INDEX - "The Great Deception"
"End-Time Dreams of Pastor Dana Coverstone"
"The Final Jubilee"
"An End-Time Comet?"
"Matthew Chapters 23 & 24"
"End-Time Dreams of Pastor Dana Coverstone"
"The Final Jubilee"
"An End-Time Comet?"
"Matthew Chapters 23 & 24"
The Great Deception (Matthew 24:24, 1Tmothy 4:1, Etc.)
The title of this page "Brace Yourself" is taken from the primary warning given by God to Dana Coverstone via prophetic end-time dreams. But first, along a similar line, I want to address the "Great Deception" that Satan has and is presently grooming the world for. As mentioned previously, Satan is certainly going to try to corrupt the Rapture and put his own spin on it. It will likely involve UFOs, or as they are now called UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena), and likely the Catholic Church hierarchy.
L.A.Marzulli does a great job of covering the UAP aspects quite thoroughly in his film “UFO Disclosure – The Coming Great Deception & The Luciferian End Game” which he has made available for free on his web-site to hopefully expose Satan’s coming deception to as many people as possible before it’s too late.
Tom Horn & Chris Putnam’s books, “Exo-Vaticana” and “The Final Roman Emperor, The Islamic Antichrist, & The Vatican’s Last Crusade” delve into the Catholic Church’s very likely role in the Last Days deception.
L.A.Marzulli does a great job of covering the UAP aspects quite thoroughly in his film “UFO Disclosure – The Coming Great Deception & The Luciferian End Game” which he has made available for free on his web-site to hopefully expose Satan’s coming deception to as many people as possible before it’s too late.
Tom Horn & Chris Putnam’s books, “Exo-Vaticana” and “The Final Roman Emperor, The Islamic Antichrist, & The Vatican’s Last Crusade” delve into the Catholic Church’s very likely role in the Last Days deception.
End-Time Dreams of Pastor Dana Coverstone
In June and July of 2020 Pastor Dana Coverstone, a Kentucky Pastor, created quite a stir in Christian circles via his YouTube exposés of what seem to be true prophetic end-time dreams of warning. I, as well as most of the prophetic Christian world, believe that Pastor Dana is a truly honest, upstanding, and humble servant of God who has absolutely no hidden agenda. That being said, caution needs to be exercised because not all of his projections have come to pass, as yet. However, this could just possibly be a misunderstanding of the symbolism or timing, which Pastor Dana acknowledges. Personally, I believe God is definitely using Pastor Dana to warn America, a nation that used to be a light to the world. In particular, most of the dreams contain words that seemingly come directly from God/Jesus Himself. They are quite ominous and uniquely verify how close we are to the Rapture & Tribulation. Following is at least a brief synopsis of the various dreams, with the words of the Man in White highlighted.
1st Dream, December 2019: Pastor Dana saw a calendar starting at January 2020. It was being flipped from January, to February, to March. A Finger underlined March & tapped it 3 times.
The calendar was then flipped to April, to May, & then June. Again, the Finger underlined June & tapped it 3 times.
All the things that he saw in this December dream are the same things that we all saw in the news almost every day from March thru June & beyond. He saw absolute chaos & sickness plus vultures were flying over the cities.
Throughout this time he kept hearing “Brace Yourself, Brace Yourself”.
2nd Dream, June 23, 2020: Pastor saw another calendar. (He made no mention of 2020 at this point, although he may have just neglected to mention it).
A righteous White Figure appeared & a voice said “Part 2, Part 2”.
The calendar flipped, from June, to July, to August, to September. Similar to Dream#1, the Finger underlined September (like emphasizing it), & tapped it 3 times.
Then October & November flipped. The Finger underlined November 3 times, rather than once, and then rather than tapping it, a Fist smashed it! It was like an explosion! Numbers flew everywhere!
Then there was a cloud of chaos! Rioting etc.!
Schools were closed. Cobwebs were in classrooms like no one had been in them for months!
Banks – money was flying out their roofs! Wealth taken!
Corrupt politicians making back room deals!
Washington D.C. was burning, fires everywhere!
Chinese, Russian, & U.N. troops rounding up people!
There was no sign of President Trump or leadership in D.C.
The vultures of Dream#1 were like gargoyles, 10 to 15 feet high, attacking people mercilessly! – Absolute chaos!
Then Pastor again heard “Brace Yourself”, 3 times.
Commenting on the dream, Dana said, “The Fist punch on November 2020 is what really got my attention”. (This of course could certainly represent the 2020 contested election and the resulting chaos.)
3rd Dream, June 24, 2020: In conjunction with the Pastor seeking change for a church function, the bank teller/owner tells him “change is no longer available” and “prepare for hyperinflation”. Then again he heard “Brace Yourself”, 3 times.
Note: I personally have had a similar dream. I don’t think there is any question, particularly with our COVID-19 crisis, that economies all over the world are going to be hard hit.
4th Dream, June 26, 2020: This dream was a warning of the coming persecution of pastors and an encouragement for them. No time frame was involved.
5th Dream, July 10, 2020: Like the other dreams, a calendar was placed in front of Pastor Dana on a prayer podium where he prays every day.
A hand reached up & grabbed the month of September 2020, ripped it off, and placed it on the floor in
front of him.
He was instructed to stand on it and pray for three specific things.
1) The Church to have a strong backbone.
2) For corruption in the church to be exposed. And
3) For a great harvest in the coming months.
As he’s standing & praying, a voice says “You’re not enough, we need more people praying. So ask for more help”. So as he’s standing on the calendar, he’s calling out for more people to pray.
Suddenly the calendar below him starts getting larger exponentially.
It was Tuesday, September 1st, that he was standing on, like on a chess board. (September 1st is a Tuesday which verifies this calendar is 2020).
The calendar keeps getting bigger & bigger, like the size of a football field.
Suddenly he’s not the only one praying. There were people standing on every day of the calendar. Every mood of prayer was being prayed, some in tongues, some silently, some laying down, all kinds.
Then the cry went out again, “We need more help, we need more people to pray!”
So everyone on the calendar began to cry out, “Church, we need more help, we need more prayer!”
Suddenly the calendar became the outline of America. But the calendar of September is still there. And more & more people are jumping onto the calendar and praying.
Then Pastor sees a Finger appear and it writes on the calendar “A SOLEMN” in front of September, and then “ASSEMBLY” afterwards. Thus, he sees, “A SOLEMN SEPTEMBER ASSEMBLY”. (Which he says is a clear sign to pray for that month.) And the number of people just keeps growing & growing & growing, all over the U.S. map. Hundreds of people are now praying for each day on the calendar.
Then storm clouds appeared all over the country. And then fires appeared, first outside the country, then all over the U.S. Some were fires of revival but also fires of opposition & persecution. But the call still rang out, “Pray Church, Pray!”
He saw incredible warfare in the Heavens, demonic warfare with the angels of God that was impacting the believers on earth. He could hear the sabers rattling, the grunts & groans of the battle.
The heavens were alive with battle as people continued praying. The fires of revival were coming against the fires of opposition to the Body of Christ. It was real warfare! He saw the weariness of the Saints. Believers were holding each other up, everyone was fighting together regardless of color, race, or sex. The battle was intense & brutal! People were bruised & bleeding, fighting together in prayer.
Finally, the storms broke and the battle was over in the heavens. His attention was drawn to the end of the month of September where there were a lot of people still praying. They were broken & beaten down, but they were standing victorious.
Then he saw the Heavens opened and saw the Lord Jesus standing with His angels. And the Lord said very clearly:
“Arise My Bride, Arise My Bride – Prepare to Pray”
“Arise My Bride, Arise My Bride – Prepare to Battle”
And lastly He said, “Arise My Bride, Arise My Bride and Prepare
to see My Face. For I am coming soon and My Reward is with Me.”
Then there was the sound of a thousand shofars being blown all at once. Even in the dream he could feel the wind of all those shofars hitting him in the face.
He then awoke with an overwhelming peaceful presence about him. The End.
Pastor Dana believes that the Lord is calling the American Church to pray for the entire month of September; but to expect some of the most serious spiritual warfare that we’ve ever been called to do. He stressed that something “big” is coming and the Church today is not ready for it. He doesn’t know what’s going to follow September, but he believes the battles are going to be very, very serious. The Church really needs to wake up & get its act together because we’re in for a real battle! We’ve got to get ready for what’s coming! And, although he’s not a date setter, he’s quite certain that the Lord’s coming is quite close, - certainly, because of what the Lord clearly said in the dream.
This 5th dream seems to propose a solution to the horrendous warnings and consequences of Dream #2. It bears a strong resemblance to the Book of Jonah. - The Ninevites, after God forced Jonah to preach to them, repented of their evil ways, called urgently on God, covered themselves in sackcloth, and thus were given a reprieve from God’s anger. Of course, God’s anger right now against the United States is certainly monumental! We have turned our backs on Him something terrible! Thus Pastor Dana’s dreams are quite believably prophetic.
Note: September was indeed a Month of prayer, all over the country and particularly via two large rallies in Washington DC. Wondering if it will be enough to moderate God's anger.
August 10, 2020 – He saw the month of October. A Finger pointed to the 2nd week and dragged through the 3rd week. It then pointed to & tapped the 31st, (Our Halloween & a full moon!)
Then a rock came flying out of the sky into a large pond. The ripples started out small but became like vicious waves.
He saw government officials and radical protesters. They all had firecracker wicks sticking out of their heads. During the 2nd week of October all of these wicks were set on fire and there was a lot of yelling & screaming.
Then everybody's head blew up at the same time. Although the people were still alive, the explosions started fires all around them.
The protesters who weren't being radical enough were being beaten & attacked.
He saw the American dollar burning & collapsing. Some people were devastated, others were rejoicing. Taps were playing in the background.
He then saw churches & people praying. They were protected by bubbles and angels were guarding them. They were being encouraged to stand strong, to keep praying, preaching, & believing, while there were relentless attacks against them.
Corrupt & puffed-up health & prosperity pastors & profits were being exposed & reduced to nakedness & ruin.
He saw clowns in suits pouring buckets of oil & grease in front of election venues and distracting people from voting.
Lastly, he saw a big billboard. It said, "Passover 2021, (March 27th) big things are coming for the world!" And that White Figure appeared. He said, "Do not stop bracing, for the storm will not pass until I stop the storm. So brace, brace, brace yourselves and don't look back."
August 17, 2020 – Dana sees a November calendar & leafless trees in the background. That Finger appeared & circled Nov.3rd continuously, first clockwise & then counterclockwise. Headlines read, "Trump victory challenged everywhere." A placard read, "The obvious winner is not so obvious." Election chaos, protestors, riots, cities on fire! A Treasury official gave a weird, sarcastic wink!
He then saw an old Conestoga type wagon driven by Kamala Harris and loaded with boxes of dynamite. It was pulled by two mules and Joe Biden was riding on the mule on the left. Harris was whipping the mules to go faster, hitting Biden also, but he was not aware of it. They were headed for a target.
The target was President Trump, who was on his knees and Hilary Clinton was behind him with a knife to his throat. She had a bloody ring on her index finger, a moldy skeleton key hanging from her neck, and a gaudy Nazi symbol on her shirt. Trump overpowered her, she fell back, dropped the knife, and stepped into a large bear trap. The President ran off towards the Beast (his vehicle). Dana hears/sees 3 pistol shots aimed at the President. But 3 secret service agents take the bullets & roll to the ground. Trump slowly takes off in the Beast which is surrounded by agents with rifles. Weirdly, the rifles are not modern, but are like old revolutionary muskets!
Hilary couldn't free herself from the trap, the wagon hit her, and there was a huge explosion. Biden ended up face down on the street with wheel tracks over him and a vulture sitting on his head. Harris was crying quarter like tears in disbelief. There was a huge hole in the ground & buildings were collapsed.
Dana then saw the Church. There is wide separation between believers & non-believers. There was much confusion and many questions. Then a voice said, “Those who refuse to get ready will be wanting in the end. So Brace Yourselves and tell others, for they’re about to see more shocking things.”
Note: Vultures are scavengers; they don't eat live meat. But, weather this is actual, symbolic or of no consequence remains to be seen.
August 21, 2020 – The White Figure appeared and said, “Ready or not nation, here it comes. Brace Yourself.”
August 24, 2020 – A November calendar was highlighted. (Reference the Fist that hit the month of November in the June 23rd dream.) There was a very bright light and then darkness. All hell breaks loose. Headlines read: Shock & Awe in the U.S., UN Steps in to Help. Desperate people in shelters. There seemed like snow on the ground, but dirty & grey like ash.
The White Figure appears and says, “Remain Braced, for after a calm, will come a gathering storm that a recovery will have a hard time finding.” – (Pastor tears up.)
August 28 thru September 4, 2020 – A series of dreams, apocalyptic & frightening.
He saw a December calendar with a finger pointing slowly & forcefully.
The calendar flipped to January; the finger continued its slow, forceful movement.
There were long food lines and ships on the East & West coasts were idle.
Headlines - "Nothing moving in trade around the world."
There were no Christmas lights or displays. People were sad, dazed, & confused.
Dirty snow type stuff (maybe ash) was on the ground and people were indoors with coats on.
Christians with torches were preaching - "You need Jesus Now!." Some were acknowledging.
He saw shopping malls converted into shelters.
Headlines - "Nationwide outages plague the Southwest."
Lights were flickering throughout America. Like America was a light bulb ready to go out.
Fat vultures with rotting food hanging out of their beaks.
He then saw several people gathered near the St. Louis Arch. They were dressed in expensive black suits & dark glasses. They all had expensive watches & a Wall Street Journal. At their feet were large briefcases, like suitcase nuclear bombs.
Suddenly, all their watch alarms went off at the same time, they grabbed their briefcases & took off in all directions in black SUVs.
He then saw headlines, "Stock Market Crashes". There was much depression and many who had lost hope.
But he saw Christians encouraging one another and he saw church lights all over the country - keeping up hope.
Then a/the White Figure rose up from one of these churches and He said, "Brace Yourself, Brace, Brace, Brace Yourself on My Word & My Promises and don't rely on your own strength".
1st Dream, December 2019: Pastor Dana saw a calendar starting at January 2020. It was being flipped from January, to February, to March. A Finger underlined March & tapped it 3 times.
The calendar was then flipped to April, to May, & then June. Again, the Finger underlined June & tapped it 3 times.
All the things that he saw in this December dream are the same things that we all saw in the news almost every day from March thru June & beyond. He saw absolute chaos & sickness plus vultures were flying over the cities.
Throughout this time he kept hearing “Brace Yourself, Brace Yourself”.
2nd Dream, June 23, 2020: Pastor saw another calendar. (He made no mention of 2020 at this point, although he may have just neglected to mention it).
A righteous White Figure appeared & a voice said “Part 2, Part 2”.
The calendar flipped, from June, to July, to August, to September. Similar to Dream#1, the Finger underlined September (like emphasizing it), & tapped it 3 times.
Then October & November flipped. The Finger underlined November 3 times, rather than once, and then rather than tapping it, a Fist smashed it! It was like an explosion! Numbers flew everywhere!
Then there was a cloud of chaos! Rioting etc.!
Schools were closed. Cobwebs were in classrooms like no one had been in them for months!
Banks – money was flying out their roofs! Wealth taken!
Corrupt politicians making back room deals!
Washington D.C. was burning, fires everywhere!
Chinese, Russian, & U.N. troops rounding up people!
There was no sign of President Trump or leadership in D.C.
The vultures of Dream#1 were like gargoyles, 10 to 15 feet high, attacking people mercilessly! – Absolute chaos!
Then Pastor again heard “Brace Yourself”, 3 times.
Commenting on the dream, Dana said, “The Fist punch on November 2020 is what really got my attention”. (This of course could certainly represent the 2020 contested election and the resulting chaos.)
3rd Dream, June 24, 2020: In conjunction with the Pastor seeking change for a church function, the bank teller/owner tells him “change is no longer available” and “prepare for hyperinflation”. Then again he heard “Brace Yourself”, 3 times.
Note: I personally have had a similar dream. I don’t think there is any question, particularly with our COVID-19 crisis, that economies all over the world are going to be hard hit.
4th Dream, June 26, 2020: This dream was a warning of the coming persecution of pastors and an encouragement for them. No time frame was involved.
5th Dream, July 10, 2020: Like the other dreams, a calendar was placed in front of Pastor Dana on a prayer podium where he prays every day.
A hand reached up & grabbed the month of September 2020, ripped it off, and placed it on the floor in
front of him.
He was instructed to stand on it and pray for three specific things.
1) The Church to have a strong backbone.
2) For corruption in the church to be exposed. And
3) For a great harvest in the coming months.
As he’s standing & praying, a voice says “You’re not enough, we need more people praying. So ask for more help”. So as he’s standing on the calendar, he’s calling out for more people to pray.
Suddenly the calendar below him starts getting larger exponentially.
It was Tuesday, September 1st, that he was standing on, like on a chess board. (September 1st is a Tuesday which verifies this calendar is 2020).
The calendar keeps getting bigger & bigger, like the size of a football field.
Suddenly he’s not the only one praying. There were people standing on every day of the calendar. Every mood of prayer was being prayed, some in tongues, some silently, some laying down, all kinds.
Then the cry went out again, “We need more help, we need more people to pray!”
So everyone on the calendar began to cry out, “Church, we need more help, we need more prayer!”
Suddenly the calendar became the outline of America. But the calendar of September is still there. And more & more people are jumping onto the calendar and praying.
Then Pastor sees a Finger appear and it writes on the calendar “A SOLEMN” in front of September, and then “ASSEMBLY” afterwards. Thus, he sees, “A SOLEMN SEPTEMBER ASSEMBLY”. (Which he says is a clear sign to pray for that month.) And the number of people just keeps growing & growing & growing, all over the U.S. map. Hundreds of people are now praying for each day on the calendar.
Then storm clouds appeared all over the country. And then fires appeared, first outside the country, then all over the U.S. Some were fires of revival but also fires of opposition & persecution. But the call still rang out, “Pray Church, Pray!”
He saw incredible warfare in the Heavens, demonic warfare with the angels of God that was impacting the believers on earth. He could hear the sabers rattling, the grunts & groans of the battle.
The heavens were alive with battle as people continued praying. The fires of revival were coming against the fires of opposition to the Body of Christ. It was real warfare! He saw the weariness of the Saints. Believers were holding each other up, everyone was fighting together regardless of color, race, or sex. The battle was intense & brutal! People were bruised & bleeding, fighting together in prayer.
Finally, the storms broke and the battle was over in the heavens. His attention was drawn to the end of the month of September where there were a lot of people still praying. They were broken & beaten down, but they were standing victorious.
Then he saw the Heavens opened and saw the Lord Jesus standing with His angels. And the Lord said very clearly:
“Arise My Bride, Arise My Bride – Prepare to Pray”
“Arise My Bride, Arise My Bride – Prepare to Battle”
And lastly He said, “Arise My Bride, Arise My Bride and Prepare
to see My Face. For I am coming soon and My Reward is with Me.”
Then there was the sound of a thousand shofars being blown all at once. Even in the dream he could feel the wind of all those shofars hitting him in the face.
He then awoke with an overwhelming peaceful presence about him. The End.
Pastor Dana believes that the Lord is calling the American Church to pray for the entire month of September; but to expect some of the most serious spiritual warfare that we’ve ever been called to do. He stressed that something “big” is coming and the Church today is not ready for it. He doesn’t know what’s going to follow September, but he believes the battles are going to be very, very serious. The Church really needs to wake up & get its act together because we’re in for a real battle! We’ve got to get ready for what’s coming! And, although he’s not a date setter, he’s quite certain that the Lord’s coming is quite close, - certainly, because of what the Lord clearly said in the dream.
This 5th dream seems to propose a solution to the horrendous warnings and consequences of Dream #2. It bears a strong resemblance to the Book of Jonah. - The Ninevites, after God forced Jonah to preach to them, repented of their evil ways, called urgently on God, covered themselves in sackcloth, and thus were given a reprieve from God’s anger. Of course, God’s anger right now against the United States is certainly monumental! We have turned our backs on Him something terrible! Thus Pastor Dana’s dreams are quite believably prophetic.
Note: September was indeed a Month of prayer, all over the country and particularly via two large rallies in Washington DC. Wondering if it will be enough to moderate God's anger.
August 10, 2020 – He saw the month of October. A Finger pointed to the 2nd week and dragged through the 3rd week. It then pointed to & tapped the 31st, (Our Halloween & a full moon!)
Then a rock came flying out of the sky into a large pond. The ripples started out small but became like vicious waves.
He saw government officials and radical protesters. They all had firecracker wicks sticking out of their heads. During the 2nd week of October all of these wicks were set on fire and there was a lot of yelling & screaming.
Then everybody's head blew up at the same time. Although the people were still alive, the explosions started fires all around them.
The protesters who weren't being radical enough were being beaten & attacked.
He saw the American dollar burning & collapsing. Some people were devastated, others were rejoicing. Taps were playing in the background.
He then saw churches & people praying. They were protected by bubbles and angels were guarding them. They were being encouraged to stand strong, to keep praying, preaching, & believing, while there were relentless attacks against them.
Corrupt & puffed-up health & prosperity pastors & profits were being exposed & reduced to nakedness & ruin.
He saw clowns in suits pouring buckets of oil & grease in front of election venues and distracting people from voting.
Lastly, he saw a big billboard. It said, "Passover 2021, (March 27th) big things are coming for the world!" And that White Figure appeared. He said, "Do not stop bracing, for the storm will not pass until I stop the storm. So brace, brace, brace yourselves and don't look back."
August 17, 2020 – Dana sees a November calendar & leafless trees in the background. That Finger appeared & circled Nov.3rd continuously, first clockwise & then counterclockwise. Headlines read, "Trump victory challenged everywhere." A placard read, "The obvious winner is not so obvious." Election chaos, protestors, riots, cities on fire! A Treasury official gave a weird, sarcastic wink!
He then saw an old Conestoga type wagon driven by Kamala Harris and loaded with boxes of dynamite. It was pulled by two mules and Joe Biden was riding on the mule on the left. Harris was whipping the mules to go faster, hitting Biden also, but he was not aware of it. They were headed for a target.
The target was President Trump, who was on his knees and Hilary Clinton was behind him with a knife to his throat. She had a bloody ring on her index finger, a moldy skeleton key hanging from her neck, and a gaudy Nazi symbol on her shirt. Trump overpowered her, she fell back, dropped the knife, and stepped into a large bear trap. The President ran off towards the Beast (his vehicle). Dana hears/sees 3 pistol shots aimed at the President. But 3 secret service agents take the bullets & roll to the ground. Trump slowly takes off in the Beast which is surrounded by agents with rifles. Weirdly, the rifles are not modern, but are like old revolutionary muskets!
Hilary couldn't free herself from the trap, the wagon hit her, and there was a huge explosion. Biden ended up face down on the street with wheel tracks over him and a vulture sitting on his head. Harris was crying quarter like tears in disbelief. There was a huge hole in the ground & buildings were collapsed.
Dana then saw the Church. There is wide separation between believers & non-believers. There was much confusion and many questions. Then a voice said, “Those who refuse to get ready will be wanting in the end. So Brace Yourselves and tell others, for they’re about to see more shocking things.”
Note: Vultures are scavengers; they don't eat live meat. But, weather this is actual, symbolic or of no consequence remains to be seen.
August 21, 2020 – The White Figure appeared and said, “Ready or not nation, here it comes. Brace Yourself.”
August 24, 2020 – A November calendar was highlighted. (Reference the Fist that hit the month of November in the June 23rd dream.) There was a very bright light and then darkness. All hell breaks loose. Headlines read: Shock & Awe in the U.S., UN Steps in to Help. Desperate people in shelters. There seemed like snow on the ground, but dirty & grey like ash.
The White Figure appears and says, “Remain Braced, for after a calm, will come a gathering storm that a recovery will have a hard time finding.” – (Pastor tears up.)
August 28 thru September 4, 2020 – A series of dreams, apocalyptic & frightening.
He saw a December calendar with a finger pointing slowly & forcefully.
The calendar flipped to January; the finger continued its slow, forceful movement.
There were long food lines and ships on the East & West coasts were idle.
Headlines - "Nothing moving in trade around the world."
There were no Christmas lights or displays. People were sad, dazed, & confused.
Dirty snow type stuff (maybe ash) was on the ground and people were indoors with coats on.
Christians with torches were preaching - "You need Jesus Now!." Some were acknowledging.
He saw shopping malls converted into shelters.
Headlines - "Nationwide outages plague the Southwest."
Lights were flickering throughout America. Like America was a light bulb ready to go out.
Fat vultures with rotting food hanging out of their beaks.
He then saw several people gathered near the St. Louis Arch. They were dressed in expensive black suits & dark glasses. They all had expensive watches & a Wall Street Journal. At their feet were large briefcases, like suitcase nuclear bombs.
Suddenly, all their watch alarms went off at the same time, they grabbed their briefcases & took off in all directions in black SUVs.
He then saw headlines, "Stock Market Crashes". There was much depression and many who had lost hope.
But he saw Christians encouraging one another and he saw church lights all over the country - keeping up hope.
Then a/the White Figure rose up from one of these churches and He said, "Brace Yourself, Brace, Brace, Brace Yourself on My Word & My Promises and don't rely on your own strength".
September 8, 2020 – Our Lady Liberty Statue was being attacked. She kept trying to fight and hold on to her torch & the Declaration of Independence. But her attackers were just too powerful.
Crying for help, Lady Liberty was ruthlessly killed. After which, her attackers were seemingly paid-off via silver coins being thrown to them. They then left as if their job there was done.
Pastor's comment - Pray for America. The deep state & others are trying to bring us down.
September 14, 2020 – Dana saw the Great Lakes shimmering. There was a shaking & movement of the waters from a deep earthquake. Also, the Rocky Mountains were trembling and the coast of California was shimmering & shaking. There was panic due to a huge earthquake in Southern California. Also there were significant fires in 5 boroughs of New York City.
At Mt. Rushmore the face of George Washington spoke out loud, "Hold the fort, tow the line, fight".
Then the Figure in White appeared at the National Mall. He spread out his arms and said, "Now it's up to you Church".
September 14&15, 2020 – An elderly gray-bearded man was seemingly placing a Maple Sugar tap & bucket on a tree. The syrup changed to blood, dripped on the ground, and it spelled out "Guilty as Charged".
The next day Dana had a vision of a woman near death in a hospital bed. The same man picked her up, held her very close to his breast and breathed on her. The woman (possibly representing the Church), slowly began to revive and even wanted to stand & walk. But He told her, "No, you need to rest." "You need to be able to run, so stick to the instructions." "Stay braced and occupy till I come."
September 26, 2020 – In this dream Dana saw a huge flat open field with big hills on either side. There was a silver line running down the center separating the left from the right.
On the left side was a strong dark army ready for warfare. On the right was a smaller rag-tag, disorganized & ill prepared army. They seemed mesmerized by the power of those on the left.
But then came ten well armored warriors on horseback to help & direct this rag-tag group. The warriors organized & led an attack on the left, but the ill prepared rag-tags would not follow. There was a fierce battle but the warriors were outnumbered and could not get the rag-tags to cross the line and join in the battle. Some even retreated to the top of the hill & just watched. But then a small enemy group snuck up behind them, beheaded five and the rest ran down the hill towards the battle as the enemy pursued them. The ill prepared rag-tags were trapped, but they still wouldn't cross the line & join the warriors. So they were all killed. Although the ten warriors did finally prevail.
Pastors comment - The interpretation seems obvious. We better be & stay mentally & spiritually prepared. We need to cross over that silver line that represents a crossing over to a life committed & surrendered to Jesus. We need the spiritual maturity & experience in spiritual warfare. Stay awake & prepared to face the coming battles.
October 20, 2020 - The Data Dream - Dana saw a U.S. atlas with interstate lines. It was a map with moving flashing lights that represented some kind of data movement. Technicians were working on these lines & data points. There were concerns about some of these lines overheating, - "If they go hot they're going to fry if we can't slow the system down!".
There were big flashes & smoke from data points in California, Oregon, & Washington State. Systems were shutting down. They spread Eastward towards the Mississippi River. Technicians were franticly trying to relieve or reroute overloading systems. Then on the Eastern side of the Mississippi was a countdown clock. It counted down from 10 to 0 and then the circuits started to smoke & fry in the East also.
When the flashes reached Philadelphia, a large red network line running under the Liberty Bell filled up & blew up. The Liberty Bell flew strait up in the air and split in half. It fell to the ground, started rocking, and then started melting due to heat from the large overloaded network line.
From there the lines of data were all headed to Washington D.C. The technicians were franticly fighting to try to disconnect them before the explosive power of these info circuits reached D.C. Judges & professional men were trying to pull these lines away from D.C. to prevent them from blowing up in the city. But, to no avail. They finally blew up the Capitol Building, and like the Liberty Bell, the Capitol Building cracked in half. The smoke from the explosion rose in the air and spelled out "DISCOVERY". Frightened people, seeing this word, started running.
The scene then changed. In he Capitol rotunda was a closed casket with a sign on it that said, "INSIDE IS THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT". A calendar above this sign had the date of December 17th circled. One of the sons of the presidential candidate was there but not the other. His wife was there, looking down at the floor. Nobody was crying. Many Congressmen & Senators from both parties were there. They were looking at the floor and shaking their heads & fists violently. Also, all their shoes were off & in a pile at the entrance. They were barefoot!
A prominent Senator stepped forward and demanded to see the body. But, Marians & the Sargent of Arms stepped up and said, "There will be no viewing of the body today or ever again." The Senator, quite angry, found his shoes in the pile, and rushed off toward the White House with clenched fists & cursing. He was obviously cursing the occupant of the White House as if angrily wanting a change to something that was going on. Smoke was still rising outside. At the Washington Monument he stopped for a moment and looked back. There were 20 to25 others following him, but they were not in a hurry; they were walking with their shoes in their hands. He shouted for them to hurry, but they continued to just cautiously walk. The Senator sneers at them & at the White House and continues running toward the White House. (Dana knows who the Senator was, but not those following.)
At this point, the well known Figure in White appears. He's standing at the place where the President gives the State of the Union address in the Halls of Congress. He tapped the microphone 3 times and then stated in a very loud voice, "A HOUSE DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF SHALL NOT STAND." He then walked to the exit at the back of the room where there was a panel of 25 or 30 light switches which He proceeded to flick off until all the lights in the building were out. THE END.
Note: Dana's dream of Aug.17th also projected the demise of Joe Biden after the election. Wondering if this will be actual or symbolic.
October 26&27, 2020 - Dana saw people all over the U.S. doing normal, everyday things. Better even than before 2020.
Suddenly people said "look up!" Many people held their breath.
Ocean blue water started coming over the whole nation from the East and from the West.
People holding their breath were calm, but the others were very frightened, were shaking their fists & cursing God.
Out of the calm group came the same White Figure of the other dreams. He held up two fingers of his right hand and said, "Stay Braced, but don't breath just yet."
November 9, 2020 - The Lincoln Dream. - Uncle Sam confronts Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial.
Politicians demand Uncle Sam to hang Lincoln. He regretfully does.
As he's hung up, Lincoln reaches out and grabs a Bible among several political documents, but it falls from his hand as he dies.
The Figure in White appears, kneels beside Lincoln and says, "They didn't have any idea what they were doing, and now the Nation needs to brace itself for what they deserve."
He then walked over to Uncle Sam, closed his eyes, tapped him on the chest 3 times and said, "Rest in peace Uncle Sam, sorry you had to see the ship go down."
Then the Figure in White looked directly at Dana, in the dream, and said, "Nation - Brace Yourself for fire & ice and don't forget to anchor your soul."
Note: This dream came right after the November 2020 (possibly corrupt) Presidential election.
December 1st, 2020 - Dana gave a 16 minute Declaration acknowledging the fact that although much in his seemingly prophetic dreams have materialized, much has not come to pass. He has received many accusations of being a false prophet. He reiterates that he has never claimed to be a prophet, that he is just a pastor who has dreams that he and many others believe are from God. Moreover he still believes he is being used by God to awaken the Church, which he certainly is. It's also likely that much in his dreams are symbolic and possibly represent future events.
Personally, I also don't know that we can rule out the possibility of the Pastor's personal feelings getting intertwined with the Divine or that Satan may not be trying to corrupt some issues in order to nullify Pastor's effectiveness. - Whatever it is, Dana Coverstone should not be villainized. He is truly a straight shooter, good man, good pastor, and truly prophetic.
December 2020 - The Snake Chain Dream - Dana saw the cherry blossoms in Wash. D.C. A bolt of lightning with thunder went from ground to sky and split into two directions.
The cherry tree leaves started falling to the ground and a Hand appeared which began ripping off the leaves in clumps. All the leaves fell & covered the ground. (Note: This possibly represents an exposing of corruption or striping away of political power. Trees are symbolic of kings or political leaders.)
The sky got dark and the trees were now leafless, knurly, & ugly. It seemed they were dying. A closer look revealed heavy black chains around & even embedded in the trunks of the trees.
A group of workmen (maybe righteous leaders?) came marching along the National Mall. They each went to a tree, reached below the dead leaves, and grabbed the lowest link of the chain. With much strain, effort, & sweat they pulled on the chains, ripping & tearing the bark off of the tree trunks.
Then, taking these chains, they marched onto a map of the United States and placed these chains around the borders of each state.
A shot was then fired into the air and one of the marching men yelled, "That will be heard by the whole world".
Then suddenly the air was filled with red, white, & blue lightning. There was loud thunder and the trees began to bleed from their roots.
The blood proceeded to flow through the ground until it stained all the states & boundaries on the map. (Maybe this represents an awakening, cleansing, or healing of our nation, state by state.)
The chains then coiled back like live snakes, hissing & spiting at anyone trying to cross state lines and biting those who got to close. People that were bitten died. But, there were those that were bitten who had knelt in prayer who did not die. Those who continued in prayer were impervious to the snake bits and, although in pain, were able to cross the state boundaries. They seemed determined to find others who would pray with them in a larger block.
Larger groups of Christians did form throughout all the states. They were singing, praying, smiling, & joyful. The dark clouds were still churning with evil but the people held their ground & prayed even louder. THE END.
This dream, even more so then others, is replete with symbolism. Chains of course represent restraining forces or bondage, likely evil or satanic. The snakes I believe are symbolic of the snakes of Numbers 21:4-9 which God used to discipline those who turned their backs on God and His man, Moses. But God saved those who by faith looked to Him via a Bronze Serpent on a pole. Similarly, since Jesus on the Cross, all who look & pray to Him will be saved.
December 19-23, 2020 (Posted Dec.29) - The Church & State Dream. - The U.S. Capitol Bldg. was fully lite up. The tower part had large human arms attached to it. The hands on these muscular arms were very rough, hard working hands. Flying on the Capitol was an old fashion, 13 Star, Betsy Ross flag.
Across from the Capitol was a traditional Church. It also had arms attached to the steeple similar to those on the Capitol. Behind the Church were old style pastors, preachers, & priests with Bibles in their hands. Behind the Capitol were old style. like Colonel Sanders type, Congressmen. Each group was quite cordial to each other. The Church hands were shaking hands with the Capitol hands. They were supporting each other.
Then the sky changed. It and time were fast-forwarded. The arms on the Capitol were no longer muscular, they were in long sleeves with expensive cufflinks. The hands were no longer rough, but smooth & manicured. The Church arms & hands however were still muscular & rugged.
The Capitol hands now acted accusingly towards the Church. The Church tried to move forward, but the Capitol hands blocked them. The Church tried again & again to move forward, but they were continually blocked & pushed down, even to the ground. The people behind the Church were very timid. They were worried and even afraid of those people behind the Capitol who were immovable, over confident, tight fisted, and somewhat scary.
The Church finally got gutsy and insisted that they were going to move forward. But the Capitol/State said, "Not on our watch"! The State then grabs the Church by the throat and pushes it back & down. The Church got up and attempted to push back. It became violent. The Church braced itself on the ground & pushed forward. As the two pushed & wrestled each other, one of the Capitol arms slipped a small black seed into the back pocket of the Church. The Capitol told the Church to "Stand Down". But the Church replied "We Won't". It was a pushing & shoving standoff.
Meanwhile, a large thorny vine started growing from that seed in the back pocket of the Church. It had red, blood red flowers. It covered the Church and even went down the throat and wrapped itself around the heart of the Church.
Then, two arms appeared on the Church. The right one was pure white. The left was blood red like the flowers. The white hand was trying to pull away the vines; the left hand was trying to stop or subdue the white hand. As this struggle continues, the Capitol is left to do business as usual.
At this point the Church begins to shake violently. The chest of the Church opens, revealing the heart which is being squeezed, almost to death, by the vine. The white hand then took a knife and cut the root of the vine. The vine began to wither and the heart of the Church came back to life. The red hand attempted to fight back, but it was weakening and finally dropped away and revived as a white hand. The Church then dropped to its knees and asked forgiveness for allowing that red vine to grow in its heart.
Then that familiar White Christ Figure appeared. He totally embraced the Church. Then He pointed toward the Capitol and said, "You never wanted the Church to succeed, but the gates of Hell will not stop her, and those who have seen the root will prune the vine and cut off the poisonous parts." Then He let go of the Church, pointed to her and said, "Be about my father's business, stay pure, and fear not the State, for they they know not what they do."
The Church was revived and started spreading the Word. The Christ Figure appeared once again and said these words, "Stay braced stay focused, and stay on task, for I am coming soon."
January 2-4, 2021 - The Birds & the Maul Dream - Dana is driving on a crowded, fast moving, 4 lane, divided highway. The drivers seem quite upset & angry. Ahead & above him are 2 very large flocks of crows which are often in conflict with each other resulting in some birds falling to the ground. Moreover, some lead birds from each group veer off and lead several of their flock to destruction & death. This happened 3 or 4 times. (This sounds like false teachers leading many astray.)
In the distance is a huge tunnel. Above the tunnel was an overpass with several large, tattered American flags hanging down which are being savagely blown by a very strong wind. Standing above the flags, over the huge tunnel, is that Figure in White again. He's about 10 feet tall and is dressed in medieval knights armor. In one hand is a large maul (like that used to split wood.). In his other hand is a long heavy metal stake that he places in the ground in front of him. As he raises the maul to drive the stake, the maul turns into a huge anvil with blood coming from the anvil, down the handle, and onto his hand.
The highway changed into something like a runway and the 2 flocks of crows merged together and like a stealth bomber headed straight toward the tunnel. There were now no vehicles, but there were people, blind people with white canes & masks on, entering the tunnel, not aware of anything around them.
As the crows get close to the tunnel, the Man proceeds to pound & drive that huge metal stake into the ground above the tunnel. The ground split, gas was released, and as he continued to aggressively pound the stake, the ground started shaking and the tunnel began to collapse.
The Man then takes off his helmet and continues pounding even more feverishly. Parts of the tunnel start falling on the unaware & disoriented blind people. The crows keep coming and they enter the tunnel just as it totally collapses. They were crushed flat, along with the blind people, and buried under the rubble. The flags were burning & being blown away.
Then out of the rubble came The Man. He said, "Justice for all is coming, but will not be seen by the many who need it desperately. Bracing is required to stay the course, but it will be a course of consequence."
The ground began to shake again and Dana saw men taking up arms, not soldiers, these were just normal citizens. They were lining up, ready to fight. He then heard the sound of reveille; it got louder & louder. With shouts, the men marched forward with their rifles drawn.
Note: I think this ties directly into the above dream. Two days later, Jan.6, 2021, all hell broke loose at the U.S.Capitol where a huge mass of Trump supporters were protesting the results of the presidential election. Although primarily peaceful, it turned bad, particularly for Christian/Trump supporters who have been persecuted relentlessly by corrupt, unrighteous deep state politicians. - "Justice for all is coming, but will not be seen by the many who need it desperately.”
January 9&10, 2021 - The Plum Line Dream - It was a bright sunny day. The familiar Man in White figure was walking down the streets of New York City. He was dressed in 1st Century Jewish robe with a prayer shawl over his head. He was holding a plumb line rope in front of him. Dana , walking beside him, noticed & commented that the plumb line never moved or wobble as they walked. The Man replied, "My plumb line never moves." Dana asked him where he was going. He said, "To do business."
As they pass a sign a sign that says Wall Street, the Man holds up the plumb line to a large, tall building. The building was not plumb. It was definitely off kilter. The Man then put both hands on the building and began to shake it back & forth. People, folders, files, and particularly money, began falling out of the windows. Currency of all kinds, not just American, was floating through the air. Then a violent wind sweep all the money up into the air and away. The people, all dressed in suits, were bruised & struggling. They were also covered in tar & pitch that made it very difficult to move.
Leaving this scene, Dana was told to follow the Man. The headed toward the Capitol building in the distance. Standing in front of the Capitol, the Man held up his plumb line again. Similar to Wall Street, the Capitol was way off plumb. The Man then took off his sandal, raised his foot & brought it down very hard on the steps of the Capitol. Again, similar to Wall Street, the building began to rock back & forth and people started falling out of doors & windows. They were landing hard on their knees & screaming in pain. They were also covered in a dark purple syrup like molasses that hindered their movement. They were hurting, weeping, & angry. Some of them shook their fists at the Man, but said nothing.
Then the Man told Dana to follow him again. This time the sun had set, it was night time. Dana then saw a modern church, but on the top of it was a large neon cross that was glowing and slowly pulsating from white to green. The Man faced the Church and took off his prayer shawl & outer robe. He then appeared to grow considerably larger than the Church. He placed both hands on the Church and lifted it into the air. He looked strait at Dana and said, "I warned them." He then shook the Church aggressively & violently for several moments and then slammed it on the ground. The building cracked, windows broke, & the front doors fell off their hinges.
People proceeded to stumble out of the church, throwing their Bibles on the ground and running as fast as they could. Pastors, trying to hide their identity, were among them. Some, as they wet by, were denying even knowing who Jesus was. Some even denied even being associated with the church.
Inside the church, it was a total mess. In the alter area however were hundreds of people who were huddled together and bound together by ropes or chains. They were clutching Bibles to their chests. They were weary & shaken but were joyful with smiles on their faces. Some however were sad because there some who had not survived the shaking.
The survivors then stood up & surveyed the the damage, trying to make sense of it all. Then the Man walked in. He looked around like he was assessing what he saw. And He said these words, "You took warning and you were good to do so. Your obedience has been noted and there will be fruit both here and in Heaven. Though shaken & broken, you will arise My Bride and work until I come."
Note: As noted in previous dreams, a tremendous shaking is certainly coming. As seen here, it's going to encompass all areas of life: Wall Street, Political Systems, The Church, - everything & everyone that does not line up with God's Plumb Line.
January 23-26, 2021 - They Don't Hate Me, They Hate You Dream - Dana was in a hospital room with a Doctor and a woman who was in the birthing process with the associated birth pains etc. The baby was delivered but it was covered in blood and the mother did not survive. The baby was wrapped in a very white receiving blanket which the blood proceeded to soak through. It was very traumatic, but there was no doubt that the baby was going to live. (See notes.)
Then Dana was in a large room filled with hundreds of cribs. Babies were crying, some were sleeping. There were 12 to 15 nurses running everywhere trying to take care of all these babies. They were quite stressed out. The room was huge, like an auditorium. Some nurses were trying to take care of 2 and even 3 babies at the same time. They kept saying, "There's not enough of us, we need help, please come help us."
Then that same Christ-like figure appeared. He was dressed in a white coat like a doctor. He said, "The harvest is full, but not enough for helping." (Dana relates this to the scripture, "The harvest is ripe, but the workers are few." He believes this is forecasting a major revival, but that there is a great need for workers to assist, to disciple, to help people become true born-again Christians.)
The next thing Dana saw was Wash.D.C. There were two F-15s flying in circles around the boundaries of the city of the Capitol. They were armed & keeping a close watch on things happening below. Then, inside the Capitol, in the Chamber, there were large furnaces. Senators & Congressmen were shoveling stacks of $100 bills into these furnaces. The bills were being sucked up the chimney & into the air. There were people on the ground trying to grab the money, but it was too high to reach. Even people on top of the building with nets & bags weren't able to snag the money as it flew by. (Likely referring to money being appropriated, but the common man is not reaping the rewards due to crooked politicians.)
Then, in the balcony of the Chamber, were 30 or so Congressmen & Senators who were barricaded into the middle section. Some of them had been beaten & abused physically. They were surrounded by non-military police in full riot gear who were being very aggressive. One Senator demanded to know why they were being held & treated like prisoners. He was hit in the face with the butt of a rifle and told to stop asking questions. (See notes.)
Then, on the Chamber floor were the State-of-the-Union address is generally given, our former president (Trump) stood. He was in handcuffs. One ear was bleeding a very bright red and the other ear was bruised black & blue as if it had been hit with a 2x4. His eyes were bloodshot & he could hardly stand on his own. The Sargent-of-Arms, behind him, was holding him & whispering something in his ear. Trump would whimper & almost fall to his knees when the Sargent would squeeze his arm.
Suddenly, Trump pulled himself away, moved forward, & spoke out loud, "It's not me they hate, it's you." (No doubt referring to God/Jesus & His followers.)
Trump was then rushed out the door and a Congressman came to the podium. He slammed down the gavel so hard it broke & even dented the podium. He said, "Now lets get the rest of them, because it's our house now." He then pointed to the balcony & said, "Put them with the rest." (See notes.)
Then that same Christ Figure appeared again, on the balcony. He said loudly, "I never said to stop bracing." As He then helped the beaten leaders walk out, He looked back and said these words, "Stay braced for His Name sake." THE END.
Notes: This is another dream of coming persecution. We definitely need to be in prayer & wide awake spiritually. The initial "birthing" represents a blood bought rebirth of the essentially dead main line churches with the help of God, the Holy Spirit, and righteous pastors. This will manifest a revival that segways us into the overwhelmed nursery and the need for mentors to educate the newborns.
This dream may also refer to the impeachment trial of Trump. Those in the balcony likely represent Republican Trump supporters that the Democrats want to lump into the same category as the Antifa, BLM, white suppremists, and other riotous, unrighteous groups.
Crying for help, Lady Liberty was ruthlessly killed. After which, her attackers were seemingly paid-off via silver coins being thrown to them. They then left as if their job there was done.
Pastor's comment - Pray for America. The deep state & others are trying to bring us down.
September 14, 2020 – Dana saw the Great Lakes shimmering. There was a shaking & movement of the waters from a deep earthquake. Also, the Rocky Mountains were trembling and the coast of California was shimmering & shaking. There was panic due to a huge earthquake in Southern California. Also there were significant fires in 5 boroughs of New York City.
At Mt. Rushmore the face of George Washington spoke out loud, "Hold the fort, tow the line, fight".
Then the Figure in White appeared at the National Mall. He spread out his arms and said, "Now it's up to you Church".
September 14&15, 2020 – An elderly gray-bearded man was seemingly placing a Maple Sugar tap & bucket on a tree. The syrup changed to blood, dripped on the ground, and it spelled out "Guilty as Charged".
The next day Dana had a vision of a woman near death in a hospital bed. The same man picked her up, held her very close to his breast and breathed on her. The woman (possibly representing the Church), slowly began to revive and even wanted to stand & walk. But He told her, "No, you need to rest." "You need to be able to run, so stick to the instructions." "Stay braced and occupy till I come."
September 26, 2020 – In this dream Dana saw a huge flat open field with big hills on either side. There was a silver line running down the center separating the left from the right.
On the left side was a strong dark army ready for warfare. On the right was a smaller rag-tag, disorganized & ill prepared army. They seemed mesmerized by the power of those on the left.
But then came ten well armored warriors on horseback to help & direct this rag-tag group. The warriors organized & led an attack on the left, but the ill prepared rag-tags would not follow. There was a fierce battle but the warriors were outnumbered and could not get the rag-tags to cross the line and join in the battle. Some even retreated to the top of the hill & just watched. But then a small enemy group snuck up behind them, beheaded five and the rest ran down the hill towards the battle as the enemy pursued them. The ill prepared rag-tags were trapped, but they still wouldn't cross the line & join the warriors. So they were all killed. Although the ten warriors did finally prevail.
Pastors comment - The interpretation seems obvious. We better be & stay mentally & spiritually prepared. We need to cross over that silver line that represents a crossing over to a life committed & surrendered to Jesus. We need the spiritual maturity & experience in spiritual warfare. Stay awake & prepared to face the coming battles.
October 20, 2020 - The Data Dream - Dana saw a U.S. atlas with interstate lines. It was a map with moving flashing lights that represented some kind of data movement. Technicians were working on these lines & data points. There were concerns about some of these lines overheating, - "If they go hot they're going to fry if we can't slow the system down!".
There were big flashes & smoke from data points in California, Oregon, & Washington State. Systems were shutting down. They spread Eastward towards the Mississippi River. Technicians were franticly trying to relieve or reroute overloading systems. Then on the Eastern side of the Mississippi was a countdown clock. It counted down from 10 to 0 and then the circuits started to smoke & fry in the East also.
When the flashes reached Philadelphia, a large red network line running under the Liberty Bell filled up & blew up. The Liberty Bell flew strait up in the air and split in half. It fell to the ground, started rocking, and then started melting due to heat from the large overloaded network line.
From there the lines of data were all headed to Washington D.C. The technicians were franticly fighting to try to disconnect them before the explosive power of these info circuits reached D.C. Judges & professional men were trying to pull these lines away from D.C. to prevent them from blowing up in the city. But, to no avail. They finally blew up the Capitol Building, and like the Liberty Bell, the Capitol Building cracked in half. The smoke from the explosion rose in the air and spelled out "DISCOVERY". Frightened people, seeing this word, started running.
The scene then changed. In he Capitol rotunda was a closed casket with a sign on it that said, "INSIDE IS THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT". A calendar above this sign had the date of December 17th circled. One of the sons of the presidential candidate was there but not the other. His wife was there, looking down at the floor. Nobody was crying. Many Congressmen & Senators from both parties were there. They were looking at the floor and shaking their heads & fists violently. Also, all their shoes were off & in a pile at the entrance. They were barefoot!
A prominent Senator stepped forward and demanded to see the body. But, Marians & the Sargent of Arms stepped up and said, "There will be no viewing of the body today or ever again." The Senator, quite angry, found his shoes in the pile, and rushed off toward the White House with clenched fists & cursing. He was obviously cursing the occupant of the White House as if angrily wanting a change to something that was going on. Smoke was still rising outside. At the Washington Monument he stopped for a moment and looked back. There were 20 to25 others following him, but they were not in a hurry; they were walking with their shoes in their hands. He shouted for them to hurry, but they continued to just cautiously walk. The Senator sneers at them & at the White House and continues running toward the White House. (Dana knows who the Senator was, but not those following.)
At this point, the well known Figure in White appears. He's standing at the place where the President gives the State of the Union address in the Halls of Congress. He tapped the microphone 3 times and then stated in a very loud voice, "A HOUSE DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF SHALL NOT STAND." He then walked to the exit at the back of the room where there was a panel of 25 or 30 light switches which He proceeded to flick off until all the lights in the building were out. THE END.
Note: Dana's dream of Aug.17th also projected the demise of Joe Biden after the election. Wondering if this will be actual or symbolic.
October 26&27, 2020 - Dana saw people all over the U.S. doing normal, everyday things. Better even than before 2020.
Suddenly people said "look up!" Many people held their breath.
Ocean blue water started coming over the whole nation from the East and from the West.
People holding their breath were calm, but the others were very frightened, were shaking their fists & cursing God.
Out of the calm group came the same White Figure of the other dreams. He held up two fingers of his right hand and said, "Stay Braced, but don't breath just yet."
November 9, 2020 - The Lincoln Dream. - Uncle Sam confronts Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial.
Politicians demand Uncle Sam to hang Lincoln. He regretfully does.
As he's hung up, Lincoln reaches out and grabs a Bible among several political documents, but it falls from his hand as he dies.
The Figure in White appears, kneels beside Lincoln and says, "They didn't have any idea what they were doing, and now the Nation needs to brace itself for what they deserve."
He then walked over to Uncle Sam, closed his eyes, tapped him on the chest 3 times and said, "Rest in peace Uncle Sam, sorry you had to see the ship go down."
Then the Figure in White looked directly at Dana, in the dream, and said, "Nation - Brace Yourself for fire & ice and don't forget to anchor your soul."
Note: This dream came right after the November 2020 (possibly corrupt) Presidential election.
December 1st, 2020 - Dana gave a 16 minute Declaration acknowledging the fact that although much in his seemingly prophetic dreams have materialized, much has not come to pass. He has received many accusations of being a false prophet. He reiterates that he has never claimed to be a prophet, that he is just a pastor who has dreams that he and many others believe are from God. Moreover he still believes he is being used by God to awaken the Church, which he certainly is. It's also likely that much in his dreams are symbolic and possibly represent future events.
Personally, I also don't know that we can rule out the possibility of the Pastor's personal feelings getting intertwined with the Divine or that Satan may not be trying to corrupt some issues in order to nullify Pastor's effectiveness. - Whatever it is, Dana Coverstone should not be villainized. He is truly a straight shooter, good man, good pastor, and truly prophetic.
December 2020 - The Snake Chain Dream - Dana saw the cherry blossoms in Wash. D.C. A bolt of lightning with thunder went from ground to sky and split into two directions.
The cherry tree leaves started falling to the ground and a Hand appeared which began ripping off the leaves in clumps. All the leaves fell & covered the ground. (Note: This possibly represents an exposing of corruption or striping away of political power. Trees are symbolic of kings or political leaders.)
The sky got dark and the trees were now leafless, knurly, & ugly. It seemed they were dying. A closer look revealed heavy black chains around & even embedded in the trunks of the trees.
A group of workmen (maybe righteous leaders?) came marching along the National Mall. They each went to a tree, reached below the dead leaves, and grabbed the lowest link of the chain. With much strain, effort, & sweat they pulled on the chains, ripping & tearing the bark off of the tree trunks.
Then, taking these chains, they marched onto a map of the United States and placed these chains around the borders of each state.
A shot was then fired into the air and one of the marching men yelled, "That will be heard by the whole world".
Then suddenly the air was filled with red, white, & blue lightning. There was loud thunder and the trees began to bleed from their roots.
The blood proceeded to flow through the ground until it stained all the states & boundaries on the map. (Maybe this represents an awakening, cleansing, or healing of our nation, state by state.)
The chains then coiled back like live snakes, hissing & spiting at anyone trying to cross state lines and biting those who got to close. People that were bitten died. But, there were those that were bitten who had knelt in prayer who did not die. Those who continued in prayer were impervious to the snake bits and, although in pain, were able to cross the state boundaries. They seemed determined to find others who would pray with them in a larger block.
Larger groups of Christians did form throughout all the states. They were singing, praying, smiling, & joyful. The dark clouds were still churning with evil but the people held their ground & prayed even louder. THE END.
This dream, even more so then others, is replete with symbolism. Chains of course represent restraining forces or bondage, likely evil or satanic. The snakes I believe are symbolic of the snakes of Numbers 21:4-9 which God used to discipline those who turned their backs on God and His man, Moses. But God saved those who by faith looked to Him via a Bronze Serpent on a pole. Similarly, since Jesus on the Cross, all who look & pray to Him will be saved.
December 19-23, 2020 (Posted Dec.29) - The Church & State Dream. - The U.S. Capitol Bldg. was fully lite up. The tower part had large human arms attached to it. The hands on these muscular arms were very rough, hard working hands. Flying on the Capitol was an old fashion, 13 Star, Betsy Ross flag.
Across from the Capitol was a traditional Church. It also had arms attached to the steeple similar to those on the Capitol. Behind the Church were old style pastors, preachers, & priests with Bibles in their hands. Behind the Capitol were old style. like Colonel Sanders type, Congressmen. Each group was quite cordial to each other. The Church hands were shaking hands with the Capitol hands. They were supporting each other.
Then the sky changed. It and time were fast-forwarded. The arms on the Capitol were no longer muscular, they were in long sleeves with expensive cufflinks. The hands were no longer rough, but smooth & manicured. The Church arms & hands however were still muscular & rugged.
The Capitol hands now acted accusingly towards the Church. The Church tried to move forward, but the Capitol hands blocked them. The Church tried again & again to move forward, but they were continually blocked & pushed down, even to the ground. The people behind the Church were very timid. They were worried and even afraid of those people behind the Capitol who were immovable, over confident, tight fisted, and somewhat scary.
The Church finally got gutsy and insisted that they were going to move forward. But the Capitol/State said, "Not on our watch"! The State then grabs the Church by the throat and pushes it back & down. The Church got up and attempted to push back. It became violent. The Church braced itself on the ground & pushed forward. As the two pushed & wrestled each other, one of the Capitol arms slipped a small black seed into the back pocket of the Church. The Capitol told the Church to "Stand Down". But the Church replied "We Won't". It was a pushing & shoving standoff.
Meanwhile, a large thorny vine started growing from that seed in the back pocket of the Church. It had red, blood red flowers. It covered the Church and even went down the throat and wrapped itself around the heart of the Church.
Then, two arms appeared on the Church. The right one was pure white. The left was blood red like the flowers. The white hand was trying to pull away the vines; the left hand was trying to stop or subdue the white hand. As this struggle continues, the Capitol is left to do business as usual.
At this point the Church begins to shake violently. The chest of the Church opens, revealing the heart which is being squeezed, almost to death, by the vine. The white hand then took a knife and cut the root of the vine. The vine began to wither and the heart of the Church came back to life. The red hand attempted to fight back, but it was weakening and finally dropped away and revived as a white hand. The Church then dropped to its knees and asked forgiveness for allowing that red vine to grow in its heart.
Then that familiar White Christ Figure appeared. He totally embraced the Church. Then He pointed toward the Capitol and said, "You never wanted the Church to succeed, but the gates of Hell will not stop her, and those who have seen the root will prune the vine and cut off the poisonous parts." Then He let go of the Church, pointed to her and said, "Be about my father's business, stay pure, and fear not the State, for they they know not what they do."
The Church was revived and started spreading the Word. The Christ Figure appeared once again and said these words, "Stay braced stay focused, and stay on task, for I am coming soon."
January 2-4, 2021 - The Birds & the Maul Dream - Dana is driving on a crowded, fast moving, 4 lane, divided highway. The drivers seem quite upset & angry. Ahead & above him are 2 very large flocks of crows which are often in conflict with each other resulting in some birds falling to the ground. Moreover, some lead birds from each group veer off and lead several of their flock to destruction & death. This happened 3 or 4 times. (This sounds like false teachers leading many astray.)
In the distance is a huge tunnel. Above the tunnel was an overpass with several large, tattered American flags hanging down which are being savagely blown by a very strong wind. Standing above the flags, over the huge tunnel, is that Figure in White again. He's about 10 feet tall and is dressed in medieval knights armor. In one hand is a large maul (like that used to split wood.). In his other hand is a long heavy metal stake that he places in the ground in front of him. As he raises the maul to drive the stake, the maul turns into a huge anvil with blood coming from the anvil, down the handle, and onto his hand.
The highway changed into something like a runway and the 2 flocks of crows merged together and like a stealth bomber headed straight toward the tunnel. There were now no vehicles, but there were people, blind people with white canes & masks on, entering the tunnel, not aware of anything around them.
As the crows get close to the tunnel, the Man proceeds to pound & drive that huge metal stake into the ground above the tunnel. The ground split, gas was released, and as he continued to aggressively pound the stake, the ground started shaking and the tunnel began to collapse.
The Man then takes off his helmet and continues pounding even more feverishly. Parts of the tunnel start falling on the unaware & disoriented blind people. The crows keep coming and they enter the tunnel just as it totally collapses. They were crushed flat, along with the blind people, and buried under the rubble. The flags were burning & being blown away.
Then out of the rubble came The Man. He said, "Justice for all is coming, but will not be seen by the many who need it desperately. Bracing is required to stay the course, but it will be a course of consequence."
The ground began to shake again and Dana saw men taking up arms, not soldiers, these were just normal citizens. They were lining up, ready to fight. He then heard the sound of reveille; it got louder & louder. With shouts, the men marched forward with their rifles drawn.
Note: I think this ties directly into the above dream. Two days later, Jan.6, 2021, all hell broke loose at the U.S.Capitol where a huge mass of Trump supporters were protesting the results of the presidential election. Although primarily peaceful, it turned bad, particularly for Christian/Trump supporters who have been persecuted relentlessly by corrupt, unrighteous deep state politicians. - "Justice for all is coming, but will not be seen by the many who need it desperately.”
January 9&10, 2021 - The Plum Line Dream - It was a bright sunny day. The familiar Man in White figure was walking down the streets of New York City. He was dressed in 1st Century Jewish robe with a prayer shawl over his head. He was holding a plumb line rope in front of him. Dana , walking beside him, noticed & commented that the plumb line never moved or wobble as they walked. The Man replied, "My plumb line never moves." Dana asked him where he was going. He said, "To do business."
As they pass a sign a sign that says Wall Street, the Man holds up the plumb line to a large, tall building. The building was not plumb. It was definitely off kilter. The Man then put both hands on the building and began to shake it back & forth. People, folders, files, and particularly money, began falling out of the windows. Currency of all kinds, not just American, was floating through the air. Then a violent wind sweep all the money up into the air and away. The people, all dressed in suits, were bruised & struggling. They were also covered in tar & pitch that made it very difficult to move.
Leaving this scene, Dana was told to follow the Man. The headed toward the Capitol building in the distance. Standing in front of the Capitol, the Man held up his plumb line again. Similar to Wall Street, the Capitol was way off plumb. The Man then took off his sandal, raised his foot & brought it down very hard on the steps of the Capitol. Again, similar to Wall Street, the building began to rock back & forth and people started falling out of doors & windows. They were landing hard on their knees & screaming in pain. They were also covered in a dark purple syrup like molasses that hindered their movement. They were hurting, weeping, & angry. Some of them shook their fists at the Man, but said nothing.
Then the Man told Dana to follow him again. This time the sun had set, it was night time. Dana then saw a modern church, but on the top of it was a large neon cross that was glowing and slowly pulsating from white to green. The Man faced the Church and took off his prayer shawl & outer robe. He then appeared to grow considerably larger than the Church. He placed both hands on the Church and lifted it into the air. He looked strait at Dana and said, "I warned them." He then shook the Church aggressively & violently for several moments and then slammed it on the ground. The building cracked, windows broke, & the front doors fell off their hinges.
People proceeded to stumble out of the church, throwing their Bibles on the ground and running as fast as they could. Pastors, trying to hide their identity, were among them. Some, as they wet by, were denying even knowing who Jesus was. Some even denied even being associated with the church.
Inside the church, it was a total mess. In the alter area however were hundreds of people who were huddled together and bound together by ropes or chains. They were clutching Bibles to their chests. They were weary & shaken but were joyful with smiles on their faces. Some however were sad because there some who had not survived the shaking.
The survivors then stood up & surveyed the the damage, trying to make sense of it all. Then the Man walked in. He looked around like he was assessing what he saw. And He said these words, "You took warning and you were good to do so. Your obedience has been noted and there will be fruit both here and in Heaven. Though shaken & broken, you will arise My Bride and work until I come."
Note: As noted in previous dreams, a tremendous shaking is certainly coming. As seen here, it's going to encompass all areas of life: Wall Street, Political Systems, The Church, - everything & everyone that does not line up with God's Plumb Line.
January 23-26, 2021 - They Don't Hate Me, They Hate You Dream - Dana was in a hospital room with a Doctor and a woman who was in the birthing process with the associated birth pains etc. The baby was delivered but it was covered in blood and the mother did not survive. The baby was wrapped in a very white receiving blanket which the blood proceeded to soak through. It was very traumatic, but there was no doubt that the baby was going to live. (See notes.)
Then Dana was in a large room filled with hundreds of cribs. Babies were crying, some were sleeping. There were 12 to 15 nurses running everywhere trying to take care of all these babies. They were quite stressed out. The room was huge, like an auditorium. Some nurses were trying to take care of 2 and even 3 babies at the same time. They kept saying, "There's not enough of us, we need help, please come help us."
Then that same Christ-like figure appeared. He was dressed in a white coat like a doctor. He said, "The harvest is full, but not enough for helping." (Dana relates this to the scripture, "The harvest is ripe, but the workers are few." He believes this is forecasting a major revival, but that there is a great need for workers to assist, to disciple, to help people become true born-again Christians.)
The next thing Dana saw was Wash.D.C. There were two F-15s flying in circles around the boundaries of the city of the Capitol. They were armed & keeping a close watch on things happening below. Then, inside the Capitol, in the Chamber, there were large furnaces. Senators & Congressmen were shoveling stacks of $100 bills into these furnaces. The bills were being sucked up the chimney & into the air. There were people on the ground trying to grab the money, but it was too high to reach. Even people on top of the building with nets & bags weren't able to snag the money as it flew by. (Likely referring to money being appropriated, but the common man is not reaping the rewards due to crooked politicians.)
Then, in the balcony of the Chamber, were 30 or so Congressmen & Senators who were barricaded into the middle section. Some of them had been beaten & abused physically. They were surrounded by non-military police in full riot gear who were being very aggressive. One Senator demanded to know why they were being held & treated like prisoners. He was hit in the face with the butt of a rifle and told to stop asking questions. (See notes.)
Then, on the Chamber floor were the State-of-the-Union address is generally given, our former president (Trump) stood. He was in handcuffs. One ear was bleeding a very bright red and the other ear was bruised black & blue as if it had been hit with a 2x4. His eyes were bloodshot & he could hardly stand on his own. The Sargent-of-Arms, behind him, was holding him & whispering something in his ear. Trump would whimper & almost fall to his knees when the Sargent would squeeze his arm.
Suddenly, Trump pulled himself away, moved forward, & spoke out loud, "It's not me they hate, it's you." (No doubt referring to God/Jesus & His followers.)
Trump was then rushed out the door and a Congressman came to the podium. He slammed down the gavel so hard it broke & even dented the podium. He said, "Now lets get the rest of them, because it's our house now." He then pointed to the balcony & said, "Put them with the rest." (See notes.)
Then that same Christ Figure appeared again, on the balcony. He said loudly, "I never said to stop bracing." As He then helped the beaten leaders walk out, He looked back and said these words, "Stay braced for His Name sake." THE END.
Notes: This is another dream of coming persecution. We definitely need to be in prayer & wide awake spiritually. The initial "birthing" represents a blood bought rebirth of the essentially dead main line churches with the help of God, the Holy Spirit, and righteous pastors. This will manifest a revival that segways us into the overwhelmed nursery and the need for mentors to educate the newborns.
This dream may also refer to the impeachment trial of Trump. Those in the balcony likely represent Republican Trump supporters that the Democrats want to lump into the same category as the Antifa, BLM, white suppremists, and other riotous, unrighteous groups.
February 6-8, 2021 - The Bunker Dream - Dana saw the skyline of Wash.D.C. and an overview of the Whitehouse. The lights were out and there was no sign of business going on in the building. A phone kept ringing constantly that nobody was answering. Computers were shut down. Clocks were frozen at various times; digital clocks were dark/unplugged. Rooms were clean, but there was dust on the desk in the Oval Office and the curtains were closed. There was a Grandfather clock; it's pendulums were not moving. There was also a sign/picture on the wall that read, "Business as usual is over for everyone". It was red & white with an edge of polished gold barbed wire which seemed to glow in the dark of the Oval Office.
The scene then changed to a bunker that was below the Whitehouse. It had no windows and a very large conference table in the middle of the room. At the table were 16 men; some were in military uniforms, others were in dark suits. All were wearing very dark tinted sunglasses. Several of the top ranking military men were looking at very thick folders labeled "Top Secret" and titled "The American Solution".
The head speaker then stood up. He acknowledged & saluted each man individually and spoke saying, "Today we leap off of the mountain and fly towards a new beginning. Many, though not us, will hit the precipice moments later, but we will not even have to look back or look down, as we have better places to go". All the men nodded & hit the table very hard with their fists.
The speaker then said, "Gentlemen, please give a report". A man in a suit & glasses stood up & said, "Three events are planned, but if the first hits hard enough, the other two will not be needed. Our target groups will be easily identified in the events and the rest of America will demand their arrest & imprisonment immediately, perhaps even their execution".
The head speaker stood again. He looked at a man wearing the darkest glasses and asked if he had anything to offer. That man stood & said this, "Hoover will be proud sir; our list is pristine & even better than his was". The head speaker then said, "All in favor?" Every man then hit his fist on the table as hard as they could and shouted the word, "Favor" as they did so.
Then Dana was back in the Oval Office. The curtains were now open. It was a gray, overcast, rainy day. The Grandfather clock was now working, but it was moving so fast that the whole clock was shaking back & forth. Four soldiers then walked into the room. Two were wearing American uniforms, and two were wearing blue uniforms like UN Peacekeepers. All however, were wearing black face masks. They saluted the empty desk and then started shooting up the Oval Office with hand guns. One of the UN soldiers took off the gold barbed wire from the sign/picture on the wall and placed it on the President's desk with a hand written note saying, "My office is surrounded". Dana then noted that the entire Whitehouse outside was surrounded by military & barbed wire.
Then that Christ Figure appeared. He was in the Rose Garden and He said, "Bracing will save many, but will also speak to many. They will hunt you and when you stand before the hatters, I will prompt your words to convict their hearts. It is starting and darkness is in the winds. So brace & speak and don't stop speaking". THE END.
Notes: The Grandfather clock may represent God's time frame. His plans are or may be starting to go full speed ahead. The shaking will be God's shaking.
The gold barbed wire may represent corrupted wealth, which we know is manifested in much politics and the Deep State.
Concerning the Top Secret, "The American Solution", folders, and the sinister conversations in the bunker which seem to be targeting the removal of a particular group; - Was the 1st event the nefariously orchestrated Capitol riot that was meant to criminalize Trump & his supporters?
The dream concludes with powerful words from God/Jesus. We are going to have to persevere, possibly like the early Christians. And not with violence, but with words, the Gospel, prayer, & the Love of God/Jesus.
February 18-20, 2021 - The Mud Dream - Dana saw a landscape of ice, snow, & fog. As the fog cleared, he saw the southern states from Texas to Florida. He saw churches in each state where many believers were praying earnestly & loudly. There was much crying & whaling for unsaved love ones and repentance for sins. The more aggressively they prayed, the ice & snow began to melt around the churches and continued melting outward as more churches prayed throughout the country.
As the snow melt, it exposed a grayish mud that smelled like decay & death over all the states. The believers went out from the churches holding their noses and they were asking God why he hadn't brought restoration to the land. Then the heavens opened and the Voice of God said, "Work with the mud you've been given". Then someone complained about all the hours they prayed expecting to have a better return for their prayers. Once more, and more firmly, the Voice repeated, "Work with the mud you've been given".
A Cloud then appeared in the middle of the U.S. and the believers began to walk toward that Cloud. The mud however was getting deeper & more difficult to navigate the closer they got to the Cloud. Several gave up & turned back, leaving their Bibles at the churches and saying "We will find better ground and a god who will answer our prayers". The believers who continued on, in mud up to their knees, struggled immensely.
Suddenly, there was a howling of wolves. Hundreds of black wolves were trudging through the mud trying to get to the believers. They were snarling & red eyed like beasts from hell. Some got very close, even close enough to claw & bit some of the weaker believers. But although increasingly difficult, the people kept focused on following & getting to the Cloud. This was happening all over the nation. The closer the believers got to the Cloud, the more aggressive & furious the wolves became; their eyes were now glowing bright red. And they were now also being provoked by strong winds and by men wearing demonic masks. Moreover they were screaming curses & blasphemies at the people in the mud, calling them haters & dividers. Some threw rocks & sticks like arrows. Yet the believers, covered in mud, kept trudging their way towards the Cloud. The strong were helping the weak, even carrying them on their backs.
But as the mud was getting deeper and the journey harder, some were giving up and headed for an easier path on dry ground. The men with masks helped these people and when they were out of the mud, they were given masks and they joined in the taunting of those in the mud. They shouted, "The mud is not God's plan; He has deceived you and yet you follow without thinking for yourself."
Then that Christ Figure appeared, in a white robe & surrounded by angels. He had a scepter in his right hand and spreading his arms out, He said in a loud voice, "My ways are not your ways. Your spiritual legs will be strengthened through agony and your witness will offend the naïve and those who have no fear of me. Bracing gives way to fire and those braced must remain on the path. My command is, - come out from among them and separate yourself, as the chaff is about to burn and their smoke will fill the sky."
At this point, bright emerald green lightning and multiple loud thunder claps filled & lit up the sky. Blinding flashes of light lit up the entire nation. The wolves hid their faces in the earth and the people harassing the believers hid their faces in shame. The Christ Figure was then lifted up; He ascended above the earth. Looking down, He pointed his scepter towards the earth and shouted these words, "I am coming soon and My reward is with Me. Stay faithful till I come." THE END
Notes: This is another dream of warning & encouragement to try to get us ready for the difficult things that will be coming against the Church. It is not going to be easy trudging through the mud of the world and the attacks of unbelievers, false teachers, & Satanic forces. But as long as we keep our focus on God/Jesus we will survive & receive our reward.
Symbols: Mud=Worldly & spiritual problems & troubles that Christians will be increasingly facing. The Cloud=God/Jesus/the Kingdom. Wolves=False Prophets & teachers. Masked people=Unbelievers lead by Satan & his demons.
The dream ends with a possible rapture scenario.
January 10 Thru March 10, 2021 - Biden's House Dreams. - These were a series of dreams concerning Biden's presidency that Dana didn't release until March 13th because of their sensitive implications. They highlight Biden's weakness, both physically & mentally, and how he seems to be controlled or is being used as a puppet by the Deep State, V.P.Pamala Harris, Speaker Pelosi, & probably big money people, to lead this country into ungodly directions. As in other dreams, the demise of Joe Biden is portrayed. Whether symbolically or in actuality, he was assassinated, as was Justice Roberts. However, the whole scene seemed to have been pre-orchestrated or planed with Biden's knowledge, and with cover-up provided by the Judicial System.
The dreams end (March 10th) with the appearance of the Christ Figure, not in white as usual, but in a very expensive suit, in the Oval Office. He overturns the Presidents desk, revealing significant blood stains underneath. (Picture Christ overturning the tables of the moneychangers in the temple!). Then He says, "Don't let the suit fool you, the office either. What's under the desk will eventually be seen and the blood spilled as of late, is worse than at the beginning. Stay braced, for the winds are picking up according to My command and the stakes have never been higher for your country or for your Church."
Upon leaving the room, the desk, which He stepped over, dematerialized & vanished. Those blood stains (no doubt representing political & Governmental corruption, greed, & even death) started glowing red and suddenly burned down through the floor. THE END.
Note: The vanishing of the desk likely represents God's sign that we should not be depending on a president or government to save us. God is our and this country's only salvation.
April 12 thru 19, 2021 - The Flaming Spear Dream. - Dana saw a globe siting on a stand. It began spinning faster & faster and started wobbling. Then there were two male runners on a strait running track that went on for miles. Between the two runners was a high wall, about 20 ft. Each had a spear with a fire like torch on the end that was burning very bright. The #1 runner was wearing a multicolored outfit and was actively warming up. The #2 runner was wearing a white outfit but was not active at all. A man with a starting pistol dressed in a very expensive suit jacket with running shoes & shorts on was standing on the wall. He said to runner #2, "You must pace yourself to win". He did not address runner #1. He then called out "To your mark." The #1 runner took a running start, threw the flaming spear into the air, and then took his place at the starting line. The #2 runner casually approached the starting line, lowered the flaming spear head to the ground, spit on it, and it exploded to the point that his hair caught on fire. But it wasn't affecting him. The man on the wall fired the starting pistol and the two men took off. The #1 man ran like a professional with a purpose. The #2 man just took off in a jog, with his hair on fire.
Then Dana saw a bright crimson red calendar with numbers that stood out. It was May 2021. Two bloody hands were unrolling it down revealing June, July, August, & September. Then the scene changed to a map of Europe, Russia, China, & the Middle East with Israel emphasized. He then saw the leaders of these countries with high powered binoculars looking towards the United States and telling others to write down what they were seeing. They were getting excited, high-fiving & patting each other on the back, while waving their nations flags feverishly. There was also military leadership in the room. The government leaders were whispering in their ears and on phones as well. Blood was dripping down onto the calendar from the bloody hands that were holding it, all the way down through September. Then Dana saw fires all over America and cities on lockdown. Flags were at half-mast and they began to fade in the smoke. Many America military men were on the ground directing traffic & keeping watch.
He then saw the #1 runner running very hard, his hand was brushing the wall and he was shouting "Wake up, wake them up, wake them up!". His eyes were focused on the flaming spear still in the air, as if it were leading him. The #2 runner was now a dingy gray. His hand also brushing the wall, but it was leaving a trail of fire as he ran. The #1 runner was sweating & getting very tired. While the #2 runner was smirching & taking his time, although he was now fully engulfed in flames. He then started running as fast as he could and was catching up to the the #1 runner who was still keeping his eyes on his flaming spear which was heading toward a building where many people were on their knees praying loudly. Bo th men were now running as fast as they could. The #1 runner was screaming as loud as he could, "Wake up, wake them up!". He never stopped. Meanwhile, runner #2 was leaving a long trail of fire behind him.
Dana then saw American generals in an underground facility. Many phone calls were being made (rotary phones). The generals had others place numbers on a very large map encompassing the Atlantic & Pacific oceans. It was frantic in the room, people were in a panic. Dana then saw world leaders in Europe, Russia, & Israel talking with each other in a very concerned & passionate way. Someone then said, "It might be our time." as they watched the fires burning throughout America.
Then that spear thrown by #1 runner hit the building it was aiming for. It exploded in a very bright light light resembling a huge napalm bomb. It spread over the whole US. The people who were praying in the building were thrown into the air and all over the nation. With brooms & fire extinguishers they were trying to put out the fires. They were also screaming, like runner #1, "Wake up, stay awake, there's not much time." They kept repeating & repeating.
The #1 runner then sat down, leaned against the wall, & took a deep breath. He was just on the other side of the finish line. Then that well known Jesus Figure appeared and helped him to his feet. The #2 runner was laying just past the finish line also. He was smoking like a burnt building and was not moving or breathing. Then the Jesus Man pointed at Dana and said, "Warn them, there's not much time left. And it will never be easy again. If you're not braced now, you won't make it. If you're not rooted you'll be pulled up, pulled out, and the fire will never go out. Look for me and endure till I come."
The next night, Dana saw every one of those international leaders and American generals put down their phones at the very same time and in unison, they all said "It's time. It's time." Then they all sat down at their desks, held their heads in their hands, and began to weep.
Notes: This is a complicated series of dreams. The runners seem to represent the Spiritual and the world leaders & generals the Natural in a parallel type scenario. The man on the wall might represent an Antichrist type spirit. The wall likely represents the Bible which separates the good from the bad. The flaming spears represent the Holy Spirit. The fires throughout the U.S. likely personify the chaos & unrighteousness going on in the nation. Other countries are watching and liking what they see. The calendar doesn't give me much hope for 2021. The building & prayer people represent the Church. It seems the Church will be exploded by the Holy Spirit (maybe revival) and they will attempt to salvage a nation that has turned it's back on God. The Jesus Figure gives a very dire warning as He has done several times in the past. He ends with, "the fire will never go out", which seems to relate to Hells Fire. The end of the dream is ominous. World leaders & generals are lamenting because something quite dire is likely going to happen.
May 17-21, 2021 - The Testing Floor Dream. - Comments of the Man in White: "There's not much time left, so stay busy & finish the work." "Stay focused & let nothing draw you from the work at hand." "Stay focused on the task, but be encouraged as you do." "One minute remains, please finish the task to the best of your ability." "The violent take it by force, but the Church must stand in faith against the fight that has been brought against her. But I stand with you. I am watching the clock & listening to My fathers command." - The dream ends with a picture of the righteous being raptured and the unrighteous descending into Hell.
June 1, 2021 - The Watchman & Fire Wind Dream. - Comments of the Man in White: "You have rejected My Word and My admonitions to your demise. But even now, if you will return to Me, I will accept you." "The winds of opposition are here & will get stronger, but remain braced & firm in your message. Do not compromise it, for they will perish if you do." "Be instant now more then ever."
June 7-15, 2021 - The Wall Street Barter Dream. - "You are not as prepared as you need to be, so harken to My Word and brace. And don't barter with My Word, because you will come up short."
July 12-26, 2021 - Towers, Trains, & Chains Dream. - "Look up for your redemption draweth near. Deep roots are needed now more than ever." "Brace, endure, prepare, and use the time you have to reach the rootless ones."
August. 14-18, 2021 - Get Out While You Can & Take Others With You Dream. - "The setting sun is soon & work this side for the Bride will end. Go into the highways & byways quickly, knock on every door, for I am coming soon."
Sept. 2021 - The Specialist Dream. - "Stay fully sober for the day has arrived for the testing of your life." "I am marking those who are Mine & I will walk beside them in the fire, even though some of you in this country will meet me soon on the other side." "Be faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life."
October 26, 2021 - The Desert Road Dream. - "Where are the Pentecostals full of fire, spirit, & faith?"
December 2021 - The Three Dragons Dream. - This dream deals with coming spiritual warfare, Ephesians 6:10-18. "Get ready for a fight with those coming from above and know that the fire in you will be necessary. Astute discernment you must use and fully armored you must be."
January 19, 2022 - The 2022 Jets Dream. - War Sept. 2022!! "Up is coming & it is beginning. All that you have braced for is for now. Keep your eyes on the prize. Stay braced & ready."
February 12, 2022 - The Rockwell Dream. - "You were wise to have listened to the Word, cause that's what spared you from the destruction that is here & now. Warn the Church to listen & inspect every bit of what they take in. And warn those in the pulpit to stop feeding their people a lie. Keep warning the Church until I come."
March 12, 2022 - Shutting Down the Machines Dream. - A call to prayer. "You won't stop all the evil, but together you can take down more of it." "Stick together & strike the root."
April 13,2022 - The Fire tower Dream. - Three times the Man in White cries out, "Keep warning the Church!"
April 30, 2022 - The Distraction Dream. - About war and American complacency. "I told them to pray, but they did not. They need to take it seriously now."
June 3, 2022 - The Millstone Dream. - This is likely the most relevant dream that Dana has been given. It seems to reference the scriptures: Luke 17:2, "It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck then to cause one of these little ones to stumble." And, Matthew 18:6, "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were drowned in the depth of the sea."
Dana's dream pictures a monstrous millstone coming down from above which is tied, like a noose, around the neck of the entire United States. It will cause people to gasp for breath and long for relief as the millstone drops deep into the Pacific Ocean and the noose relentlessly tightens around the nation. - After a short respite, a huge hand pushes the millstone down through the mantel of the earth. The noose tightens remorsefully around the nations throat and violent earthquakes ensue.
Then, The Man, on a white horse, appears. He says, "I keep my word and I will continue to keep my word as it regards the Blessing & the Curse. There is not much time to work and those who know, know this deeply. Get busy, stay busy, and know that I am coming back very soon." - A few nights later, The Man again appeared in a flash dream. The Man stood before Dana and said, "It's too late to start bracing. And the braces are about to be tested harshly. - So, lock in place."
Thus, it would seem that God is about ready to act!!
July 8, 2022 - The Precision Dream. - Attack on the U.S. and on Christians. "There must be precision & power in your prayers." "The war has arrived and you need to be on the front line." "Remember to be precise, because it matters more than ever now."
August 6, 2022 - The Hail to the Chief Dream. - This dream portrayed a spiritual COOP by conservatives at the 2023 State of the Union address. Also a warning of China's intentions. "Get ready for more than war. And speak the truth at risk of the sword."
September 5-15, 2022 - The We Are Watchung You Dream. - The dream highlighted the increasing governmental intrusions into our lives. However, the Man in White spoke up and said, "They're watching you, but you should watch for Me." "There is much that both the Church & society still do not see or understand. The Spirit & the Bride say come and I say soon. Look up, keep looking up and work with both a weapon & a tool in your hands."
October 15, 20222 - The Halloween Dream. – This dream deals with the apostate church and false teachers & preachers. It’s a dire warning to the ignorant followers of such false teachers & preachers who blindly follow and support such people without personally seeking the truth through diligently studying God’s Word and ultimately accepting Jesus as their Lord & Savior. Jesus’ final words, “Woo to those who refuse to listen at this point.” – The dream ends with the sun setting and Dana hearing the Mission Impossible theme song which indicated that there is no time to waste.
March 10-18, 2023 - Worse Than You Thought It Would Be Dream. - This is another warning dream. The sky was total fire & darkness. Cars & houses were on fire. There was overall chaos! The Jesus Figure was reporting on national TV. "We have gotten report after report of strange occurrences at outdoor activities and 911 calls have overwhelmed the entire nationwide system. Many of you are aware that chaotic events spread over the entire country have left fires & confusion on every front. - Let me be very clear, it is worse than you thought it would be. You were warned and told that perilous times were coming, but this is worse than you thought it would be. Many have ignored the truth and now it is worse than you thought it would be." - Tears than began to come down his face. After composing himself, but still tearing, he looked at the camera again and said, "Don't leave your first love, do not fear what you're about to suffer, stay repentant in the center of the wheel, overcome, walk through the open door, stay disciplined. I will walk beside you during persecution & pain." With this, a large tear fell to the floor with a large splash. "Many will say that it's worse than they thought it would be, and they will be right; so remain hard braced and battle ready. I am coming and My reward is with with me. I am with you always and as far as to your end."
In conclusion, we all just need to set aside timing, and concentrate on what is happening in our world. We need to wake up, to pay attention to what the Bible says about the end time and end-time signs. We need to acknowledge the warnings that God is plainly giving us through the many prophecies, signs, dreams, visions, & insights that are being poured out on this last days generation. If you don’t know this God, the God of the Bible, and His Son, Jesus, you really need to. Otherwise, the God of this world, Satan, is going to have a field-day with you! As the Book of Revelation portrays, Tribulation is going to be hell on earth. You really don’t want to be around here for it!
The scene then changed to a bunker that was below the Whitehouse. It had no windows and a very large conference table in the middle of the room. At the table were 16 men; some were in military uniforms, others were in dark suits. All were wearing very dark tinted sunglasses. Several of the top ranking military men were looking at very thick folders labeled "Top Secret" and titled "The American Solution".
The head speaker then stood up. He acknowledged & saluted each man individually and spoke saying, "Today we leap off of the mountain and fly towards a new beginning. Many, though not us, will hit the precipice moments later, but we will not even have to look back or look down, as we have better places to go". All the men nodded & hit the table very hard with their fists.
The speaker then said, "Gentlemen, please give a report". A man in a suit & glasses stood up & said, "Three events are planned, but if the first hits hard enough, the other two will not be needed. Our target groups will be easily identified in the events and the rest of America will demand their arrest & imprisonment immediately, perhaps even their execution".
The head speaker stood again. He looked at a man wearing the darkest glasses and asked if he had anything to offer. That man stood & said this, "Hoover will be proud sir; our list is pristine & even better than his was". The head speaker then said, "All in favor?" Every man then hit his fist on the table as hard as they could and shouted the word, "Favor" as they did so.
Then Dana was back in the Oval Office. The curtains were now open. It was a gray, overcast, rainy day. The Grandfather clock was now working, but it was moving so fast that the whole clock was shaking back & forth. Four soldiers then walked into the room. Two were wearing American uniforms, and two were wearing blue uniforms like UN Peacekeepers. All however, were wearing black face masks. They saluted the empty desk and then started shooting up the Oval Office with hand guns. One of the UN soldiers took off the gold barbed wire from the sign/picture on the wall and placed it on the President's desk with a hand written note saying, "My office is surrounded". Dana then noted that the entire Whitehouse outside was surrounded by military & barbed wire.
Then that Christ Figure appeared. He was in the Rose Garden and He said, "Bracing will save many, but will also speak to many. They will hunt you and when you stand before the hatters, I will prompt your words to convict their hearts. It is starting and darkness is in the winds. So brace & speak and don't stop speaking". THE END.
Notes: The Grandfather clock may represent God's time frame. His plans are or may be starting to go full speed ahead. The shaking will be God's shaking.
The gold barbed wire may represent corrupted wealth, which we know is manifested in much politics and the Deep State.
Concerning the Top Secret, "The American Solution", folders, and the sinister conversations in the bunker which seem to be targeting the removal of a particular group; - Was the 1st event the nefariously orchestrated Capitol riot that was meant to criminalize Trump & his supporters?
The dream concludes with powerful words from God/Jesus. We are going to have to persevere, possibly like the early Christians. And not with violence, but with words, the Gospel, prayer, & the Love of God/Jesus.
February 18-20, 2021 - The Mud Dream - Dana saw a landscape of ice, snow, & fog. As the fog cleared, he saw the southern states from Texas to Florida. He saw churches in each state where many believers were praying earnestly & loudly. There was much crying & whaling for unsaved love ones and repentance for sins. The more aggressively they prayed, the ice & snow began to melt around the churches and continued melting outward as more churches prayed throughout the country.
As the snow melt, it exposed a grayish mud that smelled like decay & death over all the states. The believers went out from the churches holding their noses and they were asking God why he hadn't brought restoration to the land. Then the heavens opened and the Voice of God said, "Work with the mud you've been given". Then someone complained about all the hours they prayed expecting to have a better return for their prayers. Once more, and more firmly, the Voice repeated, "Work with the mud you've been given".
A Cloud then appeared in the middle of the U.S. and the believers began to walk toward that Cloud. The mud however was getting deeper & more difficult to navigate the closer they got to the Cloud. Several gave up & turned back, leaving their Bibles at the churches and saying "We will find better ground and a god who will answer our prayers". The believers who continued on, in mud up to their knees, struggled immensely.
Suddenly, there was a howling of wolves. Hundreds of black wolves were trudging through the mud trying to get to the believers. They were snarling & red eyed like beasts from hell. Some got very close, even close enough to claw & bit some of the weaker believers. But although increasingly difficult, the people kept focused on following & getting to the Cloud. This was happening all over the nation. The closer the believers got to the Cloud, the more aggressive & furious the wolves became; their eyes were now glowing bright red. And they were now also being provoked by strong winds and by men wearing demonic masks. Moreover they were screaming curses & blasphemies at the people in the mud, calling them haters & dividers. Some threw rocks & sticks like arrows. Yet the believers, covered in mud, kept trudging their way towards the Cloud. The strong were helping the weak, even carrying them on their backs.
But as the mud was getting deeper and the journey harder, some were giving up and headed for an easier path on dry ground. The men with masks helped these people and when they were out of the mud, they were given masks and they joined in the taunting of those in the mud. They shouted, "The mud is not God's plan; He has deceived you and yet you follow without thinking for yourself."
Then that Christ Figure appeared, in a white robe & surrounded by angels. He had a scepter in his right hand and spreading his arms out, He said in a loud voice, "My ways are not your ways. Your spiritual legs will be strengthened through agony and your witness will offend the naïve and those who have no fear of me. Bracing gives way to fire and those braced must remain on the path. My command is, - come out from among them and separate yourself, as the chaff is about to burn and their smoke will fill the sky."
At this point, bright emerald green lightning and multiple loud thunder claps filled & lit up the sky. Blinding flashes of light lit up the entire nation. The wolves hid their faces in the earth and the people harassing the believers hid their faces in shame. The Christ Figure was then lifted up; He ascended above the earth. Looking down, He pointed his scepter towards the earth and shouted these words, "I am coming soon and My reward is with Me. Stay faithful till I come." THE END
Notes: This is another dream of warning & encouragement to try to get us ready for the difficult things that will be coming against the Church. It is not going to be easy trudging through the mud of the world and the attacks of unbelievers, false teachers, & Satanic forces. But as long as we keep our focus on God/Jesus we will survive & receive our reward.
Symbols: Mud=Worldly & spiritual problems & troubles that Christians will be increasingly facing. The Cloud=God/Jesus/the Kingdom. Wolves=False Prophets & teachers. Masked people=Unbelievers lead by Satan & his demons.
The dream ends with a possible rapture scenario.
January 10 Thru March 10, 2021 - Biden's House Dreams. - These were a series of dreams concerning Biden's presidency that Dana didn't release until March 13th because of their sensitive implications. They highlight Biden's weakness, both physically & mentally, and how he seems to be controlled or is being used as a puppet by the Deep State, V.P.Pamala Harris, Speaker Pelosi, & probably big money people, to lead this country into ungodly directions. As in other dreams, the demise of Joe Biden is portrayed. Whether symbolically or in actuality, he was assassinated, as was Justice Roberts. However, the whole scene seemed to have been pre-orchestrated or planed with Biden's knowledge, and with cover-up provided by the Judicial System.
The dreams end (March 10th) with the appearance of the Christ Figure, not in white as usual, but in a very expensive suit, in the Oval Office. He overturns the Presidents desk, revealing significant blood stains underneath. (Picture Christ overturning the tables of the moneychangers in the temple!). Then He says, "Don't let the suit fool you, the office either. What's under the desk will eventually be seen and the blood spilled as of late, is worse than at the beginning. Stay braced, for the winds are picking up according to My command and the stakes have never been higher for your country or for your Church."
Upon leaving the room, the desk, which He stepped over, dematerialized & vanished. Those blood stains (no doubt representing political & Governmental corruption, greed, & even death) started glowing red and suddenly burned down through the floor. THE END.
Note: The vanishing of the desk likely represents God's sign that we should not be depending on a president or government to save us. God is our and this country's only salvation.
April 12 thru 19, 2021 - The Flaming Spear Dream. - Dana saw a globe siting on a stand. It began spinning faster & faster and started wobbling. Then there were two male runners on a strait running track that went on for miles. Between the two runners was a high wall, about 20 ft. Each had a spear with a fire like torch on the end that was burning very bright. The #1 runner was wearing a multicolored outfit and was actively warming up. The #2 runner was wearing a white outfit but was not active at all. A man with a starting pistol dressed in a very expensive suit jacket with running shoes & shorts on was standing on the wall. He said to runner #2, "You must pace yourself to win". He did not address runner #1. He then called out "To your mark." The #1 runner took a running start, threw the flaming spear into the air, and then took his place at the starting line. The #2 runner casually approached the starting line, lowered the flaming spear head to the ground, spit on it, and it exploded to the point that his hair caught on fire. But it wasn't affecting him. The man on the wall fired the starting pistol and the two men took off. The #1 man ran like a professional with a purpose. The #2 man just took off in a jog, with his hair on fire.
Then Dana saw a bright crimson red calendar with numbers that stood out. It was May 2021. Two bloody hands were unrolling it down revealing June, July, August, & September. Then the scene changed to a map of Europe, Russia, China, & the Middle East with Israel emphasized. He then saw the leaders of these countries with high powered binoculars looking towards the United States and telling others to write down what they were seeing. They were getting excited, high-fiving & patting each other on the back, while waving their nations flags feverishly. There was also military leadership in the room. The government leaders were whispering in their ears and on phones as well. Blood was dripping down onto the calendar from the bloody hands that were holding it, all the way down through September. Then Dana saw fires all over America and cities on lockdown. Flags were at half-mast and they began to fade in the smoke. Many America military men were on the ground directing traffic & keeping watch.
He then saw the #1 runner running very hard, his hand was brushing the wall and he was shouting "Wake up, wake them up, wake them up!". His eyes were focused on the flaming spear still in the air, as if it were leading him. The #2 runner was now a dingy gray. His hand also brushing the wall, but it was leaving a trail of fire as he ran. The #1 runner was sweating & getting very tired. While the #2 runner was smirching & taking his time, although he was now fully engulfed in flames. He then started running as fast as he could and was catching up to the the #1 runner who was still keeping his eyes on his flaming spear which was heading toward a building where many people were on their knees praying loudly. Bo th men were now running as fast as they could. The #1 runner was screaming as loud as he could, "Wake up, wake them up!". He never stopped. Meanwhile, runner #2 was leaving a long trail of fire behind him.
Dana then saw American generals in an underground facility. Many phone calls were being made (rotary phones). The generals had others place numbers on a very large map encompassing the Atlantic & Pacific oceans. It was frantic in the room, people were in a panic. Dana then saw world leaders in Europe, Russia, & Israel talking with each other in a very concerned & passionate way. Someone then said, "It might be our time." as they watched the fires burning throughout America.
Then that spear thrown by #1 runner hit the building it was aiming for. It exploded in a very bright light light resembling a huge napalm bomb. It spread over the whole US. The people who were praying in the building were thrown into the air and all over the nation. With brooms & fire extinguishers they were trying to put out the fires. They were also screaming, like runner #1, "Wake up, stay awake, there's not much time." They kept repeating & repeating.
The #1 runner then sat down, leaned against the wall, & took a deep breath. He was just on the other side of the finish line. Then that well known Jesus Figure appeared and helped him to his feet. The #2 runner was laying just past the finish line also. He was smoking like a burnt building and was not moving or breathing. Then the Jesus Man pointed at Dana and said, "Warn them, there's not much time left. And it will never be easy again. If you're not braced now, you won't make it. If you're not rooted you'll be pulled up, pulled out, and the fire will never go out. Look for me and endure till I come."
The next night, Dana saw every one of those international leaders and American generals put down their phones at the very same time and in unison, they all said "It's time. It's time." Then they all sat down at their desks, held their heads in their hands, and began to weep.
Notes: This is a complicated series of dreams. The runners seem to represent the Spiritual and the world leaders & generals the Natural in a parallel type scenario. The man on the wall might represent an Antichrist type spirit. The wall likely represents the Bible which separates the good from the bad. The flaming spears represent the Holy Spirit. The fires throughout the U.S. likely personify the chaos & unrighteousness going on in the nation. Other countries are watching and liking what they see. The calendar doesn't give me much hope for 2021. The building & prayer people represent the Church. It seems the Church will be exploded by the Holy Spirit (maybe revival) and they will attempt to salvage a nation that has turned it's back on God. The Jesus Figure gives a very dire warning as He has done several times in the past. He ends with, "the fire will never go out", which seems to relate to Hells Fire. The end of the dream is ominous. World leaders & generals are lamenting because something quite dire is likely going to happen.
May 17-21, 2021 - The Testing Floor Dream. - Comments of the Man in White: "There's not much time left, so stay busy & finish the work." "Stay focused & let nothing draw you from the work at hand." "Stay focused on the task, but be encouraged as you do." "One minute remains, please finish the task to the best of your ability." "The violent take it by force, but the Church must stand in faith against the fight that has been brought against her. But I stand with you. I am watching the clock & listening to My fathers command." - The dream ends with a picture of the righteous being raptured and the unrighteous descending into Hell.
June 1, 2021 - The Watchman & Fire Wind Dream. - Comments of the Man in White: "You have rejected My Word and My admonitions to your demise. But even now, if you will return to Me, I will accept you." "The winds of opposition are here & will get stronger, but remain braced & firm in your message. Do not compromise it, for they will perish if you do." "Be instant now more then ever."
June 7-15, 2021 - The Wall Street Barter Dream. - "You are not as prepared as you need to be, so harken to My Word and brace. And don't barter with My Word, because you will come up short."
July 12-26, 2021 - Towers, Trains, & Chains Dream. - "Look up for your redemption draweth near. Deep roots are needed now more than ever." "Brace, endure, prepare, and use the time you have to reach the rootless ones."
August. 14-18, 2021 - Get Out While You Can & Take Others With You Dream. - "The setting sun is soon & work this side for the Bride will end. Go into the highways & byways quickly, knock on every door, for I am coming soon."
Sept. 2021 - The Specialist Dream. - "Stay fully sober for the day has arrived for the testing of your life." "I am marking those who are Mine & I will walk beside them in the fire, even though some of you in this country will meet me soon on the other side." "Be faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life."
October 26, 2021 - The Desert Road Dream. - "Where are the Pentecostals full of fire, spirit, & faith?"
December 2021 - The Three Dragons Dream. - This dream deals with coming spiritual warfare, Ephesians 6:10-18. "Get ready for a fight with those coming from above and know that the fire in you will be necessary. Astute discernment you must use and fully armored you must be."
January 19, 2022 - The 2022 Jets Dream. - War Sept. 2022!! "Up is coming & it is beginning. All that you have braced for is for now. Keep your eyes on the prize. Stay braced & ready."
February 12, 2022 - The Rockwell Dream. - "You were wise to have listened to the Word, cause that's what spared you from the destruction that is here & now. Warn the Church to listen & inspect every bit of what they take in. And warn those in the pulpit to stop feeding their people a lie. Keep warning the Church until I come."
March 12, 2022 - Shutting Down the Machines Dream. - A call to prayer. "You won't stop all the evil, but together you can take down more of it." "Stick together & strike the root."
April 13,2022 - The Fire tower Dream. - Three times the Man in White cries out, "Keep warning the Church!"
April 30, 2022 - The Distraction Dream. - About war and American complacency. "I told them to pray, but they did not. They need to take it seriously now."
June 3, 2022 - The Millstone Dream. - This is likely the most relevant dream that Dana has been given. It seems to reference the scriptures: Luke 17:2, "It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck then to cause one of these little ones to stumble." And, Matthew 18:6, "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were drowned in the depth of the sea."
Dana's dream pictures a monstrous millstone coming down from above which is tied, like a noose, around the neck of the entire United States. It will cause people to gasp for breath and long for relief as the millstone drops deep into the Pacific Ocean and the noose relentlessly tightens around the nation. - After a short respite, a huge hand pushes the millstone down through the mantel of the earth. The noose tightens remorsefully around the nations throat and violent earthquakes ensue.
Then, The Man, on a white horse, appears. He says, "I keep my word and I will continue to keep my word as it regards the Blessing & the Curse. There is not much time to work and those who know, know this deeply. Get busy, stay busy, and know that I am coming back very soon." - A few nights later, The Man again appeared in a flash dream. The Man stood before Dana and said, "It's too late to start bracing. And the braces are about to be tested harshly. - So, lock in place."
Thus, it would seem that God is about ready to act!!
July 8, 2022 - The Precision Dream. - Attack on the U.S. and on Christians. "There must be precision & power in your prayers." "The war has arrived and you need to be on the front line." "Remember to be precise, because it matters more than ever now."
August 6, 2022 - The Hail to the Chief Dream. - This dream portrayed a spiritual COOP by conservatives at the 2023 State of the Union address. Also a warning of China's intentions. "Get ready for more than war. And speak the truth at risk of the sword."
September 5-15, 2022 - The We Are Watchung You Dream. - The dream highlighted the increasing governmental intrusions into our lives. However, the Man in White spoke up and said, "They're watching you, but you should watch for Me." "There is much that both the Church & society still do not see or understand. The Spirit & the Bride say come and I say soon. Look up, keep looking up and work with both a weapon & a tool in your hands."
October 15, 20222 - The Halloween Dream. – This dream deals with the apostate church and false teachers & preachers. It’s a dire warning to the ignorant followers of such false teachers & preachers who blindly follow and support such people without personally seeking the truth through diligently studying God’s Word and ultimately accepting Jesus as their Lord & Savior. Jesus’ final words, “Woo to those who refuse to listen at this point.” – The dream ends with the sun setting and Dana hearing the Mission Impossible theme song which indicated that there is no time to waste.
March 10-18, 2023 - Worse Than You Thought It Would Be Dream. - This is another warning dream. The sky was total fire & darkness. Cars & houses were on fire. There was overall chaos! The Jesus Figure was reporting on national TV. "We have gotten report after report of strange occurrences at outdoor activities and 911 calls have overwhelmed the entire nationwide system. Many of you are aware that chaotic events spread over the entire country have left fires & confusion on every front. - Let me be very clear, it is worse than you thought it would be. You were warned and told that perilous times were coming, but this is worse than you thought it would be. Many have ignored the truth and now it is worse than you thought it would be." - Tears than began to come down his face. After composing himself, but still tearing, he looked at the camera again and said, "Don't leave your first love, do not fear what you're about to suffer, stay repentant in the center of the wheel, overcome, walk through the open door, stay disciplined. I will walk beside you during persecution & pain." With this, a large tear fell to the floor with a large splash. "Many will say that it's worse than they thought it would be, and they will be right; so remain hard braced and battle ready. I am coming and My reward is with with me. I am with you always and as far as to your end."
In conclusion, we all just need to set aside timing, and concentrate on what is happening in our world. We need to wake up, to pay attention to what the Bible says about the end time and end-time signs. We need to acknowledge the warnings that God is plainly giving us through the many prophecies, signs, dreams, visions, & insights that are being poured out on this last days generation. If you don’t know this God, the God of the Bible, and His Son, Jesus, you really need to. Otherwise, the God of this world, Satan, is going to have a field-day with you! As the Book of Revelation portrays, Tribulation is going to be hell on earth. You really don’t want to be around here for it!
End-Time Prophetic Confirmations
Several other members of the end-time Church have had dreams, visions, or insights which are in line with or corroborate what Pastor Dana has seen. I’ll chronicle just a few here:
1) Pastor, Teacher, Author, Jonathan Cahn. Jonathan is well aware of the state of our nation and our world. He believes that 2020 will be a dramatic year, a year of shaking in the Lord’s purposes. In April he shared an important announcement concerning the critical time we are now in. He announced a National Day of Prayer and Repentance set primarily for the month of September 2020. - A time of seeking God as never before and interceding for this nation. He’s calling it “The Return”. September will see the 19th anniversary of 9/11. Jonathan claims that the 19th year is most significant with regard to a nation that has fallen from God and has been warned. September will also see the Feast of Trumpets (Sept.18th). The Feast of Trumpets warns of God’s judgment and calls for all to get ready, to prepare, to get right with God and man, to repent, to come back, to return. The central day of prayer is scheduled to take place on Saturday, September 26, 2020. It will center on the National Mall in Washington but will also take place throughout the country in large & small gatherings in & out of the church. Associated with this, will be Jonathan’s new book, The Harbinger II: The Return.
2) Minister/Rabbi, Teacher, Violinist, Dr.Maurice Sklar. Dr.Maurice had a prophetic experience at 12:31 am on July 1st which confirms what Pastor Dana has been shown. His July 1st Facebook or July 10th YouTube video is a must watch concerning the future of America in 2020 & beyond. “America is doomed unless the whole Church gets into serious life or death prayer & spiritual warfare within the next few months!”
3) Author & Evangelist Mario Murillo. He is sounding an urgent alert, "America prepare for November". His 2019 book Vessels of Fire & Glory is a truly prophetic book dealing with what we are dealing with right now and with God's judgement. We need to prepare by pressing into & relying on God to keep us safe in His hands.
4) Prophet, Teacher, Author, Rick Joyner. Rick is founder & executive director of MorningStar Ministries. He has authored over fifty books and as a former young revolutionist, Rick is well poised to expound on the spiritual decline and anarchy that is presently plaguing our country.
5) Prophet, Evangelist, Author, Rabbi Felix Halpern. Rabbi Felix died, went to heaven, and has been given numerous end-time revelations and ministry responsibilities. The Lord told him, "The Jewish year 5784 will be a time of consequences for the decisions that will be made in 5783. (Sept.2022 to Sept.2023)
1) Pastor, Teacher, Author, Jonathan Cahn. Jonathan is well aware of the state of our nation and our world. He believes that 2020 will be a dramatic year, a year of shaking in the Lord’s purposes. In April he shared an important announcement concerning the critical time we are now in. He announced a National Day of Prayer and Repentance set primarily for the month of September 2020. - A time of seeking God as never before and interceding for this nation. He’s calling it “The Return”. September will see the 19th anniversary of 9/11. Jonathan claims that the 19th year is most significant with regard to a nation that has fallen from God and has been warned. September will also see the Feast of Trumpets (Sept.18th). The Feast of Trumpets warns of God’s judgment and calls for all to get ready, to prepare, to get right with God and man, to repent, to come back, to return. The central day of prayer is scheduled to take place on Saturday, September 26, 2020. It will center on the National Mall in Washington but will also take place throughout the country in large & small gatherings in & out of the church. Associated with this, will be Jonathan’s new book, The Harbinger II: The Return.
2) Minister/Rabbi, Teacher, Violinist, Dr.Maurice Sklar. Dr.Maurice had a prophetic experience at 12:31 am on July 1st which confirms what Pastor Dana has been shown. His July 1st Facebook or July 10th YouTube video is a must watch concerning the future of America in 2020 & beyond. “America is doomed unless the whole Church gets into serious life or death prayer & spiritual warfare within the next few months!”
3) Author & Evangelist Mario Murillo. He is sounding an urgent alert, "America prepare for November". His 2019 book Vessels of Fire & Glory is a truly prophetic book dealing with what we are dealing with right now and with God's judgement. We need to prepare by pressing into & relying on God to keep us safe in His hands.
4) Prophet, Teacher, Author, Rick Joyner. Rick is founder & executive director of MorningStar Ministries. He has authored over fifty books and as a former young revolutionist, Rick is well poised to expound on the spiritual decline and anarchy that is presently plaguing our country.
5) Prophet, Evangelist, Author, Rabbi Felix Halpern. Rabbi Felix died, went to heaven, and has been given numerous end-time revelations and ministry responsibilities. The Lord told him, "The Jewish year 5784 will be a time of consequences for the decisions that will be made in 5783. (Sept.2022 to Sept.2023)
The Final Jubilee
A January 12, 2022 article in Biblical News by Adam Berkowitz reported that a prominent mystic-numerologist from Jerusalem, Rabbi Yekutiel Fish, has proved that the year 2023 (5783 AM), which will start in September 2022, will be the final Jubilee before the arrival of the Messiah. Rabbi Fish attributed this teaching to a Rabbi Oren Evron, another prominent mystic-numerologist.
The Jubilee year, every 50th year, was sanctioned by God in Leviticus 25:8-10. God instructed the Jews to hallow the 50th year. “That they should proclaim release throughout all the land for all its inhabitants. It shall be a Jubilee for you.” Debts were to be forgiven, slaves set free, and property returned to its original owner. – In actuality, this Jubilee mandate was disrupted 2700 years ago when the Jews were taken captivity by the Babylonians and has never been reinstated.
Rabbi also said “After the Messiah, after this Jubilee, the entire world will recognize that God is King and God is one. This coming Jubilee, per the Rabbis, will end on the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, September 16, 2023. Whether the above coming of the Messiah refers to the Rapture (September 17, 2023) or to the Tribulation, God would certainly be making Himself known! – The Rabbis also teach that the year before the Jubilee year, in this case 2022, will bring wars. Which is certainly not hard to believe with all that is going on in the world.
Although I tend to believe these Rabbis as to their timing of the Jubilee year, there are other Bible scholars that would not agree. Some believe it’s 2025, others 2039. Plus, we have no idea as yet as to how the Rabbis came up with their teachings.
The Jubilee year, every 50th year, was sanctioned by God in Leviticus 25:8-10. God instructed the Jews to hallow the 50th year. “That they should proclaim release throughout all the land for all its inhabitants. It shall be a Jubilee for you.” Debts were to be forgiven, slaves set free, and property returned to its original owner. – In actuality, this Jubilee mandate was disrupted 2700 years ago when the Jews were taken captivity by the Babylonians and has never been reinstated.
Rabbi also said “After the Messiah, after this Jubilee, the entire world will recognize that God is King and God is one. This coming Jubilee, per the Rabbis, will end on the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, September 16, 2023. Whether the above coming of the Messiah refers to the Rapture (September 17, 2023) or to the Tribulation, God would certainly be making Himself known! – The Rabbis also teach that the year before the Jubilee year, in this case 2022, will bring wars. Which is certainly not hard to believe with all that is going on in the world.
Although I tend to believe these Rabbis as to their timing of the Jubilee year, there are other Bible scholars that would not agree. Some believe it’s 2025, others 2039. Plus, we have no idea as yet as to how the Rabbis came up with their teachings.
An End-Time Comet?
7/17/2020: Today I learned of another 2023 sign. In March of this year a new comet called Neowise was discovered. For star-gazers it has provided a great light show from space during July & August of 2020. It’s the brightest comet since the mid-90s and it won’t be seen again for 6766 years. Quite interestingly, its closest approach to earth will be on July 23rd! Moreover, the 17th (today’s date) is when our proposed Rapture will happen, September 17, 2023 (in Jerusalem). Almost scary how God keeps giving us these miraculous clues! What majestic control He manifests over all creation! Of course this could also just be coincidence.
Matthew Chapters 23 & 24
I can’t help but wonder if God has set up these chapters in the Bible as prophetic similes representing the future events of 2023 & 2024.
Chapter 23 is a scathing reprimand to the Scribes & Pharisees of Jesus day who could very easily represent the majority of the world today. It ends with Jesus saying, “You shall see Me no more till you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord’!” I’m sure these words will ring in the minds of so many Jews & on-the-fence Christians when the rapture takes the Church, His Body, in the twinkling of an eye.
Then, in Chapter 24, Jesus expounds on the End of the Age and the horrors of the Tribulation for those who will be remaining after the rapture. 24:21 – “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.”
In Chapter 25 Jesus then goes on to talk about the Kingdom of Heaven and the Parable of the Wise & the Foolish Virgins. The foolish virgins of course were those who were not ready for the Lord’s coming. They had never really made an effort to truly know Him or serve Him and thus were left behind to face the Tribulation and possible eternal damnation.
Chapter 23 is a scathing reprimand to the Scribes & Pharisees of Jesus day who could very easily represent the majority of the world today. It ends with Jesus saying, “You shall see Me no more till you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord’!” I’m sure these words will ring in the minds of so many Jews & on-the-fence Christians when the rapture takes the Church, His Body, in the twinkling of an eye.
Then, in Chapter 24, Jesus expounds on the End of the Age and the horrors of the Tribulation for those who will be remaining after the rapture. 24:21 – “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.”
In Chapter 25 Jesus then goes on to talk about the Kingdom of Heaven and the Parable of the Wise & the Foolish Virgins. The foolish virgins of course were those who were not ready for the Lord’s coming. They had never really made an effort to truly know Him or serve Him and thus were left behind to face the Tribulation and possible eternal damnation.
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