1/3/2019: Rob Bassett (from 12/3/18) / Bay Area, CA, USA. - "Zechariah 13:9 - I will bring the one-third through the fire, Will refine them as silver is refined, And test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, And I will answer them. I will say, ‘This is My people’; And each one will say, ‘The Lord is my God’. ”
Rob, Thank you again for another example of the significance that God attributes to the #3. Would seem that only a third of the Jewish nation will survive the tribulation & enter into the millennium.
1/4/2019: Jody - "I just happened on your web site not by coincidence only divine guidance I'm certain. I have so many things to convey to fellow brothers & sisters, believers in CHRIST. I had an actual encounter in which I met the LORD. I was shown many things on many spiritual levels of instruct. I was shown the bible from beginning to end in about a thirty minute time span. The Lord directed my path into three people who became witness to my experience from a human level of understanding. I was in three states of a kind of conscious; if I could find a better word to describe I would. I was in spirit with the LORD, my mind was another state, and my heart reaction was a separate state as well. I was shown an opening of a seal and the children of GOD were in this seal. The LORD poured his sorrow deep inside my Belly and let me feel how deeply, deeply sad he is for his children. He showed me the devils cause of destruction which is so deep it's terrifying for those who will have to face what the devil is doing when they don't know JESUS. The LORD showed me the anti-CHRIST, three authority's in branches of authority on earth, and ministry as well. The time is now, the beginning of the end. It will last about 33 years before the anti-CHRIST is in rein and the great judgement will begin. This happened to me on 3/21/2018. 3(2+1)3 (201)3 & 8= infinity. Also being shown the #9 which I believe means complete. There is so so so much more! I'm reaching out to anyone in hopes of relaying this message. I hope to hear from you. [email protected]"
Jody, 8 could also mean 'new beginnings', possibly 'rapture' and 9 could also refer to 'Divine judgment'. Reviewing my "End-Time Signs", 33 years to tribulation seems a bit distant, but possible. And it makes sense that the prior labor pains would be significant. Hopefully the rapture is near! I too feel so sorry for the unsaved. Bless your ministry and the promulgation & fruitfulness of your revelations.
1/5/2019: Anonymous - "Perhaps others have shared this but 333 days from the death of Billy Graham on 2/21/18 comes to 1/19/19, counting inclusively. This is just before the blood moon eclipse of 1/20/19 on Israel's Tu B Shevat (a day to evaluate & mark a yearly count for fruit baring trees). Keep in mind, that last year's blood moon eclipse on 1/31/18 also took place on Tu B Shevat. This "one year" book-ended by these two eclipses might indicate the extra year the vineyard owner gave the unfruitful fig tree in Jesus' parable. Billy Graham also possibly died on the same Jewish calendar date of Adar 6 as Moses died. Jewish tradition has Moses dying on Adar 7, yet if one looks at the clues in the last chapter of Deuteronomy, and the first chapters in Joshua, it appears that Moses may have instead died on Adar 6, the same day as Billy. When Mr. Graham died, I understood it as an indication from God that the age of grace is coming to a close and God is about to transition into fulfilling His good word to Israel, just like there was a transition for Israel from the leadership of Moses to that of Joshua at Moses' death."
Anony, Sounds quite insightful, but way over my pay grade. Blessings.
1/6/2019: Ingo / Germany. - "I started seeing 333 about 2 years ago. Most of the time I see 333 something really bad happens in my life. I still see 333 almost daily and was wondering if it's a warning? Or is god telling me, I shouldn't worry he is with me? I really don't know what the meaning is, but I am very sure it's a message from God. God bless all of you."
Ingo, I could certainly be wrong, but unless you're really going thru a rough time (and assuming you are a born-again child of His), I don't think God would simply be saying 'don't worry I'm with you'. See "Why Me?" Blessings.
1/9/2019: Dylan Bartlett - "My first encounter with 333 began three months ago when I bought my first car and the number plate has 333 on it. Now I see this number combination everywhere."
Dylan, Would seem like God is surely reaching out to you. You may find "The Mysterious License Plate Saga" interesting. It's under "333 & Catholicism".
1/10/2019: Daniel / Alice Springs, Australia. - "I started to notice 333 about two months ago, I told a Mate of mine about seeing these numbers and at first he just laughed and told me to stay out of the sun, it's frying my brain! But then whenever we were together and I saw these numbers, I would point them out to him and well he stopped laughing about it. He now finds it quite amazing. My Mate was the one who actually found this website."
Daniel, Am hoping you both take it seriously. May God bless your walks.
1/10/2019: Michelle Shaw / USA. - It started in 2018; I Journaled about 8 time clock sightings, one car mileage sighting. In 2019 thus far, I've had 3 time-clock sightings. Now my mom and dad are seeing it too. I've been searching the bible for answers; so glad I found you."
Michelle, Hoping the site & others comments help guide you.
1/10/2019: CC - "333 was the first number sequence that I began seeing years and years ago when I was a young girl. It is still a prominent pattern, amongst others, but this one particularly strikes a peculiar tone each time. I am curious if there are others that are connected to Christ spirit within, that speak of their connection to 333, without putting such an emphasis on EXTERNALIZING a worship of Christ as a MAN outside of themselves. The dogmatic religion of Christianity that we have been provided-by the "Jews" and Catholic "authorities", has been seriously distorted and dished out as children stories as if we need physical accounts to make sense of spiritual things. The same ones that have fed Christians their religious beliefs, has also deceptively convinced the whole world that we live on a spinning ball rotating around the sun, - when the bible specifically and clearly states the earth was created first, immovable, on pillars, and that the sun & moon & stars move around us. If they have the ability to blindfold humanity with that falsity - using the magik of nasa's filming trickery - you must consider all information of this world to be distorted. Looking for an externalized anti-Christ or externalized Jesus to come to this world is the ego needing a physical evidence of spiritual matters. I am definitely a believer of and worship the one true Holy God of creation, and of the Holy Spirit of Christ that communicates truth to us. I seem to have a difficult time finding affiliates of 333 that are not either forceful with dogmatic ideology claims, or on the opposite end with new age spirituality. Anyone out there centered in the balance?"
CC, Sorry, but it is not the true Holy Spirit communicating with you. I believe that God has really been trying to break through, but He's being blocked and you are being deceived. Oh how I pray that you are somehow delivered!
1/11/2019: Carma / USA. - "Not sure when it started; off and on for years! Last night I woke up & glance at my clock at 3:33. This morning when I got into my car, I glance at the monitor & it read, “Range 333”. My Bible reading this morning was in Genesis. “So He said to him, “Bring Me a 3-year old heifer, a 3-year old female goat, & a 3-year-old ram, a turtle dove, & a young pigeon.” I see that this was in response to Abram’s question to God, “Lord, God, how shall I know that I will inherit it?” I took this to mean the number 333 is in relation to my Kingdom inheritance. I’ve also had two dreams about weddings in the past week that speak to the marriage supper of the Lamb (See Revelation 21). I appreciate your abundance of information about the #333. I have been cautious about looking into it because of the very cautions you bring up in "Satan’s # Games". I couldn’t deny that God was speaking something to me with these numbers when it also came up in my Bible reading this morning! I do believe that God uses the timing of things like this to show His fingerprint!"
Carma, Great testimonial & insight. I've added "promise of Kingdom Inheritance" to Pg.1, 333 example #8. I believe it does represent a Covenant Promise, (to born-again believers).
1/13/2019: Debbie / USA. - "333 started 16 years ago. I thought it was a number that my husband & I shared, since we both noticed it and pointed out to each other. But recently my husband has left me, having abandoned God years ago. Now I question what this number means to me, what it has always meant to me, and what God intends for me."
Debbie, Maybe the Lord has just been sympathetic, but I'm guessing it's more. Seek His guidance, seek His face. You know He loves you. Bless your walk.
1/13/2019: Anonymous - "Thank you for deciding to share - I really enjoyed reading how God used you to spread his word. It helped me to be enlightened and to why I continue to see 333. - I see other triple digit numbers on my clock - but I felt compelled to search and you are correct to type in Biblical - I knew I should type the word biblical because of being close to our Lord - The Holy Spirit moved you. God Bless You!"
Anony, Thank you. Now be wary of those other numbers.
1/15/2019: Lisa B / Washington, USA. - "I began to wake at 3:33 randomly, a few weeks ago. I think 4 times now. Last night I heard a noise in the kitchen. I had the crockpot on and when I checked the time, it was 3:33! I love the Lord and have been thru many things in this life. I'm usually joyful and energetic, but last year was rough. I've been fighting depression and thru prayer & the word I've been overcoming, but not victorious. I feel God is opening something new, unknown as of yet. Maybe write a book? After last night, I just had to see what 333 could mean. Thank you for your site, I'm encouraged to dig deeper in the word to find my answer."
Lisa, Pay attention to dreams also. As I've shared, they were very instrumental in establishing this ministry. Maybe check out www.dreamsandmysteries.com Bless you and may you be a blessing.
1/17/2019: G.I. JOE / Las Vegas, Nevada.
Joe, Hoping you don't disregard it.
1/19/2019: Allison Nemcik / USA. - "333 stated for me around the first week in January 2019."
James Nemcik - "333 started the third week in January 2019."
Allison & James, It seems many people have started seeing it fairly recently. Wondering how close we're getting to something! Hoping the site & others comments are a blessing.
1/19/2019: Anonymous - "I've been having biblical dreams of 333 Oso being the Angel Number 3 I'm God's left hand side what is sword why the other archangels half Lance's with the sphere of gold Mario's of Archangels ready for battle God is sitting in front of me in a white horse I'm sitting in the brown horse send my sword I keep on dreaming. Still see number 333 everywhere I look: some books, MTV, dreams. 333 pops up everywhere & I'm confused, what does it mean."
Anony, Hoping the site helps. And don't get involved with Angel Numbers!
1/21/2019: Hello, My name is Debra - "I have also been noticing the numbers 333. I knew that they were from Yehovah God the moment I saw them. I have been praying more recently for Yehovah God to mold me into the person he wants me to be, so that I can be ready for what ever he needs me to do. The time is coming that we will need to make a decision on what is important to us. We may be called to leave all we own to escape to where Yehovah God has for us to be safe. I believe that when I see 333 it's to remind me of what I have been praying for... to keep praying for it."
Debra, I need to disagree with you. As I mention in "Why Me?", I don't believe the 333 is an acknowledgement or reminder type of message. I'm concerned that it's a critique, even SOS warning, concerning your theology. It's a shame that you're being influenced by the site that you mentioned. They are neglecting Paul's epistles. Paul is the apostle to & for us today, (Acts 9:15, Rom.11:13 & 15:16). The scriptures you mentioned do not concern born-again believers. We are no longer under law, we are under grace. Please see "Salvation", (just to make sure), & also "End-Time Signs"/"Rapture". Consider - Maybe this is God's answer to your prayers. May He bless your walk. And if at all possible, on TV, find "Through the Bible" with Les Feldick. We all really need a good Bible teacher.
1/24/2019: Scott / USA. - "Been seeing 333 for at least 8 years. I think it started when I looked up into a clear blue sky and saw a single cloud in the shape of a “3". I’ve documented my 333 sightings and have over a thousand images. I’m a believer and have tried to follow Christ the best I can. All these years I’ve just assumed it was a message stating he is with me. Why, after all those years, am I posting on this site now? Good question. Time for some prayer and meditation."
Scott, As you seek Him out, Jer.33:3, may He bless you with revelation.
1/26/2019: Cassondra Roths - "The Lord woke me up one night at 3:33 am and I asked him what he was trying to tell me. He took me to Jeremiah 33:3. I read it over & over then I went back to sleep. I thought about it that next day but didn’t really put much thought into it until I saw a prophetic word for 2019 and realized that the numbers had way more meaning. So I started looking it up and I came to your website. It has blown my mind. I’ve had several people prophesy over me about my calling. Thank you for sharing."
Cassondra, Intriguing! God bless your walk.
1/29/2019: Joyce / Holland. - "Dear brothers & sisters, I have a strong feeling that there will be a sort of economic collapse soon. Since I have two little boys I today bought a lot of food in cans, bottles of water, candles, encetra to prepare. Still seeing the 33 Numbers a lot more then the 333. Still feels as if God is telling us To warn others and To get up as soldiers for the Gospel. Get ready, prepare, and reach out To the unsaved as well. Also feel the demonic uprising. Not afraid but I Just hope my brothers & sisters here and all around the world will still reach a lot of people who are in need for the truth and love before time is up. Love you all!"
Joyce, Referencing your 12/30/18 comment, thank you again. Good advice. The #33 certainly has a strong connection to Jesus. He died for our salvation at age 33, and thus it is known as the # of Promise. Bless you & yours.
Post Script: March 2020 - CoronaVirus may cause a worldwide economic collapse!
1/30/2019: Joe Reisdorf / USA. - "333 started 1/29/2019. Woke up to 3:33 and instantly knew The Lord was speaking to me. But didn’t know the meaning . Spent the day reading scriptures and articles on this."
Joe, Hoping the site has been a blessing.
2/1/2019: Anonymous - "I actually see numbers all the time and I am trying to find 'biblical' meanings as I notice them, but sometimes I don't know how to look for them exactly when I go through the bible because there are so many ways to go. Earlier today I saw 333 and didn't think anything of it because, well I see numbers in sequences often so I just didn't know if it was just me always noticing. As the day continued I ended up not having a great day because I had so much on my mind. There's been a certain situation that I've struggled with for 4 years. Today I prayed and prayed and talked to God with my whole soul. - I have an app that calculates my steps, today I put in my weight and the BMI just so happened to say 33.3. This made me want to Google it and I found this website. I do believe God has been trying to talk to me more and more. Also, one of the frames i made for my fiance, it has our first initials on it so I was curious. His first initial is C, which is the third letter in the alphabet. Mine is J, tenth in the alphabet. 10÷3=3.33 repeating. Am I thinking too much, haha."
Anony, Yes, I think you are thinking too much! It might be con-screwed as a contrived revelation. If it's of God, it will be something supernatural, something you didn't originate. Although, God does like to make us think. Anyhow, pay attention to the 333s, and don't let Satan drive you crazy with other #s. See "Satan's # Games". God bless your walk & situation.
2/3/2019: Joseph / USA. - "I’ve been seeing this number for most of my life but only really noticed it years after I asked Jesus into my heart around my late teens, I'm now 53. I’m convinced it is something from the lord as it appears to happen when there's some sort of concern in my life. I often wonder what it’s meaning is. At one point in my life, a woman told me to read Jer.33:3 ( call on me and i will show you great and mighty things)."
Joseph, Humbly seeking the Lord is always great advice. Hope the site & other's comments are a help. Blessings.
2/4/2019: Anonymous - "Been seeing 1111 222 333 444. And here lately, nothing but the number 23. I always say, "Lord, I don't know what that means", but he always has my attention. Just these past few weeks he has been teaching me ways he speaks to me. I had the most amazing rapture dream. When I woke in his presence, I spoke with him about a few things. What relates to this website is ask, ask him what the numbers where all about. The Revelation I received was, he is revealing his sovereignty in his followers lives. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and he is in complete control. He told me to "Be the Light." This is his concern, let's not worry about when the rapture is, it's going to happen whether they are ready or not, our focus should be on him & winning souls. Seeing 333 isn't the only SOS he's sending out. Signs and wonders are all over the world. I pray people are heeding. My tears go out to all who refuse to listen. - Lord Jesus, I pray for this ministry. I pray that those who come to it have there heart strings tugged just enough to get their attention. You are mighty & merciful, and on their behalf I'm thankful for your grace poured out for us on the cross as a Fount of Mercy for us sinners. I trust in you. Amen."
Anony, Great advice & a beautiful prayer. Concerning your #23: check out "End Time Signs", "The great Rev.12 astronomical sign of 9/23/17". If this turns out to be a real revelation, we don't have a whole lot of time left to win souls! Concerning the other #s, please be cautious (see Satan's # Games). Thank you & God bless.
2/11/2019: Anonymous - "Yes, a believer & I see it a lot! I have been seeking the Lord for quite some time as to why. Thanks for this wisdom!"
Anon, Bless your walk.
2/11/2019: Hello, my name is Dillon Morley McConnell - "I"m 20 years old, was born at 3:33 am 3/27/98. I remember a very specific night of my life, where I believed that I had met the woman I was going to marry. It was the night Donald Trump won. I went to sleep around 2:45 am and woke up at 3:33 drenched in sweat, out of horrific dreams of the demons. It was like I had been in my own, personalized horror movie. It took me three days to get my head back on straight, and by than, I guess I had scared her away forever. I'm okay. It's been years since this happened. I wear the Arch Angel Michael's pendant around my neck. It depicts him slaying the Beast. I have no idea where this pendant came from, nor does my mother who passed it from God to me. I've literally pulled a demon out of a non believer, took it home, and I tried to send it to hell through my toilet. That did not work. Also it flooded my garage and blew a whole through my ceiling and pipes. I'm starting to think that I am an angel sent to stand in the face of evil and inequity, help, and ultimately admonish and nudge as many souls as I can in the correct direction. I want so much to understand. I'm so human and so much more. I will admit... how could one understand a world that one did not even realize was not his own. I didn't know the devil has dominion over this planet. That dynamic is understood by me now. Maybe it will just take time for everything I've read here today to sink in. I know another, who was born at 11:11. I'm waiting for him to grow up before him and I continue to resonate. He sees his angel every night before he goes to bed. Sees demons where ever he finds one, and is impervious to them. From the story he told me, it did not sound like a weak demon either. Just impervious. That is very very special. Thank you so much for your time and your content. God bless."
Dillon, I'm concerned for you. Demons are certainly real. You have a very noble mind-set, but please be careful, demons can not be taken for granted. See Eph.6:10-18. And make sure you're born-again, you will definitely need God's protection, (see "Salvation"). And see "Beyond 333".
2/11/2019: Anonymous - "Hello. I came upon this site through a renewed curiosity as to what others are saying about 33 or 333, after I found out that my state and others use 333 as the base number for the month of May when coding a person's Driver License number, which includes their birth month and day. As a side note, the 3rd month of the ecclesiastical calendar (9th of the civil year) of the Jews is Sivan, which begins in May. Sivan means season or time. Ancient history, including Biblical background, is one of my passions. - Another interesting fact about the #3 is that each year at winter solstice the Sun enters the grave, which is the furthest point in Southern declination (an ancient description also of sunset each day) and stands still (solstice) there for 3 days. On the 3rd day Sun is said to rise out of the grave as it is then noticeably moving toward north declination and the day is just a pinch longer. So here we have 3 days in the grave each year but a daily reminder that when that happens, it/he will rise again. There are 3 days of standstill at the Summer solstice also. If you want, we could see 333 within the yearly journey of the Sun, if we were at the right latitude. There would be 3 days at each standstill and 3 hours less or more of daylight at each, 333. OH, and the 33rd parallel runs through Isreal."
2/12/2019: Anonymous - "I saw 333 for the first time on 2/7/2019 and it’s following me around. What’s the meaning to this, everything I do a 3 pops out!"
Anony, Make sure you acknowledge it, God's trying to get your attention. Hope the site helps.
2/14/2019: My name is Waco Krase - "I have had some powerful revelations about the end time. I know I have a spirit like unto JOHN THE BAPTIST in me. God has revealed such a powerful revelation on me that some times it scares me for I know what is coming. I thank Jesus all day every day for sealing me in His blood. I see consecutive numbers all day every day such as 111 222 333 444 555 and from time to time the 999. I see 7s so often that I can easily point it out to people and it trips them out. I have looked upon the SON OF MAN in HIS glorified body and HE taught me how to rope men's spirits. Every thing you are saying lines up with all that the Spirit of GOD has revealed to me. HALLELUJAH OUR KING IS COMING SOON. MAKE YOUR PATHS STRAIGHT AND PREPARE YOUR SELF FOR THE COMING OF THE LORD!!!!!!" [email protected]
Waco, Wow!! Some people might say that you are a bit wacko! I'm going to reserve that judgment because I agree with your conclusions. Praise God! Just be cautious that Satan is not trying to add his two cents worth of lies. See "Satan's # Games".
2/16/2019: Edmund ([email protected]) / S.Carolina, USA. - "My first experience that I can recall was when I returned from Heaven. I had prayed to the Lord to see Heaven, just for a visit; I wanted to write about Heaven; you know, write what you know! The time was 3:32. I wrote about it, Heaven, - that was January 1991. I have since been awakened on random mornings, (Is anything really random with the Lord?), precisely at 3:33 and sometimes at 3:32. This morning 2/16/19 I was awakened at 3:33. I remember saying to the Lord in my sleep, "What, Lord? What?" I turned over and from a deep sleep opened my eyes and saw the clock staring back its red numbers glowing at 3:33. I said, "Thank you, Lord Jesus," and I audibly heard, "Research it on the internet." I fell asleep again and awoke at my normal time. Your web site was the first to appear."
Ed, The Lord seems to be promoting the site! Wondering what he wants of you. Thank you & bless your walk, which he certainly seems to be doing! Please let us know if you should find out what the #3:32 represents.
2/17/2019: E. Copeland / USA. - "The 333 started last month, January 2019."
E, Hoping you look into it, and Him.
2/23/2019: Shannon / Pennsylvania, USA. - "I started seeing 333 the last 2 years or so. I've always had an interest in end times since my teens and feel drawn even more to it in recent years. I have a passion to want to save the world and also warn people. I also feel when seeing 333 it's a calling to get back on track, praying & asking God to do his will, and stop living in the flesh."
Shannon, A great example for us all to follow.
3/2/2019: Joyce / Holland. - "Dear Brethren, I have been seeing 33 for almost 1,5 years. I just wanted to say that 2019 is the Year of the number 3. I have posted previously and I still strongly feel that we are all being warned and instructed by God Almighty that we have only a short time and should do everything to win souls. God needs an army to rise up and get ready and do His work. Give love, help souls, be light, He Will do the rest. Tomorrow is 333 = 03/03/(2019 = 3)! Love all you Guys. God bless."
Joyce, Thank you again for the encouragement. Time is quickly running out. Concerning your 1/29/19 comment about preparing for an economic collapse, see "End-Time Signs", Personal Hypothesis, my dream of 2/15/19.
Post Script: 2020 COVID-19 will likely cause a worldwide economic collapse.
3/3/2019: Tim / USA. - "I never knew of 333 at all. Today at work a coworker asked who drove the truck that had a license plate starting with 333. I said I did. He said it meant an angel was watching over you. He said he sees it in his sleep all the time. Mind you he brought it up in front of others -- which would take courage for who was there. He had no issue as he firmly believed it was something biblical or that was my impression. So tonight, got home from my work and got on and started googling. I found mainly topics as he said it was about angels and a lot of numerology. I then tried searching a different way, "is 333 good". It brought me to this sight. I had the TV on and I have to admit I pretty much stopped watching TV as I work 14 or more hours a day, not including travel time and eating diner -- basically 5 hrs of sleep. So I was in bed and for some reason turned the TV on while reading this sight. Two times I heard 333 stated. I don't think this is a coincidence, nor do I think today being 3-3 is either. I believe in God and Jesus but I guess I have been more of I know of them then worship. I have thought that God doesn't want us to worship but to believe in him and act right -- I do and hope I am prepared. I find this is not a coincidence but rather a sign. Is it? I don't know what to do with this -- I am reaching out for advice?"
Tim, Yes certainly would seem that God is trying to get your attention. God does want more than belief & sacrifice. He wants a relationship. See "Salvation". And Bless your walk.
3/12/2019: Rose Wise / Navasota, Texas. - "I took care of my father the last 3 years of his life. He passed away in 2010. As he was near death I was holding his hand. He was trying to tell me something, but I could not understand. I walked outside for a moment and when I came back into his room he looked at me and he took his last breath. I noticed the clock stopped at 3:33 pm the same time my dad
passed. After that happened I started waking up every night for the last 6 months at 3:33 am. I started experiencing things like seeing angels, saints, 3 of them in long white robes kneeling down to a saint standing in a long white robe reading from a book. I still see these numbers everywhere along with 555. I feel blessed and feel a very close relationship with god as though I have met him. I see also people who have passed away. I feel that God is protecting me. I feel also that god is trying to send a message to us all that the time is near."
Rose, Seeing people who have past away is not a good sign. I feel that God is trying to communicate with you but Satan is trying to mislead or deceive you, - which he is an expert at if he is given any opening at all. See "Beyond 333"/"Spiritual Warfare" and Eph.6:10-18. We are getting so near! Bless you.
3/21/2019: PastorMichael71 - "I found this site after I realized that I am waking up several nights a week at exactly 3:33. I asked some of my spiritual and biblical friends and they recommended this article. As I have been in ministry for over 20 years, I knew it was No Accident. I have been using this time to pray, intercede for my family and hang out with God. We just talk about what's going on in my life that day. After a recent visit By Lou Engle where we prayed about dreams, I have intently gone after asking for dreams again. I haven't remembered having a dream in years. I realized quickly as I was waking up from dreams that it was 3:33 each time. I don't know what to do from here except ask God for Revelation and to continue his work in me and through me AMEN."
Pastor Michael, Maybe there's something particularly associated with this site that God wants to bring to your attention. Hoping it helps provide Revelation. Blessings to you & family.
4/1/2019: Anonymous - "WoW, been a 333er for a while. I started to think it was bad, but I have repented for at one point giving the credit to Satan for this number because of the fallen watchers. I now realize it goes beyond that and it all belongs to the living God. I am from Indiana and just recently have moved to New Mexico, uncoincidentally at the 33rd parallel by Roswell. I believe this may be the front lines when the dragon makes war with the remnant of the woman's seed in Revelation 12. I'm glad I visited this site. Thank you, because there is a biblical explanation for numbers and this number has haunted me for years. Now it is not a haunting but more of an excitement as I have turned it over into the hands of Yahweh."
Anony, Praise God that the site has provided revelation. Thank you & bless you.
4/2/2019: Anthony Lopez / USA. - "I started seeing or I should say I started waking at 3:33 AM every morning and didn’t understand it. I was born at 3:33 AM and I’ve always believed in the Lord. Lately I have been going through a lot of tribulation. There is a lot of deception out there, but all of us seeing this number, even my mom's waking up at 3:33 AM, has got me to searching God‘s word diligently. May the Lord be with all of us and guide us towards true calling in Jesus Christ mighty name. Amen."
Anthony, Yes, Amen! But like you say, there is a lot of deception out there. May the Lord bless us all with discernment.
4/3/2019: Mike / Iowa, USA. - "You are exactly right! God is calling His children. We are the Watchmen on the wall and it is our duty to spread the great news of His redeeming love and salvation through His son Jesus. Numbers I see - 23, 123, 223, 323 and 333 the most. God wakes me up regularly at 3AM, gives me messages to deliver and dreams to work through. The more we become sensitive to these callings the more He uses us. I have so many occurrences and messages with seeing these numbers that it is no coincidence. It may drive you crazy sometimes with the amount of times you see these numbers, but it is just God knocking on the door of your heart. Let Him in! Email me with any questions or concerns. God is great!" [email protected]
Watchman Mike, Wow! Concerning your #23s - Wondering if you saw the 2/4/19 comment & my "End-Times Signs", Rev,12, 2023 hypothesis & associated coincidences. This continues to be an amazing revelation or elaborate satanic hoax! God bless your continued watchfulness.
4/4/2019: Angela / USA. - "On the 3rd day of the 3rd month of the 3rd year of President Trumps reign, 03/03/2019, I had an "appointment" with God. I was directed to Ezekiel 33...and was called by God to be His watchman. It felt like a daunting and extremely grave mission that I must do for Him. When I returned home, I looked at my clock and it was 3:33. Confirmation. What's next?
Angela, Sounds intriguing! Praying you receive more revelation, if needed. Moreover, it's weird how the last four comments, yours being the last, are in order - 1,2,3,4. Like a countdown at the beginning of this 4th month! Passover & Easter fall on the same day this year, this month. Maybe another confirmation. Or maybe something more! Weird!
4/9/2019: My name is Summer - "I have been woken up for many years now here and there at 3:33 in the morning and I look at the clock and never thought much of it and go back to sleep. For many years I have been seeing the 333 but only on the clock. I see it during the day and night. I use to see it all the time. I even told my mom that it must be some significant time in my life or something like when I'm going to die (jokingly). I've never thought about it again until about a month ago. I have no idea why, but I saw it again and something happened to me. I am not sure what...a spiritual awakening? Just stress? Not sure. I feel different. I am helping with my dying aunt stricken with cancer all over her body who has 2 months to live. We were very close. I just have a feeling I have some purpose right now but am very confused as to what that could possibly be. Maybe not. I don't know. Felt good to get this out. I haven't told anybody. It's too weird. I'm a mom and a wife and a daughter. I'm totally normal, but confused. I'm just hoping maybe a guardian angel may be up there helping me or something. Thanks for reading. I never post these things."
Summer, Would be nice to know you're saved (see "Salvation"). And more-so right now, that your Aunt is heaven bound. That very well could be that "purpose". Blessings.
4/11/2019: Joyce / Holland. - "Dear Brethren, God still speaks to his children through visions And messages. Like with Moses, he told them what To do and how To cover the houses with the blood so the spirit of death would not kill the the first Born in that house. Never thought that I would be doing this, but I now understand why God shows me the 33 signs. I did not believe it at first but I asked God To show me, And I got confirmation. The 3 days of darkness are coming, it is true. He who has ears listens. 3 signs before this darkness - like nuclear ( air colors / light ) Globally, power turning off Globally, Earthquakes Globally. We are being warned because he loves us. Darkness is real darkness, demonic entities extremely, but also physically sun being darkened by 3 days. - Get stuff for your house, stay inside during this period & do not let Anyone enter after the darkness. These people ( even family ) can be possessed.
You must think I am crazy but that's ok for me as long as you hear this message and know what To do. I pray the blood of Jesus upon all these people Here on this site. God bless you guys."
Joyce, God bless you. Hoping you're not as crazy as this sounds.
Post Script March 2020: Referencing your 1/29/19 comment - CoronaVirus may cause a worldwide economic collapse! Maybe you're not crazy after-all!
4/11/2019: Tony / Australia. - "333 started for me some 35 years ago, still see it often and it always makes me stop & wonder. I also used to doodle 'the end' also. 333 and me go way back and it still wont stop. I'm a lost type of soul, always crying."
Tony, Hoping you're not as lost as you sound. I truly believe God has been trying to get your attention. Please check out "Salvation".
4/11/2019: Me again, Tony. - "Thank you. What prompted my comment was on my daily duties in my apartment complex i came across a car parked in the basement with its drivers door left wide open. The car's plates started with 333. The car looked stolen but nope was a guest. Odd hey. Been working there 3 months too then see this. Perhaps its a strong sign to leave something.?"
Tony, Again, I would lean more to thinking it may have been a sign from God showing you an open door that he would like you to step through or into. Maybe starting with this web-site.
4/12/2019: Anonymous - "Chapter 3 of Malachi, when properly read, shows that Jesus is returning to the earth to refine His people before judging anyone . There is no inference that there will be a rapture of any kind. He who endures will be spared from the hour of trial...this does not imply that in order to be spared one will have to be raptured away from it all."
Anony, Malachi is talking strictly to Israel/the Jewish people who will be going through the tribulation; those who have not accepted Jesus as their Lord & Savior. There is no mention of the rapture in the Old Testament at all. It is associated only with the Church.
4/22/2019: Suzette - "I woke up today at 3:33 am with a sense that the number is significant. Just celebrated Easter and got into serious discussions with family members about sprinkling of infants vs proper water baptism as saved Christians. It was sad to hear people defending traditions rather than accepting the word of God as final authority. I was asked not to offend people with bible teachings. But since then I felt that I should be like John the Baptist and continue to speak the truth. This article confirms those thoughts for me! I pray that my Lord who encouraged me today will help me to communicate His truth in a way that will be fruitful in saving souls for His glory!"
Suzette, Praise God for your convictions & fortitude. We do need to be like John the Baptist. Time is so short! I feel so sorry for Catholics and others who have been so deluded by traditions & teachings of men rather than relying on the true Word of God.
4/27/2019: Lindsey / Iowa, USA. - "I’m almost 9 mos pregnant and woke up from a contraction. Afterward, I couldn’t quite sleep and was messaging a missionary in Africa. I ended my message to this dear one with “it’s 3:33am and should try to rest” - then felt a prompting I should look up bible verses with that combination and found this site. The Lord tends to speak to me in dreams but this was my first 333 - Just thought I’d share."
Lindsey, So glad you did. This being your 1st 333 & being 9 months pregnant & this being the 27th is another verification that ties in perfectly with what the Lord seems to be showing us, - that the Church's delivery/rapture is very close, i.e., 2023! (Note: the #27 is 3 cubed. The #3 is the # of Divine Completeness or Perfection. There are 27 books in the New Testament.) You are now an integral part of this crazy 2023 hypothesis! Blessings. (See "End Time Signs", "Rev.12 Great Sign")
4/28/2019: Anonymous - "Very interesting information! Thank you for all the time you put into this."
Anon, Thank you. It's a labor of love that's not really labor.
4/30/2019: My name is Dawn Dodson / Louisville, KY, USA. - "My encounters with the number 333 began this year 2019. I am a Jesus follower. I know and believe that Almighty God is trying to get his kids attention. I had a revelation of the number 33 in March. I attend Evangel World Prayer Center here in Louisville. This year April 27th was our 33rd anniversary. Christ was 33 when he was crucified. I knew God was trying to tell me something. I believe 2019 will be the best year Evangel has ever experienced! We have been seeing the literal GLORY OF GOD in our sanctuary. Angels are present in our sanctuary. The GREATER GLORY OF GOD IS BEING MADE MANIFEST. I see 333 weekly on my phone, cable box, license plates,etc. I truly believe Almighty God is revealing himself to his bride. Soon we will ALL hear the trumpet sound as The KING OF KINGS SPLITS THE EASTERN SKY . I PRAY THAT ALL THE KING'S KIDS ACCEPT JESUS AS THEIR PERSONAL SAVIOR, BEFORE THAT GREAT AND TERRIBLE DAY!! My sincere appreciation goes out to you who set up this 333- Gods End-Time SOS Ministry page. Your information is invaluable!"
Dawn, Thank you so much. I agree, 2019 looks to be spiritually glorious. And I love God's #27, see Lindsey above. The trumpet is going to sound soon. Blessings.
5/2/2019: Garry R Kennedy - Started seeing 333 some years ago but had no idea what it meant. I didn't grow up in church but started in my early thirties. Served at my church for many years and the Lord gave me a vision about Christmas and how to share it. From it I wrote a supernatural novel and started a website..." www.whywecelebratechristmas.com " Just prior to getting the book out, I came under demonic attack. Along with 333 I start seeing 111, 222, 555 and other sorted numbers. Finally discovered a website about another person who saw 333 too, and finally came to believe it was a message from the Lord. Yes, I believe He is coming soon and we must get the word out to everyone."
Garry, Praise God! Thank you for your witness.
5/7/2019: Amy - "Today I woke up at 2 am to a train horn (which registered in my mind as a horn, not a whistle). I couldn't get back to sleep. Soon after I heard a different train sound its horn. I live in a "no whistle" zone so if the train sounds there is a problem. Then I heard a 3rd train sound its horn and quickly looked at the clock, 3:33. Immediately I knew I was supposed to walk to the tracks- 3 blocks- and pray over them. As this isn't a great idea in my neighborhood, I was reluctant but I felt an urgent calling so I did and prayers began to flow over the whole neighborhood as I walked there and back. When I got back home, I received words for two people. I had been at the first day of a conference on May 6th and both individuals were at the same conference (2 day conference totally unrelated to religion). I gave them the words. Both messages involved expansion of Biblical leadership and messengers. After the conference, they found me and both messages had happened during the day. When I got home, just now, I searched for "Biblical meaning of 3:33" and found this site. I was incredibly amazed when I saw the connection to your dream of locomotives. A total of 5 horns sounded during the night from the time I woke up and then I heard 5 trains pass with no horns."
Amy, You know, you're likely making many people envious of your faith & intimacy with the Holy realm! Your 5 horns experience reminds me of the dreams interpreted by Joseph in Genesis Chapter 41 having to do with 7 good years followed by 7 bad years. Let us know if you should find an interpretation.
5/12/19 - Amy, this morning I received the following: The #5 represents Grace. We are in the Age of Grace. Like the 333/SOS & other ministries (trains), we are warning people (blowing our horns). This is going to stop. Maybe in 5 years, 2023. (See "End-Time Signs" / "Revelation 12 Great Sign" / 2023). WOW!!!
5/11/2019: John from South Africa sent a powerful message to 333 recipients who have drifted off your God given path and have become victims of Satan's bondage, oppression, fear, paranoia, & depression, via drugs, porn, etc. - "Acknowledge His 333 message. It's God's registered trademark!" See "Beyond 333" / "Spiritual Warfare" / "8) Satanic Bondage"
John, Bless you. A tremendous testimony.
5/25/2019: Carolyn Brumley / USA. - "This is the first time to your site after seeing 333 on my clock today. I've had a rollercoaster life spiritually until I reached retirement in 2012. Through all my struggles in life I've always sought the Lord and he met me every time. But only until the end of 2015 was I truly awakened and called to serve God more fully. Prior to my retirement I was seeing a series of numbers over and over again 444 316 and 911. Also I began to have dreams and visions increasing during 2016. Reading scriptures and journaling took a lot of my time. My most recent 3&1/2 years has been drawing closer and closer to Jesus. So through a season of suffering and pain for over 1&1/2 years til today, I recognize I was going through heavy purification and sanctification. Just last week, I finally felt set free, ...whom the Lord sets free is free indeed. I take that this "333" as a confirmation. Just sent for me! WOW. Your site is truly anointed.
I had a recent vision of a large "23" on the ground. It was the week before May 21-22 which had been all over you-tube. Do you have insight on how 23 might be significant now, even though May 23, 2019 has past?"
Carolyn, I love your testimony; the closer we draw to Him, the closer He'll draw to us. About the "23", that's an amazing conformation of what the Lord's been revealing to me. See "End-Time Signs" / "Revelation 12 Great Sign" - 2023 Rapture. It sounds like you're ready!
6/6/2019: Arielle - "YHWH uses these numbers with me daily and HE often wakes me at 3:33 am which is usually just a call to prayer, but now I believe it is a SERIOUS WARNING! Father showed me in the most incredible, supernatural way that we need to pay attention to the up coming 9th of Av (August 10-11) and also the "10 days of Awe" which follows (Rosh Hashanna and Yom Kippur). When HE told me to study this, I was clueless. But after doing my research, I was astonished. I believe that what HE showed me is that the end of the age of grace will fall on the 9th of Av. Will it be 2019? I don't know but it seems very likely. Every other time in History that a dispensation has ended, it was also on the 9th of Av. Many other tragic events regarding the Jews fall on this date. If you want to know "what time it is", watch Israel. Do your homework, use your time wisely, warn others. Shalom."
Arielle, As I point out under "End Time Signs", I'm looking at Rosh Hashanna 2023 for the rapture. But I certainly wouldn't rule out your 9th of Av as an important date to watch. Thank you & bless you.
6/9/2019: Anonymous - "I don't know if I'm added to these numbers as since Sept 25, 2017 when I was given these numbers. I continue to see them and it's 2019 almost 3 years later. I need to be part of this community. I was led to your article under direction of the Holy Spirit. I was given Ezekiel 33:3 and as confirmation to His direction John 3:33. I know what I saw and heard. I was given these words: "Warning, Watchman, Tell Them, & Fire", and from your article I can identify with HELP/SOS. When I first read Ezekiel 33:3&4 I was trembling and I still do. I continue to see 333. I am not a number person. I am not on a hunt for numbers. I do not observe anything that is an abomination to YHWH. I am a repentant Born-Again believer in Yahusha haMashiach and His return is imminent."
Anony, Yes!! Warning, Watchman, Tell Them, Fire!! I'm hoping people are paying attention.
6/11/2019: Rob Bassett / SF Bay Area, CA, USA. - "333 & The Tribe of Levi. Revelation 21:12-13 (Notice the 12 12 12 & 3 3 3 3).
“Also she had a great and high wall with twelve gates, and twelve angels at the gates, and names written on them, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel: 13 three gates on the east, three gates on the north, three gates on the south, and three gates on the west.” Look to Revelation 21 in full for reference. The Levites are the gatekeepers as seen in 1 Chronicles 26:14-28.
Now go to Psalm 122: - - "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, May they prosper who love you".
Rob, Always good to hear from you. Jerusalem, God's Holy city, is such an end-times key.
6/18/2019: Arielle - "Because of what I have been shown personally, I no longer hold an opinion on the rapture. However, I believe HE is showing many of us that the "age of grace" has an expiration date and the Tribulation is about to begin. Have you noticed that everything seems to becoming all or nothing, black or white? No more gray area's. Prophecy is being fulfilled at an expedited rate. HE had me prepare heavily for these times ahead. Is it for me or others? I seriously don't know but HE gave me a literal Daniel 5 supernatural "writing on the wall" moment on 7/5/2018 that blew my mind and led me to study the 9th of Av and the "Days of Awe". Here are some main points to study & you may want to dig deeper. http://comfortoneanother.com/2017/01/26/the-9th-of-av/? and https://hebrew4christians.com/Holidays/Fall_Holidays/Elul/Days_of_Awe. Things are going to get VERY rough before we are taken home. Those whom are prepared physically will fair much better than others but those whom are well prepared spiritually will be filled to the brim with HIM. Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"
Arielle, Sounds like you & I are basically on the same page. Birth pains followed by His return/rapture are very close. Both sites were very interesting & enlightening. Thank you again & God bless your walk.
7/1/2019: Teresa Connors / Florida, USA
7/5/2019: Selenia Vera / USA. - "I began seeing 333 about 5 years ago. The Holy Spirit led me to Jeremiah 33:3 almost immediately.
Since then, I always stop when I see 333 and pray and ask Him to show me the great and mighty things I do not know. I found this website today as I was looking for something else!"
Selenia, Hopefully this site is one of those things! Blessings.
7/8/2019: Casey / USA. - "Jeremiah 33:3 showed up in my life 10 years ago as a direct answer to a prayer I had just written out 5 minutes earlier. The scripture was written on the bottom of a letter when I was in rehab. When I looked up the passage it used the phrase "I will tell you unsearchable things". I had just written "God you're filled with unsearchable things and I want to know them". I see the number 33, literally every day in various ways. It used to frighten me because I turn 33 next year. I've come to understand it as more of a reminder of those unsearchable things and that when we call, he answers."
Casey, I really wish more people would try praying Jeremiah 33:3! You probably know this, but Jesus died for us at age 33; thus it represents a "promise" of salvation & heaven to all who accept & trust in him as Lord & Savior.
7/9/2019: Cathy Zarda / S.Cal. USA. - "When my daughter was born in 2006 I started seeing 111 or 11 or 111 everywhere. In 2019 I would still see the 11 pattern but def not as often and then everything changed and I started seeing 333 or 444 all the time. Sometimes 555 but rarely. I was told by some of my sisters and brothers in Christ that it means it's almost time To go up - Thank you Jesus! I'm so excited to have been chosen to live in such a time as this. Stay strong friends. The darkest part of the night comes just before the dawn. Keep running the race- Don't give up! God has a wonderful future prepared for all of his children. God Bless everyone of you!"
Cathy, This may be far out in left field, but the "1"s could possibly represent God's putting his stamp of approval on your daughter. She's now 13, maybe at an age of understanding. 333, 444, & 555 may represent God vs the World; with a bit of God's grace. It is almost time to go up! And yes, quite exciting!
7/10/2019: Anonymous - "I was 17 years old, the year was 1989. Three of us were hanging out at night. Three times objects fell in a shape of an offset triangle. We went for a drive and in an old hotel window we saw what we think was some sort of Demon or dark entity. It had what appeared to be three parts to it and a pair of glowing eyes. I'm not sure if it was before or after we saw that thing but I looked at the clock and it was 3:33 in the morning. My mind started racing thinking about all the things that makes the number three significant and immediately the Holy Trinity came to mind, and all the 3 synchronicities that tied into that. Ever since then I have seen this number. Mostly at 3:33 in the morning. I never thought it was God trying to talk to Me. I'd like to believe it was. I am a Christian, I am saved, and I've been baptized. That's my story."
Anony, I'm guessing it is God talking to you. But if so, He probably wants something of you. I don't think it's just an acknowledgment. Just make sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are indeed born-again. And as always, it is wise for each of us to continually pray that he will fill us with his knowledge of what he wants for us. Am also wondering if someone back then was into crystals, Ouija boards, or the like.
7/18/2019: Rory McKinley - "For the past several weeks I have been waking up at 3:33am , and this has occurred at least 3 times a week."
Rory, Certainly doesn't sound like coincidence. Would recommend you confront God. Would seem it's a warning or He wants something of you. Bless your journey.
7/30/2019: Opbabu / India. - "I used to be an Ezekiel 33:3 Watchmen, is God calling me back? I'm stunned at what I'm discovering here!"
Opbabu, I'm puzzled as to what you mean by "used to be", but I believe what you're thinking is quite true; particularly with the rapture being so close. Praying the Lord makes clear your calling.
7/31/2019: Dawn Rene' Shaw Maddox / USA. - "333 has been occurring for 4 years and then 2 years ago God moved us to a new address, 33 is the street number. The Lord woke me up from a dream about the number 33 last night at exactly 3:33am. God has given me warning dreams for His church and I have shared them with the congregation. I hear God very clearly. I speak and move when He tells me to. He has had me speaking words of correction and repentance for almost 13 years. A personal note: God has given me a special word and corresponding verse that goes with my name. I have asked for confirmation. A word from someone else to confirm what HE has told me. If you or anyone should have a word for me, please contact me @ [email protected] Thank you for your website and I'm most thankful that Jesus found you and you received His love!!!"
Dawn, I'll keep my eyes & ears open. May the Lord continue to bless you in these very last days.
8/12/2019: Michael / USA. - "Been seeing this since High School. But there's been a huge increase in the number lately. To me, this doesn't seem personal. Seems like an attempt to start the gathering of the troops. Keep an eye out."
Michael, Would seem to be a good time for all of us to be in prayer for guidance & revelation.
8/21/2019: Anonymous / ACT, Australia. - "I want you all to know, that I am trying. And when the time is right I will make a move and begin what you are all aware of is coming. But, my human side is always filed with sorrow for you all. I wish to save you all of existence. Not just the righteous. Not just just the ones who have spoken their faith. All of you. But, I know that if I begin, than am I condemning the chance to save you all? Or if I procrastinate, how many more am I dooming? I love you all. Know this."
Anon, Certainly sounds like something that would be on the Lords mind! Would not like to be the one responsible for making that decision! Thank you for sharing. (ACT = Australian Capitol Territory. What a lovely place.)
8/22/2019: Jennifer Oglesby / Alabama, USA. - "My son was born at 13:33. After this, I continue to see this number several times thru out a month. It use to surprise me but it is so common now that I've just gotten use to it. I see it on receipts, price tags, and clocks. I tend to look at the time when it is 3:33, whether am or pm. Thank u for this article. Most people think I'm just crazy."
Jennifer, It is certainly hard to explain this 333 phenomenon to others. Am hoping you do have a close relationship with the Lord and are asking Him just what it's all about. Blessings.
8/29/2019: Tara / USA. - "Saw 333 for the first time today. First, a few facts - My husband and I, born again believers in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, have been discussing lately, how satan could quite possibly use "aliens" aka: demons, to deceive the masses in our near future. - I read the first chapter of the book of Daniel today (a book very heavy with end-time prophecy). - Tonight, myself and the 3 other Elders' wives of our church gathered to pray and decide which Revelation study we should use to guide our women's study through this book (we all felt led to study Revelation). After our meeting, we parted ways. I got into my car and the dashboard lit up, revealing my mileage. The odometer read 1333(and two other numbers). Directly underneath, and offset to the right by one number place, the tripometer read 333.(?) For some reason, I was fixated on those numbers! I thought it bazaar that there would be so many 3's present, and knowing that in the Word, God often repeated something 3 times when he wanted to get a message across, I felt very strongly that I needed to see what the significance of a repeated "3" might be (AND repeated twice!) I found your site! When I got home I pulled my husband aside and read him the entire home page. But It doesn't end there...I got BACK into my car to leave on another errand and glanced down at my mileage again. I'll write it the way it looked:
133333 (odometer)
338.5 (tripometer)
This time, I took a picture! However, also this time, I saw the numbers spaced apart: 13 333 333 8+5 (which = 13)
Ergo: 13. 333. 333. 13
Mind. Blown."
Tara, Isn't God just absolutely amazing! Would seem that the study of Revelation is certainly appropriate. 13 of course is the # of ill-oman, Apostasy, Disintegration, Revolution. Also the tripometer reading might be significant: 33(I Promise), 8(New Beginnings), 5(via God's Grace). I'm wondering also if He may have directed you to the 333 site to note the VERY IMPORTANT (although quite controversial) End-Time Rapture message.
9/2/2019: Joe / USA. - "Started seeing "333" prominently along with "222" and "444" within the last year. Certainly Jeremiah 33:3 mentioned by others is prominent, coincides with Daniel 2:22 powerfully. "The lizard you can take in your hands, yet it is in kings' palaces". - Proverbs 30:28. God informed me long ago that if he can put a lizard into the abode of a king then he can certainly do even more through man who is created in his image, and that means the same for any man and woman in this chat. His grace led me to give an impromptu speech at the Bohemian Grove some years ago, lunch with an American President, Prime Minister of England, talks with James Lilley, former Ambassador to China, etc.. - I would ask everyone to take all of my testimony with a grain of salt and to appreciate the moderator/owner of this website and his counsel. In terms of specifics, aspects of something Joseph Farah at WND.com published of mine some years ago that God prompted is now on our doorstep, the escalation of conflict in the South China Sea over the Spratly Islands, Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc.. this tension is being inflamed as well with the elevated trade war between China and the U.S. War is imminent without the hand of God stopping the conflict and the Russians have already war gamed intervention globally on behalf of China once the regional South China Sea engagement begins. I am a friend of the author Mark Davidson (Book: Daniel Revisited) and associate of Joel Richardson. I highly recommend their works as when/if the global conflict between the super powers commences, what will remain is the Isaac/Ishmael, Jacob/Esau, Israel/Islam conflict that does appear to line up best with the context of Scripture in my opinion. Stressing a Berean mindset to everything I have written, there is more but I have already gone much too long. I greatly appreciate the moderator establishing this website and allowing contributions, it has been a big help to me, a personal wake up call and in some ways helped give me the strength to go on teaching on the Book of Daniel, significance of our current time in light of biblical prophecy."
Joe, Thank you. I certainly appreciate the encouragement & end-time wisdom, particularly from a Berean type Christian of stature. Glad this unorthodox site was a blessing, maybe that's why the 333 msg. Ordered Mark's book. Blessings.
9/8/2019: Wally / Texas, USA. - "Started seeing 333 around 3 years ago. It seems to have started after making a good friend who later told me about him seeing 333. I been hard at work trying to figure this out and a couple close friends are now also seeing 333 throughout their day as well. I have also come to find that it is indeed a message from god. I have a wicked heart and have lived in pure sin for many years. I did not believe in god at all. I denounced him and spoke bad of religion. I've lived a life full of crime, fornication, and incarceration. God has guided me to Church and continues to guide me on my path. When I pray for more signs and guidance, he answers with more 333. Then I read scripture and he guides me perfectly and profoundly. I believe I'm not yet saved of my wicked heart. I am in RCIA class at my local Catholic parish at the moment and keeping my nose in scripture, watching hours of theology vids daily. I'm on a mission to get right with the Lord our God and serve him for eternity. God bless."
Wally, I admire your drive to acknowledge God's 333 warning & get right with him. But I'm very concerned. The Catholic Church is the last place I would recommend unless it is a very rare, independent Catholic Church that believes the Bible is the true Word of God rather than some church hierarchy. Please see "333 & Catholicism" & "Salvation". May the Lord continue to guide your path.
9/14/2019: Edith / Puerto Rico. - "Started seeing 333 everywhere in 2017 before hurricane Maria hit us. I've tried to ignore it but still keep seeing it. I've asked God about it but got no answer."
Edith, Consider - maybe this site is your answer. Hoping it & other's comments will provide guidance. Blessings.
9/24/2019: Gigi / USA. - "I've been seeing 3:33, 2:22 & 5:55 all this year 2019. Sometimes once a week, once a day and today it was twice in the same day. I'm a believer and have been curious as to why I keep seeing this. I like how you have broken it down according to Scripture. I've been in payroll and accounting for 9 years and this year things are just different. I can't pinpoint exactly how, just different.
I just want to be in God's Will and obedient. Blessings."
Gigi, 2019 may prove to be a pivotal year as we approach the end. As an accountant, I'm sure you're aware of the unrest & shaky foundations of economies worldwide. Hoping you can glean wisdom & direction from the site.
9/26/2019: Ted / Michigan, USA. - "I see the number 33&333 every day, all day. I have been praying for God to reveal what this number or what these numbers are and why do I constantly see them. I wake up in the morning at 3:33, I skim through the channels on my t.v. and end up on ch 333. I go to take a nap in the middle of the day and it is 3:33. The list goes on and on! I could talk about it all day long. I just can’t figure out what it’s all about. I’v been checking out this site in hopes of more information. Thanks"
Ted, Hopefully you'll have found some answers here. Maybe this is God's answer to your prayer.
10/2/2019: Neil / Australia. - "333 and 1111 since 2017. Hi, I feel compelled to let you know about a funny little instance that just happened, make of it what you will... Just found your website tonight after feeling another strong pull to connect with god on a higher level. I've been hesitant to join religion thus far, but would like to, just a bit lost in what to trust. While reading through 'God's End-Time SOS' I reached the end of the first part of 'End-Time Signs'. Realizing I had become caught up reading and it was surely late I went to look at the time, 11:23pm...I was a bit disappointed I didn't see 11:11.... That was until I continued reading into the next part, 'A Personal Hypothesis - Rapture Rosh Hashanah 2023'. Wowzers...really, hahaha!! Then when deciding to type this, I noticed the date just changed from the 2nd to the 3rd of October, and my battery is at 23%. Hmmmmm! - Any advice on where a non religious person should start would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time and great website, I look forward to reading the rest. All the best,
[email protected] Ps. 12:23am!!
Neil, Yes, Wowzers! And a blessing for me as well as yourself. I do sympathize with your trust issues; there are so many questionable teachings & churches out there! But it would seem that God is certainly trying to help you connect with Him. By this time you've probably already read my advice on the 'Salvation' page.
Somewhat along this line, a fantasy thought, - seeing as you and Pastor Cioccolanti of Discover Ministries (noted in 'End-Time Signs') are of Australia, wouldn't it be a huge 'coincidence' if you were both of the same area! If that (Discover Church, Glen Waverly VIC) could be your church! If he could be the one destined to make known this Sept.17,2023 rapture mystery! - May the Lord continue to bless your walk.
10/6/2019: Robert Zane / California, USA. - "I recently found my sobriety in a very unconventional way. My life has an epic story that could leave most in tears. My addictions were all brought to a standstill from a single experience. But that was only the beginning. I soon had tremendous spiritual battles during the night. Waking up tired and exhausted but full of faith. An extreme amount of faith that has almost pushed a lot of people away, friends and family. And this is only the second week. Then I saw 3:33am when I would wake. Once, okay. Twice, hmm.. everywhere now! even on a toy from my sons happy meal toy. I did research to support my faith and bring some of these coincidences to light. Angels were the obvious sign I felt a connection to. Especially since when my enlightenment happened I started painting angels. But I have been completely reborn and live my life with complete FAITH! And share my experience with all who will listen. I’m not afraid of life anymore, I just live it in gods grace. September 15th I took my first breath as a Christian. I’m 31 and if it be the end soon, I will be here to spread the word of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit till my time be done. If anyone has any questions my email [email protected] ."
Robert, Praise God!! Love your born-again & deliverance testimony. Jesus does transform our lives! I'm guessing your 333s encompass Gods acknowledgment of your son-ship in conjunction with His guidance for you to find this site and to somehow promote your growth or his plans for your end-time service. Welcome to the Kingdom.
10/11/2019: Rachel / USA. - "In the last year the amount of 333 sightings is incredible. The thing is, I’m not looking for it. I inadvertently look to see what time it is, 3:33. Sign posts 333, receipts, number of emails, number of YouTube videos to watch.. and it happens at least 2-3 times a week. I smile to God and say yes, I know you’re there. But I’ve prayed for further revelation and nothing. It’s got to mean something! And in between the 333’s are 33’s. My husband looks at me and rolls his eyes, but this is not normal. Somethings up."
Rachel, I agree, something is up! Hopefully this site & others comments will manifest some semblance of an answer to your prayers.
10/12/2019: Laurie / USA. - "Opened bank statement today and my balance is $3333.33. I am saved by the grace of God and aware of the importance of the number 3. Have been very emotional today."
Laurie, I'm not going to be dogmatic about this, but maybe your bank balance is an omen. Several people (including a dream I had) are prophesying a coming worldwide economic collapse! Banks may not be the safest place for our money.
10/25/2019: Anonymous - "I’ve been seeing number a lot...for the past year...I typically see numbers in sequence for months than another sequence number will start to appear in different places...recently I’ve been seeing 333 and have had the most odd dreams...I heard Him say His power will spread throughout the world to all who believe and will receive great and supernatural miracles! Yes, He is coming!"
Anony, Others also are prophesying a great end-time revival accompanied by supernatural miracles. Hoping it will shortly be a reality. Time is running out!
10/29/2019: Brooke / USA. - "The power at my job flashed three times. I looked at my phone to see the time. 3:33 pm. And my phone would not load a google search. It said you are offline. First time I've ever seen this number 333. I have seen 32 my entire life including my football and racing number. As well as too many others to list here. Thank you."
Brooke, It would seem that this 333 viewing was indeed a supernatural happening. Not sure if it's meant for you or a roundabout verification of my 11/23/17 to 11/17/23 transposition rapture hypothesis! Maybe both! Blessings.
10/29/2019: Jim / USA. - "I started seeing 333 about a year back. I would wake up at 333 AM for no reason or turn on the TV and note the time 3:33 PM. I have seen it frequently and felt it was a message."
Jim, Hoping the site & others comments help you decipher God's message. Bless your walk.
11/5/2019: Richard / North America. - "Brother. The Lord led me to this site of yours last night, which is truly a Blessing. Thank you for doing this! I won't be able to write all the things that have happened to me in 2019. But I will try to write the most important things that may help others. As I was on a journey to find Truth, this year, the Lord guided me to many things. The most important being back to Jesus Christ which I had turned my back on for the last 20 years. As finding things about this world that have been kept secret from us or we have been lied to about. Of most important, I was led to the Holy Bible! Was led to begin reading the Bible more & finding Jesus Christ again. Thank the Lord! So to try not to make this much longer, I found Christ Jesus & when the day I told my mother that Jesus Christ was the way, weeping a little, she said to me, "oh, a woman at work has a son who was in a head on collision with a semi truck, many years ago, and he along with two other friends were killed instantly. But he met Jesus and was sent back to life. Miraculously! And he wants to meet you." My face lit up and I said "I would love to meet him". As I did, which is a whole other story with other miracles happening. With all the things going on in the world today I have no doubt we may not have much more time here. The most important thing is love one another no matter what. Pray for one another. As it is not the people, it is this evil world of Satan where sin and wickedness has become normal. Again, I just wanted to say thank you for putting up this site as it is a Blessing to many who need this. Reading through your paragraphs I felt so close to the things you preach. I've seen 333 many times in this past year as many others have. It seems not many people, even preachers at churches, are very interested in what has happened to me. Or what I've seen or experienced just in this past year. Thank you again brother and God Bless us all!!"
Richard, Thank you so much for sharing. Yes, Satan has indeed blinded & misguided most people of the world. Jesus of course will finally triumph, but woe to them who never turn to Him, as you have.
11/11/2019: Rain / USA. - "I have to say, I started crying when I was reading your website. I've been searching since 2008 as to why I see the numbers 33 and 333 almost daily and multiple times a day since I was 20 years old. (I'm 32 now). At first I thought I was crazy. Then I turned to Satan and the new age, thinking the answers would be there. I'd tell friends and family that I see this number everywhere. Sometimes they'd think I was crazy. Other times they'd start seeing the number too. All this time I've been going to the new age for my answers and only recently (the last month) have finally been called out by God very very clearly to leave the new age, throw all that stuff away, and dedicate my studying and curiosity to the Bible. I forgot, in that process, that I had gone down the path of new age a long time ago trying to FIND the answers about why I was seeing these numbers as often as I am. I mean... Persistence is an understatement. God is great. And then today after posting a video on my vlog about how to get over feelings of hopelessness and embracing grace, I was thinking about God's will for me & for my life partner, and again I saw the number 333. I thought, oh yeah...now that I'm on this path, I need to really find out what the BIBLE says about this number...not angel numbers, not psychics, not ascended masters..and here your website came. Finally! And I began to cry, speaking to Jesus while I wept and read. I feel his presence and Grace and yet I wish to know him more. To have more clarity. He's been speaking to me SO MUCH through these numbers. I will probably do a video about it next week and now I'm inviting Jesus closer to make it clear as to why. I have suffered so much, yes. But I want to know His truth to me. I love this and thank you so much for being here and for sharing."
Rain, Glory be to God! I feel sure His angels are rejoicing in heaven! And I am so blessed to be a part of it! Carry on.
11/16/2019: Stacey Riensch / Colorado, USA. - "I have been searching for answers to this 333 question for at least 6 years but lately this number is showing up every day and sometimes several times a day. I've said to my kids that this means something.... I'm still not quite sure of what the definitive answer is... Not coming from a religious background but I do have a strong spiritual belief of something greater than myself, I am still searching and hopeful that there is meaning to this. Thank you for your perspective.
Stacey, I certainly agree with what you've told your kids. And, as I see it, it would seem that God is more adamantly trying to get your attention. Hopefully He'll convince you of your need to be born-again, as explained via the "Salvation" page. Wishing you a fruitful journey.
11/20/2019: Matthew / Canada. - "It's been over 13 years since I have begun this battle. Initially it was just 333 then changed to all numbers from 1111,222,333,444,555. There are special sequences that it shows me. I say this with concern. I am a born again Christian but actually from a long line of Methodists and now currently with the SDA denomination.These # sequences stopped for 2 years (2017/2018) when people started to pray for me (intercession). In this time I know i was building the Grace power through faith and learning and disciplining through bible study. At one point 333 stopped coming at noon time and started to come at night time. I would have a very hard time sleeping afterwards. I would have very clear demonic dreams. I have recently started to see these numbers again ( today 2019/11/19) such as 222,444. This is a warning that I sinned. I'm leery of how you got your understanding of 333. I don't believe this method of communication is sanctioned by God. Any numbers you see, including 333, are not of God, they're a ploy of Satan to trick you into thinking you are special. This is all a lie perpetrated by the devil."
Matthew, It is certainly clear that you are being buffeted by Satan in his effort to undermine, water-down, & negate God's 333/SOS message. I'm concerned that he has succeeded and moreover is able to put you on guilt-trips. Please review "Satan's # Games" & please don't ignore the 333. Discernment is needed, but I really believe God wants something of you. What it is, is between you & him. Keep asking Him for guidance. (Added to "Beyond 333", Spiritual Warfare)
Note: I'm not very familiar with the Adventists. I'm a bit concerned however as to whether Paul, the apostle to us gentiles, would be comfortable with some of the SDA doctrines. Of course as long as you're truly born-again, it shouldn't matter.
12/2/2019: Luke - "333 started showing up in my life about 2 months ago. I have no connection to God, but having said that, a part of me finds something exciting about the fact that this could be a message from a higher being, whether it be God or someone else."
Luke, I understand your feelings & concerns; I had no connection to God until I was 44yrs old. Hoping you dig into it & learn the truth. Like His Word says, "the truth will set you free". Ask Him; if you're really sincere, He'll somehow let you know. Although I'm concerned, there's not much time left.
12/2/2019: Phillip M. - "It started approximately at the beginning of the year. I tried to ignore it for the most part, but after almost a year of seeing these numbers I've realized that they aren't going away any time soon. So I thought what the heck, I'll look into this further and I'm really glad I have found this website. For one thing, I can see I'm not losing my mind, and two, I feel really honored to be part of something amazing! Also, about the Brandon vs Satan page, even though I'm a bit late with having read this, it really touched my heart and it made me cry like a baby. I hope wherever Brandon is, that he's doing good."
Phillip, I too am concerned for Brandon, I just don't know. Hoping you've determined what the Lord wants of you. My He bless your walk.
12/4/2019: Rebecca / Illinois, USA. - "I've been seeing 333 for over a year. It seems this year I've seen it so often it has made me take notice. I googled it and was led to your site. I'm a born again, Spirit filled Christian and did not want anything to do with numerology or spirit guides so I went to the Bible for answers. The Lord took me to Ezekiel 33:3 and Jeremiah 33:3. Now I'm fasting & praying for a direction as to what the Lord will have me do. I feel an urgency for us to get right with God for our days are really short. Please pray I get an answer to the direction I'm to go."
Rebecca, Praise God, you seem to be totally on track! Oh if only all 333 people would take this as seriously as you! Praying.
12/5/2019: Dave - "I have been seeing 333, 1133, 911 but mainly 333 at least once a day for the past year. I just stumbled onto your site and agree with and like what I've seen so far. I'm not sure what God is telling me, but think it is a harbinger or warning, I need to get my spiritual act together. Concerning His soon coming, I believe when Jesus said, “destroy this temple, and I’ll rebuild it in 3 days,” in addition to his foretelling his death & resurrection, he may have given us a Clue as to when he would return. If we consider a day as in the bible to be 1000years, and the temple (His body) being rebuilt, to mean his return, on the third day, or after 2 days or 2000 years, Jesus was telling us he would return 2000 years after his death? Also, did you know that the #3 is on the forehead of the shroud image of Christ in His blood? I've studied the shroud for many years, and firmly believe it is the authentic burial cloth of the Lord."
Dave, As Rebecce above, I think you are right on track. I may have to add your revelation to what I've somewhat similarly dealt with on the "End-Time Signs" page. Blessings to you & yours.
12/10/2019: Brandon Sanchez - "333 started September this year and I also see 444"
Brandon, Please be careful that you don't let Satan water down your 333 message.
12/18/2019: My name is Kim. - "First of all I do not like how you condemn the Catholic Church. It is based on the Bible. The Word of God and has never been changed. St Jerome a Catholic penned the Bible. Mel Gibson a Catholic and Jim Caviezel. The greatest movie ever to be known. The Passion of the Christ. Lastly Jesus gave Peter the keys of the kingdom to build his rock upon, hence the church. Peter was the first Catholic Pope. Don’t condemn. Satan is everywhere like you say. The young man just doesn’t feel he’s worthy. Maybe he’s been told that amongst other things all his life. Christ will never give up on him or the downtrodden. We don’t disrespect other religions so don’t disrespect ours. And concerning the Blessed Mother, the mother of our savior, we don’t worship her. She intercedes for us. Read and get educated. The last thing Christ did on the cross was to take care of His beloved Mother. We wholeheartedly believe in Jesus so don’t condemn us or anyone who wants to become Catholic. There are good and bad people and leaders in all faiths but isn’t it down to your relationship with God and those, the least of your brothers that you show compassion and respect to to try and make their lives better and bring them back to Christ. I believe that God never gives up on anybody ever."
Kim, I really do try to tread lightly when it comes to this issue. I have many friends & family who are or were Catholic. But I just have such remorse, as does God, when it comes to the corruption of His Holy inspired Word. Nobody, including any Pope, has that right and they will be subject to God's judgement. Much of what you believe is based on Catholic Doctrine, not the Bible; although, much of it is not critical to a true born-again salvation. However, if one chooses to believe man rather than the Word of God, he is skating on very thin ice.
Rob, Thank you again for another example of the significance that God attributes to the #3. Would seem that only a third of the Jewish nation will survive the tribulation & enter into the millennium.
1/4/2019: Jody - "I just happened on your web site not by coincidence only divine guidance I'm certain. I have so many things to convey to fellow brothers & sisters, believers in CHRIST. I had an actual encounter in which I met the LORD. I was shown many things on many spiritual levels of instruct. I was shown the bible from beginning to end in about a thirty minute time span. The Lord directed my path into three people who became witness to my experience from a human level of understanding. I was in three states of a kind of conscious; if I could find a better word to describe I would. I was in spirit with the LORD, my mind was another state, and my heart reaction was a separate state as well. I was shown an opening of a seal and the children of GOD were in this seal. The LORD poured his sorrow deep inside my Belly and let me feel how deeply, deeply sad he is for his children. He showed me the devils cause of destruction which is so deep it's terrifying for those who will have to face what the devil is doing when they don't know JESUS. The LORD showed me the anti-CHRIST, three authority's in branches of authority on earth, and ministry as well. The time is now, the beginning of the end. It will last about 33 years before the anti-CHRIST is in rein and the great judgement will begin. This happened to me on 3/21/2018. 3(2+1)3 (201)3 & 8= infinity. Also being shown the #9 which I believe means complete. There is so so so much more! I'm reaching out to anyone in hopes of relaying this message. I hope to hear from you. [email protected]"
Jody, 8 could also mean 'new beginnings', possibly 'rapture' and 9 could also refer to 'Divine judgment'. Reviewing my "End-Time Signs", 33 years to tribulation seems a bit distant, but possible. And it makes sense that the prior labor pains would be significant. Hopefully the rapture is near! I too feel so sorry for the unsaved. Bless your ministry and the promulgation & fruitfulness of your revelations.
1/5/2019: Anonymous - "Perhaps others have shared this but 333 days from the death of Billy Graham on 2/21/18 comes to 1/19/19, counting inclusively. This is just before the blood moon eclipse of 1/20/19 on Israel's Tu B Shevat (a day to evaluate & mark a yearly count for fruit baring trees). Keep in mind, that last year's blood moon eclipse on 1/31/18 also took place on Tu B Shevat. This "one year" book-ended by these two eclipses might indicate the extra year the vineyard owner gave the unfruitful fig tree in Jesus' parable. Billy Graham also possibly died on the same Jewish calendar date of Adar 6 as Moses died. Jewish tradition has Moses dying on Adar 7, yet if one looks at the clues in the last chapter of Deuteronomy, and the first chapters in Joshua, it appears that Moses may have instead died on Adar 6, the same day as Billy. When Mr. Graham died, I understood it as an indication from God that the age of grace is coming to a close and God is about to transition into fulfilling His good word to Israel, just like there was a transition for Israel from the leadership of Moses to that of Joshua at Moses' death."
Anony, Sounds quite insightful, but way over my pay grade. Blessings.
1/6/2019: Ingo / Germany. - "I started seeing 333 about 2 years ago. Most of the time I see 333 something really bad happens in my life. I still see 333 almost daily and was wondering if it's a warning? Or is god telling me, I shouldn't worry he is with me? I really don't know what the meaning is, but I am very sure it's a message from God. God bless all of you."
Ingo, I could certainly be wrong, but unless you're really going thru a rough time (and assuming you are a born-again child of His), I don't think God would simply be saying 'don't worry I'm with you'. See "Why Me?" Blessings.
1/9/2019: Dylan Bartlett - "My first encounter with 333 began three months ago when I bought my first car and the number plate has 333 on it. Now I see this number combination everywhere."
Dylan, Would seem like God is surely reaching out to you. You may find "The Mysterious License Plate Saga" interesting. It's under "333 & Catholicism".
1/10/2019: Daniel / Alice Springs, Australia. - "I started to notice 333 about two months ago, I told a Mate of mine about seeing these numbers and at first he just laughed and told me to stay out of the sun, it's frying my brain! But then whenever we were together and I saw these numbers, I would point them out to him and well he stopped laughing about it. He now finds it quite amazing. My Mate was the one who actually found this website."
Daniel, Am hoping you both take it seriously. May God bless your walks.
1/10/2019: Michelle Shaw / USA. - It started in 2018; I Journaled about 8 time clock sightings, one car mileage sighting. In 2019 thus far, I've had 3 time-clock sightings. Now my mom and dad are seeing it too. I've been searching the bible for answers; so glad I found you."
Michelle, Hoping the site & others comments help guide you.
1/10/2019: CC - "333 was the first number sequence that I began seeing years and years ago when I was a young girl. It is still a prominent pattern, amongst others, but this one particularly strikes a peculiar tone each time. I am curious if there are others that are connected to Christ spirit within, that speak of their connection to 333, without putting such an emphasis on EXTERNALIZING a worship of Christ as a MAN outside of themselves. The dogmatic religion of Christianity that we have been provided-by the "Jews" and Catholic "authorities", has been seriously distorted and dished out as children stories as if we need physical accounts to make sense of spiritual things. The same ones that have fed Christians their religious beliefs, has also deceptively convinced the whole world that we live on a spinning ball rotating around the sun, - when the bible specifically and clearly states the earth was created first, immovable, on pillars, and that the sun & moon & stars move around us. If they have the ability to blindfold humanity with that falsity - using the magik of nasa's filming trickery - you must consider all information of this world to be distorted. Looking for an externalized anti-Christ or externalized Jesus to come to this world is the ego needing a physical evidence of spiritual matters. I am definitely a believer of and worship the one true Holy God of creation, and of the Holy Spirit of Christ that communicates truth to us. I seem to have a difficult time finding affiliates of 333 that are not either forceful with dogmatic ideology claims, or on the opposite end with new age spirituality. Anyone out there centered in the balance?"
CC, Sorry, but it is not the true Holy Spirit communicating with you. I believe that God has really been trying to break through, but He's being blocked and you are being deceived. Oh how I pray that you are somehow delivered!
1/11/2019: Carma / USA. - "Not sure when it started; off and on for years! Last night I woke up & glance at my clock at 3:33. This morning when I got into my car, I glance at the monitor & it read, “Range 333”. My Bible reading this morning was in Genesis. “So He said to him, “Bring Me a 3-year old heifer, a 3-year old female goat, & a 3-year-old ram, a turtle dove, & a young pigeon.” I see that this was in response to Abram’s question to God, “Lord, God, how shall I know that I will inherit it?” I took this to mean the number 333 is in relation to my Kingdom inheritance. I’ve also had two dreams about weddings in the past week that speak to the marriage supper of the Lamb (See Revelation 21). I appreciate your abundance of information about the #333. I have been cautious about looking into it because of the very cautions you bring up in "Satan’s # Games". I couldn’t deny that God was speaking something to me with these numbers when it also came up in my Bible reading this morning! I do believe that God uses the timing of things like this to show His fingerprint!"
Carma, Great testimonial & insight. I've added "promise of Kingdom Inheritance" to Pg.1, 333 example #8. I believe it does represent a Covenant Promise, (to born-again believers).
1/13/2019: Debbie / USA. - "333 started 16 years ago. I thought it was a number that my husband & I shared, since we both noticed it and pointed out to each other. But recently my husband has left me, having abandoned God years ago. Now I question what this number means to me, what it has always meant to me, and what God intends for me."
Debbie, Maybe the Lord has just been sympathetic, but I'm guessing it's more. Seek His guidance, seek His face. You know He loves you. Bless your walk.
1/13/2019: Anonymous - "Thank you for deciding to share - I really enjoyed reading how God used you to spread his word. It helped me to be enlightened and to why I continue to see 333. - I see other triple digit numbers on my clock - but I felt compelled to search and you are correct to type in Biblical - I knew I should type the word biblical because of being close to our Lord - The Holy Spirit moved you. God Bless You!"
Anony, Thank you. Now be wary of those other numbers.
1/15/2019: Lisa B / Washington, USA. - "I began to wake at 3:33 randomly, a few weeks ago. I think 4 times now. Last night I heard a noise in the kitchen. I had the crockpot on and when I checked the time, it was 3:33! I love the Lord and have been thru many things in this life. I'm usually joyful and energetic, but last year was rough. I've been fighting depression and thru prayer & the word I've been overcoming, but not victorious. I feel God is opening something new, unknown as of yet. Maybe write a book? After last night, I just had to see what 333 could mean. Thank you for your site, I'm encouraged to dig deeper in the word to find my answer."
Lisa, Pay attention to dreams also. As I've shared, they were very instrumental in establishing this ministry. Maybe check out www.dreamsandmysteries.com Bless you and may you be a blessing.
1/17/2019: G.I. JOE / Las Vegas, Nevada.
Joe, Hoping you don't disregard it.
1/19/2019: Allison Nemcik / USA. - "333 stated for me around the first week in January 2019."
James Nemcik - "333 started the third week in January 2019."
Allison & James, It seems many people have started seeing it fairly recently. Wondering how close we're getting to something! Hoping the site & others comments are a blessing.
1/19/2019: Anonymous - "I've been having biblical dreams of 333 Oso being the Angel Number 3 I'm God's left hand side what is sword why the other archangels half Lance's with the sphere of gold Mario's of Archangels ready for battle God is sitting in front of me in a white horse I'm sitting in the brown horse send my sword I keep on dreaming. Still see number 333 everywhere I look: some books, MTV, dreams. 333 pops up everywhere & I'm confused, what does it mean."
Anony, Hoping the site helps. And don't get involved with Angel Numbers!
1/21/2019: Hello, My name is Debra - "I have also been noticing the numbers 333. I knew that they were from Yehovah God the moment I saw them. I have been praying more recently for Yehovah God to mold me into the person he wants me to be, so that I can be ready for what ever he needs me to do. The time is coming that we will need to make a decision on what is important to us. We may be called to leave all we own to escape to where Yehovah God has for us to be safe. I believe that when I see 333 it's to remind me of what I have been praying for... to keep praying for it."
Debra, I need to disagree with you. As I mention in "Why Me?", I don't believe the 333 is an acknowledgement or reminder type of message. I'm concerned that it's a critique, even SOS warning, concerning your theology. It's a shame that you're being influenced by the site that you mentioned. They are neglecting Paul's epistles. Paul is the apostle to & for us today, (Acts 9:15, Rom.11:13 & 15:16). The scriptures you mentioned do not concern born-again believers. We are no longer under law, we are under grace. Please see "Salvation", (just to make sure), & also "End-Time Signs"/"Rapture". Consider - Maybe this is God's answer to your prayers. May He bless your walk. And if at all possible, on TV, find "Through the Bible" with Les Feldick. We all really need a good Bible teacher.
1/24/2019: Scott / USA. - "Been seeing 333 for at least 8 years. I think it started when I looked up into a clear blue sky and saw a single cloud in the shape of a “3". I’ve documented my 333 sightings and have over a thousand images. I’m a believer and have tried to follow Christ the best I can. All these years I’ve just assumed it was a message stating he is with me. Why, after all those years, am I posting on this site now? Good question. Time for some prayer and meditation."
Scott, As you seek Him out, Jer.33:3, may He bless you with revelation.
1/26/2019: Cassondra Roths - "The Lord woke me up one night at 3:33 am and I asked him what he was trying to tell me. He took me to Jeremiah 33:3. I read it over & over then I went back to sleep. I thought about it that next day but didn’t really put much thought into it until I saw a prophetic word for 2019 and realized that the numbers had way more meaning. So I started looking it up and I came to your website. It has blown my mind. I’ve had several people prophesy over me about my calling. Thank you for sharing."
Cassondra, Intriguing! God bless your walk.
1/29/2019: Joyce / Holland. - "Dear brothers & sisters, I have a strong feeling that there will be a sort of economic collapse soon. Since I have two little boys I today bought a lot of food in cans, bottles of water, candles, encetra to prepare. Still seeing the 33 Numbers a lot more then the 333. Still feels as if God is telling us To warn others and To get up as soldiers for the Gospel. Get ready, prepare, and reach out To the unsaved as well. Also feel the demonic uprising. Not afraid but I Just hope my brothers & sisters here and all around the world will still reach a lot of people who are in need for the truth and love before time is up. Love you all!"
Joyce, Referencing your 12/30/18 comment, thank you again. Good advice. The #33 certainly has a strong connection to Jesus. He died for our salvation at age 33, and thus it is known as the # of Promise. Bless you & yours.
Post Script: March 2020 - CoronaVirus may cause a worldwide economic collapse!
1/30/2019: Joe Reisdorf / USA. - "333 started 1/29/2019. Woke up to 3:33 and instantly knew The Lord was speaking to me. But didn’t know the meaning . Spent the day reading scriptures and articles on this."
Joe, Hoping the site has been a blessing.
2/1/2019: Anonymous - "I actually see numbers all the time and I am trying to find 'biblical' meanings as I notice them, but sometimes I don't know how to look for them exactly when I go through the bible because there are so many ways to go. Earlier today I saw 333 and didn't think anything of it because, well I see numbers in sequences often so I just didn't know if it was just me always noticing. As the day continued I ended up not having a great day because I had so much on my mind. There's been a certain situation that I've struggled with for 4 years. Today I prayed and prayed and talked to God with my whole soul. - I have an app that calculates my steps, today I put in my weight and the BMI just so happened to say 33.3. This made me want to Google it and I found this website. I do believe God has been trying to talk to me more and more. Also, one of the frames i made for my fiance, it has our first initials on it so I was curious. His first initial is C, which is the third letter in the alphabet. Mine is J, tenth in the alphabet. 10÷3=3.33 repeating. Am I thinking too much, haha."
Anony, Yes, I think you are thinking too much! It might be con-screwed as a contrived revelation. If it's of God, it will be something supernatural, something you didn't originate. Although, God does like to make us think. Anyhow, pay attention to the 333s, and don't let Satan drive you crazy with other #s. See "Satan's # Games". God bless your walk & situation.
2/3/2019: Joseph / USA. - "I’ve been seeing this number for most of my life but only really noticed it years after I asked Jesus into my heart around my late teens, I'm now 53. I’m convinced it is something from the lord as it appears to happen when there's some sort of concern in my life. I often wonder what it’s meaning is. At one point in my life, a woman told me to read Jer.33:3 ( call on me and i will show you great and mighty things)."
Joseph, Humbly seeking the Lord is always great advice. Hope the site & other's comments are a help. Blessings.
2/4/2019: Anonymous - "Been seeing 1111 222 333 444. And here lately, nothing but the number 23. I always say, "Lord, I don't know what that means", but he always has my attention. Just these past few weeks he has been teaching me ways he speaks to me. I had the most amazing rapture dream. When I woke in his presence, I spoke with him about a few things. What relates to this website is ask, ask him what the numbers where all about. The Revelation I received was, he is revealing his sovereignty in his followers lives. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and he is in complete control. He told me to "Be the Light." This is his concern, let's not worry about when the rapture is, it's going to happen whether they are ready or not, our focus should be on him & winning souls. Seeing 333 isn't the only SOS he's sending out. Signs and wonders are all over the world. I pray people are heeding. My tears go out to all who refuse to listen. - Lord Jesus, I pray for this ministry. I pray that those who come to it have there heart strings tugged just enough to get their attention. You are mighty & merciful, and on their behalf I'm thankful for your grace poured out for us on the cross as a Fount of Mercy for us sinners. I trust in you. Amen."
Anony, Great advice & a beautiful prayer. Concerning your #23: check out "End Time Signs", "The great Rev.12 astronomical sign of 9/23/17". If this turns out to be a real revelation, we don't have a whole lot of time left to win souls! Concerning the other #s, please be cautious (see Satan's # Games). Thank you & God bless.
2/11/2019: Anonymous - "Yes, a believer & I see it a lot! I have been seeking the Lord for quite some time as to why. Thanks for this wisdom!"
Anon, Bless your walk.
2/11/2019: Hello, my name is Dillon Morley McConnell - "I"m 20 years old, was born at 3:33 am 3/27/98. I remember a very specific night of my life, where I believed that I had met the woman I was going to marry. It was the night Donald Trump won. I went to sleep around 2:45 am and woke up at 3:33 drenched in sweat, out of horrific dreams of the demons. It was like I had been in my own, personalized horror movie. It took me three days to get my head back on straight, and by than, I guess I had scared her away forever. I'm okay. It's been years since this happened. I wear the Arch Angel Michael's pendant around my neck. It depicts him slaying the Beast. I have no idea where this pendant came from, nor does my mother who passed it from God to me. I've literally pulled a demon out of a non believer, took it home, and I tried to send it to hell through my toilet. That did not work. Also it flooded my garage and blew a whole through my ceiling and pipes. I'm starting to think that I am an angel sent to stand in the face of evil and inequity, help, and ultimately admonish and nudge as many souls as I can in the correct direction. I want so much to understand. I'm so human and so much more. I will admit... how could one understand a world that one did not even realize was not his own. I didn't know the devil has dominion over this planet. That dynamic is understood by me now. Maybe it will just take time for everything I've read here today to sink in. I know another, who was born at 11:11. I'm waiting for him to grow up before him and I continue to resonate. He sees his angel every night before he goes to bed. Sees demons where ever he finds one, and is impervious to them. From the story he told me, it did not sound like a weak demon either. Just impervious. That is very very special. Thank you so much for your time and your content. God bless."
Dillon, I'm concerned for you. Demons are certainly real. You have a very noble mind-set, but please be careful, demons can not be taken for granted. See Eph.6:10-18. And make sure you're born-again, you will definitely need God's protection, (see "Salvation"). And see "Beyond 333".
2/11/2019: Anonymous - "Hello. I came upon this site through a renewed curiosity as to what others are saying about 33 or 333, after I found out that my state and others use 333 as the base number for the month of May when coding a person's Driver License number, which includes their birth month and day. As a side note, the 3rd month of the ecclesiastical calendar (9th of the civil year) of the Jews is Sivan, which begins in May. Sivan means season or time. Ancient history, including Biblical background, is one of my passions. - Another interesting fact about the #3 is that each year at winter solstice the Sun enters the grave, which is the furthest point in Southern declination (an ancient description also of sunset each day) and stands still (solstice) there for 3 days. On the 3rd day Sun is said to rise out of the grave as it is then noticeably moving toward north declination and the day is just a pinch longer. So here we have 3 days in the grave each year but a daily reminder that when that happens, it/he will rise again. There are 3 days of standstill at the Summer solstice also. If you want, we could see 333 within the yearly journey of the Sun, if we were at the right latitude. There would be 3 days at each standstill and 3 hours less or more of daylight at each, 333. OH, and the 33rd parallel runs through Isreal."
2/12/2019: Anonymous - "I saw 333 for the first time on 2/7/2019 and it’s following me around. What’s the meaning to this, everything I do a 3 pops out!"
Anony, Make sure you acknowledge it, God's trying to get your attention. Hope the site helps.
2/14/2019: My name is Waco Krase - "I have had some powerful revelations about the end time. I know I have a spirit like unto JOHN THE BAPTIST in me. God has revealed such a powerful revelation on me that some times it scares me for I know what is coming. I thank Jesus all day every day for sealing me in His blood. I see consecutive numbers all day every day such as 111 222 333 444 555 and from time to time the 999. I see 7s so often that I can easily point it out to people and it trips them out. I have looked upon the SON OF MAN in HIS glorified body and HE taught me how to rope men's spirits. Every thing you are saying lines up with all that the Spirit of GOD has revealed to me. HALLELUJAH OUR KING IS COMING SOON. MAKE YOUR PATHS STRAIGHT AND PREPARE YOUR SELF FOR THE COMING OF THE LORD!!!!!!" [email protected]
Waco, Wow!! Some people might say that you are a bit wacko! I'm going to reserve that judgment because I agree with your conclusions. Praise God! Just be cautious that Satan is not trying to add his two cents worth of lies. See "Satan's # Games".
2/16/2019: Edmund ([email protected]) / S.Carolina, USA. - "My first experience that I can recall was when I returned from Heaven. I had prayed to the Lord to see Heaven, just for a visit; I wanted to write about Heaven; you know, write what you know! The time was 3:32. I wrote about it, Heaven, - that was January 1991. I have since been awakened on random mornings, (Is anything really random with the Lord?), precisely at 3:33 and sometimes at 3:32. This morning 2/16/19 I was awakened at 3:33. I remember saying to the Lord in my sleep, "What, Lord? What?" I turned over and from a deep sleep opened my eyes and saw the clock staring back its red numbers glowing at 3:33. I said, "Thank you, Lord Jesus," and I audibly heard, "Research it on the internet." I fell asleep again and awoke at my normal time. Your web site was the first to appear."
Ed, The Lord seems to be promoting the site! Wondering what he wants of you. Thank you & bless your walk, which he certainly seems to be doing! Please let us know if you should find out what the #3:32 represents.
2/17/2019: E. Copeland / USA. - "The 333 started last month, January 2019."
E, Hoping you look into it, and Him.
2/23/2019: Shannon / Pennsylvania, USA. - "I started seeing 333 the last 2 years or so. I've always had an interest in end times since my teens and feel drawn even more to it in recent years. I have a passion to want to save the world and also warn people. I also feel when seeing 333 it's a calling to get back on track, praying & asking God to do his will, and stop living in the flesh."
Shannon, A great example for us all to follow.
3/2/2019: Joyce / Holland. - "Dear Brethren, I have been seeing 33 for almost 1,5 years. I just wanted to say that 2019 is the Year of the number 3. I have posted previously and I still strongly feel that we are all being warned and instructed by God Almighty that we have only a short time and should do everything to win souls. God needs an army to rise up and get ready and do His work. Give love, help souls, be light, He Will do the rest. Tomorrow is 333 = 03/03/(2019 = 3)! Love all you Guys. God bless."
Joyce, Thank you again for the encouragement. Time is quickly running out. Concerning your 1/29/19 comment about preparing for an economic collapse, see "End-Time Signs", Personal Hypothesis, my dream of 2/15/19.
Post Script: 2020 COVID-19 will likely cause a worldwide economic collapse.
3/3/2019: Tim / USA. - "I never knew of 333 at all. Today at work a coworker asked who drove the truck that had a license plate starting with 333. I said I did. He said it meant an angel was watching over you. He said he sees it in his sleep all the time. Mind you he brought it up in front of others -- which would take courage for who was there. He had no issue as he firmly believed it was something biblical or that was my impression. So tonight, got home from my work and got on and started googling. I found mainly topics as he said it was about angels and a lot of numerology. I then tried searching a different way, "is 333 good". It brought me to this sight. I had the TV on and I have to admit I pretty much stopped watching TV as I work 14 or more hours a day, not including travel time and eating diner -- basically 5 hrs of sleep. So I was in bed and for some reason turned the TV on while reading this sight. Two times I heard 333 stated. I don't think this is a coincidence, nor do I think today being 3-3 is either. I believe in God and Jesus but I guess I have been more of I know of them then worship. I have thought that God doesn't want us to worship but to believe in him and act right -- I do and hope I am prepared. I find this is not a coincidence but rather a sign. Is it? I don't know what to do with this -- I am reaching out for advice?"
Tim, Yes certainly would seem that God is trying to get your attention. God does want more than belief & sacrifice. He wants a relationship. See "Salvation". And Bless your walk.
3/12/2019: Rose Wise / Navasota, Texas. - "I took care of my father the last 3 years of his life. He passed away in 2010. As he was near death I was holding his hand. He was trying to tell me something, but I could not understand. I walked outside for a moment and when I came back into his room he looked at me and he took his last breath. I noticed the clock stopped at 3:33 pm the same time my dad
passed. After that happened I started waking up every night for the last 6 months at 3:33 am. I started experiencing things like seeing angels, saints, 3 of them in long white robes kneeling down to a saint standing in a long white robe reading from a book. I still see these numbers everywhere along with 555. I feel blessed and feel a very close relationship with god as though I have met him. I see also people who have passed away. I feel that God is protecting me. I feel also that god is trying to send a message to us all that the time is near."
Rose, Seeing people who have past away is not a good sign. I feel that God is trying to communicate with you but Satan is trying to mislead or deceive you, - which he is an expert at if he is given any opening at all. See "Beyond 333"/"Spiritual Warfare" and Eph.6:10-18. We are getting so near! Bless you.
3/21/2019: PastorMichael71 - "I found this site after I realized that I am waking up several nights a week at exactly 3:33. I asked some of my spiritual and biblical friends and they recommended this article. As I have been in ministry for over 20 years, I knew it was No Accident. I have been using this time to pray, intercede for my family and hang out with God. We just talk about what's going on in my life that day. After a recent visit By Lou Engle where we prayed about dreams, I have intently gone after asking for dreams again. I haven't remembered having a dream in years. I realized quickly as I was waking up from dreams that it was 3:33 each time. I don't know what to do from here except ask God for Revelation and to continue his work in me and through me AMEN."
Pastor Michael, Maybe there's something particularly associated with this site that God wants to bring to your attention. Hoping it helps provide Revelation. Blessings to you & family.
4/1/2019: Anonymous - "WoW, been a 333er for a while. I started to think it was bad, but I have repented for at one point giving the credit to Satan for this number because of the fallen watchers. I now realize it goes beyond that and it all belongs to the living God. I am from Indiana and just recently have moved to New Mexico, uncoincidentally at the 33rd parallel by Roswell. I believe this may be the front lines when the dragon makes war with the remnant of the woman's seed in Revelation 12. I'm glad I visited this site. Thank you, because there is a biblical explanation for numbers and this number has haunted me for years. Now it is not a haunting but more of an excitement as I have turned it over into the hands of Yahweh."
Anony, Praise God that the site has provided revelation. Thank you & bless you.
4/2/2019: Anthony Lopez / USA. - "I started seeing or I should say I started waking at 3:33 AM every morning and didn’t understand it. I was born at 3:33 AM and I’ve always believed in the Lord. Lately I have been going through a lot of tribulation. There is a lot of deception out there, but all of us seeing this number, even my mom's waking up at 3:33 AM, has got me to searching God‘s word diligently. May the Lord be with all of us and guide us towards true calling in Jesus Christ mighty name. Amen."
Anthony, Yes, Amen! But like you say, there is a lot of deception out there. May the Lord bless us all with discernment.
4/3/2019: Mike / Iowa, USA. - "You are exactly right! God is calling His children. We are the Watchmen on the wall and it is our duty to spread the great news of His redeeming love and salvation through His son Jesus. Numbers I see - 23, 123, 223, 323 and 333 the most. God wakes me up regularly at 3AM, gives me messages to deliver and dreams to work through. The more we become sensitive to these callings the more He uses us. I have so many occurrences and messages with seeing these numbers that it is no coincidence. It may drive you crazy sometimes with the amount of times you see these numbers, but it is just God knocking on the door of your heart. Let Him in! Email me with any questions or concerns. God is great!" [email protected]
Watchman Mike, Wow! Concerning your #23s - Wondering if you saw the 2/4/19 comment & my "End-Times Signs", Rev,12, 2023 hypothesis & associated coincidences. This continues to be an amazing revelation or elaborate satanic hoax! God bless your continued watchfulness.
4/4/2019: Angela / USA. - "On the 3rd day of the 3rd month of the 3rd year of President Trumps reign, 03/03/2019, I had an "appointment" with God. I was directed to Ezekiel 33...and was called by God to be His watchman. It felt like a daunting and extremely grave mission that I must do for Him. When I returned home, I looked at my clock and it was 3:33. Confirmation. What's next?
Angela, Sounds intriguing! Praying you receive more revelation, if needed. Moreover, it's weird how the last four comments, yours being the last, are in order - 1,2,3,4. Like a countdown at the beginning of this 4th month! Passover & Easter fall on the same day this year, this month. Maybe another confirmation. Or maybe something more! Weird!
4/9/2019: My name is Summer - "I have been woken up for many years now here and there at 3:33 in the morning and I look at the clock and never thought much of it and go back to sleep. For many years I have been seeing the 333 but only on the clock. I see it during the day and night. I use to see it all the time. I even told my mom that it must be some significant time in my life or something like when I'm going to die (jokingly). I've never thought about it again until about a month ago. I have no idea why, but I saw it again and something happened to me. I am not sure what...a spiritual awakening? Just stress? Not sure. I feel different. I am helping with my dying aunt stricken with cancer all over her body who has 2 months to live. We were very close. I just have a feeling I have some purpose right now but am very confused as to what that could possibly be. Maybe not. I don't know. Felt good to get this out. I haven't told anybody. It's too weird. I'm a mom and a wife and a daughter. I'm totally normal, but confused. I'm just hoping maybe a guardian angel may be up there helping me or something. Thanks for reading. I never post these things."
Summer, Would be nice to know you're saved (see "Salvation"). And more-so right now, that your Aunt is heaven bound. That very well could be that "purpose". Blessings.
4/11/2019: Joyce / Holland. - "Dear Brethren, God still speaks to his children through visions And messages. Like with Moses, he told them what To do and how To cover the houses with the blood so the spirit of death would not kill the the first Born in that house. Never thought that I would be doing this, but I now understand why God shows me the 33 signs. I did not believe it at first but I asked God To show me, And I got confirmation. The 3 days of darkness are coming, it is true. He who has ears listens. 3 signs before this darkness - like nuclear ( air colors / light ) Globally, power turning off Globally, Earthquakes Globally. We are being warned because he loves us. Darkness is real darkness, demonic entities extremely, but also physically sun being darkened by 3 days. - Get stuff for your house, stay inside during this period & do not let Anyone enter after the darkness. These people ( even family ) can be possessed.
You must think I am crazy but that's ok for me as long as you hear this message and know what To do. I pray the blood of Jesus upon all these people Here on this site. God bless you guys."
Joyce, God bless you. Hoping you're not as crazy as this sounds.
Post Script March 2020: Referencing your 1/29/19 comment - CoronaVirus may cause a worldwide economic collapse! Maybe you're not crazy after-all!
4/11/2019: Tony / Australia. - "333 started for me some 35 years ago, still see it often and it always makes me stop & wonder. I also used to doodle 'the end' also. 333 and me go way back and it still wont stop. I'm a lost type of soul, always crying."
Tony, Hoping you're not as lost as you sound. I truly believe God has been trying to get your attention. Please check out "Salvation".
4/11/2019: Me again, Tony. - "Thank you. What prompted my comment was on my daily duties in my apartment complex i came across a car parked in the basement with its drivers door left wide open. The car's plates started with 333. The car looked stolen but nope was a guest. Odd hey. Been working there 3 months too then see this. Perhaps its a strong sign to leave something.?"
Tony, Again, I would lean more to thinking it may have been a sign from God showing you an open door that he would like you to step through or into. Maybe starting with this web-site.
4/12/2019: Anonymous - "Chapter 3 of Malachi, when properly read, shows that Jesus is returning to the earth to refine His people before judging anyone . There is no inference that there will be a rapture of any kind. He who endures will be spared from the hour of trial...this does not imply that in order to be spared one will have to be raptured away from it all."
Anony, Malachi is talking strictly to Israel/the Jewish people who will be going through the tribulation; those who have not accepted Jesus as their Lord & Savior. There is no mention of the rapture in the Old Testament at all. It is associated only with the Church.
4/22/2019: Suzette - "I woke up today at 3:33 am with a sense that the number is significant. Just celebrated Easter and got into serious discussions with family members about sprinkling of infants vs proper water baptism as saved Christians. It was sad to hear people defending traditions rather than accepting the word of God as final authority. I was asked not to offend people with bible teachings. But since then I felt that I should be like John the Baptist and continue to speak the truth. This article confirms those thoughts for me! I pray that my Lord who encouraged me today will help me to communicate His truth in a way that will be fruitful in saving souls for His glory!"
Suzette, Praise God for your convictions & fortitude. We do need to be like John the Baptist. Time is so short! I feel so sorry for Catholics and others who have been so deluded by traditions & teachings of men rather than relying on the true Word of God.
4/27/2019: Lindsey / Iowa, USA. - "I’m almost 9 mos pregnant and woke up from a contraction. Afterward, I couldn’t quite sleep and was messaging a missionary in Africa. I ended my message to this dear one with “it’s 3:33am and should try to rest” - then felt a prompting I should look up bible verses with that combination and found this site. The Lord tends to speak to me in dreams but this was my first 333 - Just thought I’d share."
Lindsey, So glad you did. This being your 1st 333 & being 9 months pregnant & this being the 27th is another verification that ties in perfectly with what the Lord seems to be showing us, - that the Church's delivery/rapture is very close, i.e., 2023! (Note: the #27 is 3 cubed. The #3 is the # of Divine Completeness or Perfection. There are 27 books in the New Testament.) You are now an integral part of this crazy 2023 hypothesis! Blessings. (See "End Time Signs", "Rev.12 Great Sign")
4/28/2019: Anonymous - "Very interesting information! Thank you for all the time you put into this."
Anon, Thank you. It's a labor of love that's not really labor.
4/30/2019: My name is Dawn Dodson / Louisville, KY, USA. - "My encounters with the number 333 began this year 2019. I am a Jesus follower. I know and believe that Almighty God is trying to get his kids attention. I had a revelation of the number 33 in March. I attend Evangel World Prayer Center here in Louisville. This year April 27th was our 33rd anniversary. Christ was 33 when he was crucified. I knew God was trying to tell me something. I believe 2019 will be the best year Evangel has ever experienced! We have been seeing the literal GLORY OF GOD in our sanctuary. Angels are present in our sanctuary. The GREATER GLORY OF GOD IS BEING MADE MANIFEST. I see 333 weekly on my phone, cable box, license plates,etc. I truly believe Almighty God is revealing himself to his bride. Soon we will ALL hear the trumpet sound as The KING OF KINGS SPLITS THE EASTERN SKY . I PRAY THAT ALL THE KING'S KIDS ACCEPT JESUS AS THEIR PERSONAL SAVIOR, BEFORE THAT GREAT AND TERRIBLE DAY!! My sincere appreciation goes out to you who set up this 333- Gods End-Time SOS Ministry page. Your information is invaluable!"
Dawn, Thank you so much. I agree, 2019 looks to be spiritually glorious. And I love God's #27, see Lindsey above. The trumpet is going to sound soon. Blessings.
5/2/2019: Garry R Kennedy - Started seeing 333 some years ago but had no idea what it meant. I didn't grow up in church but started in my early thirties. Served at my church for many years and the Lord gave me a vision about Christmas and how to share it. From it I wrote a supernatural novel and started a website..." www.whywecelebratechristmas.com " Just prior to getting the book out, I came under demonic attack. Along with 333 I start seeing 111, 222, 555 and other sorted numbers. Finally discovered a website about another person who saw 333 too, and finally came to believe it was a message from the Lord. Yes, I believe He is coming soon and we must get the word out to everyone."
Garry, Praise God! Thank you for your witness.
5/7/2019: Amy - "Today I woke up at 2 am to a train horn (which registered in my mind as a horn, not a whistle). I couldn't get back to sleep. Soon after I heard a different train sound its horn. I live in a "no whistle" zone so if the train sounds there is a problem. Then I heard a 3rd train sound its horn and quickly looked at the clock, 3:33. Immediately I knew I was supposed to walk to the tracks- 3 blocks- and pray over them. As this isn't a great idea in my neighborhood, I was reluctant but I felt an urgent calling so I did and prayers began to flow over the whole neighborhood as I walked there and back. When I got back home, I received words for two people. I had been at the first day of a conference on May 6th and both individuals were at the same conference (2 day conference totally unrelated to religion). I gave them the words. Both messages involved expansion of Biblical leadership and messengers. After the conference, they found me and both messages had happened during the day. When I got home, just now, I searched for "Biblical meaning of 3:33" and found this site. I was incredibly amazed when I saw the connection to your dream of locomotives. A total of 5 horns sounded during the night from the time I woke up and then I heard 5 trains pass with no horns."
Amy, You know, you're likely making many people envious of your faith & intimacy with the Holy realm! Your 5 horns experience reminds me of the dreams interpreted by Joseph in Genesis Chapter 41 having to do with 7 good years followed by 7 bad years. Let us know if you should find an interpretation.
5/12/19 - Amy, this morning I received the following: The #5 represents Grace. We are in the Age of Grace. Like the 333/SOS & other ministries (trains), we are warning people (blowing our horns). This is going to stop. Maybe in 5 years, 2023. (See "End-Time Signs" / "Revelation 12 Great Sign" / 2023). WOW!!!
5/11/2019: John from South Africa sent a powerful message to 333 recipients who have drifted off your God given path and have become victims of Satan's bondage, oppression, fear, paranoia, & depression, via drugs, porn, etc. - "Acknowledge His 333 message. It's God's registered trademark!" See "Beyond 333" / "Spiritual Warfare" / "8) Satanic Bondage"
John, Bless you. A tremendous testimony.
5/25/2019: Carolyn Brumley / USA. - "This is the first time to your site after seeing 333 on my clock today. I've had a rollercoaster life spiritually until I reached retirement in 2012. Through all my struggles in life I've always sought the Lord and he met me every time. But only until the end of 2015 was I truly awakened and called to serve God more fully. Prior to my retirement I was seeing a series of numbers over and over again 444 316 and 911. Also I began to have dreams and visions increasing during 2016. Reading scriptures and journaling took a lot of my time. My most recent 3&1/2 years has been drawing closer and closer to Jesus. So through a season of suffering and pain for over 1&1/2 years til today, I recognize I was going through heavy purification and sanctification. Just last week, I finally felt set free, ...whom the Lord sets free is free indeed. I take that this "333" as a confirmation. Just sent for me! WOW. Your site is truly anointed.
I had a recent vision of a large "23" on the ground. It was the week before May 21-22 which had been all over you-tube. Do you have insight on how 23 might be significant now, even though May 23, 2019 has past?"
Carolyn, I love your testimony; the closer we draw to Him, the closer He'll draw to us. About the "23", that's an amazing conformation of what the Lord's been revealing to me. See "End-Time Signs" / "Revelation 12 Great Sign" - 2023 Rapture. It sounds like you're ready!
6/6/2019: Arielle - "YHWH uses these numbers with me daily and HE often wakes me at 3:33 am which is usually just a call to prayer, but now I believe it is a SERIOUS WARNING! Father showed me in the most incredible, supernatural way that we need to pay attention to the up coming 9th of Av (August 10-11) and also the "10 days of Awe" which follows (Rosh Hashanna and Yom Kippur). When HE told me to study this, I was clueless. But after doing my research, I was astonished. I believe that what HE showed me is that the end of the age of grace will fall on the 9th of Av. Will it be 2019? I don't know but it seems very likely. Every other time in History that a dispensation has ended, it was also on the 9th of Av. Many other tragic events regarding the Jews fall on this date. If you want to know "what time it is", watch Israel. Do your homework, use your time wisely, warn others. Shalom."
Arielle, As I point out under "End Time Signs", I'm looking at Rosh Hashanna 2023 for the rapture. But I certainly wouldn't rule out your 9th of Av as an important date to watch. Thank you & bless you.
6/9/2019: Anonymous - "I don't know if I'm added to these numbers as since Sept 25, 2017 when I was given these numbers. I continue to see them and it's 2019 almost 3 years later. I need to be part of this community. I was led to your article under direction of the Holy Spirit. I was given Ezekiel 33:3 and as confirmation to His direction John 3:33. I know what I saw and heard. I was given these words: "Warning, Watchman, Tell Them, & Fire", and from your article I can identify with HELP/SOS. When I first read Ezekiel 33:3&4 I was trembling and I still do. I continue to see 333. I am not a number person. I am not on a hunt for numbers. I do not observe anything that is an abomination to YHWH. I am a repentant Born-Again believer in Yahusha haMashiach and His return is imminent."
Anony, Yes!! Warning, Watchman, Tell Them, Fire!! I'm hoping people are paying attention.
6/11/2019: Rob Bassett / SF Bay Area, CA, USA. - "333 & The Tribe of Levi. Revelation 21:12-13 (Notice the 12 12 12 & 3 3 3 3).
“Also she had a great and high wall with twelve gates, and twelve angels at the gates, and names written on them, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel: 13 three gates on the east, three gates on the north, three gates on the south, and three gates on the west.” Look to Revelation 21 in full for reference. The Levites are the gatekeepers as seen in 1 Chronicles 26:14-28.
Now go to Psalm 122: - - "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, May they prosper who love you".
Rob, Always good to hear from you. Jerusalem, God's Holy city, is such an end-times key.
6/18/2019: Arielle - "Because of what I have been shown personally, I no longer hold an opinion on the rapture. However, I believe HE is showing many of us that the "age of grace" has an expiration date and the Tribulation is about to begin. Have you noticed that everything seems to becoming all or nothing, black or white? No more gray area's. Prophecy is being fulfilled at an expedited rate. HE had me prepare heavily for these times ahead. Is it for me or others? I seriously don't know but HE gave me a literal Daniel 5 supernatural "writing on the wall" moment on 7/5/2018 that blew my mind and led me to study the 9th of Av and the "Days of Awe". Here are some main points to study & you may want to dig deeper. http://comfortoneanother.com/2017/01/26/the-9th-of-av/? and https://hebrew4christians.com/Holidays/Fall_Holidays/Elul/Days_of_Awe. Things are going to get VERY rough before we are taken home. Those whom are prepared physically will fair much better than others but those whom are well prepared spiritually will be filled to the brim with HIM. Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"
Arielle, Sounds like you & I are basically on the same page. Birth pains followed by His return/rapture are very close. Both sites were very interesting & enlightening. Thank you again & God bless your walk.
7/1/2019: Teresa Connors / Florida, USA
7/5/2019: Selenia Vera / USA. - "I began seeing 333 about 5 years ago. The Holy Spirit led me to Jeremiah 33:3 almost immediately.
Since then, I always stop when I see 333 and pray and ask Him to show me the great and mighty things I do not know. I found this website today as I was looking for something else!"
Selenia, Hopefully this site is one of those things! Blessings.
7/8/2019: Casey / USA. - "Jeremiah 33:3 showed up in my life 10 years ago as a direct answer to a prayer I had just written out 5 minutes earlier. The scripture was written on the bottom of a letter when I was in rehab. When I looked up the passage it used the phrase "I will tell you unsearchable things". I had just written "God you're filled with unsearchable things and I want to know them". I see the number 33, literally every day in various ways. It used to frighten me because I turn 33 next year. I've come to understand it as more of a reminder of those unsearchable things and that when we call, he answers."
Casey, I really wish more people would try praying Jeremiah 33:3! You probably know this, but Jesus died for us at age 33; thus it represents a "promise" of salvation & heaven to all who accept & trust in him as Lord & Savior.
7/9/2019: Cathy Zarda / S.Cal. USA. - "When my daughter was born in 2006 I started seeing 111 or 11 or 111 everywhere. In 2019 I would still see the 11 pattern but def not as often and then everything changed and I started seeing 333 or 444 all the time. Sometimes 555 but rarely. I was told by some of my sisters and brothers in Christ that it means it's almost time To go up - Thank you Jesus! I'm so excited to have been chosen to live in such a time as this. Stay strong friends. The darkest part of the night comes just before the dawn. Keep running the race- Don't give up! God has a wonderful future prepared for all of his children. God Bless everyone of you!"
Cathy, This may be far out in left field, but the "1"s could possibly represent God's putting his stamp of approval on your daughter. She's now 13, maybe at an age of understanding. 333, 444, & 555 may represent God vs the World; with a bit of God's grace. It is almost time to go up! And yes, quite exciting!
7/10/2019: Anonymous - "I was 17 years old, the year was 1989. Three of us were hanging out at night. Three times objects fell in a shape of an offset triangle. We went for a drive and in an old hotel window we saw what we think was some sort of Demon or dark entity. It had what appeared to be three parts to it and a pair of glowing eyes. I'm not sure if it was before or after we saw that thing but I looked at the clock and it was 3:33 in the morning. My mind started racing thinking about all the things that makes the number three significant and immediately the Holy Trinity came to mind, and all the 3 synchronicities that tied into that. Ever since then I have seen this number. Mostly at 3:33 in the morning. I never thought it was God trying to talk to Me. I'd like to believe it was. I am a Christian, I am saved, and I've been baptized. That's my story."
Anony, I'm guessing it is God talking to you. But if so, He probably wants something of you. I don't think it's just an acknowledgment. Just make sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are indeed born-again. And as always, it is wise for each of us to continually pray that he will fill us with his knowledge of what he wants for us. Am also wondering if someone back then was into crystals, Ouija boards, or the like.
7/18/2019: Rory McKinley - "For the past several weeks I have been waking up at 3:33am , and this has occurred at least 3 times a week."
Rory, Certainly doesn't sound like coincidence. Would recommend you confront God. Would seem it's a warning or He wants something of you. Bless your journey.
7/30/2019: Opbabu / India. - "I used to be an Ezekiel 33:3 Watchmen, is God calling me back? I'm stunned at what I'm discovering here!"
Opbabu, I'm puzzled as to what you mean by "used to be", but I believe what you're thinking is quite true; particularly with the rapture being so close. Praying the Lord makes clear your calling.
7/31/2019: Dawn Rene' Shaw Maddox / USA. - "333 has been occurring for 4 years and then 2 years ago God moved us to a new address, 33 is the street number. The Lord woke me up from a dream about the number 33 last night at exactly 3:33am. God has given me warning dreams for His church and I have shared them with the congregation. I hear God very clearly. I speak and move when He tells me to. He has had me speaking words of correction and repentance for almost 13 years. A personal note: God has given me a special word and corresponding verse that goes with my name. I have asked for confirmation. A word from someone else to confirm what HE has told me. If you or anyone should have a word for me, please contact me @ [email protected] Thank you for your website and I'm most thankful that Jesus found you and you received His love!!!"
Dawn, I'll keep my eyes & ears open. May the Lord continue to bless you in these very last days.
8/12/2019: Michael / USA. - "Been seeing this since High School. But there's been a huge increase in the number lately. To me, this doesn't seem personal. Seems like an attempt to start the gathering of the troops. Keep an eye out."
Michael, Would seem to be a good time for all of us to be in prayer for guidance & revelation.
8/21/2019: Anonymous / ACT, Australia. - "I want you all to know, that I am trying. And when the time is right I will make a move and begin what you are all aware of is coming. But, my human side is always filed with sorrow for you all. I wish to save you all of existence. Not just the righteous. Not just just the ones who have spoken their faith. All of you. But, I know that if I begin, than am I condemning the chance to save you all? Or if I procrastinate, how many more am I dooming? I love you all. Know this."
Anon, Certainly sounds like something that would be on the Lords mind! Would not like to be the one responsible for making that decision! Thank you for sharing. (ACT = Australian Capitol Territory. What a lovely place.)
8/22/2019: Jennifer Oglesby / Alabama, USA. - "My son was born at 13:33. After this, I continue to see this number several times thru out a month. It use to surprise me but it is so common now that I've just gotten use to it. I see it on receipts, price tags, and clocks. I tend to look at the time when it is 3:33, whether am or pm. Thank u for this article. Most people think I'm just crazy."
Jennifer, It is certainly hard to explain this 333 phenomenon to others. Am hoping you do have a close relationship with the Lord and are asking Him just what it's all about. Blessings.
8/29/2019: Tara / USA. - "Saw 333 for the first time today. First, a few facts - My husband and I, born again believers in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, have been discussing lately, how satan could quite possibly use "aliens" aka: demons, to deceive the masses in our near future. - I read the first chapter of the book of Daniel today (a book very heavy with end-time prophecy). - Tonight, myself and the 3 other Elders' wives of our church gathered to pray and decide which Revelation study we should use to guide our women's study through this book (we all felt led to study Revelation). After our meeting, we parted ways. I got into my car and the dashboard lit up, revealing my mileage. The odometer read 1333(and two other numbers). Directly underneath, and offset to the right by one number place, the tripometer read 333.(?) For some reason, I was fixated on those numbers! I thought it bazaar that there would be so many 3's present, and knowing that in the Word, God often repeated something 3 times when he wanted to get a message across, I felt very strongly that I needed to see what the significance of a repeated "3" might be (AND repeated twice!) I found your site! When I got home I pulled my husband aside and read him the entire home page. But It doesn't end there...I got BACK into my car to leave on another errand and glanced down at my mileage again. I'll write it the way it looked:
133333 (odometer)
338.5 (tripometer)
This time, I took a picture! However, also this time, I saw the numbers spaced apart: 13 333 333 8+5 (which = 13)
Ergo: 13. 333. 333. 13
Mind. Blown."
Tara, Isn't God just absolutely amazing! Would seem that the study of Revelation is certainly appropriate. 13 of course is the # of ill-oman, Apostasy, Disintegration, Revolution. Also the tripometer reading might be significant: 33(I Promise), 8(New Beginnings), 5(via God's Grace). I'm wondering also if He may have directed you to the 333 site to note the VERY IMPORTANT (although quite controversial) End-Time Rapture message.
9/2/2019: Joe / USA. - "Started seeing "333" prominently along with "222" and "444" within the last year. Certainly Jeremiah 33:3 mentioned by others is prominent, coincides with Daniel 2:22 powerfully. "The lizard you can take in your hands, yet it is in kings' palaces". - Proverbs 30:28. God informed me long ago that if he can put a lizard into the abode of a king then he can certainly do even more through man who is created in his image, and that means the same for any man and woman in this chat. His grace led me to give an impromptu speech at the Bohemian Grove some years ago, lunch with an American President, Prime Minister of England, talks with James Lilley, former Ambassador to China, etc.. - I would ask everyone to take all of my testimony with a grain of salt and to appreciate the moderator/owner of this website and his counsel. In terms of specifics, aspects of something Joseph Farah at WND.com published of mine some years ago that God prompted is now on our doorstep, the escalation of conflict in the South China Sea over the Spratly Islands, Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc.. this tension is being inflamed as well with the elevated trade war between China and the U.S. War is imminent without the hand of God stopping the conflict and the Russians have already war gamed intervention globally on behalf of China once the regional South China Sea engagement begins. I am a friend of the author Mark Davidson (Book: Daniel Revisited) and associate of Joel Richardson. I highly recommend their works as when/if the global conflict between the super powers commences, what will remain is the Isaac/Ishmael, Jacob/Esau, Israel/Islam conflict that does appear to line up best with the context of Scripture in my opinion. Stressing a Berean mindset to everything I have written, there is more but I have already gone much too long. I greatly appreciate the moderator establishing this website and allowing contributions, it has been a big help to me, a personal wake up call and in some ways helped give me the strength to go on teaching on the Book of Daniel, significance of our current time in light of biblical prophecy."
Joe, Thank you. I certainly appreciate the encouragement & end-time wisdom, particularly from a Berean type Christian of stature. Glad this unorthodox site was a blessing, maybe that's why the 333 msg. Ordered Mark's book. Blessings.
9/8/2019: Wally / Texas, USA. - "Started seeing 333 around 3 years ago. It seems to have started after making a good friend who later told me about him seeing 333. I been hard at work trying to figure this out and a couple close friends are now also seeing 333 throughout their day as well. I have also come to find that it is indeed a message from god. I have a wicked heart and have lived in pure sin for many years. I did not believe in god at all. I denounced him and spoke bad of religion. I've lived a life full of crime, fornication, and incarceration. God has guided me to Church and continues to guide me on my path. When I pray for more signs and guidance, he answers with more 333. Then I read scripture and he guides me perfectly and profoundly. I believe I'm not yet saved of my wicked heart. I am in RCIA class at my local Catholic parish at the moment and keeping my nose in scripture, watching hours of theology vids daily. I'm on a mission to get right with the Lord our God and serve him for eternity. God bless."
Wally, I admire your drive to acknowledge God's 333 warning & get right with him. But I'm very concerned. The Catholic Church is the last place I would recommend unless it is a very rare, independent Catholic Church that believes the Bible is the true Word of God rather than some church hierarchy. Please see "333 & Catholicism" & "Salvation". May the Lord continue to guide your path.
9/14/2019: Edith / Puerto Rico. - "Started seeing 333 everywhere in 2017 before hurricane Maria hit us. I've tried to ignore it but still keep seeing it. I've asked God about it but got no answer."
Edith, Consider - maybe this site is your answer. Hoping it & other's comments will provide guidance. Blessings.
9/24/2019: Gigi / USA. - "I've been seeing 3:33, 2:22 & 5:55 all this year 2019. Sometimes once a week, once a day and today it was twice in the same day. I'm a believer and have been curious as to why I keep seeing this. I like how you have broken it down according to Scripture. I've been in payroll and accounting for 9 years and this year things are just different. I can't pinpoint exactly how, just different.
I just want to be in God's Will and obedient. Blessings."
Gigi, 2019 may prove to be a pivotal year as we approach the end. As an accountant, I'm sure you're aware of the unrest & shaky foundations of economies worldwide. Hoping you can glean wisdom & direction from the site.
9/26/2019: Ted / Michigan, USA. - "I see the number 33&333 every day, all day. I have been praying for God to reveal what this number or what these numbers are and why do I constantly see them. I wake up in the morning at 3:33, I skim through the channels on my t.v. and end up on ch 333. I go to take a nap in the middle of the day and it is 3:33. The list goes on and on! I could talk about it all day long. I just can’t figure out what it’s all about. I’v been checking out this site in hopes of more information. Thanks"
Ted, Hopefully you'll have found some answers here. Maybe this is God's answer to your prayer.
10/2/2019: Neil / Australia. - "333 and 1111 since 2017. Hi, I feel compelled to let you know about a funny little instance that just happened, make of it what you will... Just found your website tonight after feeling another strong pull to connect with god on a higher level. I've been hesitant to join religion thus far, but would like to, just a bit lost in what to trust. While reading through 'God's End-Time SOS' I reached the end of the first part of 'End-Time Signs'. Realizing I had become caught up reading and it was surely late I went to look at the time, 11:23pm...I was a bit disappointed I didn't see 11:11.... That was until I continued reading into the next part, 'A Personal Hypothesis - Rapture Rosh Hashanah 2023'. Wowzers...really, hahaha!! Then when deciding to type this, I noticed the date just changed from the 2nd to the 3rd of October, and my battery is at 23%. Hmmmmm! - Any advice on where a non religious person should start would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time and great website, I look forward to reading the rest. All the best,
[email protected] Ps. 12:23am!!
Neil, Yes, Wowzers! And a blessing for me as well as yourself. I do sympathize with your trust issues; there are so many questionable teachings & churches out there! But it would seem that God is certainly trying to help you connect with Him. By this time you've probably already read my advice on the 'Salvation' page.
Somewhat along this line, a fantasy thought, - seeing as you and Pastor Cioccolanti of Discover Ministries (noted in 'End-Time Signs') are of Australia, wouldn't it be a huge 'coincidence' if you were both of the same area! If that (Discover Church, Glen Waverly VIC) could be your church! If he could be the one destined to make known this Sept.17,2023 rapture mystery! - May the Lord continue to bless your walk.
10/6/2019: Robert Zane / California, USA. - "I recently found my sobriety in a very unconventional way. My life has an epic story that could leave most in tears. My addictions were all brought to a standstill from a single experience. But that was only the beginning. I soon had tremendous spiritual battles during the night. Waking up tired and exhausted but full of faith. An extreme amount of faith that has almost pushed a lot of people away, friends and family. And this is only the second week. Then I saw 3:33am when I would wake. Once, okay. Twice, hmm.. everywhere now! even on a toy from my sons happy meal toy. I did research to support my faith and bring some of these coincidences to light. Angels were the obvious sign I felt a connection to. Especially since when my enlightenment happened I started painting angels. But I have been completely reborn and live my life with complete FAITH! And share my experience with all who will listen. I’m not afraid of life anymore, I just live it in gods grace. September 15th I took my first breath as a Christian. I’m 31 and if it be the end soon, I will be here to spread the word of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit till my time be done. If anyone has any questions my email [email protected] ."
Robert, Praise God!! Love your born-again & deliverance testimony. Jesus does transform our lives! I'm guessing your 333s encompass Gods acknowledgment of your son-ship in conjunction with His guidance for you to find this site and to somehow promote your growth or his plans for your end-time service. Welcome to the Kingdom.
10/11/2019: Rachel / USA. - "In the last year the amount of 333 sightings is incredible. The thing is, I’m not looking for it. I inadvertently look to see what time it is, 3:33. Sign posts 333, receipts, number of emails, number of YouTube videos to watch.. and it happens at least 2-3 times a week. I smile to God and say yes, I know you’re there. But I’ve prayed for further revelation and nothing. It’s got to mean something! And in between the 333’s are 33’s. My husband looks at me and rolls his eyes, but this is not normal. Somethings up."
Rachel, I agree, something is up! Hopefully this site & others comments will manifest some semblance of an answer to your prayers.
10/12/2019: Laurie / USA. - "Opened bank statement today and my balance is $3333.33. I am saved by the grace of God and aware of the importance of the number 3. Have been very emotional today."
Laurie, I'm not going to be dogmatic about this, but maybe your bank balance is an omen. Several people (including a dream I had) are prophesying a coming worldwide economic collapse! Banks may not be the safest place for our money.
10/25/2019: Anonymous - "I’ve been seeing number a lot...for the past year...I typically see numbers in sequence for months than another sequence number will start to appear in different places...recently I’ve been seeing 333 and have had the most odd dreams...I heard Him say His power will spread throughout the world to all who believe and will receive great and supernatural miracles! Yes, He is coming!"
Anony, Others also are prophesying a great end-time revival accompanied by supernatural miracles. Hoping it will shortly be a reality. Time is running out!
10/29/2019: Brooke / USA. - "The power at my job flashed three times. I looked at my phone to see the time. 3:33 pm. And my phone would not load a google search. It said you are offline. First time I've ever seen this number 333. I have seen 32 my entire life including my football and racing number. As well as too many others to list here. Thank you."
Brooke, It would seem that this 333 viewing was indeed a supernatural happening. Not sure if it's meant for you or a roundabout verification of my 11/23/17 to 11/17/23 transposition rapture hypothesis! Maybe both! Blessings.
10/29/2019: Jim / USA. - "I started seeing 333 about a year back. I would wake up at 333 AM for no reason or turn on the TV and note the time 3:33 PM. I have seen it frequently and felt it was a message."
Jim, Hoping the site & others comments help you decipher God's message. Bless your walk.
11/5/2019: Richard / North America. - "Brother. The Lord led me to this site of yours last night, which is truly a Blessing. Thank you for doing this! I won't be able to write all the things that have happened to me in 2019. But I will try to write the most important things that may help others. As I was on a journey to find Truth, this year, the Lord guided me to many things. The most important being back to Jesus Christ which I had turned my back on for the last 20 years. As finding things about this world that have been kept secret from us or we have been lied to about. Of most important, I was led to the Holy Bible! Was led to begin reading the Bible more & finding Jesus Christ again. Thank the Lord! So to try not to make this much longer, I found Christ Jesus & when the day I told my mother that Jesus Christ was the way, weeping a little, she said to me, "oh, a woman at work has a son who was in a head on collision with a semi truck, many years ago, and he along with two other friends were killed instantly. But he met Jesus and was sent back to life. Miraculously! And he wants to meet you." My face lit up and I said "I would love to meet him". As I did, which is a whole other story with other miracles happening. With all the things going on in the world today I have no doubt we may not have much more time here. The most important thing is love one another no matter what. Pray for one another. As it is not the people, it is this evil world of Satan where sin and wickedness has become normal. Again, I just wanted to say thank you for putting up this site as it is a Blessing to many who need this. Reading through your paragraphs I felt so close to the things you preach. I've seen 333 many times in this past year as many others have. It seems not many people, even preachers at churches, are very interested in what has happened to me. Or what I've seen or experienced just in this past year. Thank you again brother and God Bless us all!!"
Richard, Thank you so much for sharing. Yes, Satan has indeed blinded & misguided most people of the world. Jesus of course will finally triumph, but woe to them who never turn to Him, as you have.
11/11/2019: Rain / USA. - "I have to say, I started crying when I was reading your website. I've been searching since 2008 as to why I see the numbers 33 and 333 almost daily and multiple times a day since I was 20 years old. (I'm 32 now). At first I thought I was crazy. Then I turned to Satan and the new age, thinking the answers would be there. I'd tell friends and family that I see this number everywhere. Sometimes they'd think I was crazy. Other times they'd start seeing the number too. All this time I've been going to the new age for my answers and only recently (the last month) have finally been called out by God very very clearly to leave the new age, throw all that stuff away, and dedicate my studying and curiosity to the Bible. I forgot, in that process, that I had gone down the path of new age a long time ago trying to FIND the answers about why I was seeing these numbers as often as I am. I mean... Persistence is an understatement. God is great. And then today after posting a video on my vlog about how to get over feelings of hopelessness and embracing grace, I was thinking about God's will for me & for my life partner, and again I saw the number 333. I thought, oh yeah...now that I'm on this path, I need to really find out what the BIBLE says about this number...not angel numbers, not psychics, not ascended masters..and here your website came. Finally! And I began to cry, speaking to Jesus while I wept and read. I feel his presence and Grace and yet I wish to know him more. To have more clarity. He's been speaking to me SO MUCH through these numbers. I will probably do a video about it next week and now I'm inviting Jesus closer to make it clear as to why. I have suffered so much, yes. But I want to know His truth to me. I love this and thank you so much for being here and for sharing."
Rain, Glory be to God! I feel sure His angels are rejoicing in heaven! And I am so blessed to be a part of it! Carry on.
11/16/2019: Stacey Riensch / Colorado, USA. - "I have been searching for answers to this 333 question for at least 6 years but lately this number is showing up every day and sometimes several times a day. I've said to my kids that this means something.... I'm still not quite sure of what the definitive answer is... Not coming from a religious background but I do have a strong spiritual belief of something greater than myself, I am still searching and hopeful that there is meaning to this. Thank you for your perspective.
Stacey, I certainly agree with what you've told your kids. And, as I see it, it would seem that God is more adamantly trying to get your attention. Hopefully He'll convince you of your need to be born-again, as explained via the "Salvation" page. Wishing you a fruitful journey.
11/20/2019: Matthew / Canada. - "It's been over 13 years since I have begun this battle. Initially it was just 333 then changed to all numbers from 1111,222,333,444,555. There are special sequences that it shows me. I say this with concern. I am a born again Christian but actually from a long line of Methodists and now currently with the SDA denomination.These # sequences stopped for 2 years (2017/2018) when people started to pray for me (intercession). In this time I know i was building the Grace power through faith and learning and disciplining through bible study. At one point 333 stopped coming at noon time and started to come at night time. I would have a very hard time sleeping afterwards. I would have very clear demonic dreams. I have recently started to see these numbers again ( today 2019/11/19) such as 222,444. This is a warning that I sinned. I'm leery of how you got your understanding of 333. I don't believe this method of communication is sanctioned by God. Any numbers you see, including 333, are not of God, they're a ploy of Satan to trick you into thinking you are special. This is all a lie perpetrated by the devil."
Matthew, It is certainly clear that you are being buffeted by Satan in his effort to undermine, water-down, & negate God's 333/SOS message. I'm concerned that he has succeeded and moreover is able to put you on guilt-trips. Please review "Satan's # Games" & please don't ignore the 333. Discernment is needed, but I really believe God wants something of you. What it is, is between you & him. Keep asking Him for guidance. (Added to "Beyond 333", Spiritual Warfare)
Note: I'm not very familiar with the Adventists. I'm a bit concerned however as to whether Paul, the apostle to us gentiles, would be comfortable with some of the SDA doctrines. Of course as long as you're truly born-again, it shouldn't matter.
12/2/2019: Luke - "333 started showing up in my life about 2 months ago. I have no connection to God, but having said that, a part of me finds something exciting about the fact that this could be a message from a higher being, whether it be God or someone else."
Luke, I understand your feelings & concerns; I had no connection to God until I was 44yrs old. Hoping you dig into it & learn the truth. Like His Word says, "the truth will set you free". Ask Him; if you're really sincere, He'll somehow let you know. Although I'm concerned, there's not much time left.
12/2/2019: Phillip M. - "It started approximately at the beginning of the year. I tried to ignore it for the most part, but after almost a year of seeing these numbers I've realized that they aren't going away any time soon. So I thought what the heck, I'll look into this further and I'm really glad I have found this website. For one thing, I can see I'm not losing my mind, and two, I feel really honored to be part of something amazing! Also, about the Brandon vs Satan page, even though I'm a bit late with having read this, it really touched my heart and it made me cry like a baby. I hope wherever Brandon is, that he's doing good."
Phillip, I too am concerned for Brandon, I just don't know. Hoping you've determined what the Lord wants of you. My He bless your walk.
12/4/2019: Rebecca / Illinois, USA. - "I've been seeing 333 for over a year. It seems this year I've seen it so often it has made me take notice. I googled it and was led to your site. I'm a born again, Spirit filled Christian and did not want anything to do with numerology or spirit guides so I went to the Bible for answers. The Lord took me to Ezekiel 33:3 and Jeremiah 33:3. Now I'm fasting & praying for a direction as to what the Lord will have me do. I feel an urgency for us to get right with God for our days are really short. Please pray I get an answer to the direction I'm to go."
Rebecca, Praise God, you seem to be totally on track! Oh if only all 333 people would take this as seriously as you! Praying.
12/5/2019: Dave - "I have been seeing 333, 1133, 911 but mainly 333 at least once a day for the past year. I just stumbled onto your site and agree with and like what I've seen so far. I'm not sure what God is telling me, but think it is a harbinger or warning, I need to get my spiritual act together. Concerning His soon coming, I believe when Jesus said, “destroy this temple, and I’ll rebuild it in 3 days,” in addition to his foretelling his death & resurrection, he may have given us a Clue as to when he would return. If we consider a day as in the bible to be 1000years, and the temple (His body) being rebuilt, to mean his return, on the third day, or after 2 days or 2000 years, Jesus was telling us he would return 2000 years after his death? Also, did you know that the #3 is on the forehead of the shroud image of Christ in His blood? I've studied the shroud for many years, and firmly believe it is the authentic burial cloth of the Lord."
Dave, As Rebecce above, I think you are right on track. I may have to add your revelation to what I've somewhat similarly dealt with on the "End-Time Signs" page. Blessings to you & yours.
12/10/2019: Brandon Sanchez - "333 started September this year and I also see 444"
Brandon, Please be careful that you don't let Satan water down your 333 message.
12/18/2019: My name is Kim. - "First of all I do not like how you condemn the Catholic Church. It is based on the Bible. The Word of God and has never been changed. St Jerome a Catholic penned the Bible. Mel Gibson a Catholic and Jim Caviezel. The greatest movie ever to be known. The Passion of the Christ. Lastly Jesus gave Peter the keys of the kingdom to build his rock upon, hence the church. Peter was the first Catholic Pope. Don’t condemn. Satan is everywhere like you say. The young man just doesn’t feel he’s worthy. Maybe he’s been told that amongst other things all his life. Christ will never give up on him or the downtrodden. We don’t disrespect other religions so don’t disrespect ours. And concerning the Blessed Mother, the mother of our savior, we don’t worship her. She intercedes for us. Read and get educated. The last thing Christ did on the cross was to take care of His beloved Mother. We wholeheartedly believe in Jesus so don’t condemn us or anyone who wants to become Catholic. There are good and bad people and leaders in all faiths but isn’t it down to your relationship with God and those, the least of your brothers that you show compassion and respect to to try and make their lives better and bring them back to Christ. I believe that God never gives up on anybody ever."
Kim, I really do try to tread lightly when it comes to this issue. I have many friends & family who are or were Catholic. But I just have such remorse, as does God, when it comes to the corruption of His Holy inspired Word. Nobody, including any Pope, has that right and they will be subject to God's judgement. Much of what you believe is based on Catholic Doctrine, not the Bible; although, much of it is not critical to a true born-again salvation. However, if one chooses to believe man rather than the Word of God, he is skating on very thin ice.
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