony, Others also are prophesying a great end-time revival accompanied by supernatural miracles. Hoping it will shortly be a reality. Time is running out!
6/18/2019: Arielle - "Because of what I have been shown personally, I no longer hold an opinion on the rapture. However, I believe HE is showing many of us that the "age of grace" has an expiration date and the Tribulation is about to begin. Have you noticed that everything seems to becoming all or nothing, black or white? No more gray area's. Prophecy is being fulfilled at an expedited rate. HE had me prepare heavily for these times ahead. Is it for me or others? I seriously don't know but HE gave me a literal Daniel 5 supernatural "writing on the wall" moment on 7/5/2018 that blew my mind and led me to study the 9th of Av and the "Days of Awe". Here are some main points to study & you may want to dig deeper. and Things are going to get VERY rough before we are taken home. Those whom are prepared physically will fair much better than others but those whom are well prepared spiritually will be filled to the brim with HIM. Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"
Arielle, Sounds like you & I are basically on the same page. Birth pains followed by His return/rapture are very close. Both sites were very interesting & enlightening. Thank you again & God bless your walk.
4/11/2019: Joyce / Holland. - "Dear Brethren, God still speaks to his children through visions And messages. Like with Moses, he told them what To do and how To cover the houses with the blood so the spirit of death would not kill the the first Born in that house. Never thought that I would be doing this, but I now understand why God shows me the 33 signs. I did not believe it at first but I asked God To show me, And I got confirmation. The 3 days of darkness are coming, it is true. He who has ears listens. 3 signs before this darkness - like nuclear ( air colors / light ) Globally, power turning off Globally, Earthquakes Globally. We are being warned because he loves us. Darkness is real darkness, demonic entities extremely, but also physically sun being darkened by 3 days. - Get stuff for your house, stay inside during this period & do not let Anyone enter after the darkness. These people ( even family ) can be possessed.
You must think I am crazy but that's ok for me as long as you hear this message and know what To do. I pray the blood of Jesus upon all these people Here on this site. God bless you guys."
Joyce, God bless you. This does sound a bit too crazy, but I agree, dark times are coming.
4/4/2019: Angela / USA. - "On the 3rd day of the 3rd month of the 3rd year of President Trumps reign, 03/03/2019, I had an "appointment" with God. I was directed to Ezekiel 33...and was called by God to be His watchman. It felt like a daunting and extremely grave mission that I must do for Him. When I returned home, I looked at my clock and it was 3:33. Confirmation. What's next?
Angela, Sounds intriguing! Praying you receive more revelation, if needed. Moreover, it's weird how the last four comments, yours being the last, are in order - April 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th. Like a countdown at the beginning of this 4th month! Passover & Easter fall on the same day this year, this month. Maybe another confirmation. Or maybe something more! Weird!
1/5-14/2019: These beginning weeks of 2019 have been very interesting. #1) I received my original prophetic #s of Jan.5,2012 again, 707, 711, 717, & 728, (similar to 11/18/2018, but plainer). #2) I received another JZ license plate, JZY-7919, (one # off from my original JZY-7998). The #26 means nothing, but the #19 = Perfection of Divine Order via Judgment. And #3) On Jan.20&21st, the 2nd anniversary of Trumpt's inauguration, we have a Super Blood Wolf Moon over the entire U.S. Thus, I'm thinking 2019 may not be pretty!!
1/4/2019: Jody - "I just happened on your web site not by coincidence only divine guidance I'm certain. I have so many things to convey to fellow brothers & sisters, believers in CHRIST. I had an actual encounter in which I met the LORD. I was shown many things on many spiritual levels of instruct. I was shown the bible from beginning to end in about a thirty minute time span. The Lord directed my path into three people who became witness to my experience from a human level of understanding. I was in three states of a kind of conscious; if I could find a better word to describe I would. I was in spirit with the LORD, my mind was another state, and my heart reaction was a separate state as well. I was shown an opening of a seal and the children of GOD were in this seal. The LORD poured his sorrow deep inside my Belly and let me feel how deeply, deeply sad he is for his children. He showed me the devils cause of destruction which is so deep it's terrifying for those who will have to face what the devil is doing when they don't know JESUS. The LORD showed me the anti-CHRIST, three authority's in branches of authority on earth, and ministry as well. The time is now, the beginning of the end. It will last about 33 years before the anti-CHRIST is in rein and the great judgment will begin. This happened to me on 3/21/2018. 3/(2+1)3/(201)3 & 8=infinity. Also being shown the #9 which I believe means complete. There is so so so much more! I'm reaching out to anyone in hopes of relaying this message. I hope to hear from you. [email protected]"
Jody, 8 could also mean 'new beginnings', possibly 'rapture' and 9 could also refer to 'Divine judgment'. Reviewing my "End-Time Signs", 33 years to tribulation would seem a bit distant, but possible. And it makes sense that the prior labor pains would be significant. Hopefully the rapture is near! I too feel so sorry for the unsaved. Bless your ministry & the promulgation of your revelations.
11/18/2018: - My original #s of Jan.5, 2012 seem to have been re-vitalized. Via digital clock I was given:
7:07 - Daniel 9:24 says “Seventy sevens are decreed to finish transgression, to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up prophecy”. (Of 490 yrs, 7 yrs of tribulation remain.)
7:11 - Gods # of "Spiritual Perfection or Completion" (#7) vs. imperfection, disorder, & judgment (#11)! The 11th hour?! Genesis 7:11 talks of Noah & the flood!
The next # I needed had to do with the 7&8 combination. Back then it was 7:17 quickly going to 7:18. I prayed, Lord just give me some kind of sign, some kind of sound. My electric heater kicked on at
7:25 - Now this could possibly be a bit of a stretch, but 25=17+8, thus we have the 7&8 combination! This combination relates to "Completion" followed by "New Beginnings". Together they have a very special significance in regards to a "Significant Spiritual Change", i.e., rapture, tribulation, or millennium.
It's been almost 7 years, I think my faith likely needed this shot in the arm! Thank you Lord.
7/29/2018: Joy - "Dear all who are seeing this number, I have been seeing the 33 combination mostly for the last few months on a daily basis. I prayed that the Lord would let me know if this was Him or something demonic. He showed me in a dream that it meant that Jesus is standing up ( rising ) again. Meaning from now on He will interfere with everything on Earth. The time is now! Get right with God and Pray for everyone!! I love all you Guys."
Joy, That makes sense. As I referenced on page 1, the #33 is certainly associated with Jesus, (and with God's Promises). Moreover, being 3x11, it could possibly represent God's Promise of Judgment on a chaotic world (#11).
4/25/2018: Brandon McLachlan / UK. - "I had a dream about the Jesus-like man once again. In it he stood a short distance from me again holding up his three fingers, but this time he turned his head to the side and pointed towards the horizon. So I turned my head to see what he was pointing at. I could see that the Sun and Moon were both going down together. When I turned back to look at the man, he had tears running down his face. Then I woke up. Do you have any ideas on what this could mean?"
Brandon, Referencing your 3/31/18 comment of seeing the 333 and of recurring dreams, this dream certainly verifies the end-time & SOS significance of the 333 message! It must signify the onslaught of "the sun & the moon being darkened". Google it. Many end-time bible verses reference it; the "Day of the Lord", a cruel day when God finally releases his ultimate anger on a corrupt & faithless world. Per Math.24:29, this will conclude the horrendous distress of the 7 yr Tribulation. Thus, the Tribulation must be very close. Maybe his 3 fingers represent 3 years as well as his deity. No wonder your Jesus-like man was crying!
3/21/2017: I received a possible revelation concerning the Revelation 12:1&2, Sept.23, 2017 prophecy, i.e., - "As Jesus was 9 months in the womb, and then born into this world, so born-again believers who make up the Body of Christ, (represented by the King planet Jupiter), after growing to maturity in the womb, i.e., "after that the full number of the gentiles have come in" (Rom.11:25), we will be born/delivered/raptured into His dominion, the Kingdom of Heaven. Sometime soon after this, months, possibly years, the Tribulation could commence". After receiving this, I rolled over trying to get another hour sleep; I checked the time, 9:11!! - That ominous number of coming judgment & devastation! Warning - do not take the mark of the Beast (Rev.14:9)!! - Of course the rapture did not happen 9/23/17. Maybe my revelation & that of Rev.12 coincide, but simply relate to future happenings.
1/3/2017: "HAPPY NEW YEAR" I received 338 > 339 and 833. 33=I Promise. 8=New Beginnings. 9=Judgment & Finality.
I believe that this being the 3rd day of a new year is also a significant sign or affirmation.
10/31/2016: (Halloween) I received 507 > 508. 7&8=A special Divine New Beginning. 50=The Jewish year of Jubilee. Which many believe is this present year (Sept.2016 - Sept.2017).
10/22-27/2016: Received several ominous numbers; most have to do with completion & judgment.
3/14/2016: See 3/13/16 Anonymous Watchman Comment. Same ominous 9:11 warning!!
2/28/2016: I believe I was given a confirmation today of the seriousness of the immanent 9:11 type devastations mentioned above. An article in "Prophecy in the News" referenced Revelation 9:11. It has to do with the release of the king of the demonic locusts, the "angel of the Abyss", Apollyon, the Destroyer. This is in conjunction with the opening of the 7th Seal; really super bad stuff!!!
2/22/2016: Interpretation of Recent Dreams & Ominous Numbers.
The 1st Dream (2/17/16), I think, is all about prepping for the 2nd Dream. Prepping for WAR & the ominous 911 devastations that seem to be so imminent!
In the 1st Dream, rather than working, or prepping, or ministering, we are just playing cards like nothing is happening! Maybe gambling that nothing is coming! At lunch time, others leave for the cafeteria (to get food, to get prepared!). I, like many out there, are lost, confused, procrastinating, or just aren't concerned. We're in this huge, expensive shopping mall (this land of plenty), but we have so many obstacles (doubts, lack of faith, lack of knowledge, money concerns - it's expensive to be a prepper!), we're going to end up unprepared, no cash, food, water, etc when war or 911 stuff happens. Water on the bathroom floor - how would I get clean water?
Not that God won't take care of His children. Or else, one way or another, take us to heaven. But, food can also represent the Word of God. If we had prepared/prepped, we could possibly save people, particularly spiritually; like John the Baptist tried to do as the forerunner of Jesus at his first coming. - As I reported earlier, I think this may be the calling of many 333 people in whatever capacity they may be able to minister. See "Why Certain People"/"Amazing Revelation".
Personally, I haven't been much of a prepper; I have some cash & a stash of toilet paper, but not much more. I'm in a rethinking process.
2/20/2016: Looking for another (3rd) 9:11 wake-up. But it didn't happen. -- Until, about 10am, on the local news; a coach mentioned that he worked with a retiring Steeler for 9 of 11 seasons!!! A 3rd ominous 9:11!! Something bad seems to be afoot!
2/19/2016: 7:30am = Perfection/Completion & 3x10=A higher Degree of Divine Order.
2/18/2016: Dream: On a ship, cargo or military, with several others. We were expecting to be attacked from the seaward side of the ship; so we all moved to the other side of the ship where we couldn't be seen and could possibly surprise our attackers. Saw 8 or 10 warrior type men, waist deep in water on the seaward side, ready to attack us.
2/17/2016: Woke at 7:13am. 7=Perfection/Completion & 13=Disintegration/Rebellion/Revolution. Similar to above!!
Then, I awoke at 9:11am. Same as above!!! - Very ominous numbers!!
Dream: Work place setting. Four of us playing cards. At lunch time, I lagged behind others and I got lost & confused in this huge, expensive shopping mall, trying to find the cafeteria! There were several obstacles! Found a bathroom but it was bad, water all over the floor! When I finally got to the cafeteria, lunch was over, no food.
2/15/2016: 7:50am, (my phone rang, nobody there)! 7=Perfection/Completion & 50=Jubilee. Will God complete His perfect plan in the 2017 Jubilee year?
9:11am, (was awoken again by a loud TV). 9=Judgment & 11=Governmental Disorder/Disintegration. Certainly 911 is a very ominous number, both in US history and biblical numerology! Will "The Economic Collapse Blog" projecting W.W.3 materialize?
1/27/2016: I've been hesitant to overtly push the end-times subject too much in my church. Like most churches out there, they don't seem to want to broach the issue; probably too afraid of bearing the reproach of being tagged as a failed date setter. With this & Domminique (333Guestbook Pg2 1/24/16) in mind, last night (late) I specifically prayed, "Lord, should we really have a sense of urgency?". I woke this morning & looked at the clock, 9:33; Judgement:I Promise!! Of course, He doesn't address the issue of when, but, I'm sure He knows our concerns and I'm sure He would not mislead us! Judgement is very near!
10/19/15: See "kingdomliving771" (You Tube) Oct.14, 2015 - "Rapture Song".
My comment: - "Wow! What a wonderful dream. Amazingly it ties in so well & validates the "333-Gods End-Time SOS" that God entrusted to me! There are thousands of people out there who keep seeing the number 333 and are wondering why. "Are You Ready" - 3 words, 3 times! Like you say, it sounds like the rapture & wedding feast are so very close for those that are ready for the rapture! Praise God!"
6-15-15. John the Baptist prepared the way for the Lord at "His Coming". Is that now our job for His 2nd Coming? See "Amazing 11:11 Revelation" under "Satan's # Games".
4-10-15. DREAM: Nightmarish dream of the world being flooded. Water kept flooding in. I kept moving from place to place. I awoke to 3:33! Warning!? Note: God of course promised not to flood the world again. Although, this could possibly relate to a tsunami, earthquake, axis shift, or meteor phenomena.
8-13-14. DREAM: I’m in China (I think) and I’m stealing/gathering fireworks type atomic rockets right in front of military leaders and then hiding them. My fellow comrades are amazed that I’m getting away with it.
6-14-14. DREAM: I was one of two military men attempting to attach nuclear bombs to wheels of a fighter jet in an attempt to force Russia to make peace not war. (Was a scary and difficult job.)
6-5-14. DREAM: We heard about a big explosion on TV or radio. We looked out a large picture window & saw extensive smoke in the distance and hundreds of people coming our way. It’s cold outside. Then, they were just outside. They look different; buffalo head dressings! Thinking they would overflow our house if we let them in! Food wouldn't last 2 days!
4-29-14. DREAM: I’m a participant in a war movie; 3 or 4 of us in a bunker type operations center. The movie is being directed by someone unseen; maybe God.
5-30-13. DREAM: I was in a barren rocky landscape. The ground was hot. There was one very large, dark rock; it grew bigger right in front of me. It too was surprisingly hot to the touch. - These two dreams certainly point to or possibly predict a winter time nuclear holocaust. - A rock generally refers to Christ, however, being hot, dark, and growing, it may refer to the rise of Antichrist.
5-12-13. DREAM: I was in a very cold, snowy place. I somehow knew that an A-bomb was going to be set off. Was desperately trying to find someone to listen to me, but without success.
1/18/2020: Malissa Fisher / Penna., USA. - "Since the beginning of Nov. 2019 I’ve been waking up at 3:33 am. I kept seeing the numbers 1111 and 1010 also. Not sure why the 333. Twice in the same week, January 2020. I was given a dream 20 years ago about mass military planes filling our sky’s over my house. In the dream I had grandchildren and two babies about the same age. Outside under a porch roof at my current home. It’s a time frame. I now have a covered porch outback and many grandchildren and two babies close in age. It is a warning sign . After reading the meaning behind the 333, I will agree with the interpretation. For me it means to Pursue saving the lost by living my life as Jesus taught us to. GO heal the sick, cleanse the leper’s , raise the dead, and cast out demons. Matt.10:8."
Malissa, As most of us have not been blessed with the greater gifts (1Cor.12:30), I would like to add Jesus' greatest post resurrection admonition and Paul's primary teaching - our "Great Commission" - that of simply being Christ's Ambassadors, of expounding the salvation message & saving lost souls, (Matt.28:18 & 2Cor.5:18-20). And yes, quite a warning sign, it would seem we don't have much time. Blessings.
10/25/2019: Anonymous - "I’ve been seeing number a lot...for the past year...I typically see numbers in sequence for months than another sequence number will start to appear in different places...recently I’ve been seeing 333 and have had the most odd dreams...I heard Him say His power will spread throughout the world to all who believe and will receive great and supernatural miracles! Yes, He is coming!"
Anony, Others also are prophesying a great end-time revival accompanied by supernatural miracles. Hoping it will shortly be a reality. Time is running out!
6/18/2019: Arielle - "Because of what I have been shown personally, I no longer hold an opinion on the rapture. However, I believe HE is showing many of us that the "age of grace" has an expiration date and the Tribulation is about to begin. Have you noticed that everything seems to becoming all or nothing, black or white? No more gray area's. Prophecy is being fulfilled at an expedited rate. HE had me prepare heavily for these times ahead. Is it for me or others? I seriously don't know but HE gave me a literal Daniel 5 supernatural "writing on the wall" moment on 7/5/2018 that blew my mind and led me to study the 9th of Av and the "Days of Awe". Here are some main points to study & you may want to dig deeper. and Things are going to get VERY rough before we are taken home. Those whom are prepared physically will fair much better than others but those whom are well prepared spiritually will be filled to the brim with HIM. Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"
Arielle, Sounds like you & I are basically on the same page. Birth pains followed by His return/rapture are very close. Both sites were very interesting & enlightening. Thank you again & God bless your walk.
4/11/2019: Joyce / Holland. - "Dear Brethren, God still speaks to his children through visions And messages. Like with Moses, he told them what To do and how To cover the houses with the blood so the spirit of death would not kill the the first Born in that house. Never thought that I would be doing this, but I now understand why God shows me the 33 signs. I did not believe it at first but I asked God To show me, And I got confirmation. The 3 days of darkness are coming, it is true. He who has ears listens. 3 signs before this darkness - like nuclear ( air colors / light ) Globally, power turning off Globally, Earthquakes Globally. We are being warned because he loves us. Darkness is real darkness, demonic entities extremely, but also physically sun being darkened by 3 days. - Get stuff for your house, stay inside during this period & do not let Anyone enter after the darkness. These people ( even family ) can be possessed.
You must think I am crazy but that's ok for me as long as you hear this message and know what To do. I pray the blood of Jesus upon all these people Here on this site. God bless you guys."
Joyce, God bless you. This does sound a bit too crazy, but I agree, dark times are coming.
4/4/2019: Angela / USA. - "On the 3rd day of the 3rd month of the 3rd year of President Trumps reign, 03/03/2019, I had an "appointment" with God. I was directed to Ezekiel 33...and was called by God to be His watchman. It felt like a daunting and extremely grave mission that I must do for Him. When I returned home, I looked at my clock and it was 3:33. Confirmation. What's next?
Angela, Sounds intriguing! Praying you receive more revelation, if needed. Moreover, it's weird how the last four comments, yours being the last, are in order - April 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th. Like a countdown at the beginning of this 4th month! Passover & Easter fall on the same day this year, this month. Maybe another confirmation. Or maybe something more! Weird!
1/5-14/2019: These beginning weeks of 2019 have been very interesting. #1) I received my original prophetic #s of Jan.5,2012 again, 707, 711, 717, & 728, (similar to 11/18/2018, but plainer). #2) I received another JZ license plate, JZY-7919, (one # off from my original JZY-7998). The #26 means nothing, but the #19 = Perfection of Divine Order via Judgment. And #3) On Jan.20&21st, the 2nd anniversary of Trumpt's inauguration, we have a Super Blood Wolf Moon over the entire U.S. Thus, I'm thinking 2019 may not be pretty!!
1/4/2019: Jody - "I just happened on your web site not by coincidence only divine guidance I'm certain. I have so many things to convey to fellow brothers & sisters, believers in CHRIST. I had an actual encounter in which I met the LORD. I was shown many things on many spiritual levels of instruct. I was shown the bible from beginning to end in about a thirty minute time span. The Lord directed my path into three people who became witness to my experience from a human level of understanding. I was in three states of a kind of conscious; if I could find a better word to describe I would. I was in spirit with the LORD, my mind was another state, and my heart reaction was a separate state as well. I was shown an opening of a seal and the children of GOD were in this seal. The LORD poured his sorrow deep inside my Belly and let me feel how deeply, deeply sad he is for his children. He showed me the devils cause of destruction which is so deep it's terrifying for those who will have to face what the devil is doing when they don't know JESUS. The LORD showed me the anti-CHRIST, three authority's in branches of authority on earth, and ministry as well. The time is now, the beginning of the end. It will last about 33 years before the anti-CHRIST is in rein and the great judgment will begin. This happened to me on 3/21/2018. 3/(2+1)3/(201)3 & 8=infinity. Also being shown the #9 which I believe means complete. There is so so so much more! I'm reaching out to anyone in hopes of relaying this message. I hope to hear from you. [email protected]"
Jody, 8 could also mean 'new beginnings', possibly 'rapture' and 9 could also refer to 'Divine judgment'. Reviewing my "End-Time Signs", 33 years to tribulation would seem a bit distant, but possible. And it makes sense that the prior labor pains would be significant. Hopefully the rapture is near! I too feel so sorry for the unsaved. Bless your ministry & the promulgation of your revelations.
11/18/2018: - My original #s of Jan.5, 2012 seem to have been re-vitalized. Via digital clock I was given:
7:07 - Daniel 9:24 says “Seventy sevens are decreed to finish transgression, to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up prophecy”. (Of 490 yrs, 7 yrs of tribulation remain.)
7:11 - Gods # of "Spiritual Perfection or Completion" (#7) vs. imperfection, disorder, & judgment (#11)! The 11th hour?! Genesis 7:11 talks of Noah & the flood!
The next # I needed had to do with the 7&8 combination. Back then it was 7:17 quickly going to 7:18. I prayed, Lord just give me some kind of sign, some kind of sound. My electric heater kicked on at
7:25 - Now this could possibly be a bit of a stretch, but 25=17+8, thus we have the 7&8 combination! This combination relates to "Completion" followed by "New Beginnings". Together they have a very special significance in regards to a "Significant Spiritual Change", i.e., rapture, tribulation, or millennium.
It's been almost 7 years, I think my faith likely needed this shot in the arm! Thank you Lord.
7/29/2018: Joy - "Dear all who are seeing this number, I have been seeing the 33 combination mostly for the last few months on a daily basis. I prayed that the Lord would let me know if this was Him or something demonic. He showed me in a dream that it meant that Jesus is standing up ( rising ) again. Meaning from now on He will interfere with everything on Earth. The time is now! Get right with God and Pray for everyone!! I love all you Guys."
Joy, That makes sense. As I referenced on page 1, the #33 is certainly associated with Jesus, (and with God's Promises). Moreover, being 3x11, it could possibly represent God's Promise of Judgment on a chaotic world (#11).
4/25/2018: Brandon McLachlan / UK. - "I had a dream about the Jesus-like man once again. In it he stood a short distance from me again holding up his three fingers, but this time he turned his head to the side and pointed towards the horizon. So I turned my head to see what he was pointing at. I could see that the Sun and Moon were both going down together. When I turned back to look at the man, he had tears running down his face. Then I woke up. Do you have any ideas on what this could mean?"
Brandon, Referencing your 3/31/18 comment of seeing the 333 and of recurring dreams, this dream certainly verifies the end-time & SOS significance of the 333 message! It must signify the onslaught of "the sun & the moon being darkened". Google it. Many end-time bible verses reference it; the "Day of the Lord", a cruel day when God finally releases his ultimate anger on a corrupt & faithless world. Per Math.24:29, this will conclude the horrendous distress of the 7 yr Tribulation. Thus, the Tribulation must be very close. Maybe his 3 fingers represent 3 years as well as his deity. No wonder your Jesus-like man was crying!
3/21/2017: I received a possible revelation concerning the Revelation 12:1&2, Sept.23, 2017 prophecy, i.e., - "As Jesus was 9 months in the womb, and then born into this world, so born-again believers who make up the Body of Christ, (represented by the King planet Jupiter), after growing to maturity in the womb, i.e., "after that the full number of the gentiles have come in" (Rom.11:25), we will be born/delivered/raptured into His dominion, the Kingdom of Heaven. Sometime soon after this, months, possibly years, the Tribulation could commence". After receiving this, I rolled over trying to get another hour sleep; I checked the time, 9:11!! - That ominous number of coming judgment & devastation! Warning - do not take the mark of the Beast (Rev.14:9)!! - Of course the rapture did not happen 9/23/17. Maybe my revelation & that of Rev.12 coincide, but simply relate to future happenings.
1/3/2017: "HAPPY NEW YEAR" I received 338 > 339 and 833. 33=I Promise. 8=New Beginnings. 9=Judgment & Finality.
I believe that this being the 3rd day of a new year is also a significant sign or affirmation.
10/31/2016: (Halloween) I received 507 > 508. 7&8=A special Divine New Beginning. 50=The Jewish year of Jubilee. Which many believe is this present year (Sept.2016 - Sept.2017).
10/22-27/2016: Received several ominous numbers; most have to do with completion & judgment.
3/14/2016: See 3/13/16 Anonymous Watchman Comment. Same ominous 9:11 warning!!
2/28/2016: I believe I was given a confirmation today of the seriousness of the immanent 9:11 type devastations mentioned above. An article in "Prophecy in the News" referenced Revelation 9:11. It has to do with the release of the king of the demonic locusts, the "angel of the Abyss", Apollyon, the Destroyer. This is in conjunction with the opening of the 7th Seal; really super bad stuff!!!
2/22/2016: Interpretation of Recent Dreams & Ominous Numbers.
The 1st Dream (2/17/16), I think, is all about prepping for the 2nd Dream. Prepping for WAR & the ominous 911 devastations that seem to be so imminent!
In the 1st Dream, rather than working, or prepping, or ministering, we are just playing cards like nothing is happening! Maybe gambling that nothing is coming! At lunch time, others leave for the cafeteria (to get food, to get prepared!). I, like many out there, are lost, confused, procrastinating, or just aren't concerned. We're in this huge, expensive shopping mall (this land of plenty), but we have so many obstacles (doubts, lack of faith, lack of knowledge, money concerns - it's expensive to be a prepper!), we're going to end up unprepared, no cash, food, water, etc when war or 911 stuff happens. Water on the bathroom floor - how would I get clean water?
Not that God won't take care of His children. Or else, one way or another, take us to heaven. But, food can also represent the Word of God. If we had prepared/prepped, we could possibly save people, particularly spiritually; like John the Baptist tried to do as the forerunner of Jesus at his first coming. - As I reported earlier, I think this may be the calling of many 333 people in whatever capacity they may be able to minister. See "Why Certain People"/"Amazing Revelation".
Personally, I haven't been much of a prepper; I have some cash & a stash of toilet paper, but not much more. I'm in a rethinking process.
2/20/2016: Looking for another (3rd) 9:11 wake-up. But it didn't happen. -- Until, about 10am, on the local news; a coach mentioned that he worked with a retiring Steeler for 9 of 11 seasons!!! A 3rd ominous 9:11!! Something bad seems to be afoot!
2/19/2016: 7:30am = Perfection/Completion & 3x10=A higher Degree of Divine Order.
2/18/2016: Dream: On a ship, cargo or military, with several others. We were expecting to be attacked from the seaward side of the ship; so we all moved to the other side of the ship where we couldn't be seen and could possibly surprise our attackers. Saw 8 or 10 warrior type men, waist deep in water on the seaward side, ready to attack us.
2/17/2016: Woke at 7:13am. 7=Perfection/Completion & 13=Disintegration/Rebellion/Revolution. Similar to above!!
Then, I awoke at 9:11am. Same as above!!! - Very ominous numbers!!
Dream: Work place setting. Four of us playing cards. At lunch time, I lagged behind others and I got lost & confused in this huge, expensive shopping mall, trying to find the cafeteria! There were several obstacles! Found a bathroom but it was bad, water all over the floor! When I finally got to the cafeteria, lunch was over, no food.
2/15/2016: 7:50am, (my phone rang, nobody there)! 7=Perfection/Completion & 50=Jubilee. Will God complete His perfect plan in the 2017 Jubilee year?
9:11am, (was awoken again by a loud TV). 9=Judgment & 11=Governmental Disorder/Disintegration. Certainly 911 is a very ominous number, both in US history and biblical numerology! Will "The Economic Collapse Blog" projecting W.W.3 materialize?
1/27/2016: I've been hesitant to overtly push the end-times subject too much in my church. Like most churches out there, they don't seem to want to broach the issue; probably too afraid of bearing the reproach of being tagged as a failed date setter. With this & Domminique (333Guestbook Pg2 1/24/16) in mind, last night (late) I specifically prayed, "Lord, should we really have a sense of urgency?". I woke this morning & looked at the clock, 9:33; Judgement:I Promise!! Of course, He doesn't address the issue of when, but, I'm sure He knows our concerns and I'm sure He would not mislead us! Judgement is very near!
10/19/15: See "kingdomliving771" (You Tube) Oct.14, 2015 - "Rapture Song".
My comment: - "Wow! What a wonderful dream. Amazingly it ties in so well & validates the "333-Gods End-Time SOS" that God entrusted to me! There are thousands of people out there who keep seeing the number 333 and are wondering why. "Are You Ready" - 3 words, 3 times! Like you say, it sounds like the rapture & wedding feast are so very close for those that are ready for the rapture! Praise God!"
6-15-15. John the Baptist prepared the way for the Lord at "His Coming". Is that now our job for His 2nd Coming? See "Amazing 11:11 Revelation" under "Satan's # Games".
4-10-15. DREAM: Nightmarish dream of the world being flooded. Water kept flooding in. I kept moving from place to place. I awoke to 3:33! Warning!? Note: God of course promised not to flood the world again. Although, this could possibly relate to a tsunami, earthquake, axis shift, or meteor phenomena.
8-13-14. DREAM: I’m in China (I think) and I’m stealing/gathering fireworks type atomic rockets right in front of military leaders and then hiding them. My fellow comrades are amazed that I’m getting away with it.
6-14-14. DREAM: I was one of two military men attempting to attach nuclear bombs to wheels of a fighter jet in an attempt to force Russia to make peace not war. (Was a scary and difficult job.)
6-5-14. DREAM: We heard about a big explosion on TV or radio. We looked out a large picture window & saw extensive smoke in the distance and hundreds of people coming our way. It’s cold outside. Then, they were just outside. They look different; buffalo head dressings! Thinking they would overflow our house if we let them in! Food wouldn't last 2 days!
4-29-14. DREAM: I’m a participant in a war movie; 3 or 4 of us in a bunker type operations center. The movie is being directed by someone unseen; maybe God.
5-30-13. DREAM: I was in a barren rocky landscape. The ground was hot. There was one very large, dark rock; it grew bigger right in front of me. It too was surprisingly hot to the touch. - These two dreams certainly point to or possibly predict a winter time nuclear holocaust. - A rock generally refers to Christ, however, being hot, dark, and growing, it may refer to the rise of Antichrist.
5-12-13. DREAM: I was in a very cold, snowy place. I somehow knew that an A-bomb was going to be set off. Was desperately trying to find someone to listen to me, but without success.
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