It seems that Brandon from Australia has opened up a new can of worms; why, I'm not quite sure. God is doing something! Brandon is basically a good person from a bad upbringing who was not instilled with a belief in God or Jesus. He's been blessed to receive a 333 invitation/warning from God but doesn't think he's worthy. Satan, who is alive & well and is indeed the ruler of this present world (1st John 5:19), is taking advantage of the situation in order to keep Brandon in unbelief. We have many who are praying for Brandon, but we also have people, presumably unsaved & under Satan's influence, who are attacking Brandon! There is a war between good & evil going on here! Satan's primary objective is to take as many souls with him to hell as he can possibly deceive. "We wrestle not against flesh & blood but against the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in heavenly realms" (Eph. 6:12). Generally masquerading as an angle of light (2nd Cor. 11:14), Satan's darkness is going to cover the earth more-so & more-so as his time grows short. Believers, those who are truly born-again, are to be "the light of the world" (Math. 5:14). You have the Holy Spirit residing in you and as 1st John 4:4 says, "the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world". So, "Put on the whole armor of God so you can take your stand against the devil's schemes" (Eph. 6:11), and let your light shine! - Save as many souls as you can; time is short. I'm convinced, this is why the 333 end-time invitation/SOS warning is being trumpeted.
Concerning Brandon, my hat goes off to Retired officer Mack, 2/2/2016, and all the good people who are praying for Brandon's salvation. On the other hand, some comments, including those of satanic family members, are sickening and even terrifying. Continuing is not for the faint-hearted.
Concerning Brandon, my hat goes off to Retired officer Mack, 2/2/2016, and all the good people who are praying for Brandon's salvation. On the other hand, some comments, including those of satanic family members, are sickening and even terrifying. Continuing is not for the faint-hearted.
Brandon vs Satan Guestbook
10/10/15: Brandon / Australia. - "I started seeing 333 about 2 years ago and from what I've read here, people seem to think it's a sign from God. But I have absolutely no belief in the existence of God, so why, if he exists, would he send a sign to someone who never has and never will allow him into their life? So I don't mean too burst everyone's bubble, I don't know what this is, but it can't be God because someone like me, who does not believe, would not be given a sign."
Brandon, I've learned to never say never! Moreover, I think it's to people like you, people like I & many others use to be, that God is particularly directing the 333/SOS. See 'Why Certain People".
10/20/15: Brandon / Australia. - "Me again, I read your article "why certain people" and if God knows all our minds, then why is he offering salvation to those that will not accept it? I needed God to exist when I was a kid, now I'm in my twenties, I don't need him, so surely, if he knows all, wouldn't he know this?"
Brandon, Did you read the whole thing? It seems to me that you are exactly one of the types of people that God is trying to reach. Now, in the future, when you have truly lost salvation & heaven, you won't be able to come back and place any blame on God by saying, "but God, you never warned me!". You'll have given God (and me) a clear conscience. Like Ezekiel 33:4 says, "your blood will be on your own head". Praying you reconsider; time is running short. See "Salvation".
10/21/15: "I read it, I'm not trying to piss anyone off, I'm really not, it's just I come from a family who are about as unholy as you can get and then I start seeing 333 and everyone here are all like praise the lord and all that. It just makes me a bit cautious as to why he would offer salvation to someone who doesn't deserve it. People just always seem so quick to jump on the praise the lord wagon! After all, isn't Satan a trickster, he too can play at 333."
Brandon, Only God can judge a person's true salvation. Moreover, the new members of Paul's 1st Corinthians Church were likely worse than you or anyone you know! Yet the Corinthians were saved (because they accepted Jesus as Lord & Savior) even though they were still very carnal. Jesus, the God of this universe, suffered & died on the cross for sinners (Math.9:13, Rom.5:8, 1st Tim.1:15).
Satan could play at 333, but why would he draw attention to Jesus! 333 is a loving invitation, but also a warning that one needs to get close to Jesus. Again, Ezekiel 33:3 & 4. See "Satan's Number Game"/"Satan & 333".
10/21/15: Kirsty / Australia. - "I'm a friend of Brandon. I was the one who told him about your site after he said that he had been seeing 333 as well. I just wanted to tell you he really is a good person, he'll do anything for his Mates, he'll even go out of his way to move a caterpillar off the road so it wont get squashed. I thought if he saw how people here were seeing 333 as a good thing he might too, but it doesn't seem to have worked out like that. Anyway I just wanted you to know."
Kristy, Thank you. It seems that you do really care about this young man. It seems like he really does have a good heart, but has just likely had to deal with a difficult childhood. I'm praying that somehow someone can provide the truth & spiritual guidance that he seems to be so reaching out for. There's a book, "Mere Christianity", that really helped me understand God and His plan for us. The author, C.S.Lewis, is a famous deceased Englishman. He also wrote the "Chronicles of Narnia"; maybe you saw the movie. - May God bless you and Brandon.
10/24/15: Brian / Sydney Australia. - "I feel so blessed to be one of the ones the Lord has chosen to be part of his 333 message, Praise the Lord. But i also feel rather ashamed of myself for the unchristian thoughts i have had towards the comments made by young Brandon. Having told my lovely wife of these thoughts, she was quick to mend my ways by saying "none of us can make judgement on those we do not know and God is reaching out to this lad for a reason". She is right, as usual, God really does work in mysterious ways. Praise the Lord, Amen!"
10/25/15: Doug / New Zealand. - "Well it seems some of us have been quite unchristian in our thoughts towards Brandon. God can obviously see something in this kid worth saving and who are we to question God! All i can say is, i hope and pray Brandon accepts Gods hand and his offer of Salvation. God Bless!"
Doug, Well put! Salvation is offered to so many out there and not only via the 333 invitation/warning. The really big & generally quite humbling step is accepting God's offer and acknowledging what God & Jesus sacrificed for us. Here too, praying Brandon can handle that.
10/25/15: Corey / Melbourne Australia. - "My two older Brothers are Satan Worshipers, I don't have much to do with them at all as they scare the crap out of me. For the last three to four months I have been seeing 333 and I'm really, really scared this is Satan trying to draw me in. How can I tell if this is good or a bad thing?"
Corey, I'm sure you have seen Brandon's story (starting at 10/10/15). 333 is not a deception of Satan. Please believe me & the many others who have commented here; this is God's warning & invitation for you to search Him out & get yourself born-again. Review page 1 of this site as a start. And don't neglect to ask Him personally, Jeremiah 33:3. Also see "Satan & 333" and "Salvation".
10/26/15: Shamus / Ireland. - "Greetings, i thought i would just put my two bits worth in about Brandon. At first, having read his comments, i was like "you're on the wrong website, you little shite". But then i read what Doug said about "who are we to question God?", and now it makes me think, God surely wouldn't waste his time on a soul that is beyond saving. So if Brandon ever reads this, i just want too say, son i hope you open your heart too God, you will not regret it, i promise you that. Take care and God Bless!!!"
Shamus, well said, I'm sure you express the thoughts of so many of us here.
10/26/15: Maureen / England. - "Hi, I am writing to say I find Brandon's story actually rather sad indeed. For anyone to describe their family as, "unholy as you can get", one can only imagine what that childhood must have been like. Also when he says he will never accept God, i truly believe this is a defense mechanism. As people who are abused are constantly told they are worthless, so i think he is rejecting God as he probably feels he is not worthy of Gods love, even though God is clearly reaching out to him. So how very sad is that, that he feels compelled to reject first rather than risk being rejected. Well one can only pray that somehow he finds Gods love that is trying to embrace him. Praise the Lord, Amen!"
Maureen, Amen indeed!!
10/27/15: Trinity / Ireland. - "This is for Brandon, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE believe that seeing 333 is a wonderful gift and not a sinister trick by Satan. God is calling out to his children, but it seems not all are receiving that call or else the whole world would be seeing 333, so please don't ignore it. I am praying you see this as the blessing it truly is. GOD BLESS!!!"
Trinity, Amen!
10/27/15: Leonie / Australia. - "Brandon truly is one of those good hearted souls that seems to be getting increasingly harder to find; I mean it's virtually impossible to find any young man that even notices a caterpillar let alone thinks to remove one so it doesn't get squashed. That is so rare, he definitely sounds like a soul worth saving. God bless him and all of us!"
10/29/15: Dwight / USA. - "This is in regards to Brandon. I am probably going to sound like a real ass here, but when i was growing up, i copped a few backhanders from my daddy. It ain't never done me harm and didn't stop me finding the word of God. Personally i think half of what is wrong with the world today is parents don't give their kids enough backhanders. I don't know, perhaps my way of thinking is a bit old school. Anyway, having said all that, i sincerely pray that boy finds salvation. God bless y'all."
Dwight, Bless you. Sounds like you can truly relate to Brandon; "backhanders" don't seem to correlate very well with a nurtured, loving childhood. I'm sure we all agree with not sparing the rod, but as long as it's done in love, not anger.
10/29/15: Jared / England. - "I started seeing 333 about 4yrs ago and I knew instantly this was a message from God. It does however upset me greatly when people like Corey and Brandon are unable to tell the difference between an attack by Satan and an Embrace by God. I could just not imagine having that turmoil inside of me as i have always felt Gods love; a love i wish all mankind could feel. I do believe end-times are upon us as the signs are everywhere and I pray, pray, pray that people do open their eyes and believe this is real. But i guess it's like the old saying "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink". GOD BLESS ALL!!!"
Jared, Blessings to you. Keep spreading the word.
10/29/15: Alfie / New Zealand. - "It sounds to me like Satan has already got his claws into Brandon, so why are you all praying for a soul that has already gone dark side?"
Alfie, We're just following & trying to do the will of Jesus; He never forsook the demon-suppressed or possessed. And I think were all going to add you to our prayer lists as well! May God bless you.
10/30/15: Sarah / - "Hi, firstly i want to apologize as this has nothing to do with seeing 333, but i come from a very devout Christian family and i showed my parents what Brandon had written and instantly my father said "that boy needs salvation". So we too would like to pray he accepts Gods hand.....Praise the Lord, Amen!!"
Sarah, Thank you.
10/31/15: Gabriel - "You all need to stop praying for Brandon, that kid's soul will soon belong to OUR Lord, can't you hear it!!! Do you people really think your prayers are any match for OUR LORD, take a look at the state of the world, our Master is the one true God, beautiful and powerful, if your God loves you, then why has he left you here? And if our Master wants that kid's soul or any soul, he'll HAVE it and not your god or your jesus will stop him."
Gabriel, Thank you. Thank you for strengthening our faith & our resolve. May the Lord have pity on your soul.
10/31/15: Maureen / England. - "Oh my goodness, Evil has shown it's face, one must feel a great sorrow for Gabriel's parents for having given their son the name of an archangel. One would assume they wished for great things for him, how very, very disappointed they must be. As for Alfie, i feel you are not quite at Gabriel's level of Evilness, so i shall say this; when we as Christians find a soul that seems to be struggling and lost as we have found in Brandon, one feels it is our duty to try and lead that soul back to where it truly belongs, in the warm embrace of God. Whether that be in person or through prayers, we will do our duty, and when it comes down to it, we are doing no one any harm by doing so, so please do not say such negative words and i shall pray for your soul also, if it is not already to late to do so. Praise the Lord, Amen!"
Maureen, Very well put. Thank you & bless you.
10/31/15: Trent / USA. - "I'm on the same thinking as Dwight, kids are allowed to get away with to much these days, my old man brought out his belt anytime i did something wrong, yet i never questioned Gods love for me. So when punishment crosses the line into brutality (that's what it sounds like to me with Brandon) and has someone questioning whether they are worthy of Gods love, well that just ain't right in anyone's book. So here too, i'm sending out my prayers to Brandon. God bless!"
Trent, Thank you & God Bless You.
10/31/15: Trinity / Ireland. - "OH MY GOSH, what Gabriel said has given me the absolute Chills, Satan's foot soldiers are lurking, this is very bad, BE CAREFUL, AND GOD BLESS US ALL!!!!"
10/31/15: Reece / USA. - "I started seeing 333 about nine months ago. I knew it was happening but i didn't pay much attention to it. Now i have been reading the comments from Gabriel and Alfie and it's kind of getting a bit scary. Is end-times going to be a battle for all our souls?"
Reece, It's been a battle since the Garden of Eden and Satan is definitely wining! Praying you know Jesus and are born-again.
10/31/15: Mitchell / Australia. - "I started seeing the numbers 333 about 6mths ago and while I have never been a religious person, I am open to it. So do I just pick a church and go? I'm not real sure how it all works."
Mitchell, See "Salvation". Bless you.
11/1/15: Declan / Wales. - "I began seeing 333 about two months ago and unlike some other people, I do not feel like this is a trick by Satan, so I am accepting this as a warning for me to seek salvation. My parents are not religious, but they give me their full support towards my journey of salvation."
Declan, A wise man! With wise parents! May God bless & reward you.
11/2/15: Chris / - "This thing with Brandon is getting crazy, be careful everyone!!!!!"
11/2/15: Regina / - "Oh my gosh, i am freaking out right now with the whole Brandon thing! I have not been able to let go of my cross. I want to send a prayer, but I am too scared of drawing attention to myself! I am so sorry, but i just can't do it."
Regina, Please don't fear. See Brandon vs Satan above and Psalms 27:1, 121:1-8, Prov.29:25, Rom.8:28,29,31,35-39 & Jude 24-25. God watches over His children.
11/2/15: Elizabeth / New Zealand "Hello John. Oh Dear, things do seem to be going from bad to worse for Brandon, i think however we should count our blessings that only one EVIL being has appeared, as i do get the feeling Alfie may just be attention seeking. Gabriel is a different story though, i do feel his evilness. Please be careful and i shall pray for all of us, Praise the Lord."
Elizabeth, I agree. Bless you.
11/2/15: Oscar Garcia / Australia. - "Id liked to say a few words about Brandon because I can relate to the way he feels about humanity and therefor he has taken it out on God. Brandon, I see a great warrior of God in you. I too have suffered greatly. I can't think of anyone who has had more failures than me, but one day in the lowest of my lowers, I made a conscious decision that if I was gonna continue living, at least I was gonna try and believe in something and I was gonna go at it 100%. Loyalty, commitment , respect, honor, and love played a big part in that decision. And Brandon, I can honestly tell you that that decision has been the best decision I've ever made. My family was all but gone head first into the world you know, but God used me to help them find what they where looking for in Christ Jesus. And I'm not just talking preaching here, I'm talking miracles. God supernaturally moved to help my family. But he needs us, YOU/ME, true warriors who will not give up so easily. Throughout the bible you read great stories about the way God chooses people to manifest his will. Brandon, God's chosen warrior, accept this invitation and put on the armor of God, It has your name on it. Come on mate!!."
Oscar, Wise & heart- felt message.
11/2/15: Daryl / "I'm definitely seeking Salvation, I do not want to end up in Brandon's situation, that's some scary stuff!!!!"
Daryl, wise decision. But, believe me, Brandon is not as bad off as some others here! He may still find salvation; many others won't.
11/3/15: Daphne / England. - "I would like to send out my prayers to Brandon as well, this is really, really awful and sad. God bless."
11/3/15: Trish / New Zealand. - "Hi, I would like to send my prayers to Brandon and to any other poor soul Satan has taken an interest in. God bless you all."
Trish, Bless you.
11/3/15: Brian / Sydney Australia. - "Wow it seems things have gone a bit haywire since i was last on this website! I read the Brandon vs Satan section and comments and thought, 'well that doesn't sound very good at all', so i am praying everyone stays safe. Praise the Lord, Amen!"
Brian, Bless you & your wife. And we all need to remember, "All things work together for good to those who love the Lord".
11/4/15: Mark / England. - "Brandon says that Satan is a trickster and he doesn't feel like his 333 is a msg from God. Perhaps Satan could be playing a nasty trick on him, because everyone else believes their 333 is from God and if it is Satan playing a game on that sucks big time, poor kid."
Mark, In my engineering education I took logic courses. That's just not logical in my eyes. Actually, I really don't care who or what is sending the 333, as long as Brandon responds to it and gets to know Jesus! Furthermore, Satan would have no idea whether he would or not, only God is all knowing.
See "Satan's Number Game" / "Satan & 333".
11/4/15: Brian / Sydney, (again). - "My wife was not happy when she found out i hadn't added her in my last comment, so i'm in the dog house, again! No, it's all good, but we BOTH send our prayers this time. Praise the Lord, Amen!"
11/4/15: Shaun / Limerick, Ireland. - "I would like to send my prayers to Brandon and to all those who are suffering from the Evil forces who dwell in the shadows; you will see the light once again. God Bless."
11/4/15: Shayla / New Zealand. - "Isn't this proof that Gods power is stronger with all the good prayers that are going out, but yet there has only been one real negative msg from someone like Gabriel???"
11/4/15: Eduardo / Brazil. - "i very sorry of boy Brandon; i send good prays. i sorry of the the English is very bad, Gods bless.
Eduardo, Thank You & God Bless You.
11/4/15: Connor / Wales. - "If Brandon doesn't have it in him to believe in God, why not let Satan come after him, won't that make him change his mind????"
Connor, Satan would not bother going after him at this point. Brandon, like so many others in the world, is exactly where Satan wants him, in unbelief & destined for hell.
11/4/15: Chelsea / USA. - "My Mom used to warn me when i was a kid, "Satan is alive and well". But i would just giggle at her. I guess now she was right all along."
Chelsea, Praise God for moms!
11/4/15: Alex / Canada. - "Let Satan have him, he should be punished for turning his back on Gods love."
Alex, Right now, I'm afraid I have more faith that I'll see Brandon in heaven than I would see you there. See Concerning believers vs unbelievers above.
11/4/15: Ygritte / Finland. - "I am sending out my prayers to all those lost, broken souls out there, I pray Jesus can lead you all back home to God. God Bless!!!"
11/4/15: Devon -"Well I'd smack Brandon around a few times and tell him to wake up to the fact that not everyone is seeing 333 so he should feel lucky."
Devon, Same as Alex, above.
11/4/15: Anonymous. - "I used to be very abusive towards my wife and kids, so much so that you could say i dragged them into the depths of Hell with me. But then i found the word of God and what was a house of fear and terror has now become a home of Love and Laughter. I don't know what Brandon's family put him through, but i can imagine knowing what i put my family through. I can't take away his pain, but i can send him my prayers and pray somehow he too can find Gods Love. Praise the Lord, Amen!"
Anonymous, What an appropriate & refreshing testimony. Thank You So Much!
11/4/15: Wayne - "Sometimes,some people need a real good ass kicking to make them see sense, like with brandon, god is reaching out to him and the kid can't make heads or tails of it."
Wayne, Same as Alex & Devon above.
11/5/15: Rakesh - "I would like to send my prayers to Brandon and to all the good people of the world as Satan's strength grows ever stronger. Please remember good always triumphs over Evil and God will prevail. God bless each and everyone of us, Amen!
Rakesh, Thank You!
11/5/15: Dylan - "I have begun my journey towards Salvation, and I will never look back.
Thank you!"
Dylan, Another one of the wise. Praise God!
11/5/15: Mike - "I will gladly give Brandon a taste of what it will be like being Satan's guest, that will make him seek salvation!"
11/5/15: Nathan - "I'm with Alex, let Satan have him, after he's been a few rounds with Satan perhaps in his next life he will know God!"
11/5/15: Thomas / England. - "Everyone is going to look like scared fools if 333 is Satan's trick."
11/5/15: Rory / Scotland. - "Well it sounds like Brandon's family have already given him a taste of what hell will be like, so you'd think he would be the first in line for Salvation."
11/5/15: Dean / England. - "Who knows, maybe Satan wants Brandon as a sidekick and not someone to kick around?"
11/6/15: Kevin / USA. -"Maybe Brandon's family knew the devil was inside and were just trying to beat it out of him, like an exorcism of sorts, that's possible, though I don't think it worked."
11/6/15: Steve / England. - "If Brandon was my kid i would grab him by the scruff of the neck and drag him to the nearest Minister and bloody force Salvation on him."
I really shouldn't be giving this type of unregenerate the satisfaction of posting such garbage. I'm sure they really have no business being on this site. But they certainly show the contrast between good & evil. I can't help pity them. Maybe something will rub off, but I doubt it. I'm thinking they're likely in the group that God would not send a 333 because their hearts are just too hard.
11/6/15: Rochelle - "I would like to send my prayers to everyone who is in a dark place right now, God will help you, if you allow him into your Heart. God Bless!"
Rochelle, Bless You. There is a lot of heart work needed here.
11/6/15: Lori / USA. - "For all those who are attacking Brandon. You guys are so nasty. Nice way to kick a kid when he's down. I think Y'all could do with some Salvation yourselves."
Lori, I think you're being a little too nice, but, Amen & Thank You.
11/6/15: Bridget - "My Mum said some souls deserve to rot in hell but that Brandon was not one of them, so we both hope he can find Salvation."
Bridget, Well said.
11/6/15: Ricky - "If Brandon is a good person and hasn't done anything wrong, wouldn't God still take his soul to heaven?"
11/6/15: Jesse - "Why don't people like Brandon who don't believe in God just accept Salvation anyway?"
Ricky & Jesse, There's going to be a lot of "good" people in hell. There's only one way to get saved and get to heaven. You first have to believe in God. And not only that, you have to believe (I mean really appreciate, with all your heart), that God gave His son, Jesus, who was beaten, nailed to a cross, and died for you. And that God raised Him from the dead!
Really hoping you guys can do that. See "Salvation".
11/6/15: Anonymous - "This is actually really upsetting for me. Brandon sounds exactly like my brother did when he was younger, saying he doesn't believe in God and he doesn't need him. Now my brother is so far into Satan's world there's no way he is coming out of it. I'm afraid Brandon is on that same road, he's not there yet, but the more he rejects God, the closer he will get, especially having a bad childhood behind him. It will take one tiny thing to make him snap and Satan will have him, and that kid will be just like my brother, on a one way ticket to hell. Believe me, I have seen it, I just hope that doesn't happen."
Anonymous, Wow! Thank you so much for sharing this. God Bless You!
11/7/15: Brooke - "Can a prayer be sent to someone that will give them salvation without them knowing??"
Brooke, Wouldn't that be nice! And just in case you're serious, no. See Ricky & Jesse 11/6/15.
11/7/15: Debra / USA. - "Hi, started seeing 333 about four months ago and i must admit i have been rather slack in my adult years towards my Christian faith. Could this be a warning of sorts because my faith has somewhat dwindled?"
Debra, Very possible. See "Why Certain People".
11/7/15: Connie - "Oh my gosh,why do people say such cruel things, I just don't understand some people, I would pray for their souls but I think I would be wasting my breath!!!
11/7/15: Laina / New Zealand. - "Why do people say such horrible, horrible things, I don't get some people:-("
11/7/15: Jaymee - "I just can't believe how cruel some people can be. What they say, it's just awful! I am sending my prayers to Brandon and to all the good people out there. God bless!"
11/8/15: Anne - "I can't believe how horrible the comments are from those men. They are absolutely disgusting human beings."
11/8/15: Ruth - "The comments from those men are so disgusting, i can actually hear the laughter in their words. Absolutely disgusting! They are Evil in all it's glory."
11/8/15: Fiona - "What Evil, Evil men! To say such horrible things towards a poor kid they don't even know, i actually feel like crying right now."
11/8/15: Rachel - "God wouldn't have sent those nasty, horrible men the 333 msg, so how did they even know to come here to spread their hate??"
Ladies, God is very gracious & patient. I'm sure He has or will give bad & even evil people one last chance to repent. But, I tend to agree with you, it seems their hearts have been hardened beyond hope, so much so, that they're likely beyond an end-times 333 invitation/warning.
Now, I wasn't going to share this, but maybe the following anonymous comments will shed some light on the entire issue. I believe the evil here is far beyond what any of us can really fathom; even beyond Gabriel's comment of 10/31/15. Your mouths are going to drop and you're going to want to comment; please don't, just take it in, say "Oh my God", and pray! These end-time days will continue to get darker & darker, & darker!
11/2/15: "Come join us john, we GIVE you the kid, we can not make it any sweeter than that, you can spend an eternity xxxxxxx him, flogging him, flaying him, torturing him, blood eagling is also a good choice, you can do whatever you want to do to him john, no one will stop you, but there are plenty waiting in line for their eternity of ripping this kid and all the gathered souls into shreds, so we will not contact you again, you know our offer, but heed our warning john, stop praying for this kid, his fate was sealed a long time ago, you can not save him. So when your ready to accept that our Master is the one true God, just look for us in the deep, dark corners of the world, we'll be waiting for you.......Oh and john, GOD BLESSSSS!"
11/7/15: "Maybe Brandon IS Satan, mutton dressed up as lamb. Bring him my way, i'll beat the crap out of him until he doesn't know what day of the week it is and tell him that is what his future in hell will be like. He'll find the word of god!"
11/7/15: "Our apologies john, some of The Brothers posted some comments for a bit of entertainment. The Elder ones have since ordered them to stand down as we are here only for observation."
11/8/15: Emma - "Me and my sisters Ebony and Chantelle have decided to find Salvation and we wanted to thank you for creating this website. And we would like to thank Brandon (if he ever reads this), because if he had never came to this site, these conversations probably wouldn't have happened and we would not have realized how important Salvation really is. So from the bottom of our Hearts, we want to thank you both. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!!!xxx"
Emma, Wow! I agree. But I believe we primarily need to thank God. I'm certain it was He who orchestrated this whole Brandon/Satan thing; for your good & His glory. Praise God!! Bless You All.
11/9/15: Jenna - "I am seeking Salvation, thankyou and thankyou Brandon!"
11/9/15: Richard - "My journey towards Salvation has begun, thankyou so much."
11/9/15: Jessica - "I am starting my journey towards Salvation and i send my best wishes to all the good people out there! XO"
11/9/15: Sarah & Jaymee - " Who are they observing?" "Are they observing all of us?"
For All, Particularly you new seekers: 1 Peter 5:8 "Be self-controlled & alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking (observing) for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith". Also see verse 15, Mark 4:1-20.
Also, concerning all the good people out there who expressed concern for Brandon, where did you come from? Are you 333 people? If so, when did it start, why do you think it was given to you, and, if appropriate, what have you done about it? I'm sure many besides myself would be interested.
11/9/15: Andrew - "How amazingly awesome would it be if God sent Brandon to help you, to help guide people towards Salvation, God would know Satan's demons would follow Brandon and show their true Evilness to the you think that could be possible?????"
Andrew, Very!
11/9/15: Lucas - "maybe you could turn Brandon Vs Satan into some kind of book....i would buy it!"
Lucas, Nice thought.
11/10/15: Louise - "I agree with what you said in your reply to Emma that God may have Orchestrated the Whole Brandon/Satan thing, i mean no one has any idea whatsoever who Brandon is, he has never come back and commented again, maybe he's not meant to, maybe through Brandon, this is Gods way of asking you to do more to show people he really wants them to be with him in heaven, i don't know, i just get the feeling this is an important thing that is happening here, and i am not real sure what you can do with it all, but if God does have his hand in this, i am sure he will show you the way. God bless!"
Louise, I was just this morning praying about this, and will be continuing to do so. Thank you & God bless You. God does work in mysterious ways His wonders to perform!
11/10/15: Caitlyn - "Hi, I am a bit frightened of sending a prayer for Brandon because of those men called the brothers, so i will just send out my prayers to all the good people of the world and pray that all who need Salvation can find it. God bless All."
Caitlyn, I'm not quite sure how to take this. I'm sure you know that if you're born-again, you have the Holy Spirit residing in you and "the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world", 1 John 4:4. So I guess we can assume that you are indeed praying for Brandon's salvation also, as we all are. Bless you.
11/11/15: Christopher - "I don't think Caitlyn should be afraid to send Brandon a prayer, because he has seen God's 333, that must mean God is with him, right? I think the brothers know this and they are the ones who are afraid. That is why they have posted those comments about attacking him .....that's what i believe!!!"
Christopher, Well, almost right. 333 is God's invitation to Brandon for him to be with God. But, Brandon has to accept the invitation. He, as we all do, has to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior. The Brothers (& Satan) are afraid that he will and they'll loose his soul, i.e., all our prayers.
11/10/15: Joanne - "I agree with Louise, i too get the feeling something important has happened, maybe you could start a TV program and spread the importance of Salvation through the media or write a book about it. Sorry, i might sound a bit over excited, but i think it is exciting!!!"
Joanne, I and it seems others agree. This is a very poignant story. I wish I were more capable. It is in God's hands, I'm open & praying.
11/10/15: Jaymee / Australia, (11/7 comment) - "I come from Darwin Australia, i am a 333 person and i am still not sure what it means for me. Perhaps i was lead here to help send out prayers, i don't know, if that is what i am meant to do, i am happy just doing that. God bless."
11/12/15: Ruth / England, (11/8 comment) - "I started seeing 333 approximately 2 years ago, I came to this website searching for answers like everyone else and then I read Brandon Vs Satan and felt more compelled to voice my disgust at those horrible men than I did finding out the meaning of 333. I am sorry the main reason for this site is for 333, I just could not help myself."
11/12/15: Fiona / New Zealand, (11/8 comment) - "Hi again, I began seeing 333 around about one year ago, i was just searching for answers i guess like everyone else and i was absolutely disgusted when i read what those men had written towards a poor kid who had already been abused, to what extent who knows, it really broke my heart. And i am still not sure why i have been given the 333 sign!!!"
Ladies: Bless you. I'm praying the Lord will provide additional insight as to your 333 calling. I'm sure you have, but ask Him again.
11/12/15: Connie /Canada (11/7 comment) - "Hi, i am so sorry, i completely forgot to mention my 333, i was just so angry at that group of men for being so cruel towards Brandon, it was just disgusting. Anyway, my 333 started about 4yrs ago and it kind of comes and goes, do you have any theories as to why that might happen?
Connie, I don't know your relationship with the Lord. My only thought or concern is that I hope the 333 doesn't stop for good without your having had a truly born-again personal relationship with Jesus. Thank you & God bless you.
11/12/15: Callum - "In that creepy msg, they say Brandon's fate is already sealed, what does that mean, what fate????"
Callum, They, Satan's messengers, were talking of his eternal fate, either heaven or hell. When they said Brandon's fate is sealed, they lied, just like Satan did with Eve. Nobody's fate is sealed until death. Before that, we all have a chose to make. This is why salvation is so very important.
11/12/15: Bridget / Australia. - "I started seeing 333 about 5 months ago, i am not religious, but having seen the thing with Brandon, i think i may seek my own Salvation:-)"
11/12/15: Ashlee / England. - "Hi, i started seeing 333 about 1mth ago, i have never been religious but i might seek Salvation after reading what has been going on with Brandon, that is really scary!!!"
Bridget & Ashlee, Hell is definitely a bad place! Blessings on your journeys.
11/13/15: Rakesh (11/5 comment) - "I am originally from India but I now live in England. I began seeing 333 about 2 months ago and I feel so blessed to be part of Gods message, what ever God asks of me I shall do with Honor and pride. Once again I send my prayers to Brandon in the hope he finds Salvation. GOD BLESS ALL!"
Rakesh, I feel you understand this, but I always need to reiterate, God's foremost objective with the 333 is an end-time warning to those who do not know Jesus as their Lord & Savior. God expects us to spread this message and save souls before it's to late. Thank you again & God bless you.
11/13/15: Bree / Canada. - "Hi, i began seeing 333 about 2 months ago and i want to begin my journey to Salvation but my family are not religious, so how do i choose which religious path to follow?"
Bree, The God of the bible is the one who is sending you the 333 invitation/SOS warning. John 3:3 says "Unless a man be born-again, he cannot see the kingdom of God". See "Salvation". Bless you in your quest.
11/13/15: Dion / Wales. - "What does born-again mean exactly anyway and why do we have to be born-again to accept the 333 invitation?....So that means the only chance for Brandon or anyone to be saved is they have to be born-again first, that kind of doesn't seem fair really!"
Dion, Fair by whose standard is the question. God said it, I believe it! Understand that the invitation is to become a spiritual son of a Holy, Almighty God. It's not like an invitation to a friends wedding. It requires a totally humbling acceptance of God's son Jesus as your Lord & Savior. See "Salvation".
11/13/15: Tyler / USA. - "My parents brought me up to believe that people who are not with God, must be with Satan, maybe that's why Brandon is rejecting God!"
Tyler, Your parents are pretty much right. But I'm not quite sure what you mean by with God. We're not really with God or saved or children of God until after we're born-again. See "Salvation".
11/13/15: Nate - "Maybe Brandon was one of The Brothers and has tried to leave them and they won't allow that to happen, perhaps that is what they mean by his fate is sealed!"
Nate, I suppose you're relating this to a mafia type of involvement. Never the less, Brandon still has a chance at salvation as long as he's alive. God will forgive him of anything, but, Brandon has to make the choice. And if that means death, he'll be much better off than spending eternity in hell!
11/16/15: Scott - "I started seeing 333 about 2 years ago and i like Brandon don't believe in God or Satan for that matter and i think religions were just formed to keep people brainwashed and under control, so i have no idea why i would be seeing 333."
Scott, I could have said the exact same thing up until I was 44. Refer to "Why Certain People".
11/16/15: Naomi - "Hi, i began seeing 333 about 5months ago, i still haven't figured out why i am seeing 333 but i am sure in time i will. I would also like to send my prayers to Brandon and to anyone one else who is in desperate need of Gods love. God bless all! XO"
11/16/15: Leon - "I don't understand why it seems so hard for people like Brandon to accept Gods hand, i know he says he doesn't believe, but wouldn't it be better for him or anyone to know their soul is safe rather than risk Satan digging his claws in??"
Leon, I agree, but most people, like Scott above, & myself for 44 years, are just too stubborn, self-centered, &/or brainwashed by Satan & the world.
11/17/15: Marie - "I have just been reading what some of that group of men say they would like to do to Brandon and i just can't believe how cruel people can be, it's just horrible, those men truly are Evil."
11/27/15: Darren - "I think Brandon may have a darker past than what it seems, maybe he was a dabbler or a worshiper, i'm not sure, but the brothers seem hell bent on keeping him in their world for some reason, i just hope God knows what he's doing sending this kid the 333, something sure doesn't seem right here."
Darren, I think that a dabbler or Satan worshiper is exactly the type of person our God would send a 333 warning/invitation. God loves all sinners & would really like to see them repent, acknowledge him, & get themselves born-again.
11/30/15: Simon - "I mostly agree with Leon, but when you have someone like Brandon it's not so much the fact he doesn't believe, it's that he doesn't think he's worthy of Gods love; that's a very sad way for someone to be in. I don't know how he or anyone who feels that way will ever be able to find gods hand!"
Simon, In actuality, it's the people who think that they are worthy of God's love that I tend to feel sorry for. God is so very, very much beyond what we might think is righteous. They my likely not have the humility, humbleness, or thankfulness that it takes to really know & appreciate God or Jesus well enough to be saved, to be born-again, to be children of the family of God. Pride can be a devastating enemy and tool of Satan.
12/2/15: Danielle - "I think Brandon's family are the ones that need prayers for Salvation for treating him so badly, they sound like they are the ones who are closer to Satan's world, more so than Brandon. I think there is still a chance for Brandon to find Salvation; he doesn't sound completely lost to God, and at the end of the day, God knows what he is doing. God bless!"
Danielle, Amen!! Amen!!
12/5/15: Paul - "I think Alex is right, maybe the only way for Brandon to know God is to let Satan rip into him, then he will either scramble his way out of Satan's grip and find Gods word, or he'll decide to stay with Satan and therefore he deserves all the pain and suffering that comes with that decision."
Paul, Similar to Alex, I would venture to say that Satan already has his grip on you. You are in the deceivers pocket. So much so, I would guess he'll likely bless you, as one of his, so that you won't even consider accepting Jesus as your Lord & Savior. Feeling sorry for you.
12/6/15: Teresa - "There certainly is a mixture of good and evil people on this site and i can see why God is sending out the 333 warning, i only pray some of the evil people are able to break free from Satan's hold and they are able to truly find Gods love. God bless!"
Teresa, Amen!!
12/7/15: Anthony - "I feel sorry for all you followers of God, you all are on the losing team, can you not see that? God has grown weak and desperate, while Satan grows ever stronger and more powerful!!!!"
Anthony, It sure looks that way doesn't it! And wait till you see how terribly strong he's going to be in the near future! However, you really need to read the "end of The Book". The Book that has transgressed, that has prophesied without defect, and has out sold any publication in history. Moreover, maybe you haven't heard of the long suffering & patient character of God. Like so many others, Satan has you hoodwinked.
12/11/15: Ethan - "All you God followers make me laugh, xxxxxxxxxx Satan is the only true path to fulfillment."
12/11/15: Marisol - "Hi, i began seeing 333 about four months ago, i already have very strong faith and come from a devout Christian family. So what do you think God might be asking me do for him by sending me the 333 msg? I can see by some posts here that Satan's people are in full swing and they sure do have it in for Brandon. Do you think the 333 could maybe have something to do with them? I am really quite confused by the 333, but i have complete trust and faith in the glorious almighty God, so i know i am in no danger, but i am curious none the less! God Bless."
Marisol, The only connection 333 has to do with Satan & his followers is that they hate anything God does to help people get saved! For you, see 'Why Certain People'. God Bless you in your walk.
12/12/15: Katrina / New Zealand. - "Hi, i began seeing 333 about a year ago. I have always questioned whether i believed in God's existence or not, but having come to this website it has given me the answer i have been looking for and now i do believe God exists, thank you!"
Katrina, Praise God!! Now, the bigger step; can you accept Jesus as your Lord & Savior?! Praying for you. (See 'Salvation')
12/18/15: Quinn - "if Brandon's fate is already sealed like the brothers say, that means his soul has already been claimed by satan, so how can his soul be saved by god if it's already destined for hell?"
Quinn, We have an all forgiving God. See Callum 11/12/15 & Nate 11/13/15.
1/2/2016: Liam - "I believe end times are upon us and I understand gods 333 warning, but why does he seem to be putting so much energy into people that won't or can't see 333 for the warning/invitation it is, wouldn't he be better off sending it to people that are more easier to save?
Liam, Thank you for making me think! I'v updated "Why Certain People"; check it out.
1/11/2016: Flaxy / Sydney, Australia. - "Good on ya mate! 333 = SOS love it.... For me it started Dec.2015 and 7 years ago... I also believe its message means death and life, as with the crow/raven in Genesis 8.7 (a "death bird" was sent to find life). Top of the day and blessings to ya brother."
Flaxy, Love you're 'deep' analogy! Still analyzing it! Thank you & blessings be on you.
1/28/2016: Carley - "Hi, I have been reading all the comments to do with Brandon, and I was just wondering if I have missed a post, as the comments seem to have stopped, did something happen to Brandon???
Carley, No, you haven't missed anything. I'm sure there are many others wondering the same thing.
However, it's only been four months; bear in mind, from where he's coming from, he's got some tough issues to deal with. Personally, I'm going to continue to think positive.
1/29/2016: Tamara - "I too was wondering if something bad had happened to Brandon, no news is good news I guess. Perhaps the reason the comments have slowed down is people might be a bit put off or afraid by all the Satanists that have shown up on this page, everyone knows they are dangerous people. Whatever the reason, I too will think positive thoughts and pray Brandon is safe and we'll, God Bless!"
Tamara, God Bless You! I too am praying he's on the right path.
1/31/2016: Tanner - "How do people like Brandon attract the attention of Satan Worshipers anyway, wouldn't they have to be on the wrong side of God in the first place? Then it becomes a case of you play with Bull you get the Horns!"
Tanner, I find it very commendable that you, if you had grown up in a satanic environment, would have found it so easy to break free from parental & environmental strongholds.
2/1/2016: Tanner - "Where does it say Brandon grew up in a Satanic environment? Just because he says his family are unholy doesn't mean they are Satanists, perhaps they just don't believe in God, not all unbelievers are Satanists."
Tanner, Sorry if I may have exaggerated, however, "as unholy as you can get" could certainly be extrapolated to mean satanic. What I can't understand is why you & some others have condemned Brandon so fiercely, even insinuating that he's involved in satanism. If he were, surely he wouldn't be calling Satan a "trickster"! Furthermore, beyond my really not caring if he has or not, I'am going to trust Kristy, 10/21/15, "Brandon has a good heart". And, his thinking has been warped by an unholy upbringing, which any decent minded person would find appalling! Certainly, he is a sinner, just like all of us are. But, just like all of us, he can have salvation; it's a free gift to anyone who 'sincerely' seeks it out.
2/2/2016: Tanner - "If Brandon isn't a satanist then why does he have a satanic group like the Brothers saying that his fate was sealed a long time ago, they obviously know him. Personally I think anyone who chooses to worship Satan over God deserves to suffer great pain, both physical and emotional, because that is what Satan is all about. Maybe I am reading this all wrong and maybe Brandon is a good kid and is just an innocent victim, after all, he says he has been seeing 333 and as Doug says, who are we to question God!"
Tanner, I admire your perseverance. It looks like, from the following comment, that your thinking may be close to the mark. Hoping you're born-again, like God is trying to do for Brandon.
2/2/2016: Mack / Darwin, Australia. - "Hiya, firstly I'll begin by saying I am not a 333 person, my daughter Jaymee has that Honour. She had me read the Brandon Vs Satan page and as a retired Police Officer of 28yrs I have had my fair share of dealings with Satan Worshipers throughout my career. In my opinion, Brandon is not a satanist. Satanists do not call other satanists unholy, they call them family or brethren or whatever, but unholy, never. John, I 100% agree with what you said to Tanner about how Brandon describing his family as "unholy as you can get", to mean that they could be satanic. Mate, that's exactly what they are and I also think the Brothers are no doubt a big part of that family's lifestyle going by what they have said about Brandon. It's quite disturbing how they say his fate is sealed; that can only mean a ritual of some sort has been done to him at some point. I also know from experience in dealing with satanists, that if Brandon refused to conform to their way of life, (which i believe he did), that's probably why the ritual was performed on him. He would have suffered immense physical and mental abuse, so even if Brandon had been a satanist at some point in his life, just having grown up in an Evil, terrifying environment like that, i think it's a great credit to himself that he is still able to turn out to be the type of person who has a friend who is able to describe him as having a good heart. So personally, I take my hat off to him and I wish him all the best! Blessings to you Mate!"
Mack, Wow! Thank you so very much. What an insight! And Jaymee, (11/10/15), Bless You. Maybe this was part of your 333 calling!
2/2/2016: Elise - "How can Brandon be a satanist and see Gods 333 invitation at the same time? That's just ridiculous. If he was a satanist, wouldn't he be blinded by all the hate and darkness that comes with worshiping Satan? So there's no way he could notice 333 if that were true!!!!"
Elise, A good thought. And from above, it would seem that Brandon is not a satanist, at least at present. Although, I'm still of the opinion that God could still be giving even satanists one last chance to repent.
2/2/2016: April - "If Brandon is a satanist, then I agree with all those who say he should suffer the consequences and be severely punished for choosing Satan. I say the more he's punished the better. Satanists destroy lives, so I have zero sympathy for any of them!!!!!"
April, I'm afraid I'm a bit naive as to what types of crime satanists are involved in. Of course, it's not a crime to worship Satan; like Mohammad, Buda, etc. The path to hell is wide, and many there will be who follow it.
2/2/2016: Jenny - "Can I just say to those people who want to see Brandon crucified and hung out to dry for something he may not even be, you seem to be forgetting that he is a 333 person also. I mean doesn't that speak volumes in itself? I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but think about it people!!!!"
Jenny, Something like, "If God is for him, who can be against him". Of course, we're all still praying that Brandon will accept the invitation & find salvation. Bless you Jenny.
2/2/2016: Omar - "I to think Brandon has been involved in Satanic worship of some kind. People don't just randomly get picked off the street by satanic groups wanting those people to join them; they have to become known to them, and the Brothers know Brandon. Even though it sounds like they have turned on him, they still know who he is!!!!"
Omar, It would seem that you're reasoning is pretty much on track.
2/3/2016: Anonymous - "Satanists are deceivers, remember that before you are all quick to defend Brandon."
2/3/2016: Ivan - "Have people forgotten God forgives. Even if Brandon is a Satan worshiper, doesn't he deserve the chance to have Gods forgiveness like the rest of us, without being punished for wrong choices he has made?"
2/3/2016: Daniel - "Well I for one believe Brandon is a victim, and I deeply pray he is able to respond to Gods msg and get himself saved. God Bless."
2/3/2016: Richard - "At the end of the day, whether Brandon is or isn't a satanist, it is God himself who will give the final judgement!"
2/3/2016: Michael - "I have a cousin who is involved in satanism, and Mack is right about satanists not calling other satanists unholy. In their demented way of thinking, they see Satan as the almighty God & ruler. So in their eyes, to call themselves unholy is to devalue Satan's godly status. Maybe some groups call themselves unholy but personally I have never heard of any that do."
2/4/2016: Martin - "I'm curious to know what people mean when they say Brandon should be punished. I was under the notion floggings were banned along time ago, and if Brandon does follow Satan would it not be a better idea to try and lead him towards God and away from Satan's hold instead of lynching him! Any person who's led away from Satan is a victory for God that's for sure."
Martin, For sure, For sure!!!
2/4/2016: Jason"I'm along the same lines as Martin, until the flogging of Heretics comes back in vogue, I think trying to lead people like Brandon towards the light of God is probably the better option!"
Jason, For sure!!
2/6/2016: Tayla - "I can't believe how mean people have been towards Brandon! If you are Christian you all need to take a long hard look at yourselves and remember what it means to be a Christian. If you are not, then instead of worrying about how unclean Brandon's soul is or isn't and wanting to see him dragged through the coals, i think you all could do with some soul cleansing yourself!!!!!"
Tayla, Amen!!!
2/6/2016: Wyatt - "I think Brandon is a Satanist and I say let him suffer in hell for eternity, he deserves no less."
Wyatt, I would heed Tayla's (and Maajid's & many others) advice, or else it's going to be your soul that suffers in hell for eternity!
2/6/2016: Aaron - "I am praying for all of you who have expressed ill will towards Brandon, may the Lord have pity on your Souls. Amen!"
2/7/2016: Maajid - "Punishing someone for worshiping Satan is not the answer. We must pray that person will come to realize that worshiping the Devil will only lead to the destruction of their soul, and the only path to true fulfillment is that which leads to God. We must pray for them to truly know God will forgive all their wrong doings and they will be given Salvation; Romans 10:13, "Whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord will be Saved"."
2/8/2016: Saleem - "I do agree with Maajid, if we beat or whip those who follow Satan and then profess our love for God, how can punishing someone like that possibly make them believe that God is all loving and caring and make them want to worship God instead? As Maajid says, we must pray those people realize that worshiping Satan can only lead to destruction."
Saleem, Very good reasoning. Blessings.
2/8/2016: Wayne - "I think the people who have expressed their desires to see Brandon shredded to pieces and suffer for eternity sound more like Satan Worshipers than he does!"
Wayne, I'm sure all God fearing people will agree.
2/8/2016: Chase - "I reckon Brandon was one of the Brothers and he has betrayed them in some way and they want to hurt him for that betrayal."
Chase, Maybe, but personally, I would lean more toward Mark's explanation.
2/9/2016: Kathy - "I just can not understand why people wish so much harm towards Brandon. His childhood sounds like it was probably an horrific one, so why do people wish him to suffer more pain? I am honestly disgusted in those people."
Kathy, Amen! It's a real shame!
3/25/2016: Adam - "I agree with Kathy in wondering why people wish pain and suffering towards Brandon. If he does worship Satan, how does wishing him harm make those people any better than the one they're condemning, that just makes no sense and I really think those people need to try and find their Christianity which has obviously gone astray. Or, if they are not Christian, then perhaps it is something they really should consider as I do get the feeling those people are more than likely to end up in Hell before Brandon does!!"
Adam, Amen & Amen!
4/1/2016: Rory / USA. - "How can Brandon be a Satan Worshiper if he doesn't believe in the existence of God, don't people have to first believe in God before they can believe in Satan?"
Rory, Thank you for a good question. And that certainly makes sense to you & me. However - Many people believe in God and don't believe in Satan. Many don't believe in either. Many people are totally ignorant, or haven't been taught or investigated spiritual things, religion, the Bible, etc, such that they leave themselves open to believing, or not believing, in anything.
4/1/2016: Dean - "I think people like Brandon who say they don't believe in God are under some kind of demonic influence, if we were in a different time he'd be flogged and thrown in the dungeon just for saying it,and rightly so,for God only wants to love us,so I don't understand why people say they don't believe or they hate God,maybe it's time to bring back that type of punishment!"
Dean, If that's what Jesus would do, then I agree!
4/2/2016: Joel - "Rory's comment has got me thinking,I don't know much about Satanism but I'm sure they believe Satan is the only God,so perhaps the reason Brandon says he doesn't believe in the existence of the Creator God is because he has probably been trained to believe that Satan is the only God that exists.....just a thought!"
Joel, I think your thoughts are somewhat similar to those of retired officer Mack, 2/2/2016. Thank you.
4/3/2016: Lacey - "I read what you wrote about 'The Fourth Kind'. Do you think Brandon could be right about Satan being a trickster and that he can play with 333 also? If he is correct, I think that is really terrifying because how will anyone be able to tell the difference between God or Satan."
Lacey, I've been laboring with this; and I think that is definitely what Satan is going to do. And he will definitely deceive people. We're going to have to be very discerning. But I still don't believe Brandon or anyone else seeing the 333 is being deceived. Satan wouldn't risk it! See my points 3 & 4 under "Satan & 333.
4/4/2016: Derrick - "I'm in total aggreance with Dean, Muslims do not tolerate heresy of any type, so why should Christians, and is it not in Gods defense that we should severely punish those who spit hate towards our Creator? Don't get me wrong, i feel sorry for Brandon having grown up in an abusive home, but God is not to blame and any hate towards him even from the abused, should not be tolerated."
Derrick, I smile when I picture God laughing in heaven at the thoughts of you associating yourself with the term Christian!
4/7/2016: Oliver / England. -"If Derrick is a Christian, then I'm Santa Clause!"
4/7/2016: Crystal - "Derrick if you attend a Church and you call yourself a Christian you may want to find another one to attend, as I think you may have stumbled upon a house of Satan, not a house of God....praying for you!"
4/7/2016: Glen - "I think Derrick is probably one of the Brothers, just having a bit of fun; he is definitely not a Christian."
4/7/2016: Brendan - "Why would God be laughing at Derrick, doesn't he love all sinners??"
Brendan, Hay, I love my kids & grand-kids, but I've also had some good laughs over some of the stupid things they've said or done! Meanwhile, Derrick isn't even a child of His yet. And thank you Oliver, Crystal, & Glen.
4/10/2016: Ryan - "Derrick, i feel sorry for you, your way of thinking is so twisted dude. Before you judge Brandon by what he says, you should take a harder look at the words you spit out. I think Brandon has more Christianity than you do, and he's not even Christian! As John says in an earlier post to Alex, "I think I have more of a chance of seeing Brandon in Heaven than I would see you there". Derrick, you may want to think on that one!!!"
Ryan, Amen!
4/11/2016: Celeste - "I was under the impression that we are all Gods children?"
Celeste, No; only if you believe in Jesus & are born-again. Otherwise you're still under Satan's rule.
John 1:12 "To all who receive him (Jesus), to those who believe in him, he gave the right to become the children of God."
John 3:3-16 "You must be born-again".
Gal. 3:26 "You are sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus".
Rom. 8:14 "Those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God".
Hoping you are one of His. If not, see "Salvation".
4/16/2016: Jackson - "Is punishing someone like Derrick says the same as putting the fear of God in them? I have never understood that saying, why should anyone fear God, shouldn't the only one to fear be Satan?"
Jackson, Thank you. Yes. And the term 'fear' does get misconstrued. 'Reverent fear' or 'respect' is generally more appropriate. To me, God is like a good father who wants the very best for his children. Children need to respect this. God loves us! Jesus died to deliver us from the god of this world! Now, if you are a 'true' child of his , you do have to fear his punishment if you sin/violate his rules. But, it's always done in love & for your own good. If your not a 'true' child, then he's not obligated to punish you; Satan my even reward you! Not a bad deal until you end up in hell! Hopefully God will somehow woo those into being a 'true' child.
4/19/2016: Braydan - "When someone like Brandon is clearly in open rebellion against God, shouldn't those people just be left to wander the road that they have chosen?"
Braydan, Yes. But, as I see it, Brandon is not in rebellion against God; he simply just doesn't believe in God, like millions of others. That's not a crime. And as believers, we are obligated to at least try to help get him saved. See Concerning believers vs unbelievers at the top of this page.
4/19/2016: Jarred - "Isn't being an unbeliever the same as being a rebel, for they are denying the existence of God?"
4/19/2016: Samantha - "What's the difference between those in rebellion and those in unbelief, they're all against God?"
Jarred & Samantha, It's true, unbelievers will argue against the existence of God, but I wouldn't necessarily call that rebelling. Just because someone doesn't believe in something, flying saucers for example, doesn't make them a rebel. An unbeliever is different than someone who knows God exists, but willfully rebels against what His Word says to do, and certainly rebels against accepting His Son as the Lord & Savior of their life! - I would more likely classify Christians, particularly born-again Christians, as rebels. We are the ones following Jesus and rebelling against the satanic powers & rulers of this fallen world!
4/21/2016: Patrick - "I don't know who I feel more sorry for, unbelievers, as they are not fortunate to know Gods love, or those people who call themselves Christian but seem to have become void of all Christian values."
Patrick, Amen!
4/21/2016: Vincent - "Derrick, what Satanic rock did you crawl out from? People who come from abusive homes have every right to be angry and most do have some hate towards God, as they want to know why it had to happen to them. If you were a true Christian, you would know that no matter how much hate they directed towards God, he would still love them, he would not want them to suffer more pain, like you clearly want them do me a favor and please educate yourself on being a Christian, before you claim to be so!!"
Vincent, Like your insight. Thank you.
4/22/2016: Harlan / USA. - "Anybody that has negative feelings towards God are evil in my book, whether they be unbelievers like Brandon or worshipers of Satan; to me they are one in the same and I'd have no problem giving any one of them a good old fashioned flogging."
Harlan, I'm going to reiterate Vincent's thoughts. It's refreshing however that you're at least not insinuating that you're expounding from a Christian perspective. Feeling sorry for you.
4/28/2016: Linus - "My thoughts are the same as Derrick and Harlan's, punishment should be brought back for those that rebel against God. Any words that are negative against the Almighty gets my blood boiling and if my Son resembled anything like that kid Brandon, he'd feel the back of my hand and then some."
4/28/2016: Gwendolyn - "Hi, I have been seeing 333 for about two months and I have found the information on this site very interesting, but can I just say, I read the Brandon v Satan page and being of a non religious back ground, I was rather shocked by the nasty comments made by some Christians. Is that normal for some Christians to be so cruel towards unbelievers?"
Gwendolyn, No, that's not normal at all. Those people, like Linus & the many others who sound like lovers of God, are certainly not lovers of Jesus. They could not possibly be classified or recognized as true "Christ"ians. - Sincerely wishing you blessings in your search for understanding & truth.
5/16/2016: Louisa. - "I have just finished reading the Brandon v Satan page and WOW, what a divide there is in the world between those who are pro God and those who are pro Satan. Reading this page has given me the chills to say the least, you can really feel the dark days ahead for all of us, it is really frightening!"
Louisa, Bad signs are just everywhere! But God is still in control; He'll take care of his own. Bless you.
5/18/2016: Anonymous - "All you people praying for Brandon's Salvation are heading down a dead end road, you would have a better chance of turning the pope into a Satanist."
5/18/2016: Gavin - "God isn't in control, SATAN is ruler of this realm and the day is drawing nearer to when we will rip the flesh from the bones of every last one of you piss weak God followers and he will not be able to protect any of you!!!!!!!!!!!"
Gavin, Visualizing you & others like you at judgement day (2 Cor. 5:10 & Heb. 10:26-27), I truly feel sorry for you all; Satan really has you hoodwinked! Because of Jesus, "the prince of this world now stands condemned", John 16:11.
5/21/2016: Sheryl / New Zealand. - "I would just like to say I am deeply disturbed by the comments made on the Brandon Vs Satan page by some so called Christians. What is wrong with you people? I always thought being a Christian meant you were free from the Devil's influence, i guess I got that all wrong; the Devil is definitely stronger than I gave him credit for."
Sheryl, Gavin has it about right! There is indeed a battle raging; and it's really hard to be free from Satan's influence. Paul, in Eph. 6:11-18, gives us the best advice available. Moreover, be assured, if you are truly born-again and persevere, you will be heaven bound.
5/30/2016: Amber - "I just have a question, if 333 is an invitation/warning from God, how is it that so many satanic type people are here? How could they even be able to receive a msg from God? They seem like they are too evil for God to even bother with them."
Amber, Nobody is too evil for God to try to save, He knows the heart and He knows the beginning & the end. But, I believe that most of the satanic people here know Brandon and/or his family personally rather then their receiving the 333 message. It's also possible that word spread within the satanic community that they may be losing a soul. Also see 'Why Certain People'. And Bless you; was a good question.
6/7/2016: Bella / USA. "I don't understand why evil satanic people like Brandon are given a message for salvation, this really upsets me greatly, they don't deserve to walk in Gods Kingdom, they made the choice to follow the Devil, forgiveness should not be an option for any of them. Their Evil Blood can not be cleansed."
Bella, Wow, one would think you know how to manage this world better than God! I'm sure Satan appreciates your help. It never ceases to amaze me, and I'm sure all the other good people praying for Brandon, just how active the hard-hearted spirit of anti-christ is in the world. You need to read Luke 15, particularly the Parable of the Lost Son. We'll be praying that you're able to repent, and that you won't end up jealous & resentful like the older brother.
6/8/2016: Gareth - "I think you are the one who needs a good Flogging John. You need a wake up call, your love for your God has blinded you to the one true God who has the power in this world."
6/8/2016: Sandra - "Bella, your comment is so horrible! I think if God had to make a choice between taking you or Brandon, you are the one that would get left behind!"
Sandra, Wisely spoken.
6/10/2016: Fun Times - "Amen Brother Gareth and when Johnny boy has been Flogged within an inch of his life, we'll see if his precious God comes and saves him."
6/10/2016: Pauly - "Don't forget to carve the slave symbol into john's back after his flogging."
6/10/2016: Donald / Spain. "I would just like to send my Prayers to Brandon, i truly feel sorry for the Lad, God Bless him."
6/12/2016: Tyler M. / Australia. - "Why is it only born again Christians that will be saved, that's stupid."
Tyler, Basically, because the one who created you said so. See 4/11/2016 Celeste, 11/13/15 Dion, & 11/6/15 Ricky & Jesse. However, If you don't believe in God, if you don't believe in Jesus, if you don't believe the Bible, then it's really irrelevant; Satan has you exactly where he wants you.
6/13/2016: Reeves - "give John to the Clans of the fourth, they'll definitely have some fun with him, they love their bull whips."
6/13/2016: Warren - "John can belong to the Fourth, they'll rip him to pieces."
Reeves, Warren, Garth, Pauly, Gavin, & all your Brothers, It's just a shame that you-all don't believe the Bible. Satan, one of Gods greatest angelic creations, and you poor deceived souls, end up in the pit. - I do however credit you fellows with one thing; you do know that Satan is real. A lot of good people out there don't.
6/13/2016: "Ahhh John, but we do believe in the Bible, yet we choose to piss on its words. We have many in the Brotherhood who were once men of the Cloth, but for one reason or another your God failed them, so they gave a blood oath of allegiance to another. As for Brandon, you really have to understand that his fate was decided before he was born, it can not be change, because of who his father is in the Brotherhood. Brandon is a prized piece of property, that should be quite evident by now, so you can send out all the Prayers you want, post what ever comments you like, but that kid will never walk in your god's kingdom."
6/13/2016: "send John our way, the Clans of the Degree will gladly show him what real pain feels like."
6/13/2016: Kain - "Johnny, instead of praying for Brandon's Salvation, you might want to start praying he never comes back to this page and says he has been baptized or anything. That will have serious consequences for him. He is our property, not yours."
Fellows of the Brotherhood, I'm afraid I just don't understand why you aren't concerned about eternal damnation. Really - how can you not be concerned about the day when Jesus will say to you, "Depart from me you who are cursed into the eternal fire prepared for the devil & his angels", Matthew 25:41. "They will be thrown into the fiery furnace where there will be weeping & gashing of teeth", Mat.13:42 & Rev.20:14&15. - Please excuse my naivety, but I assume you guys are promised some kind of reward for serving Satan. I'm just guessing it's something like he promises the radical Muslims that do his will. Does anyone really think they'll ever see the 70 virgins etc. that Satan promises them? - Meanwhile, Psalm 145:18&19 promises us; "The Lord is close to all who call on Him, yes, to all who call on Him in truth. He grants the desires of those who fear/respect Him. He hears their cries for help and rescues them". - So yes, we'll continue to pray for Brandon; he's still not beyond salvation. God created Satan, thus God is more powerful than Satan!
6/18/2016: "Our reward John is that of souls, souls that will be ours to torture till our hearts content. We can't imagine anything sweeter than this. Your God may turn away souls but our Master will always find a place for them."
6/19/2016: Rhys - "You born again Christians make my stomach turn with your blind righteousness. The only weeping will come from Brandon when he is tortured day in & day out for eternity."
6/19/2016: Alistair - "I feel extremely sad for Brandon, to be born into such an Evil family and to have so many waiting to see you tortured is just beyond comprehension. I am not a man of great faith, but I send my deepest Prayers to Brandon, and I sincerely hope that he will one day walk in Gods kingdom."
Alistair, A rose among thorns! Bless you.
6/19/2016: Kyal - "John why are you so certain that you will be given what your God promises you?We believe that we will be given an eternity of making souls suffer great pain, just as you believe you will be given an eternity of peace and harmony. So what makes you think your god's promise is more true than our god's promise to us? After all, the Bible is the biggest book of lies ever written!"
Kyal, The Bible has stood the test of time. All of it's prophecies have come true thus far. And there are so many other things that point to it's supernatural authenticity. But, unless one seeks the truth, it will never be found.
6/19/2016: Lenny - "There will be plenty of weeping and gashing of teeth, but it will not be from those in the Brotherhood, we are loyal to our Master and we will reap our reward. John, I hope someday you loose your faith, then we will make you suffer beyond anything you can imagine."
6/20/2016: Davis - "I don't know who I desire to Torture and rip apart more, Brandon or John."
6/20/2016: Troy - "We don't desire 70 virgins, ours is purely an eternity of torturing souls, having their blood flow like a river, over and over again, what a glorious site that will be. We'll give Brandon your regards, if we allow him to stop screaming out in pain long enough for him to hear it."
6/20/2016: Gary - "I'm Brandon's Uncle. Your Prayers for his Salvation will do no good for him, you are wasting your time. If you would like him severely punished for wasting your time we will be most happy to oblige your request."
Fellows of the Brotherhood, We understand that you are servants of Satan. Similarly, I am just a servant & messenger of God. Brandon, like thousands of others, was supernaturally given the 333 invitation/warning not by me, but by almighty God. So why don't you pick on God rather than me or Brandon!
6/22/2016: "If you were just a messenger, we would not have looked twice at you John, but your prayers of Salvation for the soul of one of our most prized possessions, that can not happen. Brandon himself is nothing more than a dog we love to beat, but his soul is a different story; if he ever becomes baptized, it will be a very bad situation, stop praying for him and we go away."
6/22/2016: Darren G. - "Brandon may have received 333 from your God, but our God is the only God he will know and fear."
6/22/2016: Danny - "picturing John being whipped and beaten for eternity is most enjoyable."
6/22/2016: Gary - "pick on Brandon, that's funny john. If you knew what we did to that kid, picking on him would hardly be fitting, and if he becomes baptized, our American Brothers will make sure you know exactly what he went through. But as long as he remains unchristened, there's no problem."
6/22/2016: Derek - "Those thousands of others were not sold to our Master."
6/22/2016: Andrew - "If my nephew becomes baptized, you will be the next Lamb."
Fellows of the Brotherhood, Not sure what possession or being sold means or why it's so important, but I'm also praying for the salvation of all the other 333 recipients who don't have a personal relationship with Jesus. Actually, I deem it an honor to be on Satan's most wanted list. He is quite powerful, but also deceitful, and his end is drawing near. I really don't think you should trust him like you do. But we all have that choice.
6/23/2016: "Do you really think your God is going to destroy his most beloved fallen,for he loves all of his creations,your God needs our master's realm to put those souls he casts aside,without our master heaven would be full of murderers and vagrants,so you are being deceived in thinking our Master's time is coming to an end,you should not believe all that is written.We would gladly show you what being a possession and having your soul sold to our Master is truly like."
Bhood, I think I'll trust God's proven word rather than anything Satan has to say, but again, it's your choice; good luck with that!
7/13/2016: Janine McCarthy / UK. - "Hi, i'm just curious as to what has happened with the men from the Brotherhood. This has been rather an intriguing thing to read."
Janine, I agree. Sorry I took so long to reply (it's now 7/29/16, over a month since their last comment). The only thought that I have concerning their silence, is that maybe we've given Satan more publicity than he would like.
Enlightenment Note: A recent TV episode of "Prophecy & the End-Times" (July 2016) presented an interview with a, now born-again, former 7th generation Illuminati master or 3rd level witch in the order of the Illuminati. He had authority over several covens in the New England area. Members of these satanic or Luciferian Illuminati groups must ultimately violate all of the ten commandments and pledge allegiance as sold-out servants of Satan & his demons. (Sounds very similar to the Brotherhood.)
According to the interview, in 1776, a defrocked Catholic Jesuit priest, with Rothschild family involvement, designed & drew up the Illuminati manifesto. Their objective - a one-world order, an occultic order, a counterfeit of God's one-world righteous order of Jesus Christ in the millennium. This one-world government would be made up of and is spearheaded by the highest Illuminati members &/or families which control most of the worlds finance, media, & politics. With help from the false prophet (probably someone or group in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church), Satan will manifest himself via some type of great satanic delusion and Antichrist will be set up as the one-world leader. The rest of the story will follow just as the Book of Revelation depicts. - People, WATCH and BE VIGILANT! Don't be deceived! Know & Believe what the Book says.
See also: "Satan & 333" / Choronzon: The Dark Demoness of 333.
9/3/2016: Anonymous - "This is much deeper than what you have thus far seen."
Anonymous, God has given me the responsibility of ministering to 333 people. I don't really have any plans on going deeper. And I'm really hoping He doesn't have any such thoughts.
9/3/2016: Damon - "I kind of feel sorry for the Brothers, maybe they are nothing more than victims of Choronzon themselves."
Damon, I too feel sorry that the Brothers will spend eternity in Hell, but it was their choice, Satan vs God, Jesus, & the Bible. Brandon however I don't believe was given a choice. He's the one who is being victimized by the Brothers (Satanic Ritual Abuse), probably with the help of Choronzon.
9/5/2016: Rev' Timothy - "John please be very careful, exposing the name of a Demon/Demoness is a very dangerous thing to do, but what's done is done. However if anyone reading this feels like they may be a target of this abomination, please seek advice from your nearest Church Leader. May God Bless All. Amen!"
Rev' Timothy, Thank you. Sounds like very good advice. The only thing I would add is "reach out & pray to Jesus"; He gave His life for each and every one of us, He'll certainly not turn His back.
11/12/2016: Ryan Davis / UK. - "Hi, I am just curious to know if Brandon has found our Lord and Saviour as the comments have stopped, with the last one being from a Reverend no less, which I find rather intriguing in itself?"
Ryan, Last month a Brotherhood member commented, - "We thought we'd let you know Brandon is back in the "Loving" arms of his family. Kids are so xxxxxxx stupid, tell them what they want to hear and they'll fall for anything. We won this battle John, but the war rages on."
11/14/2016: Ryan Davis - "That's awful news about Brandon, hopefully it's just someone having a laugh, but I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers regardless. Blessings to all!"
Ryan, Bless you. Of course we can't be certain if this is the truth or just how bad Brandon's situation is. Personally, I too am still praying for him; the battle is not over until our last breath.
11/15/2016: Anthony - "I reckon Brandon going back to his Family would be a kind of twisted form of Stockholm Syndrome." (i.e., sympathizing with ones captors)
Anthony, Yes, sounds likely. It would understandably be particularly hard to break free when it's a lifelong family situation. What a travesty. I hope & pray he's strong enough to seek outside help.
11/22/2016: Timothy / - "John, I agree, the number 3 & it's multiples do have deep spiritual significance. 33 denotes the saving grace of Christ. As for Brandon, 333 is a warning that not believing in God & Jesus will bring judgement upon him."
11/26/2016: Rodney Brennan / London, England. - "I totally agree with Timothy in that Brandon's unbelief will bring God's Judgement upon him, but it also shows how deeply Loving our Heavenly Father is in still wanting this young man to be to a part of his Kingdom through his 333 invitation. Praise be to God! I just hope and pray Brandon hasn't returned to his Family as i am certain they will make sure he never feels God's Grace. That would be a terrible thing, as it seems he has a Good Heart. My Prayers are with him wherever he may be. Blessing in the name of our Father, Amen!"
12/9/2016: James / California. - "If Brandon has returned to his Family, perhaps God already knows his soul is beyond saving and that there is no hope for his salvation."
James, I don't think Brandon's return & God's knowing can be tied together. I'm sure God (& all of us praying for him) still wants Brandon to call out to Jesus. I do wonder however if God is still reaching out to him thru the 333.
1/7/2017: Dante Perez - "If Brandon has returned to his Satanic family and has ignored Gods 333 warning, does that not show that the Devil is more capable of gaining control over someone than God himself, and if that is what has happened then this shows we are truly in scary times!"
Dante, I'm concerned that you may not have enough knowledge of and respect for just how strong, deceitful, & manipulative Satan & his demons truly are! (See Eph.6:12 & many others). The world, I'm afraid, does not know just how truly scary these end-times are going to be! Now concerning Brandon, we also know that God judges the heart and it's been said that Brandon has a good heart. Who knows, he may even be praying to Jesus as he's being manipulated & abused by his family!
1/8/2017: Jason McCleary - "Satan is stronger than God, have you all not figured that out by now, as for Brandon it doesn't take a whole lot of muscle flexing to control him, he has a very weak mind."
Jason, Although it's impossible to feel compassion for you guys, I really do feel sorry for you all. Talk about easily controlled! Surely you know that God made Satan! And when God is finished utilizing him in His mysterious yet majestic plan of redemption & salvation, Satan's fate, along with that of all his poor, pathetic, misguided helpers, will be that of Revelation Chapter 20. Brandon's fate on the other hand may likely be that of Lazarus, Luke 16:19-26.
1/11/2017: Marcus - "The only way our Master would not be needed is if God takes away free will, and if he does that then he is taking away the core essence of human existence. So unless God wants people to become mindless robots we shall always have free will, and therefore, there will always be the unbelievers and the unsaved. So while all you brainwashed Christians continue waiting and waiting and waiting for the return of your Jesus, our Master continues reaping his rewards."
Marcus, I do like your explanation. A bit more detailed then mine, but yes, God does need the good vs evil alternatives for His salvation plan to work. The problem for the satanic realm however is that Jesus is going to return. And it is getting very close! Thinking on this, I almost feel obligated to thank you for your willingness to give up heaven and spend eternity in hell just for us Christians! So nice of you all to support God's plan of salvation!
1/12/2017: Marcus - "There will be plenty of Christians spending an eternity in hell, all those who think they are saved just because they wear a cross around their necks and go to Church on a Sunday, but spend the other six days of the week committing sin, only to then go to Church on Sunday and start the whole thing over again. Christianity is so damn pathetic and very amusing!!!"
Marcus, Again, I mostly agree with you. My sad guess is that most Christians are in name only. Like I say in "Salvation", "obtaining faith is not a very simple process for the natural man". Step 7 and the true born-again experience is so very elusive for so many people. Your Master does such a very good job of promoting his world system.
1/12/2017: Jefferson - "Firstly I want to say I am not a Satanist in any way shape or form, but Marcus's comment about free will has intrigued me somewhat. I know people of faith are waiting for God's Kingdom to descend to earth which will end all wars and suffering and so on. But what I can't figure out is how that can be achieved without taking away our free will, as it is blatantly obvious by the world we live in that free will and peace can never co-exist."
Jefferson, The new world, the Millennium, will be totally different then this present world. Bear in mind that the Tribulation will result in the overthrow of the world system, 2/3rds of the worlds population will be destroyed including the Antichrist & False Prophet, the sheep & the goats will be separated, only the righteous will remain, Satan will be bound in chains & locked up for 1000 years, and Jesus will reign as King of the whole world. Peace will indeed reign for at least 1000 years. Without Satan's influence, man's free will will will peace. See Math.24, Math.25:31-46, Rev.14:14-20, Rev.19 & Rev.20:1-3.
1/18/2017: Matthew Curtis / UK. - "I think Brandon deserves what ever he has got coming to him, God gave us free will to be able to make right decisions about what is best for ourselves, not to keep making decisions that put us in harm's way. That's just bollocks and God has done nothing but waste his time on some who clearly are beyond Redemption."
Mathew, Thank you for your self-righteous thoughts. I can just picture the grin on Satan's face as your free will leads you to joining with him in criticizing God's wisdom!
1/20/2017: Kim / Oklahoma, USA. - "Wow. Just read comments of Brandon. Now I'm Angry! Where are the Police in this matter? How old is Brandon? As i was reading what he wrote I immediately thought, .. ya know Brandon, the Lord knows our hearts and He knows yours. That's why He chose you. The things you say sound just like my son and he grew up with Me. Still probably don't know all of it! But I'll be Shown!!! The same monster is putting this trash in my son's head! For many reasons I know these are the same spirits that have a stronghold on him. Now it's War! And my Jesus and the Holy spirit are stronger! The dark ones will lose In Jesus Name!!! I'm going to War for my son and Brandon! If those people think they can hide from Me,.. Think again!!! I'm Not Alone! Sorry for the anger, but God says get angry but do not sin. I don't always stay in those limits because angry words can sometimes spill out, but it's out of Love! Please share on here "He's my son" by Mark Schultz. For my Son and Brandon and Many others. If that doesn't make the Christians want to fight for women's sons , then I don't know what would!"
Kim, Bless you & Bless you! A lot of prayers are behind you.
2/17/2017: Rev. James Hollander - " Kim, if more people were willing to fight against Satan and his followers the world would not be in the deep darkness we find it in now. I pray by the Grace of God that your son, as well as Brandon, are given the strength to fight against the Evil that is surrounding them both. God Bless you, and keep fighting. Amen!"
2/26/2017: Kim - "Thank you Rev James. I truly appreciate that. This is my thinking as well. I think that people have a fear. I totally understand. I just think we need to reverently remember that eternity is an awful lot longer than our time here, ..and that our goal is there. I do hope more will catch on. God says we're to share the load,..not just leave it to a few. Thank you for your prayers so very much... and all the other prayer warriors out there. God bless you All... In Jesus precious name, Amen."
"And Hey John, i just wanted to reiterate and let the brotherhood Know, as I know you have, that they've been lied to! Don't you all know that the master you speak of is a liar? I mean come on! That's what he does! Now, let me tell you How i know! Ok?? .... I've been shown! God graciously showed me a vision of hell; just the top part of hell. And let me tell you... You won't be torching anyone! Only the demons like you've entertained here will be doing the torching you speak of... on you. They have authority, ..not you. - So just remember that if you continue your pursuit of following the liars,.. you've been told the truth.
And for that matter,..the people i saw roaming the top part of hell are not aware of the lost around them, they are too busy being told over and over and over all their wrongs. They can not speak, they only scream out every now and then. So what makes anyone think that you'll be getting to do Anything At All in hell?! You'll only be a puppet of torture for the demons. Now that's the truth. - - Hope you change your mind before it's too late. Now that you've been told the truth and continue to believe the lies, will never be able to say to The Lord, didn't know. God bless you all and read His Word! The one with All Power and Authority! Jesus... Amen."
Kim, Bless you. I know it's a long shot, but Hopefully there are one or two wise out there who will heed your wisdom.
3/1/2017: Note: Anonymous Brotherhood guy, I received your comment & forwarded to Kim. She would have loved to respond also; however, as I told her, I’m not going to allow God's 333 site to be a platform for Satan nor a boisterous boxing arena between Good & Evil. And, concerning Brandon, although you-all may have his body, we’re confident that our God will ultimately provide for the redemption of his spirit. It’s just a shame that you-all have been so deceived. My God have mercy on you and your victims.
3/14/2017: Found article, "Ex-Satanist Radically Saved & Baptized". See story below.
5/18/2017: Anna Kowalski - "Reading Brandon v Satan, I just wanted to give that boy a big hug, I could feel his pain in the words he wrote."
10/15/2017: Sully / Melbourne, Australia. - "I started to notice 333 about six months ago, and as a Ex-Satanist, recent Christian Convert, I feel that seeing these numbers and stumbling across this website is all the proof I need to know that the road to God is the right one for me. I do have to add, I was Chilled to the bone after reading the Brandon vs Satan page. I will send my prayers to Brandon and pray he can somehow break free as I did. Anyway, Cheers Mate to a very helpful Site!"
Sully, Praise God!!! And Bless your new walk. I'm guessing this is what your 333 was all about.
10/29/2020: Brandon G - "If there is a so called God who wants as many souls as possible to be saved, then why does he allow something like the coronavirus to kick off in the first place? I think the existence of God is a load of Bull crap and the only thing that truly exists in this world is Evil."
Brandon G, Wow! If this "our" Brandon, it's so good to hear from you. You must be 25yrs old now. Hoping you are well. Anyhow, your question is similar to age old questions such as 'Why does God allow bad things happen to good people?' Or 'Why doesn't God just get rid of Satan & the other fallen angels?' 'Why did God even allow Satan to be the ruler of this world in the first place?' These are very deep theological questions. An even bigger question, 'Why would an all-mighty God allow His only beloved Son be ruthlessly tortured & killed so that those who believe will be saved?!!' (John 3:16) And why would Jesus agree too it?!! Sounds a bit ridicules, but then why did all the apostles & so many others give their lives for it?!! - - It all has to do with free will. God is real & He's not a bully. He wants a family of believers who are truly devoted to Him and to righteousness. Then, at His timing, which is getting close, He will take care of Satan & the evil of this world per Revelation Chapter 20. Meanwhile, don't be surprised when we encounter worse things than coronavirus to test our perseverance and to separate the believers from the unbelievers. See "Brace Yourself".
Wishing you continued growth, wisdom, & insight. Bless you.
Brandon, I've learned to never say never! Moreover, I think it's to people like you, people like I & many others use to be, that God is particularly directing the 333/SOS. See 'Why Certain People".
10/20/15: Brandon / Australia. - "Me again, I read your article "why certain people" and if God knows all our minds, then why is he offering salvation to those that will not accept it? I needed God to exist when I was a kid, now I'm in my twenties, I don't need him, so surely, if he knows all, wouldn't he know this?"
Brandon, Did you read the whole thing? It seems to me that you are exactly one of the types of people that God is trying to reach. Now, in the future, when you have truly lost salvation & heaven, you won't be able to come back and place any blame on God by saying, "but God, you never warned me!". You'll have given God (and me) a clear conscience. Like Ezekiel 33:4 says, "your blood will be on your own head". Praying you reconsider; time is running short. See "Salvation".
10/21/15: "I read it, I'm not trying to piss anyone off, I'm really not, it's just I come from a family who are about as unholy as you can get and then I start seeing 333 and everyone here are all like praise the lord and all that. It just makes me a bit cautious as to why he would offer salvation to someone who doesn't deserve it. People just always seem so quick to jump on the praise the lord wagon! After all, isn't Satan a trickster, he too can play at 333."
Brandon, Only God can judge a person's true salvation. Moreover, the new members of Paul's 1st Corinthians Church were likely worse than you or anyone you know! Yet the Corinthians were saved (because they accepted Jesus as Lord & Savior) even though they were still very carnal. Jesus, the God of this universe, suffered & died on the cross for sinners (Math.9:13, Rom.5:8, 1st Tim.1:15).
Satan could play at 333, but why would he draw attention to Jesus! 333 is a loving invitation, but also a warning that one needs to get close to Jesus. Again, Ezekiel 33:3 & 4. See "Satan's Number Game"/"Satan & 333".
10/21/15: Kirsty / Australia. - "I'm a friend of Brandon. I was the one who told him about your site after he said that he had been seeing 333 as well. I just wanted to tell you he really is a good person, he'll do anything for his Mates, he'll even go out of his way to move a caterpillar off the road so it wont get squashed. I thought if he saw how people here were seeing 333 as a good thing he might too, but it doesn't seem to have worked out like that. Anyway I just wanted you to know."
Kristy, Thank you. It seems that you do really care about this young man. It seems like he really does have a good heart, but has just likely had to deal with a difficult childhood. I'm praying that somehow someone can provide the truth & spiritual guidance that he seems to be so reaching out for. There's a book, "Mere Christianity", that really helped me understand God and His plan for us. The author, C.S.Lewis, is a famous deceased Englishman. He also wrote the "Chronicles of Narnia"; maybe you saw the movie. - May God bless you and Brandon.
10/24/15: Brian / Sydney Australia. - "I feel so blessed to be one of the ones the Lord has chosen to be part of his 333 message, Praise the Lord. But i also feel rather ashamed of myself for the unchristian thoughts i have had towards the comments made by young Brandon. Having told my lovely wife of these thoughts, she was quick to mend my ways by saying "none of us can make judgement on those we do not know and God is reaching out to this lad for a reason". She is right, as usual, God really does work in mysterious ways. Praise the Lord, Amen!"
10/25/15: Doug / New Zealand. - "Well it seems some of us have been quite unchristian in our thoughts towards Brandon. God can obviously see something in this kid worth saving and who are we to question God! All i can say is, i hope and pray Brandon accepts Gods hand and his offer of Salvation. God Bless!"
Doug, Well put! Salvation is offered to so many out there and not only via the 333 invitation/warning. The really big & generally quite humbling step is accepting God's offer and acknowledging what God & Jesus sacrificed for us. Here too, praying Brandon can handle that.
10/25/15: Corey / Melbourne Australia. - "My two older Brothers are Satan Worshipers, I don't have much to do with them at all as they scare the crap out of me. For the last three to four months I have been seeing 333 and I'm really, really scared this is Satan trying to draw me in. How can I tell if this is good or a bad thing?"
Corey, I'm sure you have seen Brandon's story (starting at 10/10/15). 333 is not a deception of Satan. Please believe me & the many others who have commented here; this is God's warning & invitation for you to search Him out & get yourself born-again. Review page 1 of this site as a start. And don't neglect to ask Him personally, Jeremiah 33:3. Also see "Satan & 333" and "Salvation".
10/26/15: Shamus / Ireland. - "Greetings, i thought i would just put my two bits worth in about Brandon. At first, having read his comments, i was like "you're on the wrong website, you little shite". But then i read what Doug said about "who are we to question God?", and now it makes me think, God surely wouldn't waste his time on a soul that is beyond saving. So if Brandon ever reads this, i just want too say, son i hope you open your heart too God, you will not regret it, i promise you that. Take care and God Bless!!!"
Shamus, well said, I'm sure you express the thoughts of so many of us here.
10/26/15: Maureen / England. - "Hi, I am writing to say I find Brandon's story actually rather sad indeed. For anyone to describe their family as, "unholy as you can get", one can only imagine what that childhood must have been like. Also when he says he will never accept God, i truly believe this is a defense mechanism. As people who are abused are constantly told they are worthless, so i think he is rejecting God as he probably feels he is not worthy of Gods love, even though God is clearly reaching out to him. So how very sad is that, that he feels compelled to reject first rather than risk being rejected. Well one can only pray that somehow he finds Gods love that is trying to embrace him. Praise the Lord, Amen!"
Maureen, Amen indeed!!
10/27/15: Trinity / Ireland. - "This is for Brandon, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE believe that seeing 333 is a wonderful gift and not a sinister trick by Satan. God is calling out to his children, but it seems not all are receiving that call or else the whole world would be seeing 333, so please don't ignore it. I am praying you see this as the blessing it truly is. GOD BLESS!!!"
Trinity, Amen!
10/27/15: Leonie / Australia. - "Brandon truly is one of those good hearted souls that seems to be getting increasingly harder to find; I mean it's virtually impossible to find any young man that even notices a caterpillar let alone thinks to remove one so it doesn't get squashed. That is so rare, he definitely sounds like a soul worth saving. God bless him and all of us!"
10/29/15: Dwight / USA. - "This is in regards to Brandon. I am probably going to sound like a real ass here, but when i was growing up, i copped a few backhanders from my daddy. It ain't never done me harm and didn't stop me finding the word of God. Personally i think half of what is wrong with the world today is parents don't give their kids enough backhanders. I don't know, perhaps my way of thinking is a bit old school. Anyway, having said all that, i sincerely pray that boy finds salvation. God bless y'all."
Dwight, Bless you. Sounds like you can truly relate to Brandon; "backhanders" don't seem to correlate very well with a nurtured, loving childhood. I'm sure we all agree with not sparing the rod, but as long as it's done in love, not anger.
10/29/15: Jared / England. - "I started seeing 333 about 4yrs ago and I knew instantly this was a message from God. It does however upset me greatly when people like Corey and Brandon are unable to tell the difference between an attack by Satan and an Embrace by God. I could just not imagine having that turmoil inside of me as i have always felt Gods love; a love i wish all mankind could feel. I do believe end-times are upon us as the signs are everywhere and I pray, pray, pray that people do open their eyes and believe this is real. But i guess it's like the old saying "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink". GOD BLESS ALL!!!"
Jared, Blessings to you. Keep spreading the word.
10/29/15: Alfie / New Zealand. - "It sounds to me like Satan has already got his claws into Brandon, so why are you all praying for a soul that has already gone dark side?"
Alfie, We're just following & trying to do the will of Jesus; He never forsook the demon-suppressed or possessed. And I think were all going to add you to our prayer lists as well! May God bless you.
10/30/15: Sarah / - "Hi, firstly i want to apologize as this has nothing to do with seeing 333, but i come from a very devout Christian family and i showed my parents what Brandon had written and instantly my father said "that boy needs salvation". So we too would like to pray he accepts Gods hand.....Praise the Lord, Amen!!"
Sarah, Thank you.
10/31/15: Gabriel - "You all need to stop praying for Brandon, that kid's soul will soon belong to OUR Lord, can't you hear it!!! Do you people really think your prayers are any match for OUR LORD, take a look at the state of the world, our Master is the one true God, beautiful and powerful, if your God loves you, then why has he left you here? And if our Master wants that kid's soul or any soul, he'll HAVE it and not your god or your jesus will stop him."
Gabriel, Thank you. Thank you for strengthening our faith & our resolve. May the Lord have pity on your soul.
10/31/15: Maureen / England. - "Oh my goodness, Evil has shown it's face, one must feel a great sorrow for Gabriel's parents for having given their son the name of an archangel. One would assume they wished for great things for him, how very, very disappointed they must be. As for Alfie, i feel you are not quite at Gabriel's level of Evilness, so i shall say this; when we as Christians find a soul that seems to be struggling and lost as we have found in Brandon, one feels it is our duty to try and lead that soul back to where it truly belongs, in the warm embrace of God. Whether that be in person or through prayers, we will do our duty, and when it comes down to it, we are doing no one any harm by doing so, so please do not say such negative words and i shall pray for your soul also, if it is not already to late to do so. Praise the Lord, Amen!"
Maureen, Very well put. Thank you & bless you.
10/31/15: Trent / USA. - "I'm on the same thinking as Dwight, kids are allowed to get away with to much these days, my old man brought out his belt anytime i did something wrong, yet i never questioned Gods love for me. So when punishment crosses the line into brutality (that's what it sounds like to me with Brandon) and has someone questioning whether they are worthy of Gods love, well that just ain't right in anyone's book. So here too, i'm sending out my prayers to Brandon. God bless!"
Trent, Thank you & God Bless You.
10/31/15: Trinity / Ireland. - "OH MY GOSH, what Gabriel said has given me the absolute Chills, Satan's foot soldiers are lurking, this is very bad, BE CAREFUL, AND GOD BLESS US ALL!!!!"
10/31/15: Reece / USA. - "I started seeing 333 about nine months ago. I knew it was happening but i didn't pay much attention to it. Now i have been reading the comments from Gabriel and Alfie and it's kind of getting a bit scary. Is end-times going to be a battle for all our souls?"
Reece, It's been a battle since the Garden of Eden and Satan is definitely wining! Praying you know Jesus and are born-again.
10/31/15: Mitchell / Australia. - "I started seeing the numbers 333 about 6mths ago and while I have never been a religious person, I am open to it. So do I just pick a church and go? I'm not real sure how it all works."
Mitchell, See "Salvation". Bless you.
11/1/15: Declan / Wales. - "I began seeing 333 about two months ago and unlike some other people, I do not feel like this is a trick by Satan, so I am accepting this as a warning for me to seek salvation. My parents are not religious, but they give me their full support towards my journey of salvation."
Declan, A wise man! With wise parents! May God bless & reward you.
11/2/15: Chris / - "This thing with Brandon is getting crazy, be careful everyone!!!!!"
11/2/15: Regina / - "Oh my gosh, i am freaking out right now with the whole Brandon thing! I have not been able to let go of my cross. I want to send a prayer, but I am too scared of drawing attention to myself! I am so sorry, but i just can't do it."
Regina, Please don't fear. See Brandon vs Satan above and Psalms 27:1, 121:1-8, Prov.29:25, Rom.8:28,29,31,35-39 & Jude 24-25. God watches over His children.
11/2/15: Elizabeth / New Zealand "Hello John. Oh Dear, things do seem to be going from bad to worse for Brandon, i think however we should count our blessings that only one EVIL being has appeared, as i do get the feeling Alfie may just be attention seeking. Gabriel is a different story though, i do feel his evilness. Please be careful and i shall pray for all of us, Praise the Lord."
Elizabeth, I agree. Bless you.
11/2/15: Oscar Garcia / Australia. - "Id liked to say a few words about Brandon because I can relate to the way he feels about humanity and therefor he has taken it out on God. Brandon, I see a great warrior of God in you. I too have suffered greatly. I can't think of anyone who has had more failures than me, but one day in the lowest of my lowers, I made a conscious decision that if I was gonna continue living, at least I was gonna try and believe in something and I was gonna go at it 100%. Loyalty, commitment , respect, honor, and love played a big part in that decision. And Brandon, I can honestly tell you that that decision has been the best decision I've ever made. My family was all but gone head first into the world you know, but God used me to help them find what they where looking for in Christ Jesus. And I'm not just talking preaching here, I'm talking miracles. God supernaturally moved to help my family. But he needs us, YOU/ME, true warriors who will not give up so easily. Throughout the bible you read great stories about the way God chooses people to manifest his will. Brandon, God's chosen warrior, accept this invitation and put on the armor of God, It has your name on it. Come on mate!!."
Oscar, Wise & heart- felt message.
11/2/15: Daryl / "I'm definitely seeking Salvation, I do not want to end up in Brandon's situation, that's some scary stuff!!!!"
Daryl, wise decision. But, believe me, Brandon is not as bad off as some others here! He may still find salvation; many others won't.
11/3/15: Daphne / England. - "I would like to send out my prayers to Brandon as well, this is really, really awful and sad. God bless."
11/3/15: Trish / New Zealand. - "Hi, I would like to send my prayers to Brandon and to any other poor soul Satan has taken an interest in. God bless you all."
Trish, Bless you.
11/3/15: Brian / Sydney Australia. - "Wow it seems things have gone a bit haywire since i was last on this website! I read the Brandon vs Satan section and comments and thought, 'well that doesn't sound very good at all', so i am praying everyone stays safe. Praise the Lord, Amen!"
Brian, Bless you & your wife. And we all need to remember, "All things work together for good to those who love the Lord".
11/4/15: Mark / England. - "Brandon says that Satan is a trickster and he doesn't feel like his 333 is a msg from God. Perhaps Satan could be playing a nasty trick on him, because everyone else believes their 333 is from God and if it is Satan playing a game on that sucks big time, poor kid."
Mark, In my engineering education I took logic courses. That's just not logical in my eyes. Actually, I really don't care who or what is sending the 333, as long as Brandon responds to it and gets to know Jesus! Furthermore, Satan would have no idea whether he would or not, only God is all knowing.
See "Satan's Number Game" / "Satan & 333".
11/4/15: Brian / Sydney, (again). - "My wife was not happy when she found out i hadn't added her in my last comment, so i'm in the dog house, again! No, it's all good, but we BOTH send our prayers this time. Praise the Lord, Amen!"
11/4/15: Shaun / Limerick, Ireland. - "I would like to send my prayers to Brandon and to all those who are suffering from the Evil forces who dwell in the shadows; you will see the light once again. God Bless."
11/4/15: Shayla / New Zealand. - "Isn't this proof that Gods power is stronger with all the good prayers that are going out, but yet there has only been one real negative msg from someone like Gabriel???"
11/4/15: Eduardo / Brazil. - "i very sorry of boy Brandon; i send good prays. i sorry of the the English is very bad, Gods bless.
Eduardo, Thank You & God Bless You.
11/4/15: Connor / Wales. - "If Brandon doesn't have it in him to believe in God, why not let Satan come after him, won't that make him change his mind????"
Connor, Satan would not bother going after him at this point. Brandon, like so many others in the world, is exactly where Satan wants him, in unbelief & destined for hell.
11/4/15: Chelsea / USA. - "My Mom used to warn me when i was a kid, "Satan is alive and well". But i would just giggle at her. I guess now she was right all along."
Chelsea, Praise God for moms!
11/4/15: Alex / Canada. - "Let Satan have him, he should be punished for turning his back on Gods love."
Alex, Right now, I'm afraid I have more faith that I'll see Brandon in heaven than I would see you there. See Concerning believers vs unbelievers above.
11/4/15: Ygritte / Finland. - "I am sending out my prayers to all those lost, broken souls out there, I pray Jesus can lead you all back home to God. God Bless!!!"
11/4/15: Devon -"Well I'd smack Brandon around a few times and tell him to wake up to the fact that not everyone is seeing 333 so he should feel lucky."
Devon, Same as Alex, above.
11/4/15: Anonymous. - "I used to be very abusive towards my wife and kids, so much so that you could say i dragged them into the depths of Hell with me. But then i found the word of God and what was a house of fear and terror has now become a home of Love and Laughter. I don't know what Brandon's family put him through, but i can imagine knowing what i put my family through. I can't take away his pain, but i can send him my prayers and pray somehow he too can find Gods Love. Praise the Lord, Amen!"
Anonymous, What an appropriate & refreshing testimony. Thank You So Much!
11/4/15: Wayne - "Sometimes,some people need a real good ass kicking to make them see sense, like with brandon, god is reaching out to him and the kid can't make heads or tails of it."
Wayne, Same as Alex & Devon above.
11/5/15: Rakesh - "I would like to send my prayers to Brandon and to all the good people of the world as Satan's strength grows ever stronger. Please remember good always triumphs over Evil and God will prevail. God bless each and everyone of us, Amen!
Rakesh, Thank You!
11/5/15: Dylan - "I have begun my journey towards Salvation, and I will never look back.
Thank you!"
Dylan, Another one of the wise. Praise God!
11/5/15: Mike - "I will gladly give Brandon a taste of what it will be like being Satan's guest, that will make him seek salvation!"
11/5/15: Nathan - "I'm with Alex, let Satan have him, after he's been a few rounds with Satan perhaps in his next life he will know God!"
11/5/15: Thomas / England. - "Everyone is going to look like scared fools if 333 is Satan's trick."
11/5/15: Rory / Scotland. - "Well it sounds like Brandon's family have already given him a taste of what hell will be like, so you'd think he would be the first in line for Salvation."
11/5/15: Dean / England. - "Who knows, maybe Satan wants Brandon as a sidekick and not someone to kick around?"
11/6/15: Kevin / USA. -"Maybe Brandon's family knew the devil was inside and were just trying to beat it out of him, like an exorcism of sorts, that's possible, though I don't think it worked."
11/6/15: Steve / England. - "If Brandon was my kid i would grab him by the scruff of the neck and drag him to the nearest Minister and bloody force Salvation on him."
I really shouldn't be giving this type of unregenerate the satisfaction of posting such garbage. I'm sure they really have no business being on this site. But they certainly show the contrast between good & evil. I can't help pity them. Maybe something will rub off, but I doubt it. I'm thinking they're likely in the group that God would not send a 333 because their hearts are just too hard.
11/6/15: Rochelle - "I would like to send my prayers to everyone who is in a dark place right now, God will help you, if you allow him into your Heart. God Bless!"
Rochelle, Bless You. There is a lot of heart work needed here.
11/6/15: Lori / USA. - "For all those who are attacking Brandon. You guys are so nasty. Nice way to kick a kid when he's down. I think Y'all could do with some Salvation yourselves."
Lori, I think you're being a little too nice, but, Amen & Thank You.
11/6/15: Bridget - "My Mum said some souls deserve to rot in hell but that Brandon was not one of them, so we both hope he can find Salvation."
Bridget, Well said.
11/6/15: Ricky - "If Brandon is a good person and hasn't done anything wrong, wouldn't God still take his soul to heaven?"
11/6/15: Jesse - "Why don't people like Brandon who don't believe in God just accept Salvation anyway?"
Ricky & Jesse, There's going to be a lot of "good" people in hell. There's only one way to get saved and get to heaven. You first have to believe in God. And not only that, you have to believe (I mean really appreciate, with all your heart), that God gave His son, Jesus, who was beaten, nailed to a cross, and died for you. And that God raised Him from the dead!
Really hoping you guys can do that. See "Salvation".
11/6/15: Anonymous - "This is actually really upsetting for me. Brandon sounds exactly like my brother did when he was younger, saying he doesn't believe in God and he doesn't need him. Now my brother is so far into Satan's world there's no way he is coming out of it. I'm afraid Brandon is on that same road, he's not there yet, but the more he rejects God, the closer he will get, especially having a bad childhood behind him. It will take one tiny thing to make him snap and Satan will have him, and that kid will be just like my brother, on a one way ticket to hell. Believe me, I have seen it, I just hope that doesn't happen."
Anonymous, Wow! Thank you so much for sharing this. God Bless You!
11/7/15: Brooke - "Can a prayer be sent to someone that will give them salvation without them knowing??"
Brooke, Wouldn't that be nice! And just in case you're serious, no. See Ricky & Jesse 11/6/15.
11/7/15: Debra / USA. - "Hi, started seeing 333 about four months ago and i must admit i have been rather slack in my adult years towards my Christian faith. Could this be a warning of sorts because my faith has somewhat dwindled?"
Debra, Very possible. See "Why Certain People".
11/7/15: Connie - "Oh my gosh,why do people say such cruel things, I just don't understand some people, I would pray for their souls but I think I would be wasting my breath!!!
11/7/15: Laina / New Zealand. - "Why do people say such horrible, horrible things, I don't get some people:-("
11/7/15: Jaymee - "I just can't believe how cruel some people can be. What they say, it's just awful! I am sending my prayers to Brandon and to all the good people out there. God bless!"
11/8/15: Anne - "I can't believe how horrible the comments are from those men. They are absolutely disgusting human beings."
11/8/15: Ruth - "The comments from those men are so disgusting, i can actually hear the laughter in their words. Absolutely disgusting! They are Evil in all it's glory."
11/8/15: Fiona - "What Evil, Evil men! To say such horrible things towards a poor kid they don't even know, i actually feel like crying right now."
11/8/15: Rachel - "God wouldn't have sent those nasty, horrible men the 333 msg, so how did they even know to come here to spread their hate??"
Ladies, God is very gracious & patient. I'm sure He has or will give bad & even evil people one last chance to repent. But, I tend to agree with you, it seems their hearts have been hardened beyond hope, so much so, that they're likely beyond an end-times 333 invitation/warning.
Now, I wasn't going to share this, but maybe the following anonymous comments will shed some light on the entire issue. I believe the evil here is far beyond what any of us can really fathom; even beyond Gabriel's comment of 10/31/15. Your mouths are going to drop and you're going to want to comment; please don't, just take it in, say "Oh my God", and pray! These end-time days will continue to get darker & darker, & darker!
11/2/15: "Come join us john, we GIVE you the kid, we can not make it any sweeter than that, you can spend an eternity xxxxxxx him, flogging him, flaying him, torturing him, blood eagling is also a good choice, you can do whatever you want to do to him john, no one will stop you, but there are plenty waiting in line for their eternity of ripping this kid and all the gathered souls into shreds, so we will not contact you again, you know our offer, but heed our warning john, stop praying for this kid, his fate was sealed a long time ago, you can not save him. So when your ready to accept that our Master is the one true God, just look for us in the deep, dark corners of the world, we'll be waiting for you.......Oh and john, GOD BLESSSSS!"
11/7/15: "Maybe Brandon IS Satan, mutton dressed up as lamb. Bring him my way, i'll beat the crap out of him until he doesn't know what day of the week it is and tell him that is what his future in hell will be like. He'll find the word of god!"
11/7/15: "Our apologies john, some of The Brothers posted some comments for a bit of entertainment. The Elder ones have since ordered them to stand down as we are here only for observation."
11/8/15: Emma - "Me and my sisters Ebony and Chantelle have decided to find Salvation and we wanted to thank you for creating this website. And we would like to thank Brandon (if he ever reads this), because if he had never came to this site, these conversations probably wouldn't have happened and we would not have realized how important Salvation really is. So from the bottom of our Hearts, we want to thank you both. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!!!xxx"
Emma, Wow! I agree. But I believe we primarily need to thank God. I'm certain it was He who orchestrated this whole Brandon/Satan thing; for your good & His glory. Praise God!! Bless You All.
11/9/15: Jenna - "I am seeking Salvation, thankyou and thankyou Brandon!"
11/9/15: Richard - "My journey towards Salvation has begun, thankyou so much."
11/9/15: Jessica - "I am starting my journey towards Salvation and i send my best wishes to all the good people out there! XO"
11/9/15: Sarah & Jaymee - " Who are they observing?" "Are they observing all of us?"
For All, Particularly you new seekers: 1 Peter 5:8 "Be self-controlled & alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking (observing) for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith". Also see verse 15, Mark 4:1-20.
Also, concerning all the good people out there who expressed concern for Brandon, where did you come from? Are you 333 people? If so, when did it start, why do you think it was given to you, and, if appropriate, what have you done about it? I'm sure many besides myself would be interested.
11/9/15: Andrew - "How amazingly awesome would it be if God sent Brandon to help you, to help guide people towards Salvation, God would know Satan's demons would follow Brandon and show their true Evilness to the you think that could be possible?????"
Andrew, Very!
11/9/15: Lucas - "maybe you could turn Brandon Vs Satan into some kind of book....i would buy it!"
Lucas, Nice thought.
11/10/15: Louise - "I agree with what you said in your reply to Emma that God may have Orchestrated the Whole Brandon/Satan thing, i mean no one has any idea whatsoever who Brandon is, he has never come back and commented again, maybe he's not meant to, maybe through Brandon, this is Gods way of asking you to do more to show people he really wants them to be with him in heaven, i don't know, i just get the feeling this is an important thing that is happening here, and i am not real sure what you can do with it all, but if God does have his hand in this, i am sure he will show you the way. God bless!"
Louise, I was just this morning praying about this, and will be continuing to do so. Thank you & God bless You. God does work in mysterious ways His wonders to perform!
11/10/15: Caitlyn - "Hi, I am a bit frightened of sending a prayer for Brandon because of those men called the brothers, so i will just send out my prayers to all the good people of the world and pray that all who need Salvation can find it. God bless All."
Caitlyn, I'm not quite sure how to take this. I'm sure you know that if you're born-again, you have the Holy Spirit residing in you and "the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world", 1 John 4:4. So I guess we can assume that you are indeed praying for Brandon's salvation also, as we all are. Bless you.
11/11/15: Christopher - "I don't think Caitlyn should be afraid to send Brandon a prayer, because he has seen God's 333, that must mean God is with him, right? I think the brothers know this and they are the ones who are afraid. That is why they have posted those comments about attacking him .....that's what i believe!!!"
Christopher, Well, almost right. 333 is God's invitation to Brandon for him to be with God. But, Brandon has to accept the invitation. He, as we all do, has to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior. The Brothers (& Satan) are afraid that he will and they'll loose his soul, i.e., all our prayers.
11/10/15: Joanne - "I agree with Louise, i too get the feeling something important has happened, maybe you could start a TV program and spread the importance of Salvation through the media or write a book about it. Sorry, i might sound a bit over excited, but i think it is exciting!!!"
Joanne, I and it seems others agree. This is a very poignant story. I wish I were more capable. It is in God's hands, I'm open & praying.
11/10/15: Jaymee / Australia, (11/7 comment) - "I come from Darwin Australia, i am a 333 person and i am still not sure what it means for me. Perhaps i was lead here to help send out prayers, i don't know, if that is what i am meant to do, i am happy just doing that. God bless."
11/12/15: Ruth / England, (11/8 comment) - "I started seeing 333 approximately 2 years ago, I came to this website searching for answers like everyone else and then I read Brandon Vs Satan and felt more compelled to voice my disgust at those horrible men than I did finding out the meaning of 333. I am sorry the main reason for this site is for 333, I just could not help myself."
11/12/15: Fiona / New Zealand, (11/8 comment) - "Hi again, I began seeing 333 around about one year ago, i was just searching for answers i guess like everyone else and i was absolutely disgusted when i read what those men had written towards a poor kid who had already been abused, to what extent who knows, it really broke my heart. And i am still not sure why i have been given the 333 sign!!!"
Ladies: Bless you. I'm praying the Lord will provide additional insight as to your 333 calling. I'm sure you have, but ask Him again.
11/12/15: Connie /Canada (11/7 comment) - "Hi, i am so sorry, i completely forgot to mention my 333, i was just so angry at that group of men for being so cruel towards Brandon, it was just disgusting. Anyway, my 333 started about 4yrs ago and it kind of comes and goes, do you have any theories as to why that might happen?
Connie, I don't know your relationship with the Lord. My only thought or concern is that I hope the 333 doesn't stop for good without your having had a truly born-again personal relationship with Jesus. Thank you & God bless you.
11/12/15: Callum - "In that creepy msg, they say Brandon's fate is already sealed, what does that mean, what fate????"
Callum, They, Satan's messengers, were talking of his eternal fate, either heaven or hell. When they said Brandon's fate is sealed, they lied, just like Satan did with Eve. Nobody's fate is sealed until death. Before that, we all have a chose to make. This is why salvation is so very important.
11/12/15: Bridget / Australia. - "I started seeing 333 about 5 months ago, i am not religious, but having seen the thing with Brandon, i think i may seek my own Salvation:-)"
11/12/15: Ashlee / England. - "Hi, i started seeing 333 about 1mth ago, i have never been religious but i might seek Salvation after reading what has been going on with Brandon, that is really scary!!!"
Bridget & Ashlee, Hell is definitely a bad place! Blessings on your journeys.
11/13/15: Rakesh (11/5 comment) - "I am originally from India but I now live in England. I began seeing 333 about 2 months ago and I feel so blessed to be part of Gods message, what ever God asks of me I shall do with Honor and pride. Once again I send my prayers to Brandon in the hope he finds Salvation. GOD BLESS ALL!"
Rakesh, I feel you understand this, but I always need to reiterate, God's foremost objective with the 333 is an end-time warning to those who do not know Jesus as their Lord & Savior. God expects us to spread this message and save souls before it's to late. Thank you again & God bless you.
11/13/15: Bree / Canada. - "Hi, i began seeing 333 about 2 months ago and i want to begin my journey to Salvation but my family are not religious, so how do i choose which religious path to follow?"
Bree, The God of the bible is the one who is sending you the 333 invitation/SOS warning. John 3:3 says "Unless a man be born-again, he cannot see the kingdom of God". See "Salvation". Bless you in your quest.
11/13/15: Dion / Wales. - "What does born-again mean exactly anyway and why do we have to be born-again to accept the 333 invitation?....So that means the only chance for Brandon or anyone to be saved is they have to be born-again first, that kind of doesn't seem fair really!"
Dion, Fair by whose standard is the question. God said it, I believe it! Understand that the invitation is to become a spiritual son of a Holy, Almighty God. It's not like an invitation to a friends wedding. It requires a totally humbling acceptance of God's son Jesus as your Lord & Savior. See "Salvation".
11/13/15: Tyler / USA. - "My parents brought me up to believe that people who are not with God, must be with Satan, maybe that's why Brandon is rejecting God!"
Tyler, Your parents are pretty much right. But I'm not quite sure what you mean by with God. We're not really with God or saved or children of God until after we're born-again. See "Salvation".
11/13/15: Nate - "Maybe Brandon was one of The Brothers and has tried to leave them and they won't allow that to happen, perhaps that is what they mean by his fate is sealed!"
Nate, I suppose you're relating this to a mafia type of involvement. Never the less, Brandon still has a chance at salvation as long as he's alive. God will forgive him of anything, but, Brandon has to make the choice. And if that means death, he'll be much better off than spending eternity in hell!
11/16/15: Scott - "I started seeing 333 about 2 years ago and i like Brandon don't believe in God or Satan for that matter and i think religions were just formed to keep people brainwashed and under control, so i have no idea why i would be seeing 333."
Scott, I could have said the exact same thing up until I was 44. Refer to "Why Certain People".
11/16/15: Naomi - "Hi, i began seeing 333 about 5months ago, i still haven't figured out why i am seeing 333 but i am sure in time i will. I would also like to send my prayers to Brandon and to anyone one else who is in desperate need of Gods love. God bless all! XO"
11/16/15: Leon - "I don't understand why it seems so hard for people like Brandon to accept Gods hand, i know he says he doesn't believe, but wouldn't it be better for him or anyone to know their soul is safe rather than risk Satan digging his claws in??"
Leon, I agree, but most people, like Scott above, & myself for 44 years, are just too stubborn, self-centered, &/or brainwashed by Satan & the world.
11/17/15: Marie - "I have just been reading what some of that group of men say they would like to do to Brandon and i just can't believe how cruel people can be, it's just horrible, those men truly are Evil."
11/27/15: Darren - "I think Brandon may have a darker past than what it seems, maybe he was a dabbler or a worshiper, i'm not sure, but the brothers seem hell bent on keeping him in their world for some reason, i just hope God knows what he's doing sending this kid the 333, something sure doesn't seem right here."
Darren, I think that a dabbler or Satan worshiper is exactly the type of person our God would send a 333 warning/invitation. God loves all sinners & would really like to see them repent, acknowledge him, & get themselves born-again.
11/30/15: Simon - "I mostly agree with Leon, but when you have someone like Brandon it's not so much the fact he doesn't believe, it's that he doesn't think he's worthy of Gods love; that's a very sad way for someone to be in. I don't know how he or anyone who feels that way will ever be able to find gods hand!"
Simon, In actuality, it's the people who think that they are worthy of God's love that I tend to feel sorry for. God is so very, very much beyond what we might think is righteous. They my likely not have the humility, humbleness, or thankfulness that it takes to really know & appreciate God or Jesus well enough to be saved, to be born-again, to be children of the family of God. Pride can be a devastating enemy and tool of Satan.
12/2/15: Danielle - "I think Brandon's family are the ones that need prayers for Salvation for treating him so badly, they sound like they are the ones who are closer to Satan's world, more so than Brandon. I think there is still a chance for Brandon to find Salvation; he doesn't sound completely lost to God, and at the end of the day, God knows what he is doing. God bless!"
Danielle, Amen!! Amen!!
12/5/15: Paul - "I think Alex is right, maybe the only way for Brandon to know God is to let Satan rip into him, then he will either scramble his way out of Satan's grip and find Gods word, or he'll decide to stay with Satan and therefore he deserves all the pain and suffering that comes with that decision."
Paul, Similar to Alex, I would venture to say that Satan already has his grip on you. You are in the deceivers pocket. So much so, I would guess he'll likely bless you, as one of his, so that you won't even consider accepting Jesus as your Lord & Savior. Feeling sorry for you.
12/6/15: Teresa - "There certainly is a mixture of good and evil people on this site and i can see why God is sending out the 333 warning, i only pray some of the evil people are able to break free from Satan's hold and they are able to truly find Gods love. God bless!"
Teresa, Amen!!
12/7/15: Anthony - "I feel sorry for all you followers of God, you all are on the losing team, can you not see that? God has grown weak and desperate, while Satan grows ever stronger and more powerful!!!!"
Anthony, It sure looks that way doesn't it! And wait till you see how terribly strong he's going to be in the near future! However, you really need to read the "end of The Book". The Book that has transgressed, that has prophesied without defect, and has out sold any publication in history. Moreover, maybe you haven't heard of the long suffering & patient character of God. Like so many others, Satan has you hoodwinked.
12/11/15: Ethan - "All you God followers make me laugh, xxxxxxxxxx Satan is the only true path to fulfillment."
12/11/15: Marisol - "Hi, i began seeing 333 about four months ago, i already have very strong faith and come from a devout Christian family. So what do you think God might be asking me do for him by sending me the 333 msg? I can see by some posts here that Satan's people are in full swing and they sure do have it in for Brandon. Do you think the 333 could maybe have something to do with them? I am really quite confused by the 333, but i have complete trust and faith in the glorious almighty God, so i know i am in no danger, but i am curious none the less! God Bless."
Marisol, The only connection 333 has to do with Satan & his followers is that they hate anything God does to help people get saved! For you, see 'Why Certain People'. God Bless you in your walk.
12/12/15: Katrina / New Zealand. - "Hi, i began seeing 333 about a year ago. I have always questioned whether i believed in God's existence or not, but having come to this website it has given me the answer i have been looking for and now i do believe God exists, thank you!"
Katrina, Praise God!! Now, the bigger step; can you accept Jesus as your Lord & Savior?! Praying for you. (See 'Salvation')
12/18/15: Quinn - "if Brandon's fate is already sealed like the brothers say, that means his soul has already been claimed by satan, so how can his soul be saved by god if it's already destined for hell?"
Quinn, We have an all forgiving God. See Callum 11/12/15 & Nate 11/13/15.
1/2/2016: Liam - "I believe end times are upon us and I understand gods 333 warning, but why does he seem to be putting so much energy into people that won't or can't see 333 for the warning/invitation it is, wouldn't he be better off sending it to people that are more easier to save?
Liam, Thank you for making me think! I'v updated "Why Certain People"; check it out.
1/11/2016: Flaxy / Sydney, Australia. - "Good on ya mate! 333 = SOS love it.... For me it started Dec.2015 and 7 years ago... I also believe its message means death and life, as with the crow/raven in Genesis 8.7 (a "death bird" was sent to find life). Top of the day and blessings to ya brother."
Flaxy, Love you're 'deep' analogy! Still analyzing it! Thank you & blessings be on you.
1/28/2016: Carley - "Hi, I have been reading all the comments to do with Brandon, and I was just wondering if I have missed a post, as the comments seem to have stopped, did something happen to Brandon???
Carley, No, you haven't missed anything. I'm sure there are many others wondering the same thing.
However, it's only been four months; bear in mind, from where he's coming from, he's got some tough issues to deal with. Personally, I'm going to continue to think positive.
1/29/2016: Tamara - "I too was wondering if something bad had happened to Brandon, no news is good news I guess. Perhaps the reason the comments have slowed down is people might be a bit put off or afraid by all the Satanists that have shown up on this page, everyone knows they are dangerous people. Whatever the reason, I too will think positive thoughts and pray Brandon is safe and we'll, God Bless!"
Tamara, God Bless You! I too am praying he's on the right path.
1/31/2016: Tanner - "How do people like Brandon attract the attention of Satan Worshipers anyway, wouldn't they have to be on the wrong side of God in the first place? Then it becomes a case of you play with Bull you get the Horns!"
Tanner, I find it very commendable that you, if you had grown up in a satanic environment, would have found it so easy to break free from parental & environmental strongholds.
2/1/2016: Tanner - "Where does it say Brandon grew up in a Satanic environment? Just because he says his family are unholy doesn't mean they are Satanists, perhaps they just don't believe in God, not all unbelievers are Satanists."
Tanner, Sorry if I may have exaggerated, however, "as unholy as you can get" could certainly be extrapolated to mean satanic. What I can't understand is why you & some others have condemned Brandon so fiercely, even insinuating that he's involved in satanism. If he were, surely he wouldn't be calling Satan a "trickster"! Furthermore, beyond my really not caring if he has or not, I'am going to trust Kristy, 10/21/15, "Brandon has a good heart". And, his thinking has been warped by an unholy upbringing, which any decent minded person would find appalling! Certainly, he is a sinner, just like all of us are. But, just like all of us, he can have salvation; it's a free gift to anyone who 'sincerely' seeks it out.
2/2/2016: Tanner - "If Brandon isn't a satanist then why does he have a satanic group like the Brothers saying that his fate was sealed a long time ago, they obviously know him. Personally I think anyone who chooses to worship Satan over God deserves to suffer great pain, both physical and emotional, because that is what Satan is all about. Maybe I am reading this all wrong and maybe Brandon is a good kid and is just an innocent victim, after all, he says he has been seeing 333 and as Doug says, who are we to question God!"
Tanner, I admire your perseverance. It looks like, from the following comment, that your thinking may be close to the mark. Hoping you're born-again, like God is trying to do for Brandon.
2/2/2016: Mack / Darwin, Australia. - "Hiya, firstly I'll begin by saying I am not a 333 person, my daughter Jaymee has that Honour. She had me read the Brandon Vs Satan page and as a retired Police Officer of 28yrs I have had my fair share of dealings with Satan Worshipers throughout my career. In my opinion, Brandon is not a satanist. Satanists do not call other satanists unholy, they call them family or brethren or whatever, but unholy, never. John, I 100% agree with what you said to Tanner about how Brandon describing his family as "unholy as you can get", to mean that they could be satanic. Mate, that's exactly what they are and I also think the Brothers are no doubt a big part of that family's lifestyle going by what they have said about Brandon. It's quite disturbing how they say his fate is sealed; that can only mean a ritual of some sort has been done to him at some point. I also know from experience in dealing with satanists, that if Brandon refused to conform to their way of life, (which i believe he did), that's probably why the ritual was performed on him. He would have suffered immense physical and mental abuse, so even if Brandon had been a satanist at some point in his life, just having grown up in an Evil, terrifying environment like that, i think it's a great credit to himself that he is still able to turn out to be the type of person who has a friend who is able to describe him as having a good heart. So personally, I take my hat off to him and I wish him all the best! Blessings to you Mate!"
Mack, Wow! Thank you so very much. What an insight! And Jaymee, (11/10/15), Bless You. Maybe this was part of your 333 calling!
2/2/2016: Elise - "How can Brandon be a satanist and see Gods 333 invitation at the same time? That's just ridiculous. If he was a satanist, wouldn't he be blinded by all the hate and darkness that comes with worshiping Satan? So there's no way he could notice 333 if that were true!!!!"
Elise, A good thought. And from above, it would seem that Brandon is not a satanist, at least at present. Although, I'm still of the opinion that God could still be giving even satanists one last chance to repent.
2/2/2016: April - "If Brandon is a satanist, then I agree with all those who say he should suffer the consequences and be severely punished for choosing Satan. I say the more he's punished the better. Satanists destroy lives, so I have zero sympathy for any of them!!!!!"
April, I'm afraid I'm a bit naive as to what types of crime satanists are involved in. Of course, it's not a crime to worship Satan; like Mohammad, Buda, etc. The path to hell is wide, and many there will be who follow it.
2/2/2016: Jenny - "Can I just say to those people who want to see Brandon crucified and hung out to dry for something he may not even be, you seem to be forgetting that he is a 333 person also. I mean doesn't that speak volumes in itself? I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but think about it people!!!!"
Jenny, Something like, "If God is for him, who can be against him". Of course, we're all still praying that Brandon will accept the invitation & find salvation. Bless you Jenny.
2/2/2016: Omar - "I to think Brandon has been involved in Satanic worship of some kind. People don't just randomly get picked off the street by satanic groups wanting those people to join them; they have to become known to them, and the Brothers know Brandon. Even though it sounds like they have turned on him, they still know who he is!!!!"
Omar, It would seem that you're reasoning is pretty much on track.
2/3/2016: Anonymous - "Satanists are deceivers, remember that before you are all quick to defend Brandon."
2/3/2016: Ivan - "Have people forgotten God forgives. Even if Brandon is a Satan worshiper, doesn't he deserve the chance to have Gods forgiveness like the rest of us, without being punished for wrong choices he has made?"
2/3/2016: Daniel - "Well I for one believe Brandon is a victim, and I deeply pray he is able to respond to Gods msg and get himself saved. God Bless."
2/3/2016: Richard - "At the end of the day, whether Brandon is or isn't a satanist, it is God himself who will give the final judgement!"
2/3/2016: Michael - "I have a cousin who is involved in satanism, and Mack is right about satanists not calling other satanists unholy. In their demented way of thinking, they see Satan as the almighty God & ruler. So in their eyes, to call themselves unholy is to devalue Satan's godly status. Maybe some groups call themselves unholy but personally I have never heard of any that do."
2/4/2016: Martin - "I'm curious to know what people mean when they say Brandon should be punished. I was under the notion floggings were banned along time ago, and if Brandon does follow Satan would it not be a better idea to try and lead him towards God and away from Satan's hold instead of lynching him! Any person who's led away from Satan is a victory for God that's for sure."
Martin, For sure, For sure!!!
2/4/2016: Jason"I'm along the same lines as Martin, until the flogging of Heretics comes back in vogue, I think trying to lead people like Brandon towards the light of God is probably the better option!"
Jason, For sure!!
2/6/2016: Tayla - "I can't believe how mean people have been towards Brandon! If you are Christian you all need to take a long hard look at yourselves and remember what it means to be a Christian. If you are not, then instead of worrying about how unclean Brandon's soul is or isn't and wanting to see him dragged through the coals, i think you all could do with some soul cleansing yourself!!!!!"
Tayla, Amen!!!
2/6/2016: Wyatt - "I think Brandon is a Satanist and I say let him suffer in hell for eternity, he deserves no less."
Wyatt, I would heed Tayla's (and Maajid's & many others) advice, or else it's going to be your soul that suffers in hell for eternity!
2/6/2016: Aaron - "I am praying for all of you who have expressed ill will towards Brandon, may the Lord have pity on your Souls. Amen!"
2/7/2016: Maajid - "Punishing someone for worshiping Satan is not the answer. We must pray that person will come to realize that worshiping the Devil will only lead to the destruction of their soul, and the only path to true fulfillment is that which leads to God. We must pray for them to truly know God will forgive all their wrong doings and they will be given Salvation; Romans 10:13, "Whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord will be Saved"."
2/8/2016: Saleem - "I do agree with Maajid, if we beat or whip those who follow Satan and then profess our love for God, how can punishing someone like that possibly make them believe that God is all loving and caring and make them want to worship God instead? As Maajid says, we must pray those people realize that worshiping Satan can only lead to destruction."
Saleem, Very good reasoning. Blessings.
2/8/2016: Wayne - "I think the people who have expressed their desires to see Brandon shredded to pieces and suffer for eternity sound more like Satan Worshipers than he does!"
Wayne, I'm sure all God fearing people will agree.
2/8/2016: Chase - "I reckon Brandon was one of the Brothers and he has betrayed them in some way and they want to hurt him for that betrayal."
Chase, Maybe, but personally, I would lean more toward Mark's explanation.
2/9/2016: Kathy - "I just can not understand why people wish so much harm towards Brandon. His childhood sounds like it was probably an horrific one, so why do people wish him to suffer more pain? I am honestly disgusted in those people."
Kathy, Amen! It's a real shame!
3/25/2016: Adam - "I agree with Kathy in wondering why people wish pain and suffering towards Brandon. If he does worship Satan, how does wishing him harm make those people any better than the one they're condemning, that just makes no sense and I really think those people need to try and find their Christianity which has obviously gone astray. Or, if they are not Christian, then perhaps it is something they really should consider as I do get the feeling those people are more than likely to end up in Hell before Brandon does!!"
Adam, Amen & Amen!
4/1/2016: Rory / USA. - "How can Brandon be a Satan Worshiper if he doesn't believe in the existence of God, don't people have to first believe in God before they can believe in Satan?"
Rory, Thank you for a good question. And that certainly makes sense to you & me. However - Many people believe in God and don't believe in Satan. Many don't believe in either. Many people are totally ignorant, or haven't been taught or investigated spiritual things, religion, the Bible, etc, such that they leave themselves open to believing, or not believing, in anything.
4/1/2016: Dean - "I think people like Brandon who say they don't believe in God are under some kind of demonic influence, if we were in a different time he'd be flogged and thrown in the dungeon just for saying it,and rightly so,for God only wants to love us,so I don't understand why people say they don't believe or they hate God,maybe it's time to bring back that type of punishment!"
Dean, If that's what Jesus would do, then I agree!
4/2/2016: Joel - "Rory's comment has got me thinking,I don't know much about Satanism but I'm sure they believe Satan is the only God,so perhaps the reason Brandon says he doesn't believe in the existence of the Creator God is because he has probably been trained to believe that Satan is the only God that exists.....just a thought!"
Joel, I think your thoughts are somewhat similar to those of retired officer Mack, 2/2/2016. Thank you.
4/3/2016: Lacey - "I read what you wrote about 'The Fourth Kind'. Do you think Brandon could be right about Satan being a trickster and that he can play with 333 also? If he is correct, I think that is really terrifying because how will anyone be able to tell the difference between God or Satan."
Lacey, I've been laboring with this; and I think that is definitely what Satan is going to do. And he will definitely deceive people. We're going to have to be very discerning. But I still don't believe Brandon or anyone else seeing the 333 is being deceived. Satan wouldn't risk it! See my points 3 & 4 under "Satan & 333.
4/4/2016: Derrick - "I'm in total aggreance with Dean, Muslims do not tolerate heresy of any type, so why should Christians, and is it not in Gods defense that we should severely punish those who spit hate towards our Creator? Don't get me wrong, i feel sorry for Brandon having grown up in an abusive home, but God is not to blame and any hate towards him even from the abused, should not be tolerated."
Derrick, I smile when I picture God laughing in heaven at the thoughts of you associating yourself with the term Christian!
4/7/2016: Oliver / England. -"If Derrick is a Christian, then I'm Santa Clause!"
4/7/2016: Crystal - "Derrick if you attend a Church and you call yourself a Christian you may want to find another one to attend, as I think you may have stumbled upon a house of Satan, not a house of God....praying for you!"
4/7/2016: Glen - "I think Derrick is probably one of the Brothers, just having a bit of fun; he is definitely not a Christian."
4/7/2016: Brendan - "Why would God be laughing at Derrick, doesn't he love all sinners??"
Brendan, Hay, I love my kids & grand-kids, but I've also had some good laughs over some of the stupid things they've said or done! Meanwhile, Derrick isn't even a child of His yet. And thank you Oliver, Crystal, & Glen.
4/10/2016: Ryan - "Derrick, i feel sorry for you, your way of thinking is so twisted dude. Before you judge Brandon by what he says, you should take a harder look at the words you spit out. I think Brandon has more Christianity than you do, and he's not even Christian! As John says in an earlier post to Alex, "I think I have more of a chance of seeing Brandon in Heaven than I would see you there". Derrick, you may want to think on that one!!!"
Ryan, Amen!
4/11/2016: Celeste - "I was under the impression that we are all Gods children?"
Celeste, No; only if you believe in Jesus & are born-again. Otherwise you're still under Satan's rule.
John 1:12 "To all who receive him (Jesus), to those who believe in him, he gave the right to become the children of God."
John 3:3-16 "You must be born-again".
Gal. 3:26 "You are sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus".
Rom. 8:14 "Those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God".
Hoping you are one of His. If not, see "Salvation".
4/16/2016: Jackson - "Is punishing someone like Derrick says the same as putting the fear of God in them? I have never understood that saying, why should anyone fear God, shouldn't the only one to fear be Satan?"
Jackson, Thank you. Yes. And the term 'fear' does get misconstrued. 'Reverent fear' or 'respect' is generally more appropriate. To me, God is like a good father who wants the very best for his children. Children need to respect this. God loves us! Jesus died to deliver us from the god of this world! Now, if you are a 'true' child of his , you do have to fear his punishment if you sin/violate his rules. But, it's always done in love & for your own good. If your not a 'true' child, then he's not obligated to punish you; Satan my even reward you! Not a bad deal until you end up in hell! Hopefully God will somehow woo those into being a 'true' child.
4/19/2016: Braydan - "When someone like Brandon is clearly in open rebellion against God, shouldn't those people just be left to wander the road that they have chosen?"
Braydan, Yes. But, as I see it, Brandon is not in rebellion against God; he simply just doesn't believe in God, like millions of others. That's not a crime. And as believers, we are obligated to at least try to help get him saved. See Concerning believers vs unbelievers at the top of this page.
4/19/2016: Jarred - "Isn't being an unbeliever the same as being a rebel, for they are denying the existence of God?"
4/19/2016: Samantha - "What's the difference between those in rebellion and those in unbelief, they're all against God?"
Jarred & Samantha, It's true, unbelievers will argue against the existence of God, but I wouldn't necessarily call that rebelling. Just because someone doesn't believe in something, flying saucers for example, doesn't make them a rebel. An unbeliever is different than someone who knows God exists, but willfully rebels against what His Word says to do, and certainly rebels against accepting His Son as the Lord & Savior of their life! - I would more likely classify Christians, particularly born-again Christians, as rebels. We are the ones following Jesus and rebelling against the satanic powers & rulers of this fallen world!
4/21/2016: Patrick - "I don't know who I feel more sorry for, unbelievers, as they are not fortunate to know Gods love, or those people who call themselves Christian but seem to have become void of all Christian values."
Patrick, Amen!
4/21/2016: Vincent - "Derrick, what Satanic rock did you crawl out from? People who come from abusive homes have every right to be angry and most do have some hate towards God, as they want to know why it had to happen to them. If you were a true Christian, you would know that no matter how much hate they directed towards God, he would still love them, he would not want them to suffer more pain, like you clearly want them do me a favor and please educate yourself on being a Christian, before you claim to be so!!"
Vincent, Like your insight. Thank you.
4/22/2016: Harlan / USA. - "Anybody that has negative feelings towards God are evil in my book, whether they be unbelievers like Brandon or worshipers of Satan; to me they are one in the same and I'd have no problem giving any one of them a good old fashioned flogging."
Harlan, I'm going to reiterate Vincent's thoughts. It's refreshing however that you're at least not insinuating that you're expounding from a Christian perspective. Feeling sorry for you.
4/28/2016: Linus - "My thoughts are the same as Derrick and Harlan's, punishment should be brought back for those that rebel against God. Any words that are negative against the Almighty gets my blood boiling and if my Son resembled anything like that kid Brandon, he'd feel the back of my hand and then some."
4/28/2016: Gwendolyn - "Hi, I have been seeing 333 for about two months and I have found the information on this site very interesting, but can I just say, I read the Brandon v Satan page and being of a non religious back ground, I was rather shocked by the nasty comments made by some Christians. Is that normal for some Christians to be so cruel towards unbelievers?"
Gwendolyn, No, that's not normal at all. Those people, like Linus & the many others who sound like lovers of God, are certainly not lovers of Jesus. They could not possibly be classified or recognized as true "Christ"ians. - Sincerely wishing you blessings in your search for understanding & truth.
5/16/2016: Louisa. - "I have just finished reading the Brandon v Satan page and WOW, what a divide there is in the world between those who are pro God and those who are pro Satan. Reading this page has given me the chills to say the least, you can really feel the dark days ahead for all of us, it is really frightening!"
Louisa, Bad signs are just everywhere! But God is still in control; He'll take care of his own. Bless you.
5/18/2016: Anonymous - "All you people praying for Brandon's Salvation are heading down a dead end road, you would have a better chance of turning the pope into a Satanist."
5/18/2016: Gavin - "God isn't in control, SATAN is ruler of this realm and the day is drawing nearer to when we will rip the flesh from the bones of every last one of you piss weak God followers and he will not be able to protect any of you!!!!!!!!!!!"
Gavin, Visualizing you & others like you at judgement day (2 Cor. 5:10 & Heb. 10:26-27), I truly feel sorry for you all; Satan really has you hoodwinked! Because of Jesus, "the prince of this world now stands condemned", John 16:11.
5/21/2016: Sheryl / New Zealand. - "I would just like to say I am deeply disturbed by the comments made on the Brandon Vs Satan page by some so called Christians. What is wrong with you people? I always thought being a Christian meant you were free from the Devil's influence, i guess I got that all wrong; the Devil is definitely stronger than I gave him credit for."
Sheryl, Gavin has it about right! There is indeed a battle raging; and it's really hard to be free from Satan's influence. Paul, in Eph. 6:11-18, gives us the best advice available. Moreover, be assured, if you are truly born-again and persevere, you will be heaven bound.
5/30/2016: Amber - "I just have a question, if 333 is an invitation/warning from God, how is it that so many satanic type people are here? How could they even be able to receive a msg from God? They seem like they are too evil for God to even bother with them."
Amber, Nobody is too evil for God to try to save, He knows the heart and He knows the beginning & the end. But, I believe that most of the satanic people here know Brandon and/or his family personally rather then their receiving the 333 message. It's also possible that word spread within the satanic community that they may be losing a soul. Also see 'Why Certain People'. And Bless you; was a good question.
6/7/2016: Bella / USA. "I don't understand why evil satanic people like Brandon are given a message for salvation, this really upsets me greatly, they don't deserve to walk in Gods Kingdom, they made the choice to follow the Devil, forgiveness should not be an option for any of them. Their Evil Blood can not be cleansed."
Bella, Wow, one would think you know how to manage this world better than God! I'm sure Satan appreciates your help. It never ceases to amaze me, and I'm sure all the other good people praying for Brandon, just how active the hard-hearted spirit of anti-christ is in the world. You need to read Luke 15, particularly the Parable of the Lost Son. We'll be praying that you're able to repent, and that you won't end up jealous & resentful like the older brother.
6/8/2016: Gareth - "I think you are the one who needs a good Flogging John. You need a wake up call, your love for your God has blinded you to the one true God who has the power in this world."
6/8/2016: Sandra - "Bella, your comment is so horrible! I think if God had to make a choice between taking you or Brandon, you are the one that would get left behind!"
Sandra, Wisely spoken.
6/10/2016: Fun Times - "Amen Brother Gareth and when Johnny boy has been Flogged within an inch of his life, we'll see if his precious God comes and saves him."
6/10/2016: Pauly - "Don't forget to carve the slave symbol into john's back after his flogging."
6/10/2016: Donald / Spain. "I would just like to send my Prayers to Brandon, i truly feel sorry for the Lad, God Bless him."
6/12/2016: Tyler M. / Australia. - "Why is it only born again Christians that will be saved, that's stupid."
Tyler, Basically, because the one who created you said so. See 4/11/2016 Celeste, 11/13/15 Dion, & 11/6/15 Ricky & Jesse. However, If you don't believe in God, if you don't believe in Jesus, if you don't believe the Bible, then it's really irrelevant; Satan has you exactly where he wants you.
6/13/2016: Reeves - "give John to the Clans of the fourth, they'll definitely have some fun with him, they love their bull whips."
6/13/2016: Warren - "John can belong to the Fourth, they'll rip him to pieces."
Reeves, Warren, Garth, Pauly, Gavin, & all your Brothers, It's just a shame that you-all don't believe the Bible. Satan, one of Gods greatest angelic creations, and you poor deceived souls, end up in the pit. - I do however credit you fellows with one thing; you do know that Satan is real. A lot of good people out there don't.
6/13/2016: "Ahhh John, but we do believe in the Bible, yet we choose to piss on its words. We have many in the Brotherhood who were once men of the Cloth, but for one reason or another your God failed them, so they gave a blood oath of allegiance to another. As for Brandon, you really have to understand that his fate was decided before he was born, it can not be change, because of who his father is in the Brotherhood. Brandon is a prized piece of property, that should be quite evident by now, so you can send out all the Prayers you want, post what ever comments you like, but that kid will never walk in your god's kingdom."
6/13/2016: "send John our way, the Clans of the Degree will gladly show him what real pain feels like."
6/13/2016: Kain - "Johnny, instead of praying for Brandon's Salvation, you might want to start praying he never comes back to this page and says he has been baptized or anything. That will have serious consequences for him. He is our property, not yours."
Fellows of the Brotherhood, I'm afraid I just don't understand why you aren't concerned about eternal damnation. Really - how can you not be concerned about the day when Jesus will say to you, "Depart from me you who are cursed into the eternal fire prepared for the devil & his angels", Matthew 25:41. "They will be thrown into the fiery furnace where there will be weeping & gashing of teeth", Mat.13:42 & Rev.20:14&15. - Please excuse my naivety, but I assume you guys are promised some kind of reward for serving Satan. I'm just guessing it's something like he promises the radical Muslims that do his will. Does anyone really think they'll ever see the 70 virgins etc. that Satan promises them? - Meanwhile, Psalm 145:18&19 promises us; "The Lord is close to all who call on Him, yes, to all who call on Him in truth. He grants the desires of those who fear/respect Him. He hears their cries for help and rescues them". - So yes, we'll continue to pray for Brandon; he's still not beyond salvation. God created Satan, thus God is more powerful than Satan!
6/18/2016: "Our reward John is that of souls, souls that will be ours to torture till our hearts content. We can't imagine anything sweeter than this. Your God may turn away souls but our Master will always find a place for them."
6/19/2016: Rhys - "You born again Christians make my stomach turn with your blind righteousness. The only weeping will come from Brandon when he is tortured day in & day out for eternity."
6/19/2016: Alistair - "I feel extremely sad for Brandon, to be born into such an Evil family and to have so many waiting to see you tortured is just beyond comprehension. I am not a man of great faith, but I send my deepest Prayers to Brandon, and I sincerely hope that he will one day walk in Gods kingdom."
Alistair, A rose among thorns! Bless you.
6/19/2016: Kyal - "John why are you so certain that you will be given what your God promises you?We believe that we will be given an eternity of making souls suffer great pain, just as you believe you will be given an eternity of peace and harmony. So what makes you think your god's promise is more true than our god's promise to us? After all, the Bible is the biggest book of lies ever written!"
Kyal, The Bible has stood the test of time. All of it's prophecies have come true thus far. And there are so many other things that point to it's supernatural authenticity. But, unless one seeks the truth, it will never be found.
6/19/2016: Lenny - "There will be plenty of weeping and gashing of teeth, but it will not be from those in the Brotherhood, we are loyal to our Master and we will reap our reward. John, I hope someday you loose your faith, then we will make you suffer beyond anything you can imagine."
6/20/2016: Davis - "I don't know who I desire to Torture and rip apart more, Brandon or John."
6/20/2016: Troy - "We don't desire 70 virgins, ours is purely an eternity of torturing souls, having their blood flow like a river, over and over again, what a glorious site that will be. We'll give Brandon your regards, if we allow him to stop screaming out in pain long enough for him to hear it."
6/20/2016: Gary - "I'm Brandon's Uncle. Your Prayers for his Salvation will do no good for him, you are wasting your time. If you would like him severely punished for wasting your time we will be most happy to oblige your request."
Fellows of the Brotherhood, We understand that you are servants of Satan. Similarly, I am just a servant & messenger of God. Brandon, like thousands of others, was supernaturally given the 333 invitation/warning not by me, but by almighty God. So why don't you pick on God rather than me or Brandon!
6/22/2016: "If you were just a messenger, we would not have looked twice at you John, but your prayers of Salvation for the soul of one of our most prized possessions, that can not happen. Brandon himself is nothing more than a dog we love to beat, but his soul is a different story; if he ever becomes baptized, it will be a very bad situation, stop praying for him and we go away."
6/22/2016: Darren G. - "Brandon may have received 333 from your God, but our God is the only God he will know and fear."
6/22/2016: Danny - "picturing John being whipped and beaten for eternity is most enjoyable."
6/22/2016: Gary - "pick on Brandon, that's funny john. If you knew what we did to that kid, picking on him would hardly be fitting, and if he becomes baptized, our American Brothers will make sure you know exactly what he went through. But as long as he remains unchristened, there's no problem."
6/22/2016: Derek - "Those thousands of others were not sold to our Master."
6/22/2016: Andrew - "If my nephew becomes baptized, you will be the next Lamb."
Fellows of the Brotherhood, Not sure what possession or being sold means or why it's so important, but I'm also praying for the salvation of all the other 333 recipients who don't have a personal relationship with Jesus. Actually, I deem it an honor to be on Satan's most wanted list. He is quite powerful, but also deceitful, and his end is drawing near. I really don't think you should trust him like you do. But we all have that choice.
6/23/2016: "Do you really think your God is going to destroy his most beloved fallen,for he loves all of his creations,your God needs our master's realm to put those souls he casts aside,without our master heaven would be full of murderers and vagrants,so you are being deceived in thinking our Master's time is coming to an end,you should not believe all that is written.We would gladly show you what being a possession and having your soul sold to our Master is truly like."
Bhood, I think I'll trust God's proven word rather than anything Satan has to say, but again, it's your choice; good luck with that!
7/13/2016: Janine McCarthy / UK. - "Hi, i'm just curious as to what has happened with the men from the Brotherhood. This has been rather an intriguing thing to read."
Janine, I agree. Sorry I took so long to reply (it's now 7/29/16, over a month since their last comment). The only thought that I have concerning their silence, is that maybe we've given Satan more publicity than he would like.
Enlightenment Note: A recent TV episode of "Prophecy & the End-Times" (July 2016) presented an interview with a, now born-again, former 7th generation Illuminati master or 3rd level witch in the order of the Illuminati. He had authority over several covens in the New England area. Members of these satanic or Luciferian Illuminati groups must ultimately violate all of the ten commandments and pledge allegiance as sold-out servants of Satan & his demons. (Sounds very similar to the Brotherhood.)
According to the interview, in 1776, a defrocked Catholic Jesuit priest, with Rothschild family involvement, designed & drew up the Illuminati manifesto. Their objective - a one-world order, an occultic order, a counterfeit of God's one-world righteous order of Jesus Christ in the millennium. This one-world government would be made up of and is spearheaded by the highest Illuminati members &/or families which control most of the worlds finance, media, & politics. With help from the false prophet (probably someone or group in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church), Satan will manifest himself via some type of great satanic delusion and Antichrist will be set up as the one-world leader. The rest of the story will follow just as the Book of Revelation depicts. - People, WATCH and BE VIGILANT! Don't be deceived! Know & Believe what the Book says.
See also: "Satan & 333" / Choronzon: The Dark Demoness of 333.
9/3/2016: Anonymous - "This is much deeper than what you have thus far seen."
Anonymous, God has given me the responsibility of ministering to 333 people. I don't really have any plans on going deeper. And I'm really hoping He doesn't have any such thoughts.
9/3/2016: Damon - "I kind of feel sorry for the Brothers, maybe they are nothing more than victims of Choronzon themselves."
Damon, I too feel sorry that the Brothers will spend eternity in Hell, but it was their choice, Satan vs God, Jesus, & the Bible. Brandon however I don't believe was given a choice. He's the one who is being victimized by the Brothers (Satanic Ritual Abuse), probably with the help of Choronzon.
9/5/2016: Rev' Timothy - "John please be very careful, exposing the name of a Demon/Demoness is a very dangerous thing to do, but what's done is done. However if anyone reading this feels like they may be a target of this abomination, please seek advice from your nearest Church Leader. May God Bless All. Amen!"
Rev' Timothy, Thank you. Sounds like very good advice. The only thing I would add is "reach out & pray to Jesus"; He gave His life for each and every one of us, He'll certainly not turn His back.
11/12/2016: Ryan Davis / UK. - "Hi, I am just curious to know if Brandon has found our Lord and Saviour as the comments have stopped, with the last one being from a Reverend no less, which I find rather intriguing in itself?"
Ryan, Last month a Brotherhood member commented, - "We thought we'd let you know Brandon is back in the "Loving" arms of his family. Kids are so xxxxxxx stupid, tell them what they want to hear and they'll fall for anything. We won this battle John, but the war rages on."
11/14/2016: Ryan Davis - "That's awful news about Brandon, hopefully it's just someone having a laugh, but I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers regardless. Blessings to all!"
Ryan, Bless you. Of course we can't be certain if this is the truth or just how bad Brandon's situation is. Personally, I too am still praying for him; the battle is not over until our last breath.
11/15/2016: Anthony - "I reckon Brandon going back to his Family would be a kind of twisted form of Stockholm Syndrome." (i.e., sympathizing with ones captors)
Anthony, Yes, sounds likely. It would understandably be particularly hard to break free when it's a lifelong family situation. What a travesty. I hope & pray he's strong enough to seek outside help.
11/22/2016: Timothy / - "John, I agree, the number 3 & it's multiples do have deep spiritual significance. 33 denotes the saving grace of Christ. As for Brandon, 333 is a warning that not believing in God & Jesus will bring judgement upon him."
11/26/2016: Rodney Brennan / London, England. - "I totally agree with Timothy in that Brandon's unbelief will bring God's Judgement upon him, but it also shows how deeply Loving our Heavenly Father is in still wanting this young man to be to a part of his Kingdom through his 333 invitation. Praise be to God! I just hope and pray Brandon hasn't returned to his Family as i am certain they will make sure he never feels God's Grace. That would be a terrible thing, as it seems he has a Good Heart. My Prayers are with him wherever he may be. Blessing in the name of our Father, Amen!"
12/9/2016: James / California. - "If Brandon has returned to his Family, perhaps God already knows his soul is beyond saving and that there is no hope for his salvation."
James, I don't think Brandon's return & God's knowing can be tied together. I'm sure God (& all of us praying for him) still wants Brandon to call out to Jesus. I do wonder however if God is still reaching out to him thru the 333.
1/7/2017: Dante Perez - "If Brandon has returned to his Satanic family and has ignored Gods 333 warning, does that not show that the Devil is more capable of gaining control over someone than God himself, and if that is what has happened then this shows we are truly in scary times!"
Dante, I'm concerned that you may not have enough knowledge of and respect for just how strong, deceitful, & manipulative Satan & his demons truly are! (See Eph.6:12 & many others). The world, I'm afraid, does not know just how truly scary these end-times are going to be! Now concerning Brandon, we also know that God judges the heart and it's been said that Brandon has a good heart. Who knows, he may even be praying to Jesus as he's being manipulated & abused by his family!
1/8/2017: Jason McCleary - "Satan is stronger than God, have you all not figured that out by now, as for Brandon it doesn't take a whole lot of muscle flexing to control him, he has a very weak mind."
Jason, Although it's impossible to feel compassion for you guys, I really do feel sorry for you all. Talk about easily controlled! Surely you know that God made Satan! And when God is finished utilizing him in His mysterious yet majestic plan of redemption & salvation, Satan's fate, along with that of all his poor, pathetic, misguided helpers, will be that of Revelation Chapter 20. Brandon's fate on the other hand may likely be that of Lazarus, Luke 16:19-26.
1/11/2017: Marcus - "The only way our Master would not be needed is if God takes away free will, and if he does that then he is taking away the core essence of human existence. So unless God wants people to become mindless robots we shall always have free will, and therefore, there will always be the unbelievers and the unsaved. So while all you brainwashed Christians continue waiting and waiting and waiting for the return of your Jesus, our Master continues reaping his rewards."
Marcus, I do like your explanation. A bit more detailed then mine, but yes, God does need the good vs evil alternatives for His salvation plan to work. The problem for the satanic realm however is that Jesus is going to return. And it is getting very close! Thinking on this, I almost feel obligated to thank you for your willingness to give up heaven and spend eternity in hell just for us Christians! So nice of you all to support God's plan of salvation!
1/12/2017: Marcus - "There will be plenty of Christians spending an eternity in hell, all those who think they are saved just because they wear a cross around their necks and go to Church on a Sunday, but spend the other six days of the week committing sin, only to then go to Church on Sunday and start the whole thing over again. Christianity is so damn pathetic and very amusing!!!"
Marcus, Again, I mostly agree with you. My sad guess is that most Christians are in name only. Like I say in "Salvation", "obtaining faith is not a very simple process for the natural man". Step 7 and the true born-again experience is so very elusive for so many people. Your Master does such a very good job of promoting his world system.
1/12/2017: Jefferson - "Firstly I want to say I am not a Satanist in any way shape or form, but Marcus's comment about free will has intrigued me somewhat. I know people of faith are waiting for God's Kingdom to descend to earth which will end all wars and suffering and so on. But what I can't figure out is how that can be achieved without taking away our free will, as it is blatantly obvious by the world we live in that free will and peace can never co-exist."
Jefferson, The new world, the Millennium, will be totally different then this present world. Bear in mind that the Tribulation will result in the overthrow of the world system, 2/3rds of the worlds population will be destroyed including the Antichrist & False Prophet, the sheep & the goats will be separated, only the righteous will remain, Satan will be bound in chains & locked up for 1000 years, and Jesus will reign as King of the whole world. Peace will indeed reign for at least 1000 years. Without Satan's influence, man's free will will will peace. See Math.24, Math.25:31-46, Rev.14:14-20, Rev.19 & Rev.20:1-3.
1/18/2017: Matthew Curtis / UK. - "I think Brandon deserves what ever he has got coming to him, God gave us free will to be able to make right decisions about what is best for ourselves, not to keep making decisions that put us in harm's way. That's just bollocks and God has done nothing but waste his time on some who clearly are beyond Redemption."
Mathew, Thank you for your self-righteous thoughts. I can just picture the grin on Satan's face as your free will leads you to joining with him in criticizing God's wisdom!
1/20/2017: Kim / Oklahoma, USA. - "Wow. Just read comments of Brandon. Now I'm Angry! Where are the Police in this matter? How old is Brandon? As i was reading what he wrote I immediately thought, .. ya know Brandon, the Lord knows our hearts and He knows yours. That's why He chose you. The things you say sound just like my son and he grew up with Me. Still probably don't know all of it! But I'll be Shown!!! The same monster is putting this trash in my son's head! For many reasons I know these are the same spirits that have a stronghold on him. Now it's War! And my Jesus and the Holy spirit are stronger! The dark ones will lose In Jesus Name!!! I'm going to War for my son and Brandon! If those people think they can hide from Me,.. Think again!!! I'm Not Alone! Sorry for the anger, but God says get angry but do not sin. I don't always stay in those limits because angry words can sometimes spill out, but it's out of Love! Please share on here "He's my son" by Mark Schultz. For my Son and Brandon and Many others. If that doesn't make the Christians want to fight for women's sons , then I don't know what would!"
Kim, Bless you & Bless you! A lot of prayers are behind you.
2/17/2017: Rev. James Hollander - " Kim, if more people were willing to fight against Satan and his followers the world would not be in the deep darkness we find it in now. I pray by the Grace of God that your son, as well as Brandon, are given the strength to fight against the Evil that is surrounding them both. God Bless you, and keep fighting. Amen!"
2/26/2017: Kim - "Thank you Rev James. I truly appreciate that. This is my thinking as well. I think that people have a fear. I totally understand. I just think we need to reverently remember that eternity is an awful lot longer than our time here, ..and that our goal is there. I do hope more will catch on. God says we're to share the load,..not just leave it to a few. Thank you for your prayers so very much... and all the other prayer warriors out there. God bless you All... In Jesus precious name, Amen."
"And Hey John, i just wanted to reiterate and let the brotherhood Know, as I know you have, that they've been lied to! Don't you all know that the master you speak of is a liar? I mean come on! That's what he does! Now, let me tell you How i know! Ok?? .... I've been shown! God graciously showed me a vision of hell; just the top part of hell. And let me tell you... You won't be torching anyone! Only the demons like you've entertained here will be doing the torching you speak of... on you. They have authority, ..not you. - So just remember that if you continue your pursuit of following the liars,.. you've been told the truth.
And for that matter,..the people i saw roaming the top part of hell are not aware of the lost around them, they are too busy being told over and over and over all their wrongs. They can not speak, they only scream out every now and then. So what makes anyone think that you'll be getting to do Anything At All in hell?! You'll only be a puppet of torture for the demons. Now that's the truth. - - Hope you change your mind before it's too late. Now that you've been told the truth and continue to believe the lies, will never be able to say to The Lord, didn't know. God bless you all and read His Word! The one with All Power and Authority! Jesus... Amen."
Kim, Bless you. I know it's a long shot, but Hopefully there are one or two wise out there who will heed your wisdom.
3/1/2017: Note: Anonymous Brotherhood guy, I received your comment & forwarded to Kim. She would have loved to respond also; however, as I told her, I’m not going to allow God's 333 site to be a platform for Satan nor a boisterous boxing arena between Good & Evil. And, concerning Brandon, although you-all may have his body, we’re confident that our God will ultimately provide for the redemption of his spirit. It’s just a shame that you-all have been so deceived. My God have mercy on you and your victims.
3/14/2017: Found article, "Ex-Satanist Radically Saved & Baptized". See story below.
5/18/2017: Anna Kowalski - "Reading Brandon v Satan, I just wanted to give that boy a big hug, I could feel his pain in the words he wrote."
10/15/2017: Sully / Melbourne, Australia. - "I started to notice 333 about six months ago, and as a Ex-Satanist, recent Christian Convert, I feel that seeing these numbers and stumbling across this website is all the proof I need to know that the road to God is the right one for me. I do have to add, I was Chilled to the bone after reading the Brandon vs Satan page. I will send my prayers to Brandon and pray he can somehow break free as I did. Anyway, Cheers Mate to a very helpful Site!"
Sully, Praise God!!! And Bless your new walk. I'm guessing this is what your 333 was all about.
10/29/2020: Brandon G - "If there is a so called God who wants as many souls as possible to be saved, then why does he allow something like the coronavirus to kick off in the first place? I think the existence of God is a load of Bull crap and the only thing that truly exists in this world is Evil."
Brandon G, Wow! If this "our" Brandon, it's so good to hear from you. You must be 25yrs old now. Hoping you are well. Anyhow, your question is similar to age old questions such as 'Why does God allow bad things happen to good people?' Or 'Why doesn't God just get rid of Satan & the other fallen angels?' 'Why did God even allow Satan to be the ruler of this world in the first place?' These are very deep theological questions. An even bigger question, 'Why would an all-mighty God allow His only beloved Son be ruthlessly tortured & killed so that those who believe will be saved?!!' (John 3:16) And why would Jesus agree too it?!! Sounds a bit ridicules, but then why did all the apostles & so many others give their lives for it?!! - - It all has to do with free will. God is real & He's not a bully. He wants a family of believers who are truly devoted to Him and to righteousness. Then, at His timing, which is getting close, He will take care of Satan & the evil of this world per Revelation Chapter 20. Meanwhile, don't be surprised when we encounter worse things than coronavirus to test our perseverance and to separate the believers from the unbelievers. See "Brace Yourself".
Wishing you continued growth, wisdom, & insight. Bless you.
Concerning Believers vs Unbelievers:
Folks, I & some commenters above, are quite disappointed by comments of some who profess to be Christian. Some refreshing of Christian doctrine may be in order. - If someone is a professing Christian and they are involved in a blatant, continual sin, then, as per 1st Cor. 5:5 & 1st Tim. 1:20, we are to have nothing to do with them and turn that person over to Satan (the world) so that the sinful nature may be destroyed. Unbelievers however, Like Brandon, are a totally different story. We are to pray for them and lovingly try to bring them to faith & the truth (Col. 4:5-6 & Jude 22). Comments in opposition to this may not have been posted and you may want to reevaluate your own ticket to heaven.
Those of you who are unbelievers and/or even involved with Satan or the occult and are seeing 333, please understand that it is of God; the God who sacrificed His son, Jesus - who suffered the agony of death on the cross - His only reason being your salvation! - Don't let Satan have your soul! Whatever he offers, it's not worth heaven! Take God up on His offer; don't play the fool! "The fool says in his heart, there is no God" (Psalm 14:1). Freedom can be yours. See the following.
Ex-Satanist Radically Saved & Baptized:
3/14/2017: A CBN News report: The founder and former member of a satanic church in Texas has converted to Christianity. Jacob McKelvy, formerly known as Jacob No, was instrumental in bringing together a group of "Luciferians" to form a Luciferian church. On February 5, 2017, Mckelvy and his wife renounced their ties with the Luciferian church, after becoming born-again Christians. "...(W)e were once covered in darkness and bound to each other in Luciferian covenant" McKelvy said during a service at Spring First Church in Houston. "We were mired in the shadows of an adversarial influence and knew no love outside of each other. Today I rebuke, denounce, and break the satanic covenant by the blood of Jesus." McKelvy and his wife were both baptized at the end of the service. Parts of the sermon and McKelvy's testminony were posted on a YouTube video.
In an exclusive interview with CBN News, McKelvy shared how he became involved with satanism. He said he turned to the religion after his sister died of a snakebite. "I was born and raised Mormon and so I understood about Jesus Christ and God. And if they took my sister away, I was going to go to the dark side. There was a lot of hopelessness and feeling of powerlessness that drew me to this. When Luciferanism says that you are your own God, that's pretty powerful" he explained. On October 30, 2015, the Greater Church of Lucifer, founded by McKelvy, opened its doors to the public in Houston. "It was a quest for power” McKelvy said. ”I wasn't expecting the Greater Church of Lucifer to be as big as it was. It originally started in my garage."
Some Christians in the area protested against the church, but Pastor Robert Hogan of Spring First Church encouraged his church to pray instead of protest. "I'm not going to be down there picketing", Hogan told his church from the pulpit. "And could I tell you something, would you not go down there picketing. If you want to picket it, picket it on your knees", he said. "I just believed that God could break a revival out at that church". Hogan said he was hopeful that good would come out of the negative situation. In August of 2016, McKelvy walked into Spring First church and asked to meet with Pastor Hogan. It was a meeting that lasted four hours, after which McKelvy surrendered his life to Jesus Christ. Today McKelvy hopes that his story will inspire others to follow God and live life for Christ. "No matter how far away from God you think you are. There is always a way home", he said. McKelvy now speaks in churches to prove the power of prayer and the love of God. "The power and peace and wholeness I feel today is far greater than anything that I've ever felt before," he said. "I created a church to destroy dogmatic religion and he still loved me. So if he could still love me for me to be here today talking to you, than there are no excuses anymore". Meanwhile, the Greater church of Lucifer has closed its doors.
Also see: Guestbook 10/15/2017, Sully / Melbourne, Australia. - "I started to notice 333 about six months ago. I'm an Ex-Satanist, recent Christian Convert."
Concerning Satan & 333 - See "Satan's # Games" etc.
Folks, I & some commenters above, are quite disappointed by comments of some who profess to be Christian. Some refreshing of Christian doctrine may be in order. - If someone is a professing Christian and they are involved in a blatant, continual sin, then, as per 1st Cor. 5:5 & 1st Tim. 1:20, we are to have nothing to do with them and turn that person over to Satan (the world) so that the sinful nature may be destroyed. Unbelievers however, Like Brandon, are a totally different story. We are to pray for them and lovingly try to bring them to faith & the truth (Col. 4:5-6 & Jude 22). Comments in opposition to this may not have been posted and you may want to reevaluate your own ticket to heaven.
Those of you who are unbelievers and/or even involved with Satan or the occult and are seeing 333, please understand that it is of God; the God who sacrificed His son, Jesus - who suffered the agony of death on the cross - His only reason being your salvation! - Don't let Satan have your soul! Whatever he offers, it's not worth heaven! Take God up on His offer; don't play the fool! "The fool says in his heart, there is no God" (Psalm 14:1). Freedom can be yours. See the following.
Ex-Satanist Radically Saved & Baptized:
3/14/2017: A CBN News report: The founder and former member of a satanic church in Texas has converted to Christianity. Jacob McKelvy, formerly known as Jacob No, was instrumental in bringing together a group of "Luciferians" to form a Luciferian church. On February 5, 2017, Mckelvy and his wife renounced their ties with the Luciferian church, after becoming born-again Christians. "...(W)e were once covered in darkness and bound to each other in Luciferian covenant" McKelvy said during a service at Spring First Church in Houston. "We were mired in the shadows of an adversarial influence and knew no love outside of each other. Today I rebuke, denounce, and break the satanic covenant by the blood of Jesus." McKelvy and his wife were both baptized at the end of the service. Parts of the sermon and McKelvy's testminony were posted on a YouTube video.
In an exclusive interview with CBN News, McKelvy shared how he became involved with satanism. He said he turned to the religion after his sister died of a snakebite. "I was born and raised Mormon and so I understood about Jesus Christ and God. And if they took my sister away, I was going to go to the dark side. There was a lot of hopelessness and feeling of powerlessness that drew me to this. When Luciferanism says that you are your own God, that's pretty powerful" he explained. On October 30, 2015, the Greater Church of Lucifer, founded by McKelvy, opened its doors to the public in Houston. "It was a quest for power” McKelvy said. ”I wasn't expecting the Greater Church of Lucifer to be as big as it was. It originally started in my garage."
Some Christians in the area protested against the church, but Pastor Robert Hogan of Spring First Church encouraged his church to pray instead of protest. "I'm not going to be down there picketing", Hogan told his church from the pulpit. "And could I tell you something, would you not go down there picketing. If you want to picket it, picket it on your knees", he said. "I just believed that God could break a revival out at that church". Hogan said he was hopeful that good would come out of the negative situation. In August of 2016, McKelvy walked into Spring First church and asked to meet with Pastor Hogan. It was a meeting that lasted four hours, after which McKelvy surrendered his life to Jesus Christ. Today McKelvy hopes that his story will inspire others to follow God and live life for Christ. "No matter how far away from God you think you are. There is always a way home", he said. McKelvy now speaks in churches to prove the power of prayer and the love of God. "The power and peace and wholeness I feel today is far greater than anything that I've ever felt before," he said. "I created a church to destroy dogmatic religion and he still loved me. So if he could still love me for me to be here today talking to you, than there are no excuses anymore". Meanwhile, the Greater church of Lucifer has closed its doors.
Also see: Guestbook 10/15/2017, Sully / Melbourne, Australia. - "I started to notice 333 about six months ago. I'm an Ex-Satanist, recent Christian Convert."
Concerning Satan & 333 - See "Satan's # Games" etc.
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